Hacking the Game Didn’t Go as Intended

CHAPTER 58: The Impenetrable Fortress


With Zephyr drawing the creature’s attention using his Antagonize skill, Gavric and Rexar swiftly repositioned themselves to protect the rearguard.

Elena, in turn, wisely ceased her attacks; mages possessed formidable attack power, making them prone to inadvertently pulling the aggro of monsters. And they couldn’t afford such risks until they discerned the Dungeon Boss’s weaknesses and combat mechanics.


The Volturax brought its claws down like multiple guillotines stitched together, gorging out a section of the wall as it targeted the elusive Zephyr, who darted around like an infuriating fly.

Simultaneously, Daisuke and Finnian launched their offensive, while Milo provided crucial buffs from a safe distance.

Daisuke took a deep breath, his expression unwavering as he and Finnian closed in on the fiend’s hind legs. It’s alright, he reassured himself, his expression controlled. I have pretty decent buffs from my titles.



[Rank: Epic

Lvl: 1

Proficiency: 0%

Given to those who have glimpsed the elusive Hidden Dungeon. The initial rank is established by your level of involvement in discovering, entering, clearing, or failing the dungeon.

Title Effect:

▪︎ Increases attack power against dungeon-based monsters by 15%. The percentage scales with the Title’s Rank.]


[Master of Divine Beast]

[Rank: Legendary

Earning the affection and unwavering loyalty of a Divine Beast transcends the abilities of even the most skilled beast tamers. In reverence to the bond woven through trials and tribulations, Zephyr pledges to safeguard his master with every essence of his being, a vow sealed in blood and tears for eternity.

Title Effect:

▪︎ All Stats will increase by 12% while hunting with Zephyr.

▪︎ If your health falls below 25%, Zephyr will rush to your side. In that moment, his Strength, Defense, and Agility will increase by 40% for 60 seconds.]


And I recently leveled up.


[Name: Haxks

Species: Human

Level: 20 | EXP: 33,688/62,500 (53.90%)

Class: None

Affiliation: Adventures’ Guild | Merchants’ Guild

Title: Lone Wolf, Pathfinder, Unwavering Spirit, Congenial Denizen, Master of Divine Beast, Devoted Hunter

HP: 2669/2669 | MP: 313/313

Strength: 62 (+28) | Stamina: 96 (+25) | Agility: 105 (+48) | Intelligence: 26 (+8) | Dexterity: 16 (+41) | Composure: 7 (+1) | Indomitable: 5 (+1)

Stat Points: 0]



And I’m not alone, he asserted as both his and Finnian’s weapons struck the creature’s hind legs. However, they couldn’t make a dent in its hard hide, let alone sever its tendons.

And the Volturax didn’t even spare them a sidelong glance, but Daisuke refused to despair. Seizing an opportunity, he thrust the Lipanthyer’s Fang between the creature’s paws. But, unlike the Inferno Wolf, there was no soft, vulnerable skin for the weapon to pierce, and his expression contorted into shock.

In the next instant, the Volturax’s spiked tail lashed out like a colossal mace. Daisuke leaped in front of Finnian just in the nick of time, crossing his weapons in a defensive stance. His eyes widened as the appendage collided with a transparent, hexagon-shaped barrier forged from mana.



[The active skill «Impeccable Parry» has been acquired.]


[Impeccable Parry]

[Rank: Epic

Classification: Active Skill

Lvl: 1

Proficiency: 0%

In the hands of a true weapons master, the enemy’s attacks become a canvas waiting to be shaped.

Skill Effect:

▪︎ While wielding a weapon, you have the ability to parry an enemy’s physical attack if performed at the right instant.

▪︎ In the rare instance that damage is received, it first depletes your stamina and mana. Only when both resources are exhausted will your HP be affected.

Mana Cost: None

Skill Duration: 1 Second

Skill Cooldown: 30 Seconds]


Daisuke felt a surge of excitement that he had learned a new skill, but that fleeting dopamine rush was short-lived. A profound sense of dread gnawed at the pit of his stomach as he began to lift off the ground.

Even though he managed to parry the attack, the force launched both him and Finnian across the room like projectiles fired from a ballista. They collided with the cavern wall, and time seemed to stretch out in that frozen moment. The Volturax followed up with a swift, deadly bolt of lightning.

Daisuke reacted, demonstrating what the 105 Stat points in Agility were capable of. Despite being wedged into the wall some 12 feet above the ground, he grabbed Finnian, found his footing in the crater they had made, and forcefully pushed off the wall.

The Volturax roared in outrage, its spiritual pressure saturating the chamber like a thick miasma. The beast’s eyes locked onto the tenacious duo who had escaped its divine judgment, determined to prove that lightning could indeed strike twice.

Like a flamethrower, Zephyr unleashed a fiery curtain into the creature’s face in a desperate attempt to capture its attention and safeguard his comrades.

“Haxks!” Elena cried out in alarm when Daisuke and Finnian crashed into the ground.

Gavric and Milo swiftly followed Elena as she rushed to their side. “I-I’ll heal you right away!” Milo exclaimed as he dropped to his knees beside Finnian.

Daisuke clutched his arm, coughing up a mouthful of blood. “Don’t,” he urged, his voice strained. “I have a feeling that thing… will attack the moment it senses any form of magic, especially healing magic.”

Taking that warning to heart, Finnian sought an alternative solution. He reached for a potion, and Daisuke did the same.

“Try to… keep a low profile until we find a weakness,” Daisuke panted, his chest heaving.

“I-I have a stealth skill that hides my presence for 5 minutes,” Milo informed nervously. “It also applies to anyone I’m in contact with.”

“Good. In that case… you, Lyanna, and Elena should conceal yourselves. Gavric, come with me,” Daisuke directed, taking a breath. “Milo… only use heals if it’s absolutely necessary. Lyanna, I’m sorry to say, but it doesn’t seem like your arrows will penetrate that thing’s hide. Elena, we’ll try to create an opening for you to use Poison Dart. Let’s go!”

“Right!” Everyone nodded in agreement.

Zephyr’s tiny legs blurred as he sprinted, desperately trying to outrun the pursuing beast. His breaths came faster and faster. The air in his lungs burned like bile, and his mana reserves were quickly dwindling.

Lime-blue electricity crackled around the Volturax’s legs as it activated a skill. A sudden burst of speed had it closing the gap between predator and prey in an instant. Zephyr’s eyes widened as a dark shadow slowly enveloped his body, the creature’s gaping maw drawing nearer.


Just as the pup was about to be swallowed whole, several golden mana chains ensnared the Volturax, halting the flailing beast in its tracks.

Despite being inches away from two rows of menacing, razor-sharp teeth, Zephyr spun around, raised his tail, and cheekily presented his rear end.

“Zephyr!” Daisuke shouted urgently. “Run!”

Heeding the command, the canine dashed away, his small form dwarfed by the colossal monster above.

Daisuke grunted as he sprinted after them. Dammit! I’ve already lost over two-thirds of my mana just by holding it for 2 seconds.

But his concern of over-depleting the remainder of his mana was overshadowed by the Volturax’s fury at Zephyr’s provocation. The beast broke free of the chains and spun around like a raging bull, launching itself in a furious charge.

In an echo of their earlier exchange on the 5th floor, Daisuke tossed a vial of small MP potion to Zephyr as they passed each other. The pup deftly caught it in his jaws. “Take it to Elena; she’ll help you open it.”


 [Small MP Recovery Potion]

[A potion brewed by combining Lunarfrost Lily and Etherberries. Its restorative potency varies depending on the concentration grade.

Item Effect: Replenishes 450 mana

Cooldown: 20 Seconds]


Now, Daisuke locked eyes with the Volturax challengingly. Neither of them stopped or even slowed down. Just before Daisuke would have been devoured, he dropped low and slid beneath the monster, his blades slicing a long line along the underbelly. However, instead of cutting through flesh, his weapons generated sparks, as if he were trying to cut through steel.

The Volturax’s eyes narrowed in calculation. Its tail descended like an axe, aiming to split Daisuke in half. But he quickly wrapped a magic chain around the monster’s hind leg, pulling himself in to deliver a powerful kick.

The Volturax stumbled but quickly regained its composure.

“Now!” Daisuke barked.

Time slowed.

The Volturax turned its massive head, only to meet the gleam of a long sword. The weapon was poised to plunge into its eye.

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