Group Chat: From The Collapse, The Second Love Begins

Chapter 65

Hearing Lilith's inquiry, her brother suddenly stopped, touched Lilith's head, and said in as soft a tone as possible.

"I don't know, but I have to leave first, I have to go to a more stable country, and in this country, it will only get worse and worse."

After speaking, he also showed a smile, wanting to bring even a little sense of security to his sister.

"But can we really leave, we don't even have the possibility of leaving by car without money, and if we continue like this, starvation to death will be the best ending." , Lilith looked at her brother, although she wanted to cry, but after so many days, her tears had already flowed, and now she couldn't cry at all, she just felt very wronged.

Just because of the tear moles in the corners of his eyes, he and his brother have to suffer these pains? She even doubts now whether what those people said is true, whether it was because of the tear mole in the corner of her eye that she killed her parents, and because of the tear mole in the corner of her eye, so the two of them fell into the current situation?

People like to think nonsense in their free time, and now Lilith is in this kind of innocent self-blame, her heart is becoming more and more dead, and she is more and more self-reproaching, and if she continues like this, she will soon fall into the prison she has woven for herself, and it will be difficult to break free.

Although her brother found out about this, he was powerless to stop it, because in this case, it was useless to say more, unless they could make a change, but what could they do now?

They can't even work part-time to earn the money to leave here, all because of their weakness and because they live in this damn country.

Looking at the increasingly numb expression on his sister's face, he clenched his fists, clenched his teeth, and felt extremely uncomfortable in his heart.

He doesn't know how long he can hold on like this, the only thing he knows now is that he can't fall, he has a sister, and as an older brother, he has to take care of his sister, even if it is for his sister, he has to continue to walk.

"Let's go!" He touched Lilith's head again, took Lilith's hand, and planned to leave this place first, after all, this is not a place to stay for long.

He noticed that just after they had been here for a while, the people around them had all paid attention to them, and their eyes were full of cruelty and filth.

If the two of them fall into their hands, it may be a luxury to die at that time. That's why he is so desperate to leave with his sister at this moment.

He's okay, he's a boy, at most he's sold qi/guan or something, a little luckier, maybe he can also be used as a toy for a rich woman or a rich buddy, that's a different kind of good life.

When his sister is a girl, if she falls into the hands of these perverts, it is hard to imagine what kind of life she will have, and he can't even think about it.

Although she didn't know why, Lilith felt the eagerness in her brother's words, so she didn't resist or make a fuss, just let her brother pull her away.

Without any extra nonsense, he took Lilith's hand and was about to leave, but before the two of them could go far, he was forced to stop, because at this moment, his path was already full of people.

Although those people are all yellow and thin, their eye sockets are deeply sunken, and they don't look like they have any combat effectiveness at first glance, but their current situation is not much better, and the two brothers and sisters have not entered for two or three days, even compared to these guys in front of them, the situation is not much better.

"What are you going to do, get out of the way!" , Riccard protected his sister behind him, staring at these people in front of him with a fierce look, and his tone was full of coldness.

(Ricard, the name of Lilith's brother, in the original book, did not come up with the author himself, otherwise, it would be difficult to call it in the future.)

"What don't you want to do, it's just that everyone is a little hungry, you see, fulfill everyone?" And everyone is also lacking in fun, although your sister is a little small, but she is barely there. One of the guys at the head stood up, and he looked at the two of them with the same eyes as if they were looking at the goods, and there was indescribable viciousness in his eyes.

"Get out!" Riccard's grip on his sister's hand tightened, and he yelled at the men.

"Don't be like this, everyone is a country, what's wrong with the two of you giving us enjoyment, don't worry, as long as you are obedient, when you treat your sister, we will be gentle."

The man in charge smiled absently, and he looked at the two of them with a strange expression.

"That's it, don't worry, when we sell you, we will treat your sister well."

"That's right, obediently, don't force us to do it, or we won't dare to guarantee your fate!"

The people around them also began to cheer, and they tried to oppress the two in this way, so that the two would give up fighting them.

Although they are adults, but at the moment their physical condition is like that, if they really fight, it will be a bit more than worth the loss, if they can rely on the large number of people, if they can force the two of them to be annoying, then it is better, so at this moment, they will use this language to attack, otherwise they would have done it a long time ago, where would they be forced with these two children.

", don't let me say it again!" , A flash of determination flashed in Ricard's eyes, even if he took himself today, he would send his sister out, and he must not let her fall into the hands of this group of guys, this is what he, as an older brother, can do for his sister in the end.

"Le, it's quite hot, this temper." , The leading man signaled to the people around him with his eyes, and the next moment, they narrowed the encirclement of the two of them together, and they were ready to fight at any time.

Rical didn't speak, he pulled his sister in front of him and protected him firmly.

"Wait a minute, I'll buy you time, you try to go, don't care how far I can run, my brother can only accompany you here, I hope you can live a little better in the future.".

Riccard looked around with a pair of eyes, looking at the people around him very vigilantly, and said to Lilith in a very low voice.

"No, together!" When Lilith heard this, her weak delicate body trembled obviously, she naturally understood what her brother was talking about, she hurriedly turned around, hugged her brother, and said to her brother in a voice that was almost crying.

"Be good, you have always been the pride of our family, I believe that even without us, you can go on, this is my last hope for you as a family, and it is also the last thing I can do for you, don't let me down."

Putting his thin hand on Lilith's face, Ricard's eyes were full of tenderness, although he was also reluctant to let his sister go, and even more reluctant to leave, but if he really wanted to make a choice, he would not hesitate to stand in front of his sister, this is his responsibility as an older brother, and it is also his love for his sister.

"I...", Lilith wanted to say something more, but was stopped by Ricard, because by this time, the people had slowly surrounded them, and it seemed that they were a little impatient because they had not received a response for a long time.

Ricard looked around at the crowd and saw that many of them were carrying sticks and bricks or something, he knew that he was afraid that he would be less lucky today, and he could only hope that these people would be ruthless and let him die, otherwise what would await him would be hell.

"Boy, I'll give you one last choice, you send your sister to us personally, and then I'll find you a slightly better place to go, so that you don't have to suffer so much, how!"

This is the ultimatum of the leader, the greed and desire in his eyes can no longer be hidden, and his current appearance is like a monster that chooses people to devour.

"Get out!" Ricard's answer remained the same as before, unchanged.

"Toast and don't eat and drink, then after we catch you, you better give us a good time first!"

"Up!" With a cold snort from the leader, everyone gathered around.

Because there were too many enemies, and because Carlil was still a teenager, he couldn't resist for long, but in less than a minute, he had been knocked to the ground, and his body was covered with the marks left by the whipping of various objects.

He turned his head with great effort and looked at his sister, but to his despair, because there were so many of them, even his sister could not escape, but was caught by the gang.

"Let her go, or I'll let you die!" Carlil let out a roar of almost despair, but everyone present just looked at him happily, and the lewd man even stepped on his head and spat out a mouthful of thick phlegm at him.

"Why do you dare to threaten us without looking at the situation? You're not really a brain-dead, are you? I'm telling you, today I'm not only going to do that kind of thing to your sister, but even you and we won't let it go, that's the price you just dared to resist us! The

leader said, moving his own feet and crushing Ricard's head.

"Bastard!" Seeing his sister surrounded by this group of people, the anger in Ricard's eyes seemed to turn into substance, but the cruel reality told him that no matter how angry he was, it would be useless to sit back and watch this happen.

He didn't have a moment when he hated himself, his weakness, his uselessness, his weakness!

Listening to the laughter of the people around him, watching his sister surrounded by them, and looking at the person who stepped on his head, Ricard's eyes flowed with bloody tears.

Just when these people gradually lost interest and wanted to do something to the two siblings and have a good time, the roar of motor vehicles in the distance instantly attracted their attention.

Everyone subconsciously looked in the direction where the voice came, only to see that at this moment, a heavily armed off-road vehicle was speeding towards them, looking at the posture, there was no sign of wanting to slow down, it was obvious that the people in the car didn't care about their lives or deaths.

Faced with such a situation, these people panicked, and their faces no longer had the expression of victory in their hands, but turned into deep fear.

Everyone present in this car knew that it was the largest force from the region, and this force was not only outnumbered, but also powerful, and more importantly, they were equipped with modern weapons.

For people like them, it is completely impossible to provoke, and on weekdays, they avoid it, but they didn't expect to bump into it today.

"Leave these two things alone, hurry up, or everyone here will be arrested by them, and you don't want to die!" The man at the head had a hideous face, and he didn't care about the life or death of his men, shouting as he ran towards the shadows on both sides of the street.

Hearing this, the people who had been surrounding the two brothers and sisters instantly dispersed, and they all walked towards the gloom on both sides of the street, their eyes full of joy and joy that had just lived up to their madness, and some were only deep fear and despair.

They knew that if they caught them, they would be sent to the slaughterhouse, and when all their value was drained, the only thing that awaited them would be to be dumped in the wilderness!

In just ten seconds, the people who were still surrounding the two brothers and sisters were scattered in an instant, and the huge street seemed extremely silent at the moment, only the brothers and sisters were still stunned in the center of the street, completely unable to understand what the situation was now.

The roar of the locomotive got closer and closer, until it was still 5 meters away from the two siblings, but it suddenly stopped, and the huge brake sound immediately attracted the attention of the two siblings, and they looked at the direction from which the sound came from with doubtful eyes at the same time.

It's not that they haven't seen the car, but why have those people run away since the car appeared? Isn't something wrong?

Just when the two siblings were still puzzled, the back door of the car suddenly opened, and a fierce-looking man walked out of it.

He slowly walked to the two siblings, and kept looking at them with curious eyes, as if he was sure of something.

In this regard, the two brothers and sisters didn't even dare to breathe, they couldn't even fight the people with yellow faces and thin muscles before, not to mention the fully armed and sturdy man in front of them, and, looking at the current situation, it seems that the person in front of them has no great malice towards them, so it is better to wait and see what happens for the time being.

Ignoring the complicated psychology of the two siblings, the male-looking man just kept looking at the two of them, and at the same time took out a mobile phone from his pocket, and after looking at the things on it, he looked at the two siblings again.

After a long time, as if he had determined something, there was a hint of surprise in his eyes, and he slowly squatted down and asked the two of them.

"You, names, tell me!"

Although they didn't know what the situation was with the man in front of them, they didn't know why he was here, and they didn't know why he asked the names of his two siblings, but now the two of them had no other choice but to answer.

"My name is Richard, she's my sister, Lilith, what's the matter with you?" , Ricard asked the strong man in front of him in his own weak voice.

Hearing this, the strong man didn't explain, just nodded, and then said to the two, "That's right, come with me, someone wants to look for you."

"This...", the two siblings glanced at each other, their faces full of dazed and hesitant.

"You don't need me to invite you, do you?" Seeing that the two brothers and sisters did not cooperate obediently, the strong man's face sank.

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