Green Life

The tree of nothingness – chapter 27

This is really annoying.

The first thing that I encountered is this monster tree which is buckling me in midair using its long branches.

I could feel my health points being drained away.

Without thinking too much I created a small version of an electric saw on my right hand.

I started cutting the branches which were around my waist.

The moment I got down I took some distance away from that tree.




Name: Hatsuko Gee

Gender: Male

Age: 17

Health: 610/643

STR: 704

MC (mental capacity): 92

AGI: 992

VIT: 900

DEF: 922

Soul collected: 115/10.000

Condition: Healthy, hungry, sleepy, tired

Skills: ( Materialisation ), ( Air slash ) ( The eyes of see-through ) ( Rage ) ( Berserk of Gluttony ) ( Presence detection) ( Night Vision ) ( Fireball ) ( Marionette ) ( Auto fight ) ( Poison Resistance ) ( Illusion)



In those seconds it took me away 34 health points.

It doesn't seem that, that monster can move away from that place but still if that thing catches you, you're done for.

Now how should I kill that monster?...

I started running around that tree.

The moment I entered the 7-meter distance its branches started attacking me.

But it was pointless, I was way faster than its branches.

I created the sharpest katana I could make with "Materialization" and started cutting branches that were trying to capture me.

I made the blade of my weapon vibrate at super high speed to make it easier for me to cut through.

I cut it over and over again.

But the braches kept growing again the moment I did so.

I came close to the tree and tried to cut it down but my sword barely went through the trunk of the tree.

I left the sword stuck in that tree and took some distance before the braches could touch me.

[ Tsk, its defense and health are too high! ] ( Hatsuko )

I clicked my tongue as I said that.

I started using "Fireball" and "Air slash" from where I was but those attacks were easily destroyed by its branches.

I see, those kinds of attacks are useless as well...

At first, I thought the fire would be its weakness but I was wrong.

Even if that thing has high defense and health, why does it not go down at all?

Where does it find the sources of that regeneration power?....


Oh, so that's what it was!

Where does the tree get its nutrients?

That's from the roots!

His weakness must be his roots underground.

But how do I destroy them?

At that moment an idea came up on my mind.

I started approaching the monster tree and while running around it, with my katana i drew a circle around it.

That circle will help me create a half sphere under its roots to block it from getting any more energy and nutrients.

But I wasn't stopping there!

The moment I created that a long half-sphered with "Materialization" I also added spikes to make more damage to the tree.

The branches of the monster tree got even more faster and its branches were hitting everything around it.

Did it freak out from my attack?

As I thought its roots must be its weak spot.

Let's see its status now...

"The eyes of see-through"



Species: Tree of nothingness


Health: 9.000/9.023

STR: 700

MC (mental capacity): 5

AGI: 209

VIT: 102

DEF: 3000

Condition: Growing

Skills: ( Life draining )



Huh? It's barely working!

I expected at least half the health of this monster to go down.

But only 23 from all of that?

As I thought that, I was caught off guard and the branches caught me again.




Name: Hatsuko Gee

Gender: Male

Age: 17

Health: 301/643 ↓

STR: 704

MC (mental capacity): 92

AGI: 992

VIT: 900

DEF: 922

Soul collected: 115/10.000

Condition: Healthy, hungry, sleepy, tired

Skills: ( Materialisation ), ( Air slash ) ( The eyes of see-through ) ( Rage ) ( Berserk of Gluttony ) ( Presence detection) ( Night Vision ) ( Fireball ) ( Marionette ) ( Auto fight )( Poison Resistance ) ( Illusion)



My health is going down way faster than before!

No, I won't end up dying this way!

No way in hell I'll let that happen!

All the obstacles that are on my way, I will kill them and eat them!!!

{ Skill "Berserk of Gluttony" is activated }

At that moment a strong urge to eat came to me.

I started bitting and eating the branches that were around me.

Blood started getting out through my teeth.

But I didn't care at all.

I ignored the pain and kept eating more of it.

The more I ate the more hungry I got.

{ Skill acquired: "Life Draining" }

[ HeheHAHAHAHAHAHA ] ( Hatsuko )



Name: Hatsuko Gee

Gender: Male

Age: 17

Health: 12/643 ↓

STR: 704

MC (mental capacity): 92

AGI: 992

VIT: 900

DEF: 922

Soul collected: 115/10.000

Condition: Healthy, hungry, sleepy, tired

Skills: ( Materialisation ), ( Air slash ) ( The eyes of see-through ) ( Rage ) ( Berserk of Gluttony ) ( Presence detection) ( Night Vision ) ( Fireball ) ( Marionette ) ( Auto Fight ) ( Poison Resistance ) ( Illusion) ( Life Draining )



But the moment my health points hit 10 I used "Life Draining" on the branches which were still around my waist.

The tree noticed its life being taken away by me so it let go of me.

But I wasn't done yet.

I got closer to the tree and started draining with all I've got.



Name: Hatsuko Gee

Gender: Male

Age: 17

Health: 601/643 ↑

STR: 704

MC (mental capacity): 92

AGI: 992

VIT: 900

DEF: 922

Soul collected: 115/10.000

Condition: Healthy, hungry, sleepy, tired

Skills: ( Materialisation ), ( Air slash ) ( The eyes of see-through ) ( Rage ) ( Berserk of Gluttony ) ( Presence detection) ( Night Vision ) ( Fireball ) ( Marionette ) ( Auto Fight ) ( Poison Resistance ) ( Illusion) ( Life Draining )



My health was getting back to me.

[ Thank you for being so generous to give me away all the remaining life you have! ] ( Hatsuko )

Branches started hitting me from different places but now it was useless.

I had created a strong barrier around me except my hand which was touching the trunk of the tree monster.

My barrier cracked a little but it was fixed in no time thanks to the "Life draining" Skill.



Name: Hatsuko Gee

Gender: Male

Age: 17

Health: 907/907↑

STR: 704

MC (mental capacity): 92

AGI: 992

VIT: 900

DEF: 922

Soul collected: 115/10.000

Condition: Healthy, hungry, sleepy, tired

Skills: ( Materialisation ), ( Air slash ) ( The eyes of see-through ) ( Rage ) ( Berserk of Gluttony ) ( Presence detection) ( Night Vision ) ( Fireball ) ( Marionette ) ( auto fight )( Poison Resistance ) ( Illusion) ( Life Draining )



As I kept using the skill my health points were getting higher.

I wonder how much I'm going to get from this monster.

A smirk appeared on my face as I thought that.

I kept on sucking its life force until the leaves of the tree started falling.

Even the branches stopped moving.

I tried to check its status.



Species: Tree of nothingness


Health: 0/9023

STR: 700

MC (mental capacity): 5

AGI: 209

VIT: 102

DEF: 3000

Condition: Dead

Skills: ( Life draining )



It's finally over!

Well, I got something interesting from this tree.



Name: Hatsuko Gee

Gender: Male

Age: 17

Health: 9.643/9.643

STR: 704 -> 740

MC (mental capacity): 92

AGI: 992->999

VIT: 900->915

DEF: 922->1209

Soul collected: 116/10.000

Condition: Healthy,

Skills: ( Materialisation ), ( Air slash ) ( The eyes of see-through ) ( Rage ) ( Berserk of Gluttony ) ( Presence detection) ( Night Vision ) ( Fireball ) ( Marionette ) ( Auto fight ) ( Poison Resistance ) ( Illusion) ( Life Draining )



My health points increased a lot!

Except for my MC, all of the other statuses increased as well.

And my Condition changed as well?!

Before it said, the condition of my body which was tired, sleepy, and hungry.

But now it's back to normal.

I'm not tired or hungry anymore.

And all of my scratches around my body are gone.

And somehow the view on my eye had gotten better and wider.


Not my eye... My eyes!

I can see from both of my eyes!

{ Answer: "Life Draining" can suck the life force by touching someone or something. You can get their experience and skills and health to those you use these skill. }

I see.

Now I understand why my body was healed.

And now I could see from my left eye.

Nearby was swamp which it caught my eyes.

I got near to it and stared at my face.

My hair was a mess.

I could understand that, but my face was a bit different somehow.

Was it me because I had never paid any close details to my face or did my skills change me?

While looking at the mirror I used the "Materialization" skill.

At that moment both of my eyes turned green and were glowing.

It was the same eyes as that time...

Also, my clothes were dirty and ripped in different places.

I was getting a little too comfortable with myself...

But It seems like those things won't leave me alone for a second!

Wolves came out of everywhere.

I had sensed a lot of monster with my "Presence Detection"

And before I could react everywhere was filled with monsters.

I got away from the swamp and created a katana on my hand.

[ So you dogs came to play with me? ] ( Hatsuko )

I said with a smirk on my face.

This is going to be fun, getting more life force!

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