Green Life

Green Life. – 252

Right in front of his eyes was everyone he cared about. There was no sign of life from any of them seeing how their limbs were completely torn off their bodies. 

Hatsuko was gasping for air, and the terrible way that everyone had been left inside was lighting his eyes brighter.

“I'm sorry that I won't be able to be with you anymore….. 


Rei’s voice echoed in his mind as his eyes started glowing brighter to the point where his pupils weren't recognizable anymore. His body went limp, allowing his aura to unleash itself from the energy he carried inside his body.

However, it didn't appear that many of those who were accountable for this horrifying slaughter scene had considered that kind of threat.

“You thought you’d get away with this didn't you?!” A certain voice asked with a smirk on her face before jumping from its hiding place together with several other special forces. That girl was revealed to be none other than Hanna.

She, together with the rest of the strongest humans in the world had surrounded Hatsuko so he wouldn't be able to escape no matter what. 

In the air, thousands of drones and airplanes were ready to fire at any time in case something would go wrong.

“You made a big mistake by coming here. You fell right into our trap!” She claimed while showing her hands that they were releasing a burning fire. “Also into my grasp for the humiliation you did to us that day.”

Since no one else was able to use their special abilities, everyone was confident that they would be able to win despite the difference in power. 

They knew that despite the results, the amount of gear, and support from a whole country, they had nothing else to lose. That's why by the signal that Hanna gave, everyone jumped towards their target in order to take him down before he could use any of his powers.

However, everyone suddenly froze in mid-air before they could even reach Hatsuko. Their breath was taken away as if a force within their bodies was making it impossible for them to function.

[ W-what happened?! I can’t move! ] Hanan panicked in her mind while trying to understand her situation of not being able to move anymore. For a moment there she thought that the whole world had stopped moving. And the only thing she could move was her eyes.

The whole world had turned into this dark place where the sun no longer could penetrate the clouds. And the only thing that brought chills down everyone’s back was none other than the monster that they targeted.

With a step of his leg, the whole group of special forces was blasted away to the point where most of the bones in their bodies were shattered to pieces.

Everyone around that zone was instantly killed with the exception of a certain foolish girl who sought revenge against the strongest being.

"J-just what the hell are you?" Hanna struggled to speak as her bones could be heard cracking every time she tried moving.

But Hatsuko no longer responded to any sort of interruption from outside his view. The shadow around his aura started to grow bigger to the point where the remaining few survivors could only see an immense monster covered in a dark mist that was slowly taking their breaths away.

“Ugk.. k-k….C-c-can’t breath!!!” Hanna struggled to say another word while choking her neck in desperation to take a breath. Her strength was still there…. But for some clear reasons… her powers were being drained away as if they were sucked from an entity that rendered the whole country into an apocalyptic scenario. 

And in the next moment… her body flew in a different direction from her vision.

[ Why is my body over there…? ] Hanna thought to herself as she found herself dead in the next second.

Thousands of monsters emerged from the group, millions of rats grew into monstrous sizes, and any house pets transformed into these ugly creatures that began eating not only their owner but also anyone in their sight.







Hundreds of people were cruelly being devoured alive in the other districts where they were looking for safety away from Hatsuko as many monsters simply gained access to their homes.

The crew back at the facility had become terrified as they watched their loved ones being torn apart and broken into bits by numerous creatures who appeared to be hungry. And at the same room, was the president who was observing the entire carnage from a highly secure location.

“Mister president!! What do we do?! Our plan has collapsed!” 

“Mister president!”

“Mister president!”

“What do we do?!!!”

The staff around the president kept asking him for further orders. Even if they sent nuclear weapons, they weren't sure whether they would be able to clear out all of the monsters that were killing millions of humans.

But to everyone’s surprise, the president wasn’t responding anymore. His expression had frozen in terror as everything he had worked for, was slowly being taken away by this sort of catastrophe.

As much as everyone wanted instant orders from the president, a few members of the staff who still had hopes for their families, stood up with angered looks on their faces, ignoring the frozen president who no longer gave any reaction to the apocalypse.

“Team one, release all of the predator missiles.” 

“On it!” One guy responded as he continued typing on his keyboard.

“Team two, find and rescue the remaining civilians that are trying to seek shelter.”

“Already working on it!” A group of people responded together with a few watchers that were looking for as many humans that were alive as possible.

But much to everyone’s hope, fate didn't seem to be on their side any longer because what happened in the few upcoming minutes… would be true horror.

“Everyone! Code red! The monsters have breached our– AGHHH!!!!” 


A few of the guards tried warning the rest of the staff that were located on a deeper level. But by the time they could grasp what was going on from the terror they just witnesed… 

It was already too late. The monsters had already reached the deepest levels and consumed any humans in their sights.


*Booom!!* *Tatatatata!* *Boooom!!*

Grenades and guns firing constantly could be heard from the other rooms until it finally reached the main room where the president was located in.

“Get the president out of here! This place is no longer safe!!” One guy ordered after judging that the gates of this facility could no longer keep the most important person in the world safe anymore.

“Mister president! Please follow me!” The guard tried asking the president in a hurry while gently grabbing his arm in order to lead him out to safety. But no matter how many times this guard spoke to the president, there was no response.

There wasn't any time to waste in those kinds of urgent moments, that's why the guard tried using force in order to drag the president away from his motionless position with his eyes focused on the screen.

“I have it… all in… my…hands…” The president softly spoke in a broken manner before he was dragged away from where he was.

But at that point, it was already too late as the monsters had broken inside the main room. The massive dogs with green veins around their bodies began tearing everyone apart until reaching the president whose head was quickly bitten off.





Despite having firepower from each of the staff members and guards around the room, they were overwhelmed by the sudden appearance of the monsters who didn't take pity on the scared-looking humans.

Humans were quickly being killed at a constant speed and there didn't seem to be any stop from what could be seen. And what was worse, the main district where the military was being commanded was nowhere to be found anymore as the whole place was turned into another wasteland.

Back where this disaster emerged, was Hatsuko whose appearance was covered by a continuous mist that was bringing life to millions of monsters out of living plants and any animals that were around the country.

Hatsuko continued walking forward until he could clearly see the dead bodies of all of the girls. The same girls that held the last connection to his humanity. The few remaining girls that shared his hope, courage, and love.

But now that everything in front of him is gone. The monster inside him emerged from the dark side of his emotion, causing an unbelievable explosion that reduced the whole country to another massive crater.

There was no longer any life around that country, including all of the monsters that were taking over. Everything was gone in an instant as if it was never there, to begin with.

What was the point of this if everyone who loved him was gone?

What was the point of having hope if those who supported him, couldn't give him what he needed?

What was the point of protecting this world if everyone was going to kill his loved ones?

“Eve–ryone…” Hatsuko’s hollow voice called out while standing still in the middle of the crater where Sakuru once stood.

[ M-My lord! What happened!? We just sensed insane energy on the human planet! Is everything oka— ] When one of the angels attempted to speak with their lord, the connection to communication was immediately cut off by Hatsuko.

The dark mist around Hatsuko slowly faded away, revealing the clear body that was looking at the clear sky which no longer had any life in it. 

His face remained expressionless despite tears falling on the ground.

“It's all my fault….” Hatsuko said to himself as he was reflecting on everything that led humans to this kind of decision. 

If he was never there, none of the girls would’ve gotten themself killed. None of them would’ve had to suffer. And they wouldn't have to deal with the cruel fate that was awaiting them in this cursed country.

With the remaining parts of his humanity dead, Hatsko let go of all his emotions, causing all of the powers in his soul to emerge in one go. An intense massive energy rose from his heart until an explosion occurred which continued expanding to the size of the whole planet within a second.

The green plasma however continued expanding until it finally reached the limit of absolute destruction.

All of the galaxies and planets were immediately destroyed, leaving nothing behind. The green explosion continued for centuries until there was nothing else in the visible space.

And finally…. There was nothing else but darkness…

But through that darkness, a certain humanoid being could be seen floating around endlessly with his eyes closed. That humanoid being was revealed to be none other than the person who erased all of the galaxies out there.

Hatsuko’s emotionless face could be seen staring into the darkness with nothing else to do other than float around for all infinity.

Trillions of years had already passed and he never moved a single muscle from his body.

He already knew the destruction he caused. That's why he thought it was better to not do anything for eternity. 

That was his fate after all. 

There was no one by his side, and there was nothing else to feel in his empty heart anymore.

But space itself wasn't something that only brought darkness from all directions. In a far distance that any being could even comprehend, there was another place that brought light into the darkest parts of this space.

Even though Hatsuko was aware of that place, he continued letting his body float around aimlessly with no desire or whatsoever feeling in his mind.

There was no point in his life anymore, so why should he even try seeing what caused that light?

That's why he continued spending another million years wandering through space with an empty mind until something flinched his body from memory.

A memory that didn't seem to be completely erased from his mind. A sweet, yet bitter memory that was bugging him the whole time, making him unable to be in peace.

“I don't want you to suffer alone, that's why, please. Don't be so harsh on yourself.” The voice of a certain girl was heard through his head, causing his eyes to immediately flinch.

Who was she? And what was she talking about?

“This time, please make sure to find me.” The voice continued bothering Hatsuko's mind, making him even more confused about why this voice seemed so familiar.

“That's why, please return once you have saved everyone.”

As the last words echoed in his mind, Hatsuko’s body went rigid in shock as all of the memories he spent with Rei came back to him.

“Rei….” Hatsuko called out the name of the girl before directing his eyes toward the light on the horizon which was finally visible in his sight.


* * *

In a certain universe where an insane amount of galaxies were floating around, right in The Milky Way Galaxy, there was a small blue planet called ‘Earth’.

That planet had developed a lot thanks to similar species called humans. But the only difference was that there were no skills and abilities by any of the individuals.

Dragons and monsters were nothing else but stories told in novels and movies. Angels and demons were something that only religious people believe in, which also caused humans to be held back in their current technology. 

However, after experiencing many wars, humans finally found peace between the countries. That's why most humans had more time to think of what they wanted to do in their peaceful time.

It was the year 20xx in a certain island country called Japan where their traditional culture had spread around the whole world, making that place one of the most visited places in the world.

During that time of the year, at a certain household, there was a girl who seemed to be in a hurry.

“Akari, make sure to be on time this time. Am I understood?” 

The voice of a mother was heard all the way from the kitchen, causing the girl to slightly flinch at the powerful voice.

“I won’t!” The white-haired girl said while holding the bread with jam in her mouth and quickly jumping over the gate out of her house like it was nothing.

While holding the bread in her mouth, the white-haired girl continued running while keeping her balance and dodging any sort of object on her way. Her body was very elastic, making it able for her to move in a certain way that seemed almost impossible to anyone else.

Even though the girl was in a rush, she came to a stop when she gazed up at the sky and realized something was certainly amiss.

“The sky…. Why is it green?” Akari wondered as she was lost for words about this weird phenomenon.



Even though the sky had turned into this strange color, none of the humans were aware of this unexplained phenomenon. 

However, in the same country, at a normal all-girls school, there was a group of girls following a certain girl with silver hair and a sharp look in her eyes.

The other females tried to avoid staring at her as much as they could because of the way she maintained her glaring stare. They didn't want to mess with a delinquent that was followed by a couple of other troublemakers behind her back.

But their intimidating walk came to an end as something seemed to be in their way.

“HA? Th’hell ‘s going on here?!” The silver-haired girl asked with a glare on her face.

But once she got closer to the group of girls that was preventing her usual walk, she noticed one of her underlings grabbing by the shirt two little girls. One of them had black hair and the other girl had blonde hair. And to everyone’s surprise, these two seemed to be twin sisters.

“Ah! Capt’!” The underling let go of the twin sisters after seeing her boss come in front of her. “These little shits came in your great self’s way! That's why I decided to teach them a lesson before they become a hassle to you.”

As proud as this underling seemed to be for being a considerate girl, she was thanked with a punch in the face that almost broke her nose.

“If there’s somethin’ to be punished, I am the only one who is allowed to do that? Capish?” The silver-haired girl stated after managing to scare off all of the girls who were around.

Once the hallways of the school were cleared up, the silver-haired girl walked forward and saw the little twin sisters that were hugging each other, in fear of what was going to happen to them.

“Please forgive my sister.” The blonde sister said with a soft and sweet voice. “If you want to punish someone, punish me instead.”

The twin sisters looked up at the silver-haired delinquent with their puppy and cute-looking eyes, wondering what was going to happen next.

The silver-haired girl stood still for a moment before finally deciding to say something.

“Everyone, leave!” The silver-haired girl ordered.


“I said to leave! I will deal with them on my own.” The cold voice of the silver-haired girl was heard, bringing chills down everyone's back.

No one wanted to challenge her, that's why they quietly did as they were ordered.

And once she made sure that every underling was gone, the silver-haired girl's cheeks blushed before kneeling and hugging the twin sisters.

“How can I punish them when they are so fricking cuuteeeee!!” The silver-haired girl said with a squeaked girly voice while continuing to cuddle with the small sisters.

But suddenly realizing her brute strength, the silver-haired girl let go of the sisters.

“Ah, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to hurt you.”

As confused as they were, the twin sisters looked up at the blushing girl.

“Who are you, big sister?” 

The silver-haired girl blushed, even more, when the blonde sister asked her with her innocent voice.

“My name is Hikimari, but you can call me Himari, or simply big sister.” The silver-haired girl said with a smile on her face. “What about you?”

“My name is… Angela.” The blonde sister said before looking at her sister. “And this… is my twin sister Denis.”

“Those are unusual names. Are you foreigners?” Himari inquired after seeing the unusual appearance and names of the little girls.

“Umu” Angela nodded. “Me and my sister came abroad from France because our parents have some work here.”

Himari’s face blushed once again. “Hnggggggg! I can’t! I want to squish your cute faces to my heart’s desire!!!”

However, her hug was interrupted as a green light emerged through the window, grabbing the attention of the three girls. They couldn't understand why but felt the need to see what was going on.



At a certain empty dojo, a girl was holding a wooden sword in her hand while trying to concentrate on her moves. She then quickly backflipped and swung her wooden sword around the room, creating a little air current.

“Haa… haaa…. Haaa….” The girl panted as she looked at her bruised hands caused by her hard training. “Not fast enough…”

There was no other emotion on her face other than determination, that's why she held her wooden sword even hard for the next move she was going to do.

But her training came to an end when she looked outside of the window, noticing that there was something wrong with the sky.



At a popular school known all over Japan, a bored girl was looking through the window.

But despite her boredom, the class she was actually in was currently listening to a lecture on math. 

The teacher who was now instructing the class saw the girl who appeared to be bored, that's why he decided to take action.

“Maybe you could get rid of that bored expression on your face if you paid attention in my lesson. Yui, just because you are the best student in our school doesn't mean you should be lazy.” The teacher said to the girl who still didn't seem to be interested.

“You should probably correct the formula there if you want to deliver a proper lecture to someone like me.” The girl responded to the teacher before looking at him dead in the eyes. “Sen.sei.”

After giving Yui a brief frown, the teacher wiped the board clean where he had written about the mistake he had unintentionally made. Despite being a teacher, he was still a human, so a small mistake shouldn't really matter.

But for some reason, the teacher was irate because regardless of how frequently he tried catching Yui off guard, he wasn't able to discipline her because she consistently managed to get the proper answers.

Right as the teacher was writing the whole equation correctly this time, Yui suddenly stood up, immediately grabbing everyone’s attention from the chair getting pushed away.

“Even if you were right this time, there’s no need for you to cause any noise!” The teacher angrily said before turning around and seeing the girl stare at the window bewildered. “...Are you alright?”

“Can’t you see that?” Yui asked as she pointed at the sky.

However, the teacher and the rest of the students only looked confused because there was nothing in the sky.

However, as the students began to giggle, they assumed that Yui was pulling a practical joke on them in an effort to distract them from the teacher's carelessness. This also made the teacher furious as his expression went completely red in anger and embarrassment.

“Now listen here—”

But before the teacher could say anything else, Yui blankly looked at the sky before rushing out of the classroom without saying another thing.



“Haaaa…. This P.E class is pretty boring, don't you think so?” At the same school, during the physical education class, a blonde girl said to her friend beside her.

“Hehe, you are always like this, Yua.” The girl responded to her friend.

“Same to you, Aiko. I’ve never actually seen you run in my whole life.” Yua responded with a blank expression.

“That's because my medical condition prevents me from doing so.” Aiko giggled as she responded.

“Medical condition?! I never knew you had such a thing!” Yua’s eyes widened in surprise and guilt for making her friend bring up her health condition.

“That's because I never mentioned it before.” Aiko smiled as she calmly explained to her friend.

Despite spending many years together, these girls spent most of their time together. While one seemed more like a gyaru, the other one was a calm-natured, introverted girl.

A duo that was unusual to everyone else in the class.

Their conversation however came to a halt when they looked into the sky, only to see the sky glow in the color green.

“A-are you seeing what I’m seeing?” Yua worriedly asked, making sure that she wasn't seeing things.

“So you can see that as well?”

Aiko responded back before both of the girls looked at each other in worry.

Even though this was an unnatural event, somehow, they felt like they had to know where this light came from.

And this isn't a feeling that emerged only from these two girls. Everyone else who was able to see the green light in the sky had suddenly the urge to follow it to the end of it in order to find out what it was.

Many of the girls could already be seen running through the streets until finally they arrived at a certain cliff where the green light finally came to an end.

Before focusing on the thing that had drawn them to this location, all eight of the girls who had met at the same location stared at one another in confusion.

They all looked forward until they saw a certain boy with green eyes and brown hair who was looking at the view that this beautiful cliff provided.

They didn't know why, but when they looked at this boy, they for some reason had a thumping pain in their chest and a burning sensation in their stomach.

Who was he? And why was everyone so emotional when looking at him?

“W-who are you? Why did you call us here?” The silver-haired delinquent asked after seeing the hesitation of the other girls.

Tears could already be seen rolling down from a few of the girls as their breaths were almost taken away by the sudden nostalgic feeling inside their hearts.

But despite their questions, there weren’t any clear answers yet.

That was until a ninth girl suddenly appeared. She had beautiful brown hair and cute-looking features that amazed some of the girls.

However, instead of being confused like the other girls, this certain girl rushed toward the green-eyed boy and tightly hugged him in a rush. And the next moment, both of their lips met one another, surprising and startling the rest of the girls who were intensely staring with their reddened cheeks. While some were looking in jealousy, some had their hands in front of their mouths in order to hide their shocked expression.

Even though they couldn't understand their situation, they still had warm feelings in their hearts.

After a brief kiss that lasted only a few seconds, the green-eyed boy and the beautiful girl looked into each other’s sparkling eyes before finally saying;

“You found me.” Said the girl with a warm smile on her face

“I found you.” The boy softly continued her sentence as his eyes reflected the beauty of the loved one in front of him.

The two locked their hands together as they turned around to the rest of the girls who were waiting for an explanation.

Hatsuko gently smiled and looked at the girls with a warm expression that melted their hearts.


Life is filled with all sorts of emotions throughout its entire journey. Sometimes you could feel inspired, and other times you might wonder why you were even brought to this world.

But there is something that you should know through the journey called life. 

That regardless of how harsh your story gets, you should always stand up and say to yourself that it's not over yet. 

Even if you have accomplished one of your goals, don't give up, because there is another chapter waiting for you the next day. 

And that's the beauty of life. Because you can never know what tomorrow may bring to you. 

Keep grinding until every last objective on your mind has been satisfactorily accomplished.

So one day… we’ll look back at where we started… and smiled… at how much we’ve achieved…

“—I’m home.”

Green Life.

The end.


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