Greatest Marine in One Piece Universe

Volume 4 Chapter 13

Kaido went on one knee as he raised his club. “I, Kaido, Azure Guardian, Greets his majesty”

Ezra immediately remembered the last sentence of Uranus before his essence faded in Fishman Island. “When your fruit is complete, your guardians will be….” A watery halo appeared in the air hovering over Ezra’s head, simultaneously Kaido had an Azure glow.

“Fascinating,” Ezra said as he examined the connection between himself and Kaido. “Ok Azure Guardian Kaido, you can stand up. My transformation is not yet complete, so I cannot yet bear that title.”

Kaido looked into Ezra's brown eyes, noticing he was serious, the towering Kaido changed his posture from kneeling to sitting crossed-legged.

“Kaido can you tell me your story?” Ezra asked

“U…Atlant! I was once a promising child soldier at the service of the Vodka Kingdom decades ago. The kingdom ran into the world government and I was forced against my will to join the Marines. Yes! At one point in my life, I wore the white and blue uniform, it didn't take me long to stage an escape, hence starting a career in piracy. I quickly made a name for myself until I met, Edward Newgate. He was the one who changed my life, he invited me to meet the Captain of the Rock Pirate, I later joined the crew as an apprentice. A lot happened during our time together, we had a lot of adventures and discovered some secrets of the world, that the government tried so hard to erase. This ultimately led to the battle at God Valley. Before the fall of Rocks, we made it all the way to the last island, to the last abode of Uranus. I dont want to ruin the surprise of one piece but it was there we found a small tree with 5 fruits. The tree was protected by a forcefield. Rocks, Edward, Charlotte, Shiki, John, Axe and Ochoku all tried to force their way in but failed. Even their combined attacks could not leave a crack on this field.” Kaido paused for a minute before continuing with the story. “When the crew was ready to leave the island, I somehow triggered a rune. This is where I met Uranus and my transformation to what I am today began, almost unkillable. I was then given Azure rare mythical Zoan Fruit, the Uo Uo no MI (Fish Fish Fruit) Model: Seiryu, my mission was to protect Wano while waiting for your arrival.

Ezra did not have time to process everything Kaido was saying as someone was knocking on his mind-door.

“Captain! Captain! The situation in Wano is very odd!” Brains reported as soon as Ezra connected.

“How odd!” Ezra replied

Brains continued “Captain, as you instructed we sent officers out to every region to gather intel. Everyone seems to be reporting the same thing. Wano is not under the rule of the Beast Pirates, they are the protectors of this island. The samurais that the world thought were in bad shape due to the civil war 20 years or so ago are doing very well with a lot more numbers to their ranks. From the industrial regions, weapons of war are being researched and developed. Ringo, the icy region has been turned into a training facility. WANO is preparing for war!... Captain…” 

“I am aware! Dont worry. Gather the officers back to the Atlantis. It looks like our time on this island will be very short. I will be with you in a moment.” Ezra ordered before disconnecting from the mind room. “Sorry about that, you can imagine the shock the Atlanteans are having now seeing Wano stronger than it had ever been,” Ezra added as he spoke to Kaido.

“No worries Atlant. I cant wait to see the faces of the God Clan when they realise that the Wano they tried to split apart with civil war, did not fall but grew stronger under the radar. Dont waste your time here Atlant, your priority should be getting to Laugh Tale, that's what Roger called it. You must complete your transformation before the battle starts. The samurais were once the loyal temple guards of Uranus, they hold the key to awakening him who was your champion. Kazuki Oden awaits you!” Kaido said with a serious look on his face.


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