Greatest Marine in One Piece Universe

Volume 2 Chapter 15

In a serene garden at the royal palace of Kano Country in West Blue. King Ramen sat cross-legged on a green praying mat meditating. The smell of incense brought a feeling of tranquillity to the surroundings as a slight breeze ruffled the plants in the garden. King Ramen was a man with a long yet bald head with a tattoo of a Chinese dragon on the left side of his head. He had a square jaw and his black Fu Manchu moustache. He was wearing a black Yuanlingshan with a white collar and cuffs hiding his hands which were resting on his knees as he chanted.

Inner Peace! Inner Peace!

“Your Majesty, We just received a call from the marines. They will like to acquire the relic submarine which has been kept at dock 1 for 300 years.” an elderly man with white thick eyebrows, beard and moustache reported. He was tall and also bald, with a dent on the crown of his head. He had the number “12” tattooed on his left temple. He wore a ceremonial naval outfit as he knelt on both knees in front of the King.

“What importance is it to us?” King Ramen asked while still in mediation.

“None your majesty, That submarine has been taking up space at that dock for too many years. In the last report, we requested that it should be disposed of or taken to a museum but the proposal was rejected.” Chinjao replied respectfully

“Very well, you can inform the marines that they can have it. I expect them to deliver a huge blow to the mafia organisation here in West Blue. If this can be done, then I would not be asking for any payment or compensation for acquiring this relic of mine. Make sure my message is understood. Now go!” King Ramen instructed before continuing his chanting.

Inner Peace! Inner Peace!

‘My head still aches from the punch Garp gave me that year. If I cannot defeat Garp, I can still meddle with affairs of this level” Chinjao thought as he made his way to dock 1. Every building or structure seen aesthetically resembled those from an ancient Chinese city. 

“Hello Commander” a guard saluted as he saw the 12th leader of the Happo Navy, Chinjao approach the dockyard.

“Tell the shipwright, I want the submarine in dock 1 stripped of any useful items. It doesn't matter if he cannot identify them, if he thinks it is useful, I want it out. He needs to also check the weapons system, I want the artilleries taken out as well as any ammunition. Lastly, I want the outside of the vessel to be sanded down to remove any colour or beauty. When all this is done tell him, I want a report via den den mushi. You are to see to it that all I have mentioned is done. Is that clear soldier?” Chinjao ordered with a devilish grin on his face.

“Yes sir!” the guard replied, everyone knew that ever since Commander Chinjao lost his fight with Vice Admiral Monkey D. Garp, his head which was initially pointed like a drill was knocked in. His attitude which was also gentle and kind changed for the worse. ‘Which unlucky fellow is getting ripped off now’ the guard thought as he went looking for the shipwright.

Two days later.

“Commander it is done YAWN ” the voice coming out of the den den mushi was so tired, the pressure to complete the task given must have kept the shipwright up all night for two days.

“Very good, get some rest” Chinjao replied before hanging up the call.

“Sai, Boo, get the others we are heading out to sea, we need to drop off that submarine at the academy. Hahahaha, I can't wait to see the looks on their faces when they see it. Plus they still have to fulfil the promise to the King.” Chinjao announced as he stepped out of his pagoda-styled house.

 “Captain, a Happo Navy ship and a very long barge with something covered in waterproof material is approaching.” A marine guard reported

“Use the radio to contact them, they need to drop it off at the main dockyard on the other side of the academy. Tell their captain, he is welcome to approach by boat to discuss the terms for giving this vessel to the marines.” Ezra replied to the guard.

An hour had gone by without any news, Ezra found it strange, from the first conversation between the Commander of the Happo Navy and the Shipwright instructor, there was a condition that had to be fulfilled for the vessel to be fully given to the marines. 

“Captain, the vessel has been delivered. Everything is in order. The Commander of the Happo Navy is on the line” the guard dropped off the den den mushi before leaving Ezra alone in the entrance hall.

“Captain, Sorry we could not meet in person. The item you wanted has been delivered. The condition to be met is this, Clean out the mafia group disrupting the peace here in West Blue. You have 2 years to do it unless we will be coming over to either confiscate the vessel or request for our payment.” After saying all he wanted Chinjao ended the call as he released an evil laugh on his ship. He had successfully increased the level of difficulty by requesting more than the King asked for and also put pressure on the marines by adding a timescale.


Ezra was furious, it seemed that Kano Kingdom was scheming something but he wasn't sure what it was yet. He made his way to the main dockyard where the instructor and some others were busy inspecting the monstrosity that was delivered.

“How could they do this”

“Can this be considered a submarine anymore”

“They sanded down all its coating and all the internal system, electronics and weaponry have been removed”

The other instructors and apprentices who were called upon to help on the job complained as they made their way through the vessel. Their annoyance could not be hidden as they swore at what they saw. The head instructor who gave Ezra the idea to ask for this submarine was quiet.

“Silence you all,” He said. “There is no need to worry, we were planning to do all that they have done in the first place. Why else would I ask for all your help? Since they have gone through all this length to help us, then our job is a lot easier. The shipment from HQ arrived yesterday with new underwater equipment. I am confident that we will have a submarine for Captain Ezra in 6 months. So less talking and start working.” 

“Yes sir!” they replied

“I knew Commander Chinjao was up to no good, from the way he spoke. Since there is no problem here, I will leave it up to you, Instructor.” Ezra said it was then he had an idea. “Instructor can the submarine have …” Ezra whispered his idea to the Instructor.

Good night

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