Chapter 672: Gentle Approach
The fourteen Rank 2 Magi from the Cult of Bones had now all gathered together, jointly fighting against the horde of zombies that were mindlessly attacking them.
However, their style of fighting was different from the other group of Magi on the other side of the blood pool.
While the other group cut the zombies into pieces and cast fire magic to burn them to cinders, the necromancers of the Cult used a more gentle approach.
Rank 2 Spell: Repose!
It was a spell from the School of Necromancy that prevented the corpse from decaying further and stopping them from becoming undead—or in this case, canceling out the zombies' undead nature and putting them to eternal rest.
The spells from the School of Necromancy not only manipulated the power of death but also the unlife and the life force present in all living beings.
One of the Magi from the Cult evaded the blow of a zombie and then pressed his hand on her forehead. His hand glowed with a tranquil white light, following which the zombie stopped moving and fell to the ground, unresponsive.
The rate at which the cultists were taking out the zombies was far more efficient than the other group consisting of Qamara and the guests that Altan had brought.
The cultists naturally had an advantage on this battlefield. As such, they were not all that bothered by the sudden turn of events. Initially, they were just startled. But that was all. It could only be considered a slight inconvenience for them.
Once they had dealt with the zombies, they would then proceed to their main plan of killing Adam Constantine!
"This boy sure is a madman," said one of the cultists as he easily took down a zombie.
"The way he acted, it would appear that he found out about our plan," said another cultist in black robes.
"Hoho, did he figure it out on his own then?" Said an old, bald-headed cultist with pale skin.
He then glanced at the Duskfall couple who were standing in the center of the group and asked with a cold smile, "You both wouldn't have anything to do with it, would you?"
"Of course not!" Altan hurriedly stated. "Rest assured, everything I do is for the benefit of the Cult. Besides, I didn't even know that you all were planning to kill him."
However, inwardly he was seething with rage. When he had discussed the plan with Adam earlier, this was not how it was supposed to go down.
That scheming bastard, I knew I couldn't trust him! He thought to himself. Thankfully, I already have contingency plans set in place.
He held his wife's hand and secretly glanced at her, nodding his head ever so slightly.
"Let us retreat to the prison behind us and wait there for the chaos to settle," said one of the cultists.
By now, tens of zombie corpses had piled around the group as they slowly retreated toward the other passageway from where the women dressed in red earlier had been brought out.
"Indeed." Some of the cultists nodded. "Although our plan has gone slightly awry, it still doesn't change anything. Let all these zombies chip down the other party's strength. We'll come back later and then finish them off when they're weakened."
"Our target will have nowhere to run. The other entrance has been sealed off already. Moreover, we're far too beneath the surface for the Rank 2 teleportation spell to work."
"Yes, Adam Constantine is trapped."
Right at that moment, the space above them trembled ever so slightly. It was barely noticeable. A thick gray cloud materialized above the group and, from it, a silhouette emerged out of nowhere.
Dressed in all black, Adam teleported right above them, glancing at his prey below with a menacing look on his face. The hems of his long coat flapped behind him, giving him the appearance of a man with the wings of a raven.
He stretched his arms wide as the black feather-like bracelets on his wrists started glowing. The next moment, two daggers shaped like raven feathers appeared in his hands.
Before anyone could even react, Adam had already landed on the ground with his arms crossed and straightened out in front of him, and blood dripping from the blades of his daggers.
Immediately after, two heads fell to the ground. In the blink of an eye, two Rank 2 Magi had already been killed!!
Adam glanced at the thunderstruck look of the Magi before him and coldly stated, "I'm not the one trapped. You are."
His eyes flashed with a vicious glint and he dashed towards the nearest Magus, leaving behind a trail of shadows. He lowered his back, got into a stable stance, and stabbed both his daggers through the man's chest over a dozen times.
The man did not even have the time to react as his chest caved in, lungs punctured, and heart riddled with holes. With a shocked look on his face, he fell face-first, the light in his eyes had already dimmed.
"Three down," he coldly muttered as he pounced on the next man.
This person had had enough time to react and immediately got into a defensive stance when he saw Adam pouncing at him from the front like a feral animal. He didn't have enough time to cast a spell, so all he could do was reinforce his body with mana.
But the attack never came from the front. Adam, who was pouncing at him, dissolved into a cloud of smoke.
Rank 2 Spell: Mirror Illusion!
A spell from the School of Illusion that created illusory duplicates of the caster. Until the spell ended, the duplicates moved according to the caster's will so it was impossible to track which image was real. Up to three duplicates could be created.
The real Adam had already pierced Nighthollow into the cultist's heart from behind him. The last words the man heard before dying were Adam's.
"Four down."
The group of Magi were frozen in horror. One moment, fourteen cultists were effortlessly taking care of the zombies. The next moment, Adam had appeared out of nowehere and reaped four of their members in an instant.
Altan, who was standing in the center of the group, watched on with terror as Adam stood before them with his chin raised high. Fear gripped his very being when he laid eyes on the raven-haired killer.
Meanwhile, Adam looked every cultist in the eye with murderous intent. Then, his gaze landed on Altan.
His lips curled up into a cold smile and he stated, "Playtime's over, my friend."