Grass Story

Chapter 37: catfished

"Did you spot a giant yokai around, Alice?" Cirno inquired, her gaze fixed on Alice as she tried to gauge her reaction.

"A giant yokai, you say? Interesting..." Alice responded cryptically, a faint smile playing on her lips as she seemed to hold a secret.

"Prepare yourselves to witness my ultimate creation!" Alice announced with a mixture of pride and excitement, her demeanor giving Kusa and Cirno a glimpse of what was to come.

As the ground trembled beneath them, a colossal figure started to emerge from behind Alice. The sight wasn't entirely clear to Kusa and Cirno due to their vantage point, but they could sense the immense presence of the entity Alice had summoned.

"Goliath!" Alice exclaimed, revealing the name of her new creation. The name alone held a sense of awe, and Kusa noticed Cirno's expression shift from anticipation to disappointment.

Seeing Cirno's dream deflating, Kusa extended a supportive gesture, gently rubbing Cirno's cheeks with her tiny form. Cirno's glum mood lifted slightly, replaced with a small smile brought about by Kusa's comforting action.

"I was hoping for Daidarabotchi..." Cirno muttered with a hint of resignation, her tone tinged with humor.

Kusa sympathetically looked at Cirno, understanding her disappointment. Deciding to lift her friend's spirits, Kusa reassured her, "Don't worry, Cirno. I'm sure Daidarabotchi is just resting somewhere."

Cirno nodded at Kusa's words, appreciating the attempt to cheer her up. However, their conversation seemed to have been drowned out by Alice's monologue.

"Through this creation, I can demonstrate its power to all of Gensokyo," Alice spoke, unaware that her words were lost on Kusa and Cirno.

"Huh?! You're using me as a test subject?" Cirno's frustration was evident, her annoyance stemming from being treated like a mere experiment rather than a worthy opponent.

"I'll show you why I'm the strongest fairy! Let's settle this, you and your puppet!" Cirno declared with newfound determination, her crystal wings sparkling as they transformed into their true form, showcasing her readiness for battle.

"Very well, then. I shall defeat you with this!" Alice declared confidently, manipulating the giant doll to approach them. The details of the doll became clearer as it drew closer, showcasing its design.

With blonde hair, blue eyes, and a dark gray dress adorned with a white apron and matching dark gray sleeves and shoes, the doll had a distinct appearance. The red bows on her head and dress provided a vibrant contrast. Equipped with two massive swords, the doll stood taller than even Alice's House itself.

"Alright, Kusa, step aside and witness my brilliance," Cirno declared with an air of confidence, preparing to showcase her skills to Kusa.

Kusa chuckled at Cirno's eagerness, complying with her request by moving to the side. In her human form, she held a bag of popcorn and a drink, eagerly anticipating the battle that was about to unfold.

The clash began, and it became evident that Cirno's icy powers had a significant advantage over Alice's dolls. The frozen dolls were quickly accumulating under Cirno's relentless blizzard, pushing Alice to the defensive.

Cirno's strategy seemed flawless, and Kusa couldn't help but be entertained as she watched the spectacle. She munched on her popcorn, eyes fixed on the battle with amusement.

Alice decided to take matters into her own hands, hopping onto the head of her creation, Goliath, and assuming control. The transition from defense to offense was swift, as Goliath's movements suddenly gained momentum.

The giant doll's actions were surprisingly agile for its size, catching Cirno off guard. The swords attached to its hands were wielded with precision, their speed and accuracy a testament to Alice's control.

Despite Goliath's impressive maneuvers, Cirno's smaller size allowed her to evade the powerful strikes. She moved gracefully, narrowly avoiding each slash.

Cirno's nonchalant demeanor didn't waver, even as she continued to dance around Goliath's attacks. "This is quite the disappointment," Cirno remarked, her cool facade unchanged as she continued to evade Alice's calculated assaults.

Offended by Cirno's dismissive comment, Alice's determination flared, and she decided to unleash a formidable spell card upon her doll.

As if infused with newfound power, the doll's eyes turned a fiery red, and wisps of smoke began emanating from its body. The sudden transformation caught Cirno off guard, leaving her startled and unable to react in time.

Before Cirno could utter another word, the doll's sword struck her with incredible force, sending her hurtling through the air. Trees splintered and shattered as Cirno crashed into them, leaving behind a trail of destruction.

Despite the initial setback, Cirno managed to regain her composure swiftly. Summoning her icy powers, she conjured giant ice shards that rocketed toward the Goliath doll. Alice, determined to protect her creation, interposed herself between the doll and the onslaught of ice.

The collision of ice and the doll generated a shockwave, causing Alice to stagger back, struggling to maintain her balance. The Goliath doll, now encased in a layer of ice spikes, found itself immobilized, leaving Alice grappling with its frozen form.

Cirno seized the moment to strike back, appearing beside the ice-encased doll. "Now, for the puppeteer," Cirno declared with renewed determination. With swift movements, she managed to break through the ice, revealing the trapped doll beneath.

Cirno emerged from the ordeal with a few leaves clinging to her clothes, a testament to the fierce encounter. Despite the odds, she remained relatively unscathed and ready for the next round.

As Alice prepared herself for another round of battle, the Goliath doll began to emit an intense heat.

As the Goliath doll's overheating became apparent, Alice's expression shifted to one of surprise and concern. Before she could react, Kusa's decisive proclamation cut through the air.

"Explosion!" Kusa's voice rang out, a single word that held immense power. The doll erupted in a spectacular explosion, sending shockwaves across the area and propelling Alice into the sky. She soared higher and higher, carried by the force of the blast.

Cirno, still standing amidst the aftermath, looked up and grinned in triumphant victory. "I guess that's a win for Cirno," Kusa declared, acknowledging the outcome.

With an air of exuberance, Cirno manifested a solid ice and used it as a step for her right foot. She laughed heartily, her joy echoing through the clearing as she celebrated her victory.

Kusa watched the scene unfold, an amused smile gracing her lips. She shook her head gently, both entertained and appreciative of Cirno's spirited reaction.

"Congratulations!" Kusa exclaimed warmly, her voice filled with genuine happiness for Cirno's well-earned triumph over the formidable Alice and her giant doll.


As Kusa headed toward the Kappa village to check on the progress of a secretive project, she unexpectedly found herself confronted by Sanae, who had an air of suspicion about her.

"Kusa, do you know about that giant robot I saw?" Sanae's voice held a directness that couldn't be ignored, and Kusa briefly glanced around before feigning surprise at Sanae's presence.

"Oh, Sanae! I didn't expect to run into you here... Hahaha," Kusa's cheerful response came across as somewhat forced, and she struggled to maintain an innocent façade.

"So, you're aware of it?" Sanae's question pierced through Kusa's attempts at evasion, causing her to briefly close her eyes as she considered her response.

"What do you mean...?" Kusa's voice took on an overly cute tone, but her attempt at childishness was undermined by her adult appearance.

"It seems you won't just tell me willingly. Fine, I'll defeat you to get my answer!" Sanae's determination was evident in her declaration, her resolve firm as she prepared for a confrontation with Kusa.


As Sanae lay on the ground, smoke emanating from her as if she had been roasted by intense heat, Kusa's expression softened with a touch of guilt.

"Sorry, Sanae. It's a super-secret project that's meant to be a surprise," Kusa's voice was genuinely apologetic as she explained her reasons.

"I need to keep the number of people in the know to a minimum," Kusa's tone became more serious. After all, a surprise wouldn't remain a surprise if everyone knew about it.

Sanae pulled herself up, brushing off her clothes to regain her composure.

"But... I'm really curious!" Sanae's voice was tinged with a mix of desperation and eagerness. Her fascination with mecha was undeniable, and she couldn't resist the urge to uncover the secret.

Kusa hesitated, contemplating whether to give Sanae a sneak peek or maintain the secrecy.

"Please~" Sanae's plea was accompanied by a hopeful gaze that Kusa found hard to resist.

"What a troublesome shrine maiden," Kusa responded with an exasperated sigh, her hand scratching the back of her head as she considered her options.

"You're starting to sound like Marisa now!" Sanae chuckled, pointing out the resemblance between Kusa's reaction and how Marisa often dealt with Reimu's requests.

"Strange habits can be contagious," Kusa remarked, her gaze fixed on Sanae as she made up her mind.

"Let's go!" Kusa's voice carried an air of excitement as she soared through the air, with Sanae eagerly following suit, her spirits lifted.

Their flight led them down to the source of the geyser, where a massive metal hatch opened slightly to admit them. Beyond it awaited a sight that left Sanae in awe: a colossal golden robot surrounded by busy kappas, each one focused on their tasks.

"Here it is..." Kusa's tone held a hint of resignation, contrasting with Sanae's unabashed enthusiasm. The shrine maiden's eyes darted around the impressive technological hideout, her excitement palpable as she soaked in every detail of the mechanical marvel before her.

"Wow! It's like something out of a movie I watched when I was younger," Sanae gushed with childlike wonder, her fascination evident as she scrutinized the mech's intricate features.

"And that's Suwako," Kusa gestured towards the god who was calmly enjoying a plate of French fries while keeping an eye on the control panel. "She's the supervisor. You can ask her about the machine's purpose. I'd rather not reveal too much myself."

Sanae nodded enthusiastically, her curiosity piqued. With a grateful smile, she approached Suwako, ready to barrage the deity with her questions. Meanwhile, Kusa's laughter echoed through the air as she resumed her flight, heading towards the Scarlet Mansion without any particular destination in mind.


Kusa observed Meiling's tense demeanor from a distance and decided to break the ice by playfully tossing an apple toward her. However, Meiling's reaction was unexpected; she swiftly punched the fruit into oblivion, leaving Kusa bewildered by the intense response.

"Hey! Why the tension today?" Kusa inquired, her curiosity getting the best of her. Despite her attempt to engage Meiling, the gatekeeper remained guarded and cautious, keeping a watchful eye on Kusa.

As if a switch had been flipped, Meiling suddenly lunged towards Kusa, unleashing a bullet attack. However, Kusa's quick reflexes allowed her to conjure roots that intercepted the projectiles, preventing any harm from coming her way.

Apologizing sincerely, Meiling explained, "I mistook you for a clone of Taisui Xingjun." She bowed deeply, expressing regret for her hasty actions and intent to attack.

"Taisui Xingjun, the god of Calamity?" Kusa's brows furrowed in confusion, her knowledge expanding as she encountered new names in Gensokyo.

"Yes," Meiling affirmed, her expression reflecting the gravity of the situation.

Kusa's curiosity deepened. "What does this god want from you?"

"I'm not entirely sure," Meiling admitted, her voice tinged with concern. "But it feels like he's out to kill me."

Kusa's determination surged as she responded, "Well, you won't have to face him alone. I'll help you." Her cheerful declaration was a testament to her willingness to stand by Meiling's side, especially against a formidable adversary who disregarded the rules of engagement in Gensokyo.

"Thank you!" Meiling expressed her gratitude, relieved that Kusa was willing to stand by her side. She had reached a point where she couldn't face this threat alone and needed someone she could trust.

Kusa conjured a chair and positioned it next to Meiling as they assumed their guard duties at the gates. They were prepared for any possible intrusion.

Soon enough, Alice made an appearance, but her attempt to deceive was thwarted by Kusa's quick reaction. Roots surged forth, piercing the fake Alice without hesitation.

Curious, Meiling asked Kusa, "How did you know it was a fake?"

"Earlier, I watched Cirno fighting Alice, and she wasn't in good shape. So, I figured the real Alice couldn't be here right now," Kusa explained, sharing the information she had witnessed earlier.

"That makes sense," Meiling nodded, impressed by Kusa's astute deduction and the fact that Cirno had triumphed over Alice.

As if on cue, Marisa arrived at the gate, greeting Meiling. However, Kusa's anger flared as she detected something amiss. Without hesitation, she unleashed a powerful yellow beam that obliterated the fake Marisa. The aftermath of the attack left a marked spot on the ground, which quickly healed thanks to Kusa's unique abilities.

"I concur," Meiling chimed in, recognizing the pattern. "She tends to enter from the back and sneak in through the windows."

Meiling's statement revealed her familiarity with Marisa's habits, even though she hadn't encountered the reformed Marisa who had been working closely with Reimu and others.

"Hmph! Disguising as someone important to me is like begging for a one-way trip to oblivion..." Kusa grumbled, her irritation palpable, as she wasn't amused by the impersonation.

"Although, I've heard that she's been borrowing things properly now. Maybe your nagging finally got to her, Kusa," Meiling mentioned, relaying what she had heard from Patchouli in the mansion.

"Perhaps," Kusa replied a sense of satisfaction in her voice knowing that Marisa had changed her borrowing habits.

As Reimu arrived, Kusa's eyes bore into the fake Reimu with a menacing intensity, sensing the immense power emanating from this imposter.

"Oi... do you think this is some kind of joke?" Kusa's voice was devoid of any hint of amusement, carrying a serious tone that sent shivers down Meiling's spine.

"Another person? Impossible!! I didn't sense you," the fake Reimu exclaimed in surprise upon seeing Kusa, its voice slightly distorted and revealing its true nature.

"Reveal yourself before I send you into the core of the sun," Kusa warned sternly, ready to take action if the fake Reimu continued its charade.

"Taisui!" Meiling called out, adopting a martial arts pose as she prepared to confront the malevolent presence.

"Doesn't matter, I can easily dispose of both of you," the fake Reimu sneered, shrouding itself in black smoke.

The deception unraveled as the fake Reimu discarded its facade, revealing its true form—a gigantic catfish, a symbol of the evil god Taisui.

Meiling and Kusa both had contrasting reactions to the catfish's reveal.

"pfft..." Meiling struggled to hold back her laughter, finding the catfish's appearance rather ridiculous.

Kusa, on the other hand, found a hint of amusement amidst the tension. "Okay, that's funny," she remarked, though her tone lacked any real joy, her eyes still sharp and wary.

"I will kill you!!!" The giant catfish roared with fury, vowing to eliminate those who dared to mock its form.

Just as the giant catfish began to make its move, a colossal tree suddenly sprouted from the ground, impaling the creature and lifting it high into the air.

"What—" The giant catfish's words were cut off as Kusa's monotone voice broke through, commanding it to be silent.

"Shut up," Kusa's words were cold and detached, sending shivers down Meiling's spine as she witnessed Kusa's terrifying side.

The catfish's attempts to scream were thwarted by thorns that had pierced its sound-producing organs. As if in response to its futile struggle, the catfish's body sprouted hundreds of branches, causing its blood to seep into the tree while fragments of its flesh fell to the ground.

In a matter of moments, the catfish's form withered, leaving behind nothing but its skeletal remains. The tree absorbed the bones, pulling them beneath the earth, leaving only Kusa and Meiling as witnesses to the extraordinary event.

"It seems I lost my temper for a moment..." Kusa sighed, attempting to regain her cheerfulness, but her true emotions remained elusive.

"Scary..." Meiling muttered, clearly unsettled by the display of power she had just witnessed from Kusa.

"Ehh? It seems thanks to that catfish, I've hit an evolution," Kusa said in surprise, momentarily forgetting her capacity to evolve through the consumption of blood and flesh.

"I guess it's not a bad deal!" Kusa exclaimed, finding an unexpected silver lining in the bizarre encounter.

With Kusa returning to her cheerful demeanor, Meiling felt a sense of relief and attempted to lighten the mood with a joke.

"Remind me not to touch your bottom line," Meiling quipped casually, but her choice of words caught Kusa off guard.

"You want to touch them?" Kusa questioned, her tone taking on an amused yet cautious note as she instinctively distanced herself from Meiling.

"Wait... I didn't mean it that way!!!" Meiling blurted out, flustered by the unintended innuendo in her words.


I've been a bit lackin' in the sobriety department back in the day. You know, I dabbled in the whole sober thing now and then, but honestly, sometimes those booze-infused concoctions hit the spot better than the regular stuff.

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