Grass Story

Chapter 31: Nuclear incident resolved.

Kusa found herself in a rather uncomfortable situation as the three girls who seemed to be the most infuriated by her actions proceeded to give her a piece of their minds. They reprimanded her for her recklessness and the potential consequences her actions might have had on both the human world and Gensokyo.

Meanwhile, Satori had taken it upon herself to have a serious talk with the crow lady, attempting to instill a sense of responsibility in her and make her understand the impact of her choices.

As the situation unfolded, Marisa and Reimu managed to piece together that Kanako and Suwako were somehow connected to the incident. The realization led them to the Moriya Shrine at the mountain's peak, determined to confront the goddesses and hold them accountable for their involvement.

With Kusa grounded and under the watchful eye of Mokou, the two found themselves in the Bamboo Forest, where Mokou had taken it upon herself to ensure that Kusa didn't repeat her reckless actions.


"This is the second time I have seen the Bamboo flowers bloom," Mokou said, her voice tinged with a mix of nostalgia and concern, as she recalled a past event that felt eerily reminiscent.

"Me too..." Kusa muttered sheepishly, feeling a bit ashamed for causing worry yet again.

"Do you realize how much you made us worry?" Mokou's tone turned stern as she emphasized the gravity of Kusa's actions, her concern evident in her eyes.

Kusa met Mokou's gaze, her expression a mixture of remorse and determination. "Yes... I'm sorry," she admitted, acknowledging the impact of her choices.

Mokou's next words were a clear reflection of her worry and desire to protect. "I'm sorry to have to take this approach, but I need you to promise me that you won't be reckless like that again."

Kusa sighed, feeling conflicted. She understood Mokou's perspective, yet her inherent nature seemed to clash with the idea of avoiding recklessness entirely. "I can't promise that... sometimes being a bit reckless is what helps me make a difference," Kusa explained her tone a mix of seriousness and a hint of playfulness.

Mokou's eyes narrowed slightly, her concern still present. "You're being stubborn."

Kusa let out a soft chuckle. "Well, I can't help it. Grasses are stubborn organisms by nature," she remarked, finding a certain pride in the resilience of her botanical identity.

"Then will you come back if you die?" Mokou's direct question caught Kusa off guard, leaving her momentarily speechless as she averted her gaze.

"Tell me," Mokou insisted, her tone firm as she sought a sincere response from Kusa.

"I don't know... I haven't died yet," Kusa replied quietly, a sense of uncertainty evident in her voice.

Mokou's persistence didn't waver. "I need to know. What if you don't come back? What if you're gone for good? The pain it would cause all of us..."

Kusa's expression grew somber as she considered the implications of Mokou's words. "I understand... I've thought about it before. But I can't say for certain."

Mokou's desperation was palpable in her voice. "That's why you can't be reckless, Kusa. Please, for all our sakes."

"I'll try," Kusa responded softly, feeling the weight of Mokou's concern and the realization that her actions held consequences beyond herself.

Mokou's expression softened as she heard Kusa's commitment. "That's enough for me."

With a small smile, Mokou leaned her head against Kusa's shoulder, finding comfort and reassurance in their shared moment of understanding.


Mokou's life had taken a turn she never expected. Fueled by her burning rage, she sought revenge against Kaguya for her father's humiliation. With fire as her weapon, she engaged Kaguya in fierce battles, driven by her desire for vengeance. But the cruel irony was that Kaguya, too, possessed immortality, having consumed the same elixir that Mokou had used to gain her strength.

Their clashes became a regular occurrence, an endless cycle of hostility and animosity that left them both feeling empty and weary. Despite their intense rivalry, the emptiness gnawed at Mokou, and she found herself increasingly drawn to helping the lost and suffering humans, trying to find meaning amidst her immortality.

But no matter how much she tried, Mokou couldn't find a way to end her own life. She battled starvation and exhaustion, yet death remained elusive, her immortality an unbreakable curse.

One day, as she wandered, lost in her thoughts, she felt something at her foot. Looking down, she was surprised to see a tiny girl, smaller than a Kappa, holding onto her foot. Puzzled and weirded out, she attempted to communicate with the girl, hoping she would release her grip and go away.

However, no matter how hard she tried to pry the girl off, it was as if she was rooted to Mokou's foot. As the day turned into night, the girl's hold remained unyielding. Exhausted and out of options, Mokou resigned herself to the situation and muttered her name, thinking it might make the girl let go.

To her surprise, the tiny girl responded, saying Mokou's name in return. This unexpected exchange left Mokou both baffled and intrigued, sparking a curiosity she hadn't felt in a long time.

The name "Kusa" puzzled Mokou, leaving her wondering whether the girl's parents had a unique sense of humor or if she had chosen the name herself. However, as Mokou spent more time with the mysterious child, it became clear that Kusa was far from a typical human or yokai. She possessed the ability to manipulate grass and was, quite literally, a manifestation of the plant itself.

Interacting with Kusa was a challenge for Mokou, as she struggled to figure out how to relate to such an unusual creature. At first, she treated Kusa like a child, engaging in playful antics and messing around. Jokingly, Mokou suggested a mock battle, and to her surprise, Kusa agreed. However, Mokou soon regretted the decision as she found herself being easily defeated by the seemingly innocent girl. This only fueled Mokou's determination to defeat Kusa in a battle and rekindle her spirit.

As days passed, Mokou found herself oddly missing the annoying yet endearing presence of Kusa. Eventually, Kusa stopped showing up, and Mokou couldn't help but feel a void in her routine. Unbeknownst to her, she had grown fond of the strange girl's companionship.

One day, a green-haired female human approached Mokou. Before Mokou could even inquire about her intentions, the woman attacked her with a familiar line: "This is my revenge for making me a ball." Mokou recognized the tone of speech, and to her astonishment, the tiny Kusa had transformed into a young lady. Caught off guard by the girl's enthusiasm, Mokou was swiftly defeated, her ego wounded by Kusa's triumphant smugness.

Over time, Mokou noticed a change in herself. Her interactions with Kusa and the unexpected battle had lit a spark within her. Her once dim fire burned more brightly, and she found herself eager to overcome challenges and improve her strength, all in the hopes of one day defeating the ever-confident Kusa.

Mokou's transformation didn't go unnoticed by her friend Keine, who observed a newfound cheerfulness in her. Confused by the observation, Mokou hadn't realized just how much she had changed since her encounters with Kusa.

Kusa's nagging and presence became a regular part of Mokou's life, the two forming an unlikely bond. Her once solitary existence became filled with both annoyance and warmth and Mokou found herself gradually embracing the company of the peculiar grass spirit.

Kusa even played a role in Mokou's life beyond their interactions, renovating her home and becoming a constant presence, especially when the moon wasn't in the sky.

As time went on, Mokou found herself growing more attached to Kusa's presence. The grass spirit had become an unexpected source of warmth and companionship in her life. The days seemed brighter, and Mokou's thoughts of revenge against Kaguya faded into the background. She was content, even amused, by the girl who had once annoyed her endlessly.

However, that contentment was shaken when she learned that Kusa had someone special in her life. Logically, Mokou understood that she should be relieved – after all, she wouldn't have to deal with Kusa's antics anymore. But as her heart clenched in an inexplicable pain, Mokou realized that she had grown to care for the peculiar girl more than she had realized.

The realization left Mokou conflicted. On one hand, she wanted to protect Kusa's happiness and support her relationship. On the other hand, she was grappling with unfamiliar emotions that seemed to contradict her logical reasoning. She began to act harshly towards Kusa, hoping that distancing herself from the girl would alleviate the ache within her. She pushed Kusa away, and even though the girl persisted in seeking her company, Mokou found herself yearning for the very thing she was pushing away.

Days continued to pass, and Mokou's internal turmoil only grew. She cherished the moments when Kusa was by her side, but her fears and desires left her feeling conflicted and lost.

Then, an unexpected turn of events shook Mokou's world. Kusa's limited lifespan was revealed to her, and Mokou was hit with the reality that the girl's presence might not be a constant in her life. The realization was a harsh blow, and Mokou's heart ached at the thought of losing the one person who had come to mean so much to her.

Things took a drastic turn when Mokou was ambushed by a group of attackers sent by an old enemy. Despite her valiant efforts, she was outnumbered and defeated. As she lay unconscious, she was roused by the furious cries of Kusa's voice, her gentle friend fiercely protecting her. At that moment, Mokou felt an intense surge of emotions. She was no longer the indifferent immortal, but someone who had a stake in another person's well-being.

Mokou's vision blurred as she witnessed Kusa using her lifespan to defend her. The sight of the girl's petals falling like fragile flowers tore at her heart. Mokou couldn't bear the thought of losing Kusa, and in an impulsive move, she pressed her lips to the girl's, sharing her life force. In that connection, something profound clicked within Mokou's mind.

She realized that she wanted to be with Kusa – not just as a friend, but on a deeper level. She wanted to possess her, to hold her close, and to never let her go. The intensity of her emotions surprised even herself. The realization ignited a selfish desire within her, one that she couldn't ignore any longer.

With her heart laid bare, Mokou approached Kusa's lover, striking a deal to be with Kusa. The lover, likely frustrated by Mokou's determination and driven by their feelings, reluctantly accepted the arrangement. For Mokou, it didn't matter that it was a compromise. What mattered was that she could be with Kusa, for eternity if need be.

And so, Mokou's journey led her to a place of acceptance and fierce determination. She had found her purpose – to be by Kusa's side, to protect her, and to cherish the bond they shared, no matter how much time passed. In the end, Mokou had come to realize that her newfound emotions were worth the complexity they brought, for they had opened her heart to a love she had never known before.


As the events unfolded and the tensions eased, the hotspring area became a public gathering spot. Laughter and joy filled the air as people enjoyed the warm waters that had once been the center of a chaotic incident. It was as if the hotspring had transformed from a source of turmoil to a place of communal relaxation.

Those who had been involved in the incident decided to celebrate their newfound unity. A lively barbeque party was set up, and the aroma of sizzling food wafted through the air. The feast was nothing short of grand, with a variety of dishes that showcased the talents of the cooks present. Even Reimu, despite her initial annoyance at her shrine being turned into a party venue, couldn't help but smile wryly at the sight of everyone coming together.

Satori and Koishi were present as well, their appearances met with warm welcomes. People who were once wary of the sisters now greeted them with open arms, recognizing that they too were part of this unique community. The sight of Satori closing her third eye in public for the first time was a powerful symbol of acceptance and trust.

Mokou, Marisa, and Reimu exchanged knowing glances as they sensed Koishi's presence. While Kusa's ghost-like nature rendered her nearly imperceptible, Koishi's presence was still tangible to those with the ability to perceive it. The trio shared a silent acknowledgment of the bonds that had formed among them.

Only Yama, who was familiar with Kusa's origin, remained unaffected by her presence. This was a testament to Yama's unique understanding of the spiritual world and the beings that inhabited it.

As the evening unfolded, the celebration took on a more spirited turn. The drinks flowed freely, and the atmosphere grew lively with laughter, stories, and camaraderie. People from different walks of life, who had once been at odds, now found themselves sharing moments of genuine connection.

Underneath the starry night sky, with the sound of laughter and clinking glasses filling the air, the barriers that once divided them seemed to melt away. The event was a testament to the power of unity, understanding, and the bonds that can form even among the most unlikely of companions.

And so, the night went on, with the celebration continuing well into the hours of darkness. It was a night of revelry, of shared memories, and of newfound friendships – a true testament to the beauty that can arise from even the most unexpected of circumstances.


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