Grass Story

Chapter 24: A play.

The group had settled down in the shrine after the initial chaotic encounter, now engaged in a more serious discussion. Yuyuko began sharing her observations, revealing the information she had gleaned from her... let's say, attentive observations of Youmu.

"So, if I understand correctly, you're suggesting that we head to the red mist above the mountain?" Reimu sought confirmation from Yuyuko, her tone conveying a mix of curiosity and skepticism.

"Yes, indeed~" Yuyuko responded with her usual cheerful demeanor, casually munching on fruits from Kusa's Automatic filling basket, which Reimu owned.

"It does seem like this incident is causing inconvenience for everyone involved," Reimu noted, her expression showing her concern for the affected parties.

With a sense of determination, Reimu stood up and declared, "Well then, if that's the case, let's not waste any more time. We should head to the Youkai Mountain and investigate the source of the red mist."

Her words seemed to rally everyone present, and the group prepared to embark on their next adventure to confront the mystery that lay atop the mountain.


As the group made their way toward the mountains, their intentions caught the attention of another familiar face. Alice appeared, her curiosity piqued by the sight of a group of individuals heading somewhere with a purpose.

Curiously, she asked, "Where are you all going?"

Marisa, being her usual self, replied with a grin, "We're heading up into the mountains."

Alice followed Marisa's gaze and noticed the red mist enveloping the mountain. With a thoughtful expression, she made up her mind, stating, "I'd like to tag along as well."

Marisa's cheerfulness wasn't dampened by the addition of another member. "Sure thing!" she responded, acknowledging the extra help they were gaining for their expedition.


As the group continued their journey, their path led them to an unexpected encounter with a silver-haired maid. Sakuya Izayoi stood before them, drenched from the rain, her normally impeccable appearance marred by the weather.

Sakuya's inquisitive gaze swept over the assembled group. "Why do I find so many of you gathered here?" she inquired, her curiosity evident in her voice.

Reimu responded matter-of-factly, "We're here to solve an incident."

Sakuya's expression shifted as she seemed to understand the situation. "I see," she said, her tone resolute. The rain had undoubtedly disrupted her duties at the Scarlet Devil Mansion, and her determination to remedy the situation shone through. "Let me tag along too," she declared, her decision made.


As they progressed on their path, the group unexpectedly encountered another figure: a shinigami named Komachi Onozuka. She was strolling, a smile adorning her face as she observed the assembled group.

Komachi's remark was light-hearted, "Well, what's this? Are you all having some sort of parade?"

"We're headed to investigate the mist above the mountain," Reimu explained succinctly, knowing that Komachi, as a shinigami, likely had insight into the situation.

Komachi's expression shifted to one of understanding. She nodded knowingly as if sharing the collective sentiment. "Ah, I see," she said. It was evident that she, too, had been affected by the incident and was keen on seeking out the truth.

"I'd like to join you on this venture," Komachi announced with determination. Her desire for retribution against the perpetrator was palpable, and her decision to accompany the group was made with a firm resolve.


As the group pressed forward, their numbers swelled as Reisen Udongein Inaba decided to join their cause, adding her strength and abilities to the effort.

Their journey through the Yokai Mountain drew the attention of numerous youkai. These supernatural beings watched with a mix of awe and trepidation as the group of formidable individuals moved with purpose, leaving an indelible impression on those they passed.

Amidst the mountain's landscape, they encountered Aya Shameimaru, who seemed eager to partake in the unfolding events. United in their mission, they collectively ascended the mountain's slopes.


"I came to warn that a major earthquake is happening," said Iku Nagae with confidence to the group.

"You're not the culprit?" Reimu asked Iku, causing her to shake her head and continue.

Iku spoke poetically, "We are messengers from the Dragon Palace. We swim in the sky to warn of an impending disaster. The scarlet mist is volatile, and the scarlet sky is a harbinger of the approaching calamity. The scarlet clouds will shake the earth. We swim to transmit these things." Kusa sneezed in response.

"She said she's just a messenger," Kusa summarized and told the group.

"I see... thanks, Kusa," replied Reimu wryly, looking at Kusa perched in her blossom. Marisa gave her a dirty look, causing Reimu to smile wryly.

"Do you know how to prevent it? We've already experienced an earthquake," Marisa said to Iku, leaving her stunned. Marisa's statement left Iku dumbfounded.

"What...?" Iku was not expecting that answer and exclaimed in surprise.

"What...?" All of them were surprised by Iku's reaction and exclaimed in surprise.


"I get it now, she's at fault, but the priority is the earthquake!" Iku exclaimed, massaging her temples in frustration. She struggled between telling the truth and the urgency of the upcoming disaster.

Piqued with interest, Reimu searched for more information about the individual Iku was talking about. She aimed to discover the person responsible for the chaos.

However, Iku stood firm and declared, "Beat me first!" She felt the need to protect her student from unpredictable threats, invoking a sense of determination within her. Looking at the group's battle-ready expressions and dangerous weapons, Iku reconsidered her actions. She scoffed, realizing the high level of intensity the confrontation might have.

But later, her determination faltered. "Go ahead and ascend into the clouds," Iku revealed Tenshi Hinawi's name and acknowledged that there were battles that others were better suited to face. She had decided not to test her strength against the ten individuals before her.

Reimu smiled to express gratitude for Iku's change of heart. She watched as Iku walked away, honoring her choice to let her student face the results of her behavior.

After determining their plan of action, the group kept moving ahead, leaving Iku and her inner battles behind, almost as though they had offered her a brief break from what was about to happen.


The group found themselves in an ethereal realm, and Reimu couldn't help but marvel at the serene surroundings. "So this is heaven?" she muttered, her gaze taking in the peaceful beauty that surrounded them. The air was filled with tranquility, and the landscape was adorned with pristine white flowers. In the distance, cheerful voices could be heard, adding to the otherworldly ambiance.

"White flowers, as far as the eye can see," Marisa observed, her imagination running wild with thoughts of future possibilities.

Their reverie was interrupted by the arrival of Tenshi, who made a grand entrance from an elevated position atop a massive rock. With a fiery sword in hand, she descended with determination in her dark red eyes and long blue hair flowing behind her. Her attire consisted of a blue dress and brown boots, while an apron adorned her dress. Atop her head sat a distinctive black hat, embellished with peaches.

"It appears I've succeeded!" Tenshi declared triumphantly, her fiery energy evident as she landed gracefully before the group.

"I've been wondering this from the start, but why is almost everyone I've met a girl?!" Kusa exclaimed in exasperation, her frustration evident. She was genuinely perplexed by the gender distribution of the individuals she had encountered, realizing that the majority seemed to be female. "I mean, the only handsome boy I've met is the Sun! And no offense to Rinnosuke, but he's not exactly the pinnacle of male attractiveness," she grumbled, her frustration bubbling over.

Her outburst left the others speechless, and they exchanged bewildered glances, seemingly realizing the same fact for the first time – that Gensokyo did indeed seem to be populated mostly by females.

"I can't answer that one," Tenshi replied, her tone tinged with amusement. Even as a celestial being, she was aware of the uneven gender balance within her realm.

"Kusa, behave," Marisa scolded gently, intervening as she pinched Kusa's cheeks playfully. Kusa responded with a mock pout and allowed herself to be pulled away from Reimu's embrace.

Tenshi, meanwhile, continued her theatrical entrance undeterred. "Where am I... Oh right!" she exclaimed dramatically, as if remembering her purpose for being there.

"It appears I have succeeded in gathering you all here!" Tenshi declared grandly, her sense of accomplishment evident as she held herself in high regard for managing to assemble them.

"Are you responsible for the incidents?" Reimu cut to the chase, her tone sharp as she sought confirmation from Tenshi. She was prepared to confront Tenshi and put an end to the disturbances.

"Yes! I hail from the illustrious Hinanawi clan, dwellers of the heavens! Our days are filled with singing, singing, drinking, dancing, and singing some more, in endless repetition. Life in the heavens is truly carefree," Tenshi proclaimed dramatically.

"Okay, and?" Reimu responded, her expression unchanged as she failed to grasp Tenshi's point.

"That's not the reaction you're supposed to have!!!" Tenshi exclaimed in frustration, her carefully laid-out plan for dramatic revelation seemingly falling flat in the face of Reimu's nonchalant response.

"I destroyed your shrine!" Tenshi declared, her finger pointing accusingly as she claimed responsibility for the havoc.

Reimu, however, maintained her calm demeanor and simply shook her head. "Nope, still standing," she rebutted, her words cutting through Tenshi's assertion.

"Eh?" Tenshi's brows furrowed in confusion, her confidence faltering as she registered that the shrine was, in fact, not destroyed.

A palpable silence settled among the group, all eyes fixed on the unfolding drama. Unbeknownst to them, Kusa had discreetly edged closer, seizing the opportunity to absorb the fiery energy emanating from Tenshi's sword lodged in the ground.

"Hold on a minute," Tenshi interjected, her tone shifting as she retrieved items from her bag – a paper and glasses – then began reading from the paper.

She extended the paper to Reimu, indicating a specific line. "This is your cue. Read this line and wait for me to pause before you respond," Tenshi instructed, her cryptic direction leaving everyone puzzled.

Reimu, intrigued by the unfolding theater, nodded and embraced her role in Tenshi's unusual scenario. Onlookers grabbed items and snacks to make themselves comfortable on the sidelines, fully expecting a captivating performance.

Once Tenshi returned to her place and looked at Reimu with anticipation, the scene was set. Reimu took her cue and played her part with gusto. "You're making me jealous. Are you bragging?!" she exclaimed, her words laced with emotion, convincingly portraying her role as a character rife with frustration.

The audience erupted in applause, thoroughly impressed by Reimu's acting prowess. Tenshi acknowledged Reimu's performance with an appreciative nod, ready to dazzle with her theatrical skills.

"What are you even talking about? I was practically dying of boredom!" Tenshi exclaimed, feigning exasperation as she conversed with a pretend simpleton.

"I decided to descend to the surface and observe as you gallivanted around with various youkai." Tenshi continued, her tone dramatic as she painted a picture of her supposed reason for coming down.

Reimu, still in her role, responded, her wry smile indicative of the battles she often found herself in. "I wouldn't exactly call it 'gallivanting.' More like intense battles."

As the play unfolded, Marisa's attention was divided between the drama and her curiosity about Kusa. She noticed a glimmer in the grass in the distance and ventured closer to investigate. There, she found Kusa, blissfully hugging a sword that emitted flames.

"Where did you get that sword, Kusa?" Marisa questioned, intrigued by the fiery weapon.

"I'm not entirely sure, but it feels great~," Kusa replied contentedly, seemingly absorbed in the sword's warmth.

Meanwhile, Tenshi and Reimu resumed their performance, skillfully weaving the narrative before the climax of their act.

"Oh, that first part was just to test things out," Tenshi explained, a hint of pride in her voice.

"Now, it's time for the real deal," Tenshi declared, creating a suspenseful atmosphere that captured the audience's attention, leaving them eagerly awaiting the showdown.

"My Hisou no Tsurugi [Blade of Scarlet Thought] is a sword that can reveal a person's true nature," Tenshi explained with a confident smile, showcasing her role with flair.

"Then, I gather the scarlet mist like this--" Tenshi's smile turned into bewilderment as she realized her sword was missing. She searched around frantically, her panic evident as she realized her prop was nowhere to be seen.

"Where's my sword?!!" Tenshi's exclamation echoed through the area as she failed to locate her missing prop. Her attachment to the sword was clear, even in the midst of the play.

"Ehh!!! Where did it go?" Tenshi scrambled around, her frustration growing as she found no trace of the sword's presence. Even the heat it emitted was absent.

"Did I lose it?!" Tenshi questioned herself, doubting her memory and actions.

"Wait! I think I left it at my house," Tenshi suddenly realized, her face paling as she comprehended her mistake. In her eagerness to perform, she had forgotten her prop at home.

Without further delay, Tenshi dashed off toward her house, leaving the onlookers in stunned silence.

"Is this some kind of play or performance?" Youmu turned to Yuyuko, seeking an explanation for the unfolding chaos.

"I'm not entirely sure, but it's quite entertaining," Yuyuko replied nonchalantly, continuing to enjoy her apple.

Amid the confusion, a reality gap opened, and Yukari stepped out with a bemused expression. "It seems quite a crowd has gathered here," she remarked, her enigmatic smile hinting at her awareness of the situation.

"Oh... Yukari!" Reimu greeted as she saw Yukari's arrival, relief evident on her face.

"Are you also here to resolve the incident?" Reimu inquired, seeking clarification from Yukari. Yukari simply nodded in response, her mysterious aura as present as ever.

Just as the conversation continued, Tenshi reappeared on the scene, visibly sweating and distressed.

"I couldn't find the sword, and my family is quite upset with me," Tenshi admitted, her voice cracking as she fought back tears of frustration.

Marisa, holding Kusa, offered a different sword to Tenshi—one without any flames—and calmly stated, "Here's your sword."

"Wait, where did you find this?" Tenshi questioned, recognizing the sword as her own, but puzzled by the absence of its flames.

"It was buried amidst a garden of flowers," Marisa explained nonchalantly, maintaining a straight face while fabricating the story.

"Ohh... I see," Tenshi responded with a mixture of doubt and acceptance, realizing that she had been outwitted but deciding to play along.

With her prop sword returned, Tenshi regained her composure and turned her attention back to the performance.

"Let's continue, Shrine Maiden!" Tenshi declared with renewed energy, her voice resounding as she prepared to carry on with the show.

Tenshi's fingertip traced the blade of her sword, reigniting its flames, as she continued her dramatic performance. "And then I gathered scarlet mist like this," she narrated, demonstrating by drawing the mist into her blade until it was fully absorbed.

With a resolute motion, Tenshi thrust her sword into the ground, triggering yet another earthquake. "And the energy gathered in the sky causes the earth to shake," she explained, the pride in her voice evident.

"Furthermore, it shifts the keystones beneath my feet," Tenshi added triumphantly, her vantage point now above the floating keystone as she looked down at Reimu.

"Before long, all of Gensokyo will tremble!" Tenshi declared with unwavering confidence, believing in the potency of her plan.

"Hmph, it's all just a game to you, isn't it?" Reimu responded with a sigh, seemingly unimpressed by Tenshi's theatrics.

"Regardless of how your scheme plays out, you're the one who triggered the earthquake. Whether you're a celestial or simply a strange individual, my duty remains clear. I must bring you down!" Reimu declared, her determination echoing her past battles.

The onlookers joined in, enthusiastically cheering for Reimu's resolve. Blushing and somewhat flustered by the unexpected support, Reimu shot a retort back at them. "Hey, enough of that!!"

"Ufufu," Tenshi's laughter reverberated, matching her excitement as the drama reached its peak.

"Perfect, perfect! This is the enthusiasm I've been craving!" Tenshi praised, delighted by the fervor of the moment.

"I refuse to be trapped in the monotonous life of a celestial any longer. Today marks the end of that boredom!" Tenshi proclaimed with fiery determination.

"From the sky's weather to the earth's stability, and even the hearts of humanity, all of them are within my grasp," Tenshi flexed her powers, exuding confidence.

"Display the same weather that has vanquished countless youkai before me!" Tenshi's challenge marked the transition from show to genuine battle.

Unbeknownst to Tenshi, Iku loomed behind her, her expression a mix of anger and disappointment. "What are you playing at?!" Iku's voice carried frustration, her irritation directed at the misuse of the keystone.

In an abrupt anticlimax, Iku swung her hand, bringing it down on Tenshi's head with a swift, unceremonious chop. Tenshi collapsed, and the grand finale of the spectacle abruptly deflated.

"Such an underwhelming ending!" The collective dissatisfaction of the onlookers resonated in their voiced disappointment, as the drama's conclusion left them wanting more.

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