Grass Story

Chapter 19: Another shrine.

In the tranquil confines of the Hakurei Shrine, Kusa, Marisa, and Reimu engaged in a conversation about the dwindling number of visitors to the shrine. Reimu, ever the shrine maiden, expressed her concern over the sudden decline in pilgrims seeking solace and guidance.

Marisa, always quick with her words, chimed in with her assessment, "Hey, Reimu, Kusa's been doing a great job improving the path here, and you're like a local celebrity in the village. People practically flock here. Could it be the wine that's keeping them away?"

Reimu's gaze bore a mix of skepticism and amusement at Marisa's suggestion, but she couldn't completely discount the possibility.

Meanwhile, Kusa found herself engaged in playful interaction with a vine, her thoughts seemingly elsewhere. Unbeknownst to the others, a subtle realization had settled in her mind – an inkling that the mountain shrine might be playing a role in the unusual situation at hand.

As the conversation progressed, an unexpected voice echoed from outside the shrine's walls, drawing the trio's attention. With curiosity piqued, they ventured outside to encounter a newcomer, a girl with light green hair and an attire resembling that of a shrine maiden, adorned in a blend of blue and white fabric adorned with gentle polka dots and stripes.

As the trio listened to the girl's message, Sanae's words left a heavy impression. She delivered her ultimatum with a surprising nonchalance, speaking of shutting down the shrine as if it were a mere inconvenience. With her message delivered, the girl turned to leave the shrine grounds, leaving a sense of tension in her wake.

Kusa couldn't help but comment on the messenger's demeanor, her voice laced with a hint of irony. Marisa, however, remained focused on the gravity of the situation. "Yeah, nice messenger, but the message ain't so nice," she replied, her tone determined.

Reimu's shock was palpable as the words sank in. "Closing the shrine down?!" she exclaimed, disbelief clear in her voice. She quickly regained her composure, realizing the importance of maintaining the Hakurei Barrier that her shrine was intricately tied to.

Seeing an opportunity to take action, Marisa suggested a direct approach. "So, we beat them up?" she asked with a mischievous grin, her readiness for a confrontation evident.

Reimu's resolve was unwavering as she affirmed Marisa's suggestion. "Of course! You can't just throw rude words around and expect no consequences. We'll make sure they know that," she declared firmly.

Kusa, however, seemed fatigued and reluctant to engage. She contemplated offering an excuse, but Marisa had other plans. "Nope, you're coming with me," she stated matter-of-factly.

With a sigh, Kusa acquiesced and transformed into her tiny form, seemingly resigned to accompany Marisa. As the conversation continued, Reimu sought more information from Kusa. "Do you know where she came from, Kusa?"

Kusa's reply was straightforward. "It's from the mountain."

With a shared determination, Reimu and Marisa exchanged a glance before nodding resolutely. "Let's go," Reimu declared, her sense of duty propelling her into action.

Under the bright sky, Reimu and Marisa took to the air, their flight toward the mountain propelled by a sense of purpose. The wind rushed past them as they soared through the open air, heading toward the source of the provocative message that had stirred them to action.


As they continued their journey, Marisa and Kusa remained alert, their senses attuned to any potential threats.

Reimu's keen perception caught the faint rustling of leaves, a telltale sign of incoming movement. "Looks like they've sent some welcoming committee," she remarked, her voice laced with a touch of amusement.

Marisa smirked confidently. "Well, they're in for a surprise. We've dealt with fairies countless times before," she said, her fingers twitching as if eager for the encounter.

As the fairies materialized before them, the two were ready. Kusa's approach to handling them was swift and precise. She sent a surge of energy into the roots beneath her, a cascade of actions that culminated in a calculated burst of power. The roots shot upwards, their trajectory predetermined to intercept the approaching fairies.

With a series of precise calculations and controlled manipulation, the roots pierced through the air with incredible speed, hitting their targets with unerring accuracy. Fairies tumbled through the air, their surprised cries filling the clearing.

Amid the confrontation, another figure appeared, standing calmly amidst the chaos. The newcomer's red dress seemed to mimic the hues of autumn leaves, blending seamlessly with the forest backdrop. Her presence exuded an air of quiet confidence as she observed the unfolding events.

Reacting with the precision born of experience, she summoned a large root from the ground, deftly ensnaring the girl named Shizuha in its grasp.

"Kusa, you're taking this a bit too far!" Shizuha's plea carried a mix of desperation and genuine concern. Her cries filled the air as she was thrown somewhere beyond their sight, leaving echoes that hung in the forest.

Marisa's eyebrows arched in skepticism. "Was that necessary?"

Kusa shrugged nonchalantly. "She was being annoying."

Reimu's voice cut through the exchange, redirecting their focus. "Alright, let's keep moving."

The trio pressed forward, their determination unshaken by the encounter. Fairies continued to flit around them, attempting to impede their progress. Kusa dealt with them effortlessly, swatting them away like bothersome insects. The fairies would respawn, after all, their efforts were ultimately futile.

As they navigated the forest, another figure came into view. This girl's red eyes and blond hair were offset by her vibrant attire, a yellow blouse paired with a red dress adorned with a wheat pattern. Her hat, topped with a cluster of blue grapes, added an unconventional touch to her appearance.

Minoriko's inquiry carried a touch of curiosity, her gaze fixed on Kusa as she posed her question. Kusa responded with a simple explanation, introducing her friends to the goddess of harvest.

"They're my friends," Kusa replied, her tone light and casual.

The concern in Minoriko's expression eased as Kusa assured her that her companions posed no threat. "That's a relief. I was worried I might end up as someone's snack."

Kusa chuckled. "No worries. They're not into that."

Curiosity sparked within the conversation as Minoriko sought information. "Have you seen my sister, Shizuha? She tends to wander off."

Kusa nodded, pointing in a vague direction. "She seemed to be heading that way."

Minoriko sighed in exasperation. "I swear, that girl's sense of direction..."

With a warm smile, Minoriko introduced herself, revealing her identity as the goddess of harvest. Reimu and Marisa greeted her in return.

"Nice to meet you, Minoriko," Reimu acknowledged with a nod.

Marisa chimed in with a more casual greeting. "Sup!"

Minoriko seemed to sense the urgency of their mission. "I won't keep you any longer. Good luck on your journey."

Kusa waved casually. "Bye-bye."

As the encounter concluded, the trio continued their journey deeper into the mountainous terrain.

Hina's aquamarine hair and eyes caught the group's attention as they encountered her. Her distinctive appearance was accompanied by the red bows adorning her hair and the frilly details of her dress. The "厄" kanji swirl on her dress hinted at her association with misfortune.

Upon recognizing Kusa, Hina greeted her with a simple acknowledgment. "Kusa?"

Kusa's response was equally warm. "Hina!"

Hina's surprise was evident, her aquamarine eyes wide. "I didn't expect to see anyone else attempting to ascend the mountain. Your concealment is quite effective."

Kusa brushed off the observation with a casual reply. "Just a minor detail."

Hina seemed to accept the explanation, though a hint of skepticism remained. "I suppose so..."

Kusa's presence appeared to be a factor in Hina's decision-making. "Since you're with Kusa, I'll allow the two of you to proceed up the mountain."

Reimu and Marisa expressed their gratitude for the permission.

"Thank you," Reimu said appreciatively.

Marisa followed suit with a nod. "Yeah, thanks!"

As the group continued their ascent up the mountain, they came across a young girl with distinctive blue hair and eyes. Her outfit was adorned with practical pockets and a backpack that hinted at her affinity for tools. Nitori's appearance was completed by her green hat and blue Wellington boots, along with the cattail she carried.

Nitori's reaction to Kusa's presence was a mix of surprise and fear. She initially hid in the bushes but cautiously emerged upon Kusa's reassurance.

"Don't worry, Nitori. They won't hurt you," Kusa offered comforting words.

With Kusa's encouragement, Nitori ventured out of the bushes, her apprehension easing as she interacted with the group.

"Really?" Nitori asked tentatively.

Kusa affirmed her statement. "Yes, that's why it's okay."

As Nitori introduced herself, Kusa, Reimu, and Marisa learned that she was a kappa named Nitori Kawashiro.

Reimu extended a warm greeting. "Nice to meet you, Nitori. I'm Hakurei Reimu, a shrine maiden of the Hakurei shrine."

Marisa followed suit, introducing herself as well. "I'm Marisa Kirisame, a magician!"

Nitori returned their gestures, bowing politely before offering her hand for a handshake. The interactions seemed to alleviate any concerns she had initially harbored.

Curious about Nitori's presence on the mountain, Kusa inquired, "Why are you here, Nitori?"

Nitori explained her worries, expressing her desire to prevent humans from ascending the mountain due to its dangers. However, upon realizing that Kusa was present, she seemed reassured.

"But I have a request for you," Nitori continued her curiosity and intention sparking the group's intrigue.

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