GoT: A New God's Conquest

Chapter 46: Chapter 46 - Gabriel

Disclaimer: I own nothing but my original characters and works; all other characters and worlds belong to their respective owners.


"Father, you're back!" Gabriel chimed, flapping her wings as she flew through Seventh Heaven, gently landing on his lap.

For entirely obvious reasons, Gabriel was the only Seraph he'd allowed to come and go from his private domain as she pleased. And Lux didn't mind at all that the most beautiful woman in heaven seemed to find his body as the most comfortable seat around.

"Sorry, dear, I've been neglecting my precious children, haven't I?" Lux said, swiping the holographic screens of Heaven's System aside as he enjoyed the feeling of an especially curvy angel getting herself situated between his legs.

"Mm, as long as you're here now," Gabriel purred, nuzzling into his chest as he couldn't stop himself from stroking her silky hair.

"Heh, that's right, and I think we should make the most out of this alone time we've got," Lux agreed, a hand slipping under the small white dress the beautiful angel wore. "But first, tell me how our recent guests are doing," he asked, Gabriel's eyes lighting up towards that topic.

Father, little Asia is just too precious. She's looking forward to meeting you," the blonde gushed, making him chuckle.

"Maybe you could introduce us tomorrow," Lux suggested, her radiant smile growing at those words, only for a frown to replace it on her pretty face as her thoughts turned to the darker matters.

"The orphans of the Holy Sword Project don't trust us after all they've been through. I only wish we could have saved them sooner," Gabriel told him, sighing.

"It's to be expected; give them time, and I'm sure they'll come around once they understand Heaven had nothing to do with the torture they've experienced," Lux reassured the beauty in his arms before asking his next question. "How did Michael deal with the ones behind the experiments?"

"After sending the children away, Brother wiped the facilities clean, staff and all," Gabriel answered, a wicked grin on her face that only added to the Seraph's elegance.

"Good, I'll have to make sure their souls understand the sins they've committed," Lux commented, an evil smile of his own forming.

But that could be put aside for later. Now, he was only focused on the delectably plump hips that he'd been exploring this whole time, his hand sliding towards the sacred garden only covered by the thinnest of cloths.

Only for a lithe hand hiding tremendous strength to stop him just before reaching the promised land.

"Of course, I'm yours in my entirety, but could you tell me who you really are first?" Gabriel asked, sending him a devastating look with her big, watery eyes.

Damn, hearing that from such a woman was something else, and if his divine physiology were capable of it, Lux figured his heart may have fluttered at those words.

And so enamored by the first part of the gorgeous woman's sentence, he only realized what she'd asked after a second of pause. Shit, was his acting really so bad that a being bound to his will had already figured him out?

"Don't pout; I can still call you father if that's what you wish. Unless you'd prefer something less formal… maybe Daddy would please such a lustful god?" Gabriel tried soothing his frayed ego. Though he absolutely had not been pouting.

"Heh, those are some bold words for a millennia-old virgin." Lux raised an eyebrow at the angel's offer, her face going red at the factual statement.

"Hmph, Daddy's such a meany, not even answering my question," the virgin angel teased, her half-lidded gaze and the way she called him 'Daddy' making his divine blood rush south.

"You're playing a dangerous game, my dear. Daddy might just have to give you a spanking for that," he shot back, trying to calm down little Lux before he ended up distracted from the conversation that seemed important to the blushing angel. "But getting back to your question, I guess I might as well formally introduce myself," he grinned, taking her left hand before placing a soft kiss on her ring finger. "Lux Tenebris, future ruler of the multiverse, at your service."

"Lux, such a pretty name," Gabriel commented, making his eye twitch. Lux was a unisex name, and that was the story he'd be sticking with. "So, my lord Lux, how did you find yourself taking over as the ruler of heaven? And how has such a powerful god gone unnoticed until now?"

"Well, that's a long and overly complicated story that even I can't entirely explain. In short, I'm not from this world. In fact, this likely isn't the same reality as the one I was born to." Lux easily glossed over his backstory, but even that partial truth had the Seraph's eyes going wide.

"Another world?" Gabriel almost hesitantly asked.

"Yes, I'm sure you've realized that there are worlds and existences beyond comprehension out there; otherwise, Great Red wouldn't be spending his time so diligently guarding the dimensional gap."

Gabriel shook her head. "It's not that I don't believe you, Father, it's just surprising. But that still doesn't answer how Heaven's System recognized you as its overseer."

"Ah, now that's something easily explained. You see, one of the gods I was born from reigned over the same domain as your creator. Though his influence wasn't tied to a single planet, not even a single dimension for that matter," Lux told the gaping angel, his so-called easy explanation leaving her baffled.

"Does that answer your questions?" he asked after giving Gabriel a moment to gather herself.

"Mmn, that will have to do for now," the beauty nodded, his hand already inching closer to the prize. "But one last thing," she interrupted his lecherous groping. "Will you let me see your true form?"

Lux sighed; were all his secrets useless in front of this stunning woman?

"I can't keep anything from you, can I?" he grumbled before letting the darkness he'd been keeping suppressed out, his opposing divinities returning to their perfect equilibrium, the pitch-black coloring in his hair and eyes balancing out the pure gold.

"H-How... I didn't know such harmony between light and darkness was possible. It's beautiful," Gabriel mumbled, once again making him grumble. Sure, he may be beautiful, but stunningly handsome was a better description in his modest opinion.

"Yes, yes, I know I'm amazing; now let's get things heading back on track to before your little interrogation," Lux humbly waved off his angel's awe.

"Mau, Father's so demanding," Gabriel mock whined, any further comments cut off as he stole the angel's first kiss, his tongue breaking into her sweet mouth after a light touch over her covered core had the beauty gasping.

"Tell me, my beautiful Gabriel, when did you figure out my little lie?" Lux decided to get to the bottom of things before fully indulging in his lust.

"The moment you loosened our chains, I knew. Yahweh would have never given even an inch of his control away," Gabriel answered, looking smug after touting her deductive reasoning. "But if it wasn't for that, I might have fallen on our first meeting with your incessant groping."

Ah, so once again it was his dick throwing a wrench into his plans.

Whatever, it's not like there would be any consequences, and surely his lust wouldn't cause him any future problems, he told himself, ignoring any concerns as he got back to what was important. Specifically, the amazing pair of tits his hands were occupied with and the lovely moans his angel let out at his ministrations.

But it wouldn't do to take his angel's first time on the Throne of Heaven, a flash of light transporting the both of them to the master bedroom he'd recently created after that thought, their clothes lost in transit, and Gabriel's huge breasts gloriously bouncing around from the light fall.

"Please, Father, make me yours," Gabriel begged, the head of his cock toying with her immaculate pussy lips.

Eh? hadn't she already said she was his in her entirety?

But Lux figured that now wasn't the time for semantics. He didn't want to ruin the mood while the gorgeous angel seemed so enthusiastic about her soon-to-be defilement.

Not keeping his needy adopted daughter waiting, Lux pressed forward, a connection deeper than the one he'd gained after claiming Heaven's System forming by itself after burying himself to the hilt in the Seraph's holy quim.

Heh, he wondered how many out there in the supernatural community would want his head after finding out the goddess in their hearts was now his woman. It was something to look forward to for sure.


"Daddy, why couldn't we have gone to Disney World?" Cassi whined as they strolled through Times Square.

"We can always go another time. Besides, I have a feeling something more interesting than visiting that tourist trap will be happening around here," Lux told his disgruntled daughter, a cute pout still on her face.

He could only guess this feeling had something to do with his ever-growing divinity, and since he sensed no danger, he decided to just go with the flow and see what came up. It was also a good chance to make a father-daughter day out of it, his three girls feeling more than a little cooped up with all the time they'd spent in the palace.

Making sure his girls were preoccupied with their snacks instead of causing trouble, Lux led the way, hoping the premonition he was getting wasn't for nothing.

—Sally Jackson

She'd messed up. She should have known that Percy would gain the monster's attention sooner than normal.

But it was a bit too late for regrets now, the car-sized hounds rapidly gaining ground on them, each step leaving cracked concrete behind the beasts as wisps of flames shot from their nostrils.

Sally knew running was entirely useless. Even with her motherly adrenaline allowing her to carry her son while at full sprint, there was no hope in outpacing the underworld's hunters.

Trying to break line of sight, she turned into a tight alley, fully aware that the dogs wouldn't lose their scent so easily. But she couldn't give up; not when her precious child only had her to rely on.

And so caught up in her panic, it wasn't until she was halfway down the corridor that Sally noticed she wasn't alone. A group of four carelessly wandering in her direction.

If the situation were different, she might have paused at the stranger's appearances: a man that looked to be in his late twenties and three young girls at his side, each so attractive that if death wasn't at her heels, she wouldn't have mistaken them for normal humans.

"Run!" she tried to warn, knowing the Mist would prevent any mortals from realizing the approaching danger.

It was of no use, though. The man probably thought her to be one of the many crazies wandering the streets of New York, and as she almost felt the disgusting breath of the Hell Hounds on her neck, the man's next action had her reeling.

"Aqua, I choose you," the man said, grabbing the blue-haired girl by the back of her dress and tossing the girl down the alley.

"No!" she cried, helpless as the child soared over her head.

As a mother, she couldn't bear the thought of the girl's fate, but the next second, Sally froze. Instead of being forced to witness an innocent child mauled to bits and pieces by the pursuing hounds, the area behind exploded into a torrent of raging waters, what sounded like the whimpering of drowning puppies carrying over the rushing tides.

If the monsters hadn't been after her son, she might have felt a little sympathy for the tortured wails still echoing between the buildings.

Still in a daze, Sally watched as the waters receded like they'd never been there, only leaving behind three steaming corpses that quickly turned to ash after their final breath left them.

Looking down at her son, his head still buried in her chest, Sally couldn't believe what happened. Had they really been saved? And by a little girl who looked to be younger than her own child at that?

"A little overkill, baby girl, but I'll give you points for style," the man's smooth chuckle brought her back to reality, his nonchalance making her send a glare his way.

"What were you thinking?! She could have died!" Sally couldn't help herself from berating the irresponsible man. It reminded her too much of how the gods sent their children on death-defying adventures without care.

"Really? That's what you're concerned with?" The man deadpanned, making her blush as she watched the little girl happily skip over from her victory.

"Of course I'm worried about…" she began, trailing off after her frazzled mind caught up with the recent events. These people weren't normal, and for all she knew they could be eldritch abominations in human form. "Never mind, thank you for saving us," Sally decided not to continue chiding her unknown saviors.

"You're very welcome, my dear. I couldn't just stand by and watch when such a gorgeous woman needed help," the man gave her a smile that had her face flushing red. Damn her infatuation with powerful and handsome men. That was what had gotten her into this trouble to begin with.

Trying to hide her blush, Sally ignored the beautiful man to focus on what was important. "Everything's okay now, Percy; don't be afraid," she soothed, setting her sniffling son down and hoping this traumatic day wouldn't leave any scars.

"I wasn't afraid," Percy claimed, wiping the snot from his face before curiously looking at the trio of girls close to his age.

"My name's Sally Jackson, and this is my son, Percy. Again, thank you for saving us," she decided to get the conversation moving, hoping there wouldn't be a high price to pay for their rescue. She knew how fickle and demanding gods could be, and for now, she'd have to assume that the man in front of her was one of them.

"Lux Tenebris, and these are my daughters: Delphi, Cassi, and finally, the little Hell Hound slayer, Aqua," the now-named Lux introduced with a slight bow and that attractive smile still on his face, his eyes turning to Percy after giving her a wink.

"Ah, finding a son of Poseidon out in the wild is quite the rarity," Lux commented, her blood running cold as she reached to hold Percy close. She knew there would be consequences if that fact ever came to light.

"What do you want?" She growled, the man only seeming amused by her defensiveness.

"If I wanted anything, I would have already taken it," her savior easily waved off her concerns. "I was only curious why a demigod wasn't safe at Camp Half-Blood."

"My son is all I have, and I won't send my son to such a dangerous place while he's still so young," Sally defended herself, the look he gave her making her feel stupid.

"And you still feel the same after today?"

"I have a plan to keep my son safe; all I have to do is find a mortal that will keep the monster's noses away," she felt the need to explain herself for some reason, placing her hands over Percy's ears so he wouldn't have to worry.

"Such a distasteful solution," Lux shook his head, the pitying look he gave her not doing anything to make her rethink her choices. She'd do whatever it took to keep Percy safe and by her side. But the man's next words had her at a loss.

"There's another option. You could come with me; I wouldn't want to see a beautiful mother and a son with such potential end up living in squalor," he offered, the simple words making her go numb.

Would it really be this simple? No, it couldn't be.

"I—I thought gods weren't allowed to get involved with mortals?" she hesitantly asked, hoping to be proven wrong.

"Hmph, there's more out there in the supernatural world than those fools on Mount Olympus," her savior snorted, and she could hear the disdain dripping from his words.

Should she ask for Poseidon's opinion? No, he'd done nothing but give her the gift that was Percy.

"The choice is yours," Lux interrupted her quiet contemplations, a golden portal leading who knows where opening before her eyes.

Sally looked at her son, still oblivious to the conversation with his ears covered. She couldn't let this chance go. Surely this would end up better than her original idea.

Letting out a deep breath, Sally's resolve firmed as she dragged her child into what might be the abyss.

She knew this might be the worst decision she'd ever made, but could a guy with such adorable daughters really be that bad?


Watching as the two stepped into his domain, Lux didn't bother hiding his patented evil grin, his daughters giving him odd looks before rolling their eyes in unison.

Heh, another hot MILF added to his collection.

Sucks to suck, Poseidon.

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