God’s Guide for Teasing Heroes

Chapter 7: Promising Adventurers and Needs

Narrator POV  



It has been 2 weeks since class 2-B has been summoned into an alternate world.  

Some of them had already left.  

The remaining 23 of the class were in an open training ground outside the castle.  

They had spent their time training with the soldiers in the capital.  

All of them are training hard and diligently  


They all have changed their clothes to more suitable ones for training.  

Most of them are wearing a simple shirt and tie-up pants or shorts.  



"I think it's about time for us to leave the castle."   

Said one of the boys who were resting with his 3 other friends.  

"Yeah, I feel that I got what it takes to fight with monster now." <Shunsho>  

Soga Shunsho said while swinging a short sword in his right hands  



"Well, I am used to using Bow now maybe we can manage?" <Hyobe>  

Amisaki Hyobe replied.  

He was resting together with two other boys, Wakuri Michio and Mita Eisuke  



Soga Shunsho brought out his status card from within his pocket.  

In the same way, the other 3 had individually taken their status card and checked their stats.  

"Status" <4 Boys>  














"With all the training this past week, my STR only increased by one" <Shunsho>  

"It seems that the soldiers were correct. My STR did increase by 1 point since I was summoned" <Shunsho>  

"My Dex Increased by 2" <Hyobe>  

"Whoa! 2 Points?! I only got 1 in my INT. But well, all I did was cast fireballs... I have not learned any new Skill either." <Michio>  

"It's good for you, my stat did not increase one bit." <Eisuke>  



The four boys went toward the old imperial magician who was watching their training from the side.  

"Hey Old-man Orga" <Shunsho>  

"Ah, Shunsho... what is it?"  

The Imperial magician replied to Shunsho  



"We are planning to leave and become adventurers." <Shunsho>  

"You want to become adventurers?" <Orga>  

"Yes." <Shunsho>  

"I was looking forward to you guys becoming part of the fighting force of the Empire but if you're ok with becoming an adventurer, I won’t stop you, boys." <Orga>  

"Really? you agreed easily?" <Shunsho>  

"We do not want to shackle you here in the castle, and we already let go of one of the most promising ones amongst you so it won't be fair if I stop you here now." <Orga>  

"Oh... Nice!" <Shunsho>  

"So? When are you planning to go?" <Orga>  

The imperial magician asked with   

"...Wait a bit, I'll ask my friends." <Shunsho>  



Shunsho went toward the 3 boys who were behind him.  

"The old man agreed, he was asking when are we planning to go." <Shunsho>  

"How about tomorrow?" <Eisuke>  

"I suppose tomorrow is alright, it's not as if we have something to do here in the castle anyway." <Michio>  

"You do have a point..." <Hyobe>  

"So, it's decided, we'll go by tomorrow then?" <Shunsho>  

"AGREED" <3 other>  



Shunsho returned to Orga after discussing their plans  

"We'll go tomorrow" <Shunsho>  

"I see, do you need anything before you go? Like Money, armor..." <Orga>  

“Wait for a bit.” <Shunsho>  

Just like what Shunsho did earlier, he turned around and conferred with his 3 friends who would be coming with him to become an adventurer.  

Shunsho did not want to decide things for himself.  

Since the four of them have never really discussed the specifics of their plans, Shunsho felt that he still has to consult with his friends before answering Orga.  

Shunsho ended up discussing things with his friends.  



After discussing things with his friends, the four decided to just ask Orga for 400-gold coins.  

When the four Otaku boys left the castle on the 3rd day when they got transported  

They only asked for 100 gold for each of them.  

There was a sense of pride that did not allow themselves to have more than the Otaku boys.  

The four boys did not want to ask for more than that.  

Hano asked Orga the worth of a hundred gold coins before.  

He said that 100 gold coins are equal to 10 Million Dal  

1 Small copper = 1 DAL  

1 Copper coin = 10 Dal  

1 Silver Coin = 1,000 Dal / 100 Copper Coin  

1 Gold Coin = 100,000 Dal / 100 Silver coin / 10,000 Copper Coin  




With 100 gold coins, you could buy a simple house near the edge of the city.  

On a smaller scale, 1 piece of small bread would be 1 copper coin <10 Dal>.  



The next morning.  



Wearing simple clothes and a simple sling bag hanging on their body, the four boys were about to go on their journey.  

"Here is your 100-gold coin." <Orga>  

Orga gave Shunsho 4 pouches full of gold.  

There was no need to say that Each of the pouches contains 100 pieces of gold.  



Shunsho took the four pouches of gold from Orga.  

Behind Orga were their classmates who are seeing them off.  

They have already said their goodbyes a moment ago and the only thing to do now is to turn around and leave.  

"Thanks, Old Man Orga" <Shunsho>  

It seemed that all of the heroes who had stayed in the castle had been comfortable with the imperial magician and treated him similar to a grandfather.  

Orga did not expect this kind of relationship with the heroes at first but he naturally became close with them without him noticing it.  



"Take care, boys..." <Orga>  

"Gacha!" <Shunsho>  

"No Problem" <Michio>  

"Yeah" <Hyobe>  

"No worries!" <Eisuke>  



Orga remembered something just as Shunsho was turning his back toward Orga.  

"Wait before I forget." <Orga>  

"What is it?" <Shunsho>  



"I suggest that it would be better to hide the fact that you are from another world." <Orga>  

"Eh? why?" <Shunsho>  

"People will start targeting you. You'll never know where enemies might lurk and if they knew that you are related to the heroes, they might create a dangerous situation for you." <Orga>  

"I see... Ok, we'll keep that in our mind, Anything else?" <Shunsho>  

"Ah, if people ask about your names being unique, just tell them that you came from the north, specifically the Fuyutochi Kingdom." <Orga>  

"From the north, Fuyutochi Kingdom... Ok got it." <Shunsho>  

Orga nods his head and smiled at them.  

"Alright, I guess you boys can go now. The guild is just up ahead. If you walk for about 15 minutes, you'll be able to find it by following the main road." <Orga>  

"Ok thanks, old man!" <Shunsho>  



Their other classmates also said their farewells to them.  

They made a final goodbye and waved toward Orga and their classmates who were waving them goodbye.  

The four boys turned around and started walking.   

They walked slowly while following the main road just like Orga had said.  

It took them about 20 minutes to arrive in a place that looked like a town square.  

There are a lot of stalls all around the place that resembled a lively makeshift marketplace.  



They noticed that two eye-catching buildings were standing right next to each other.  

Compared to the building around the place, it was the only building made of concrete that made it stand out.  

They walked toward the building and found that there are warrior-looking people that goes in and out of the two buildings.  



They entered one of the buildings and found out that it was a store.  

There are a lot of things in there like food, accessories, house decorations, Antiques, Weapons, Armor, and alike.  

There were a lot of things there that they have never seen before as well.  

They bought several things with their money.  

Things like weapons, clothes, and food.  

They also bought several potions and several tools that they felt necessary for their journey.  



After buying things for their journey, they checked the other building.  

There was a noticeable Bulletin board just in front of that building.  

They looked at it and found papers of request.  

"This building must be the guild, right?" <Shunsho>  

"I think so too..." <Eisuke>  

"Shall we go in?" <Michio>  

"yeah..." <Hyoube>  



Shunsho, Eisuke, Michio, and Hyobe went inside the building.  

They were greeted by a lot of tables.  

A lot of people seem to be dining there.  

They looked up and saw that there were 2 more floors over the bar.  



Directly in front of the door was a reception table.

Standing there was a beautiful woman wearing formal clothes.

The four boys looked at the woman who was wearing a neat-looking attire that will immediately remind you of a receptionist.  

The four boys went toward the woman without a problem as few people are eating their food in the bar.  

Most of those people are carrying weapons and wears all kind of armor.  

Those people look like veteran warriors.  

No one paid attention to the four boys and mind their own business at their respective tables.  



"Ummm miss." <Shunsho>  

"Yes? How can I help you, sir?" <Daniella>  

The girl standing over the reception table was a girl named Daniella.  

She smiled at the four boys who seemed to have something to do with the guild.  

"Is this place the adventurer's guild, right?" <Shunsho>  

Shunsho asked Daniella.  

"It is, what can the guild offer you today?" <Daniella>  

Daniella replied.  

The four boys looked at each other and nodded.  

"We want to register as adventurers." <Shunsho>  

"Hmnn, Hmnn I see Adventurer applicants." <Daniella>  

"Yes," <Shunsho>  

"I will be needing your status cards and payment of 1000 Dal for each one of you." <Daniella>  

"OK," <Shunsho>  



Shunsho turned around and asked for the other three's status cards and a silver coin.  

They started looking for their status cards in their sling bag and they gave their cards to Shunsho.  

Shunsho took a silver coin in his pouch and placed the fours' status card and four silver coins on the receptionist's table.  

"I have your status cards and received the exact amount... please wait a moment." <Daniella>  



Daniella took a stone and place it on the table.  

She took 4 pieces of paper that are about the size of a paper bill.  

She wrote the names of the boys on each paper.  

She placed one status card over the stone and registered the four of them one by one.  

Each time the paper would float and burn into nothing Shunsho and company would gasp with amazement.  

They are quite accustomed to seeing magic now but it was still amusing to see such a unique process of registering their application.  



Daniella continues talking to Shunsho.  

"Sir, Soga Shunsho, Amisaki Hyobe, Wakuri Michio, and Mita Eisuke. Congratulations from today onwards you are now part of the guild. May the god of fate bless you with a safe and prosperous adventuring life." <Daniella>  

"Thank you very much." <Shunsho>  

Shunsho bowed at the receptionist.  

Daniella smiled and introduced herself to the group.  

"I am looking forward to working with you. I am Daniella one of the guild's receptionists." <Daniella>  

"Nice to meet you, miss Daniella." <Shunsho>  

"Do you have any questions about being an adventurer?" <Daniella>  

"Nah, we're fine." <Shunsho>  

"I understand." <Daniella>  

"Ah, we also want to register our party is there a payment for it?" <Shunsho>  

"No, there is none ... I assume the four of you would be forming a party?" <Daniella>  

"yes." <Shunsho>  

"please write your names here and the party name" <Daniella>  

Daniella gave Shunsho a piece of paper.  

It was a simple, plain brown paper.  

Shunsho and the others had already decided to make the first syllables of their names mixed as the party name  




Orga had explained most of the things they needed to know about being an adventurer before they left the castle.  

They knew how many quests do they need to rank up and what things to avoid as an adventurer.  

Orga had already instructed them on the things to do in the guild.  

One of those things was to register their party once they have registered at the guild.  

Shunsho gave the paper to Daniella and placed it inside a book that is similar to a binder  



"Is there anything else sir Shunsho?" <Daniella>  

"Hmm... No, I think we're done. Thanks again miss Daniella." <Shunsho>  

Out of nowhere, Daniella said.  

"I can see that guys are not from around here?" <Daniella>  

Shunsho was surprised by the sudden question from Daniella.  

"Ah... ah... Yes! We came from the north! yes! from the north!" <Shunsho>  

He hurriedly replied.  



"I see, so you are from the same place as Miss Kazue" <Daniella>  

"Hmm? Kazue?" <Shunsho>  

Shunsho heard a familiar name from the receptionist, as a result, he repeated the name.  



"Oh, perhaps sir Shunsho knows about miss Kazue?" <Daniella>  

"Do you mean Mizusawa Kazue?" <Shunsho>  

"So, you do know miss Kazue, if that is the case, I would be expecting good things from your party." <Daniella>  

"... So, Kazue is doing just fine then?" <Shunsho>  

"Oh~ not just fine she's an excellent newcomer! The guild master has high expectations from her! She's a very promising talent!" <Daniella>  

"Ho~ I see Kazue sure is amazing" <Shunsho>  

"yeah, All the adventurers here have a good impression of miss Kazue...” <Daniella>  

Daniella pauses for a bit.  

“Although... she's doing weird things from time to time." <Daniella>  

"Weird?" <Shunsho>  

"Ah no don’t mind me." <Daniella>  

Daniella laughed after slipping out some unnecessary words from her mouth.  



"??... Thanks again miss Daniella." <Shunsho>  

"No Problem." <Daniella>  

The four boys shook Daniella's hands one by one while still blushing.  

They have seen beauties in the castle working as maids or knights but the receptionist, Daniella rivals them in terms of beauty.  

The four boys could not stop appreciating her beauty even after they went out of the guild.  



They went out and took several E-Rank quests from the bulletin board, Daniella registered this quest to their party.  

Most of them are subjugation quests.  

The group seemed to have chosen the E-ranked quest so that they would be able to rank up fast.  

They did not want to disappoint the beautiful receptionist and took the E-ranked quest.  

Daniella in turn then warned them of the risk of taking a higher-ranking quest but the boys did not mind.  



They took 3 Quest and went toward the forest.  


Forest Bear Subjugation, 0/5  

Giant Mantis Subjugation, 0/10  

Human Eating Snake, 0/5  



They wanted to rank up fast so they could catch up to Mizusawa Kazue and have a good image in the guild as she did.  

But the main reason for taking up quest higher than their rank was to impress the beautiful receptionist.  

And so, they went toward the northern gate where the Northern Artesia Forest is located.  



"Halt!" <Guard>  

A guard stopped the four boys.  

"You guys are new faces here where are you going?" <Guard>  

"We're going to the forest for our quest." <Shunsho>  

"Umu, so you are adventurers then?" <Guard>  

"Yeah..." <Shunsho>  

"I see, just be careful out there." <Guard>  

"Yeah." <Shunsho>  

"Ok sir~" <Michio>  

"Don't worry" <Hyobe>  

"bye" <Eisuke>  



They went toward the forest and looked for the monsters.  

They have reached the forest after 10 minutes of walking.  

There they saw a few slimes from time to time.   

They killed several slimes and checked if their level had increased.  

The four had decided that the slime does not give Exp. since after they have killed 20 slime  

But unfortunately, they did not.  

None of them leveled up.  

Then go deeper into the forest.  

They keep on seeing slime and killed them just to make sure if they give EXP. for them to level up.  

but as expected they checked their status card but their level did not go up.  



They have been walking for about an hour now and they are deep into the forest.  

Not long after they finally found their target.   

A brown bear that is about 3-meter-tall was eating a dear like a monster.  

After they saw the monster, they felt fear.  

They did not expect that in front of a real monster their feet would turn cold.  

They are shaking while bringing out the weapon they just bought in the city.  

None of them suggested turning back and running away.  

They did not want to be called a scared cat by either of their friends after all.  



Eisuke took out a sword full of elaborated golden decorations.  

Hyobe took out his large bow and took an arrow from the quiver that comes with it and aimed toward the bear.  

Michio readied his new staff.  

Shunsho took out his sword from the scabbard on his waist and readied his shield tied to his left hand.  



"Hyobe!! Shoot it!" <Shunsho>  

Shunsho commanded Hyobe to shoot his bow and arrow toward the bear.  

His voice was shaky and his mind was not clear.  

No one of the 4 boys was particularly thinking straight.  

All of them are in a panic but acted tough.  



With shaky hands, Hyobe Shoot his arrow, and the arrow went flying toward the bear.  

"Crap" <Hyoube>  

Hyobe said as he released the string of his bow.  



The arrow missed its target and hit a tree passed the bear.  

The bear noticed the sound that the arrow made when it hits the tree; the bear looked around.  

In no time the bear noticed the party of the four boys and it roared.  




The bear came running towards the 4 boys.  

It moved surprisingly fast which made the boys panic even more.  



The four boys unconsciously stepped back out of fear.  

"Hyobe! stupid! how could you miss that!" <Michio>  

"Sorry! I panicked." <Hyobe>  

Hyobe quickly pulled another arrow from his quiver.  

While the others prepared their weapons as well.  



Shunsho slapped his face with his left hand which was the shield.  

"ORAA!!" <Shunsho>  

He roared back toward the bear to make his fear go away.  

His companion's attention gathered toward Shunsho.  

It was as if his roar somehow calmed them down.  



The quickly approaching bear was right in front of Shunsho who stepped forward to meet the bear's charge.  

Shunsho leaned his body forward, shield in front of his left arm meeting the bear’s face.  

The bear bit into Shunsho's shield.  

The bear's powerful bite broke a part of the shield right away.  

Since the shield was tied to his left arm, he could not let it go.  

The bear lifts Shunsho while biting into his shield and swayed him into the air as the bear stood on its two feet.  

"Waa!! HELP!!" <Shunsho>  



Michio gathered mana into his staff and started casting a spell.  

2 seconds after concentrating he shouted.  

"Fireball" <Michio>  



Michio cast his only skill which is the fireball on the bear.  

A ball of fire emerged from the staff which is about the size of a basketball and flew toward the bear.  

An explosion of flame burst after it hit the bear on its belly.  

The flame enveloped the bear for a moment together with Shunsho.  

The bear was forced to open its mouth from the impact of the fireball.  



Shunsho fell to the ground with flames on his body.  

As a result, Shunsho burnt some part of his clothes from Michio's attack.  




The bear roared again.  

The panicking boys could not think straight.  

The monster was stronger than they anticipated.  

They realized at that moment that they were still not ready to take on such a monster.  

They realized that they made the wrong choice in hunting such a monster.  



Shunsho gathered all his courage and gripped harder into his sword.  

"Eisuke! What are you doing?!" <Shunsho>  

Eisuke who was doing nothing up until now.  

He was so nervous that it prevented him to think straight.  

He watched his friend get attacked by the bear.  

The call from Shunsho had forced his senses to go back.  



Shunsho ran toward the bear and swung his sword on the bear's body.  

His sword managed to make a wound to the bear but it was far from causing the bear to die.  

The bear looked toward Shunsho and swung its arms and hit Shunsho.  

Shunsho was able to block the bear's attack with his damaged shield but the strength of the bear was enough to knock Shunsho 2 meters back and into the ground and rolled several times until his body hits a tree.  

Finally, Eisuke who has regained his cool and attacked the bear while it was still facing Shunsho.  

"AAAA!!" <Eisuke>  

His roar made the bear look in his direction.  



He felt fear once again but he could not stop his charge now.  

He swung his sword toward the bear but the bear caught his sword with its mouth and bit it.  

Eisuke lets go of his sword and turned on his tail away from the bear.  

"waa!!!" <Eisuke>  



The bear bit into the sword in its mouth hard until it broke.  

Hyobe shot another arrow after confirming that his friends were away from the bear.  

He could not shoot his arrow a while ago since he was avoiding accidentally shooting an arrow at his friends.  

The arrow flew and sank into the bear's shoulder.  

The bear flinched and a short growl swayed its body from the pain.  

It recovered from the pain and looked for a target.  

It went after Eisuke who was trying to run away.  

Eisuke fell after stumbling into one of the tree roots in the area.  

His back was open and could not do anything but shout for Help.  



An explosion of flame burst into the bear causing it to fall on its feet.  

It was caused by Michio’s Fireball.  

"RUN!" <Michio>  

Michio commanded Eisuke who was lying on the ground while holding his head from the sound of the explosion that the fireball made.  



An arrow flew toward the bear who was quick to stand up.  

The arrow pierced into its back.  

The bear flinched from the pain it did not deal significant damage.  



"Damn This bear is tough!" <Eisuke>  

Eisuke ran toward his Mage and Archer friend.  

He had no weapon and could not fight anymore.  

Shunsho also rushed toward this party to make a formation.  



"This is bad." <Shunsho>  

"What should we do?!" <Eisuke>  

"Fireball! I don't know!" <Michio>  

"We need to call for help" <Hyobe>  

"Call for help? HOW?" <Eisuke>  

"Dammit, here it comes again!" <Shunsho>  



A rustling sound came from behind them.  

"Don't tell me?!" <Eisuke>   

Eisuke notices the bushes behind them make a sound and so he turned around and looks at it.  

A four-legged creature appeared from the bushes.  

"A small wolf??" <Eisuke>  

"Huh?!" <Hyobe>  

"Dammit! we don't need more monsters now!" <Michio>  



The small gray-colored wolf howled.  

It came back into the bush and hid from the sight of the 4 boys.  

"Damn! it must have called for other wolves." <Hyobe>  

"What the hell! What the hell!" <Michio>  

"What should we do?!" <Eisuke>  

"TSK" <Shunsho>  



Michio and Hyobe kept firing arrows and Fireballs toward the bear.  

While some of the arrows missed the bear, most were able to find the target but despite that, it was not enough to kill the bear.  

Michio's fireball had gone significantly weaker in every shot, he was running out of mana.  

Michio had never fired consecutive fireballs before as he did right now, he felt that his mana was about to run out.  

After a few more shots, he fell to his knees and almost passed out.  

He used his staff to support himself.  



"I'm out of mana. I don’t think I can cast fireball anymore." <Micho>  

"I'm out of arrows too" <Hyobe>  

The two ranged attackers had no means of attack anymore.  

Eisuke had his weapon broken by the bear.  



"DAMN ITTTT!!!" <Shunsho>  

Shunsho roared and rushed toward the bear in desperation.  

The bear was visibly weaker now from the damage it took from the fireballs and arrows Hyobe and Michio but it was still strong enough to fight.  

Shunsho thrust his blade into the bear's torso.  

"HKOAAAHH" <Bear>  

The bear screamed.  

Blood came out of its mouth as it screamed, but managed to pound its hand into Shunsho causing him to stumble to the ground.  

The bear staggered back while the sword was still buried in its torso.  



Then 3 wolfs appeared from behind the bushes.  

"The wolves are back!" <Hyobe>  

"Dammit! If only I still have my weapon." <Shunsho>  

The four boys were out of options.  

The bear went toward Shunsho who was trying to get up and was on his knees.  



"Is this the end...?!" <Shunsho>  

Shunsho closed his eyes anticipating the pain from the bite of the incoming bear.   



"That was close!" <Girl’s voice>  

A voice of a girl rang.  

The girl went in between the bear and Shunsho  

She used her sword to swing into the bear.  

The blade of the sword gave the bear a clean-cut diagonally from its shoulder to its hips.  

It was a deep cut.  

Blood came gushing out of the bear's body.  

The bear staggered back after receiving the slicing blow.  



The bear tried to chase after the girl but she ran encircling the bear.  

The 3 wolves followed and started barking at the bear while encircling it together with the girl.  

It distracted the bear and look all around.   

One of the wolves bit the bear from behind.  

It tried to attack the wolf who bit its right leg from behind, but before it did the wolf let go and run away avoiding its attack.  



The girl together with the 3 wolves runs in circles repeating a hit-and-run tactic.  

When the bear tries to chase one of them.  

The one being chased would back down luring the bear while the others attack from the blindside.  

The beast began to move sluggishly from all the damage it took.  

The bear did not know what to do and decided to desperately chase one of the wolves.  

The girl used this opportunity to strike.  

With the bear’s neck wide open from desperately chasing one of the wolves.  

The girl puts all of her strength and swings down her sword while aiming for the bear’s neck.  



Finally, with a dull sound of the bear falling lifelessly to the ground.  

Blood flowed out of the bear's body.  

its head was separated from its body.  



"What happened?" <Shunsho>  

The four boys were confused about what just happened.  

It happened so suddenly that none of them could fathom what just happened.  

When the three wolves appear, another figure appears from behind those three wolves.  

It went straight toward the bear who was about to attack Shunsho who was on his knees.  

The girl and the wolves began to attack and took the bear’s attention and started to fight.  




The bear fell to the ground as its head went flying into the air.  


A girl was standing in between Shunsho and the bear.  

She held a katana in her hand and swung it in the air removing the blood from the blade.  

3 wolves gathered toward the girl staring at the lifeless bear on the ground and the wolf did the same.  



"Good Job! Kaoru, Hayate, Isamu" <Girl’s Voice>  

The girl praises the 3 wolves as she lowered her body and pet the 3 wolves.  



It was a familiar figure.  

She was the girl who wanted to become an adventurer and went away from the castle 3 days after they got summoned.  

"... Kazue? Is that you?" <Shunsho>  

"... Eh? Uhm... you are... Shun... sho...??" <Girl’s Voice>  







They got out of the forest and to safety  

Mizusawa Kazue escorted the 4 boys to escape the forest.  

It seemed that the 3 wolf that appeared at that time was her familiars.  



When the 4 boys attacked, the howl of the wolf called the attention of Kazue who rushed toward the location of the wolf.  

Then she saw that there was a party who was about to be killed by the Forest bear and quickly helped them.  

Kazue started questioning the boys after she had confirmed that they are ways from harm.  



"What are you doing here deep in the forest?" <Kazue>  

"Were on a quest." <Shunsho>  

"Quest? you guys are adventurers now!?" <Kazue>  

Kazue said in shock.  

"Yep, we applied a while ago." <Michio>  

"A while ago?" <Kazue>  



Kazue held the bridge of her nose after hearing.  

Her face made a very annoyed look.  

"I see, I see... So, you are telling me that you just registered as an adventurer a while ago... just to be sure just how long back was a while ago?" <Kazue>  

"Uhm... about 2 or 3 hours from now?" <Eisuke>  

"Ah, so you just registered today... Ahuh... and the quest you guys took was?" <Kazue>  

Kazue’s face became more annoyed at the boys.  

"Forest Bear Subjugation" <Hyobe>  

"Giant Mantis Subjugation" <Eisuke>  

"Human Eating Snake Subjugation" <Michio>  



Kazue let out a deep breath.  

"Do you know that those are for E Ranks, right?" <Kazue>  

"Yeah, we did "<Shunsho>  

"You see, it is for E-rank for a reason... I know that you work as a party but that does not mean you can just do a quest above your rank." <Kazue>  

"Yeah, and we realized that the hard way." <Shunsho>  

"As long as you understand." <Kazue>  

"Yeah, we're reflecting on it... right everyone?" <Shunsho>  

"Yeah, that was Scary" <Hyobe>  

"We are" <Eisuke>  

"We are regretting it" <Michio>  

"-Sigh- why did you even take such a quest anyway? This is just your first day, right?" <Kazue>  

"Ah, that... We wanted to make a good reputation for our party since we heard that you were doing great as an adventurer." <Shunsho>  

"Ahuh... and?" <Kazue>  

"And… well we wanted to rank up right away to catch up to you... also, we wanted to impress miss Daniella" <Shunsho>  

Replied Shunsho to Kazue and made sure to say the last part as softly as possible so that Kazue would not hear it.  

But it was clear that Kazue was able to hear it as her expression showed a disgusted look aimed toward the four.  



"-sigh- catch up... you do know I'm still F-rank, right?" <Kazue>  

"What?!" <Shunsho>  

"But they said that you were a promising Adventurer so we thought you already are in at least D or at least E-rank or something." <Michio>  

"HUH? and how am I get to E or D-rank in just a short time?" <Kazue>  

"Huh? is it hard I mean you just have to finish 10 quests higher than your rank or to get to level 10, right?" <Eisuke>  

"JUST?! Do you know how hard it is to get to level 10? that is like killing 2 million slimes or 200,000 wolves, or 2,000 bears like that one earlier... Just thinking about it makes me sick" <Kazue>  

"WHAT?! THAT MANY?! Normally you just have to kill 200 slimes to level up to level 5, right? " <Michio>  

"Don't tell me you guys have not yet realized that? This world has a broken level system... I see you guys are still making light of this world... I can't blame you since you must have left the castle today too."  



Kazue nodded to herself after thinking about what to say to the 4 boys who knew nothing about this world.  

"<sigh> anyway for now you guys should go back to town and study common things. YOU GUYS NEED TO STUDY THE COMMON SENSE OF THIS WORLD FOR A BIT." <Kazue>  

"And how do we do that?" <Shunsho>  

"Go to the library and read books there! NOW GO!" <Kazue>  

"How about you? are you not coming with us?" <Michio>  

"Huh? why would I do that? I don't like babysitting. I still have to finish my quest for today." <Kazue>  

"Quest? by that you mean Forest bear Subjugation?" <Shunsho>  

"Huh?! NO! It's Herb collection." <Kazue>  



The four boys went back to the town.  

Then the 4 boys returned to the guild and gave up on doing the E-rank quest.  

Daniella gladly confirmed their retirement on the request.  

Then they went toward the Library as Kazue suggested and read books until it got dark.  

They stayed there for the night after realizing that they do not have a place to stay.  





When the four boys left and returned to the city, Kazue stayed in the forest to collect herbs.  

She checked her status card after the four boys and went away.  

"Oh, I leveled up..." <Kazue>  






The next day.  



"OH! Miss ALPHA good morning! I heard that you saved the 4 boys from getting killed by the forest bear!" <Daniella>  

"How many times do I have to say to stop calling me with that name! My Name is KA-ZU-E you hear? KA-ZU-E not Alpha" <Kazue>  

"Ahahaha~ sorry-sorry, Kazue the Wolf mother..." <Daniella>  

"AND DON'T ADD THINGS AFTER MY NAME! You clumsy Receptionist!" <Kazue>  

For the past few days, Kazue and Daniella became close to each other.  



The 4 boys saw what was happening on the first floor of the bar and watched Daniella and Kazue teasing one another  

"I feel that Kazue had changed..." <Micho>  

"Yeah, she looks... huh what’s the word…?" <Shunsho>  

"Livelier" <Michio>  

"Yeah, she looks much livelier compared to the last time I saw her." <Shunsho>  

"I always thought she was a snobby and serious girl..." <Hyobe>  

"Yeah, she even looked cool when she killed the bear yesterday." <Eisuke>  

The four boys remember the scene in their minds from yesterday.  

They could not help but look at Kazue with more respect.  

All of them nodded.  



Kazue left the bar after taking up a 3 request on the bulletin board outside.  

It was just like she has always been doing this since she became an adventurer.  

She's been doing Herb collection, Slime Subjugation, and Horned Rabbit hunting.  

Three wolves followed her from behind.  



"Well, then shall we go now too?"<Shunsho>  

"What quest should we take today?" <Michio>  

"... How about Slime Subjugation and Herb Collection?" <Hyobe>  

"Sounds good to me" <Eisuke>  

"It's decided then?" <Shunsho>  

It seems that the boys have learned their lessons.  

They decided to take the same quest that Kazue took.  

The other 3 nodded.  




In Shaina’s Store  



"And? how did you end up getting more minions?" <Shaina>  

Shaina said while caressing the fur of one of the 3 Small Blue-Eyed wolves that Kazue tamed.  

The other two wolves are sleeping beside Kazue.  



"BOSS! what should we do next." <Shunsho>  

"We were able to collect several herbs today too!" <Michio>   

"… Like I said Stop calling me BOSS!" <Kazue>  

"We can't do that! We have decided to follow you our whole life BOSS!"  

"You have saved our lives not once but 3 times now!"  

"If you don't to be called BOSS, how about BIG SIS' (Ane-san)"  

“You can Step on us or insult us all you want!” <Hyobe>  

Kazue puts her hands over her face and lets out a big sigh.  











Author Note:  

I am planning to change the cover pic once I get to chapter 10  

Well I don't have time to draw the 4 boys but they all look simple and all  

yes, they are the minion-looking type...  

Now that I think about it I never described their look in here even once right?  

ahahah~ my bad  

for now, I'll leave that to your imagination  

Just think of the typical "underlings" looks of a gangster in anime!  

I'll update this page later to put the sketches of the 4 new characters later today (3/22/20). or Tomorrow (3/23/20) 


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