God’s Guide for Teasing Heroes

Chapter 119: Hero Quest and the Test

Narrator POV 






Akasha City. 

A city that is about 5 times larger than the Artesia Empire's capital which was the second-largest in the world. 

Akasha City is undoubtedly the largest city in the world. 



Most of the population of people in the great forest of Giah lives in that city. 

Add to that the soldiers, adventurers, supporters, and merchants who were staying in the city. 

This caused the total population of this city to be around 10 million people. 

To that around 200 thousand adventurers are going in and out of the city. 

It was impossible to have a single adventurers guild to accommodate all of the adventurers in the city. 

Due to how large Akasha is, a single adventurer's guild building is not enough to accommodate all of the adventurers there. 

As a result, multiple adventure guild building was built within this giant metropolis. 

In the end, the adventurer's guild decided to build not one but four adventurer guild buildings in Akasha city to accommodate this torrent of adventurers visiting the city. 

One building in each cardinal direction. 

The building was built on the North, East, West, and South sides of the city. 



Inside 1 of the 4 adventurers' guilds in Akasha city in the Eastern Adventurer's Guild building. 

Hano Ryuusei was reunited with one of his former classmates, Tamashiro Naofumi. 

Happy for this rare reunion, Ryuusei happily greets Naofumi with a wave of a hand. 



"Naofumi-san?! Is that really you?! Whoa! seriously? Is that really you?! I almost did not recognize you!" <Eiko> 

Ryuusei agreed with Eiko's comments in his mind. 

[I know right... I almost did not recognize him] <Ryuusei> 



"Naofumi-san? Wow, what a coincidence! I am not expecting to meet you here." <Chiho> 

Naofumi scratched the back of his head while smiling shyly. 

He looked awkward about meeting Ryuusei in this place. 

He was caught surprised that he did not know how to react. 




"Haha, Well. I've heard a lot of stories about you guys so I knew you guys would be here sooner or later. In fact, I was waiting for you guys to arrive here in Akasha to say hello." <Naofumi> 

Naofumi said in his happy and welcoming voice. 

"Really?! Thank you!" <Chiho> 

"Hmmm... you've changed a lot..." <Eiko> 

"Right?!" <Ryuusei> 

[I see, It was not just me who saw his change.] <Ryuusei> 

"How do I say this... you look... mature... no you look like a hunk now. Good job!" <Eiko> 

"Hehehe... thank you... that makes me feel shy... hahaha...." <Naofumi> 

"It's true tho! Am I right? Chiho, Lev, Mizuko?" <Eiko> 

Eiko asked the other girls to affirm her judgment. 

To that, the girls quickly agreed to Eiko with a positive response. 



Ryuusei and the others invited Naofumi to accompany them after they met. 

Naofumi gladly agreed to this but for some reason, Mizuko was a bit cautious of Naofumi. 

Ryuusei was able to notice this from Mizuko. 

He asked Mizuko why she was weirdly looking at Naofumi. 

She hesitated but explained herself to Ryuusei. 

She did not want Ryuusei and the others to think of Naofumi as an enemy, after all, he was a former classmate of theirs. 

Even so, she still said what was on her mind to Ryuusei while being careful to not cause any misunderstanding. 

Mizuko explained by saying, it was just a "hunch" of hers that they should be vigilant around Naofumi. 

Ryuusei doubted these words from Mizuko. 

No matter how you look at it, there was no reason to be cautious of Naofumi. 




Mizuko's hunch had never failed Ryuusei and his party down before. 

And so he kept Mizuko's word to heart. 

He then spoke a word to ease Mizuko. 

"You must be thinking too much." <Ryuusei> 

Ryuusei said not wanting Mizuko to be doubtful of someone who was once his acquaintance in their old world. 

"I guess I am..." <Mizuko> 

And so Mizuko decided to leave this matter aside. 




Mizuko's hunch was right on the spot. 

Naofumi was acting. 

He could not hide his deep hatred directed at Hano Ryuusei completely. 

Naofumi noticed that Mizuko detected his malice toward Hano as soon as they entered the Adventurers guild. 

Despite acting friendly toward Hano and his party, Mizuko did not fail to sense Naofumi's ill feelings towards them. 

Even still, he acted like it was never the case. 

After all, Naofumi did not want to fight the Hero party. 

If possible he wanted to avoid conflict with the Hero and the girls. 



Yes, no matter how much Naofumi hated Hano, he wanted to avoid conflict with the hero party. 

If Naofumi were to fight Hano Ryuusei or even just 1 of the girls surrounding him he might end up failing and be defeated. 

Fighting the hero's entire party was out of the question. 

If He was to fight with Ryuusei right now, he would have no chance of winning. 




Just maybe... 

If he were to fight one of the girls he might have a chance. 


As he was thinking of this idea, a certain voice echoed in his mind. 

It was as if this voice was telling him otherwise. 

In his mind, he could hear a voice as he welcomed the idea of fighting one of the girls and defeating them in battle. 

These words came from Kazue. 

Words that she told to Naofumi in the Original past. 

Kazue's vivid voice echoed in his mind. 



"Winning against Chiho and the others in a 1 v 1 fight? Pftt~ Ah... Forget about it. Those girls are like the main protagonist of a story, if they would fight someone who has equal strength as them, they would probably win. It's like they have that kind of "plot armor". If you wish to defeat one of those main protagonists, you better have some plot armor yourself to be able to defeat them in battle."  



It was a comical way of putting things but Naofumi agreed 100% with Kazue's logic toward these girls and the Hero. 

Like the protagonist in a story, they truly had that "plot armor" Kazue was talking about. 

Even if he were to fight one of them right now he would probably lose. 

The girls will grow fast as they fight. 

The more dire the situation the faster they get stronger. 

They have this "Heroic will" to win over all odds no matter what. 

That "Heroic will" will eventually lead them to victory. 

Unfortunately, Naofumi does not have that perk. 

Just because he became the Oracle of the Goddess of Spacetime does not mean that he will suddenly gain that kind of "heroic will" or in Kazue's words a "plot armor" that those girls and Hano possessed. 



In the end, he gave up the idea of fighting the girls. 

No, there was no reason to fight them in the first place considering his real purpose. 

Instead, Naofumi will just focus his "hate" on working harder and pushing these heroes to get stronger as fast as possible. 

At the end of the day, his purpose was to change the future, not to kill the hero and have his sweet revenge. 

Revenge is something he might do "AFTER" Hano and his party defeat the Demon Lord. 

For now, Naofumi has to be patient. 

He has to see the Hero and his party members "grow" so they can defeat the Demon Lord in the future. 



After visiting the adventurer's guild and asking where to find the legendary holy sword "Durandal". 

Hano Ryuusei came to the knowledge of its exact whereabouts. 

The sword was being kept at the treasury inside the world tree. 

Ever since the past hero fell and became the demon lord, the holy sword had been kept safe inside the world tree 

The S-rank adventurer living inside the world tree is keeping the sword safe. 



They went to the treasury where the sword was being kept. 

The group moved to the foot of the world tree where that said treasury was. 

It took them several more hours to arrive at the foot of the world tree despite them riding a fast-traveling carriage on the road. 

The city was just that large. 

When they arrived at their destination, it was already late at night. 



They found themselves standing across a large tree. 

A tree with a  hollowed inside. 

It seemed that the elves created a structure using old giant trees to create some sort of a livable space where people could live inside. 

This kind of structure is common here in Akasha. 

Rather than a building, elves convert dying giant old trees into a liveable space. 

They hollowed the inside of the tree to create space where people can walk in and out of it.  

The tree was fortified and so it gained its pure white color. 

These trees looked like a white pillar of light with its empty branches springing out. 

Inside are spiraling stairs going up creating several stories within each tree. 

Those trees are now used as business stalls, offices, inns, and homes, and are used in many other things as it deemed to be useful. 



Now, the group is standing in front of an impressive-looking tree used as the town hall of Akasha city. 

This is also where the elders of the Elves race were staying. 

The same place where the holy sword Durandal is being kept safe. 



Hano Ryuusei together with his party members and Naofumi entered the structure. 

The inside was indeed fancy. 

The place is filled with expensive-looking furniture and luxurious items. 



At last. 

It was time for them to obtain the holy sword. 

They came here to ask for the elder elves' permission to obtain the holy sword. 

The weapon Hano would need to fight the Demon Lord. 

It was time for the holy sword "Durandal" that the elves had kept for centuries to be wielded by the hero. 

That day had come. 



As they move forward, an elf in his very advanced stage of life welcomes them. 

It was a white-haired old man with long ears and a beard. 

He was an elf but what was odd was his "aged" appearance. 

His "aged" appearance comparable to that of a human in his 70s welcomed the group. 

It was odd to see an elf with such an appearance. 

After all, elves are depicted to be beautiful and youthful. 

But the elf standing before them was indeed beautiful but certainly not youthful. 

He looked like a person with a lot of "wisdom" to share. 

A perfect figure of a smart and beautiful old man. 



"Welcome Heroes. May the goddess of Life and Death endow you with her blessings." <Old Elf> 

He said with an open arm. 



Eiko whispered to Chiho as they stood behind Ryuusei. 

"What a good-looking old man..." <Eiko> 

"Uhn. I did not expect an old person to look this beautiful. I'm surprised." <Chiho> 

"It's the first time I've seen an elf with an "aged" look. Elves only age once they reach the end of their life span so it is rare to see an elf in that stage of their life." <Levethy> 

"I see, so elves do grow older too..." <Chiho> 

"Hee~ It's the first time even for our Levethy huh? Even though you're a princess." <Mizuko> 

"Oi, this has nothing to do with me being a princess." <Levethy> 

"I guess that's true."  <Mizuko> 

"KAKAKAKA" <Victor> 

Victor only laughed after hearing the girls talk. 



Several other elves stood behind that old-looking elf. 

Unlike the elder elf, the other one standing beside him looked young. 

No one can really tell how old an elf is with their outer appearance. 

Elves live most of their lives in their young adult state. 

Their appearance cannot be used as a basis for how old they are. 

The old elf was an exemption. 

As elves reach their final years, they will begin to age at a rate that a normal human would do. 

This explains the old appearance of that elder elf. 

He must be so old that he already reached the final few years of his long life that his appearance has turned to that of an old man. 

Behind the old-looking elf were 5 other elves. 

From looking at how they were dressed, one can deduce that these elves were also elders as they wore the same kind of robe the old elf was wearing. 



The other elders started to welcome them as they spoke to present themselves to the hero's party. 

"We welcome Artesia's summoned hero." <Elder Elf 1> 

"We've been awaiting your arrival." <Elder Elf 2> 

"We know why you are here, you are after the holy sword Durandal." <Elder Elf 3> 

"Before that, we want to see the capabilities of the current hero." <Elder Elf 4> 

"Therefore we ask the hero to demonstrate his abilities to us." <Elder Elf 5> 

The elder elves spoke in succession finishing each other's sentence. 

They also spoke in a commanding manner. 



"Huh? What are these people talking about?" <Eiko> 

Eiko said in confusion. 

"Huh? Is there something wrong?" <Chiho> 

"..." <Levethy> 

Levethy gave the elves a fierce glare. 

She was unhappy with how they were acting. 

"Hmnn..." <Victor> 

Victor also acted unhappy with how the elves acted toward them. 

"I see... so that's how it is..." <Victor> 

Victor hummed as he stroked his beard that has grown quite long after some time of not trimming it. 

He had realized something. 



They wanted to test the Hero. 



The others were able to realize this on their own... 

That, except for Eiko who was still confused about what was happening. 

As if to help Eiko realize what was wrong, Mizuko started whispering into her ears to explain the situation. 



"They want to test Ryuusei before they would give him the sword." <Mizuko> 

"Eh? Aren't they supposed to give the sword to Ryuusei right away?" <Eiko> 

Chiho joined their talk and whispered to the two. 

"That is how things should work, but I wonder why they are testing him right now." <Chiho> 

This time Levethy joined the girl's whisper. 

"I think they simply want to see what Ryuusei-san is capable of doing." <Levethy> 

Ryuusei listened to the girl's whispers as he wanted to make sure that his conjecture was correct. 

Indeed, he also assumed the same things as the girls were talking about. 

[I guess it is not just me who thinks of this situation this way, huh...] <Ryuusei> 



"Oi! Aren't you guys supposed to give the sword to him? What is the point of this charade?" <Eiko> 

Eiko angrily screamed at the elf elders. 

Ryuusei wanted to stop her but he could not do anything. 

He also wanted to know why the elves were acting this way. 



At that moment, the guards inside pointed their weapons at us. 

They are trying to intimidate us to follow what they want. 

"I suggest that you guys follow what we ask you to do." <Old Elf> 

"These elves!" <Eiko> 



When I saw that a fight was about to flare up, I decided to step in and stop Eiko and the others for resisting. 

"I will do it." <Ryuusei> 

"Good... I always knew that the hero would understand our purpose" <Old Elf> 

"Now, please follow us." <Elf Elder 1> 



[Test huh... I see, so getting the sword will not be as easy as I thought it would be. Test? Sure, I will pass any "test" that you guys will throw at me.] 






[This dude is attracting problems just as always.]  <Naofumi> 

Naofumi thought as Ryuusei walked with the elves leading him to take on their "test". 

Naofumi watched Ryuusei who was obediently following the elves. 



In the end, Naofumi knew. 

No matter what, the elves will give Hano Ryuusei the holy sword Durandal. 

This test was just a "farce" of the elves to see what Ryuusei could do. 

It was for them to see what more could they teach the hero. 

It was for them to see, what practical experience could they impart to help him in his journey to defeat the demon lord. 

"This is nonsense." <Naofumi> 

Naofumi whispered in the air. 



A man was waiting for Hano Ryuusei, he would be the one who would fight Ryuusei and test his abilities. 

The test was for Ryuusei to show his current abilities and show that he is worthy to hold the Holy Sword Durandal. 



Silently watching this whole charade was Naofumi. 

Naofumi already knew, that Hano Ryuusei would be taking part in some sort of a test when he obtained the Holy Sword Durandal. 

It was the same as it also happened in the Original Past. 

He also already knew that Hano would pass this test in one way or another. 

That part is not important. 



[This is not a true test... what a waste of time.] 

He scuffed internally as he mocked the test. 

Instead, he was looking forward to something else. 



The only reason why Naofumi is with the heroes' party right now is to observe Hano and his party members. 

Like the elves, Naofumi was in a way, here to observe Hano Ryuusei and his comrades. 

Like the elves, Naofumi also wants to know how strong Ryuusei is at this point. 

By observing them, he will have an idea if he could actually depend on the hero and his party members in his future plans. 

It will give Naofumi the answer if he could really "trust" the hero on his mission to defeat the Demon Lord. 



If Naofumi sees that Hano Ryuusei is not worthy of this trust... 

It might be better for Hano to die sooner rather than later. 

Naofumi will just have to think of another way to change the future. 



Soon, the real test will begin. 

A test not like the fake test prepared by the elves. 

It was a test that would determine if they would live or die. 

It is a fair test that will force the Hero to get stronger if not, the only choice is death. 

This time, it will not be as simple as the elves' test, this time the test will be given by the gods themselves. 


A test prepared by the gods. 



Right at that moment. 

Those very gods are observing the heroes through a mysterious crystal. 

They are observing them secretly right at that very moment just as they always do. 



Stella and Luna Nightfall were closely observing the heroes. 

They once again plan to create an event to tease the heroes. 

Similar to what they did recently in Riles, they are planning to create a commotion in The Great Forest of Giah.  

In Riles, Stella meticulously manipulated, instigated, and planned how things turned out in Riles. 

Although her plans did not follow the way she wanted it to play out, they still considered the event as a success. 

Now, it was Luna's turn to make a move. 

This time around, Luna is the one who prepared most of the nuisance in this "event". 

This stage is prepared very specifically for the Heroes just like how they manipulated things back in Vestir. 

But unlike in Vestir, Stella did not control people's actions with her power to instigate this event. 

This time, Luna did all the work. 



Luna's plan was not as complicated as Stella's plan was. 

Her plan was more straightforward. 



Luna planned to create a portal right in the middle of the city. 

A portal from which monsters will pass through and create havoc in the largest city in the world. 

It will be a total chaos. 

Creatures not weaker than a C-ranked monster will come out of the portal. 

There is no way for others to close the portal. 

It is all up to Luna to close the portal after it was created. 

It was all up to Luna when, where, and how many portals will appear. 

It is all up to Luna what monsters will come out of the portals. 

But, it was certain that monsters would reign down in the city and cause destruction when that day came. 

The plan was just that simple. 

It was very reminiscent of what she did back half a year ago when she created a portal that transported thousands of zombies to attack a city. 




The players of the "game" were the Heroes party. 



The test of the goddesses will start soon. 

Are they ready? 

Are they dependable enough? 

Can I really rely on them to defeat the demon lord? 

Is there hope for the future to change if I let them stay as they are? 

If they are lacking, I need to act so that these heroes will surely become strong in the future. 

These are some of the things inside Naofumi's mind. 

This was the real test Naofumi had in mind for the Hero. 



The answer to this test must all be "yes". 

If for once, the answer to his question is "no" then letting them die here might be the best choice to make. 



[Hano-san... I hope that you won't disappoint me here...] 



The elves' test proceeds. 

Hano and the elf tester fought. 



During that fight, Hano displayed impressive feats. 

At first, he was fighting at a clear disadvantage. 

As the fight continued, he improved and was able to fight head-on with the tester. 

Little by little, Hano Ryuusei managed to best his opponent. 

He fought his best and in the end, he barely managed to win as he collapsed to the floor. 

No matter how many times he was blown back, fell, stumbled, and hurt, he went back up to fight. 

He was like the perfect picture of a hero in a story. 



In the end. 

Hano Ryuusei managed to overcome the challenge presented to him. 

Despite how things are disadvantageous for the hero, at the end of the day, the hero will eventually prevail with his perseverance and "will" to win. 

If one were to see his valiant figure, anyone would be moved and impressed by what they see from the Hero. 



Indeed, the elves were moved and were pleased with what they saw of the hero. 

It was exactly how the stories had told of the brave hero that is told in the legends. 

The elves, moved by this never-give-up attitude and will to persevere over any challenge, the elves saw hope in Hano Ryuusei. 

After that, they gave the hero their blessing and gave him the holy sword "Durandal". 



Meanwhile, Naofumi did not think the same. 



Naofumi sighed. 

It was a sigh of disappointment. 

Unlike the others who watched Hano Ryuusei display his heroic feat, only Naofumi was not satisfied. 



Hano won. 


But it was a win that he barely won. 

Sure, the fight was disadvantageous and to the others, seeing Hano winning against such an opponent was nice and all... 




In reality, the man that Hano fought was on the level of the average "A-rank" adventurer. 

Indeed, A-rank adventurers are considered as one of the strongest individuals in this world. 

Out of all of the adventurers in the world, being an A-rank adventurer is nothing to scoff at. 

After all... 

Out of all the 2 million adventurers working around the world, there are only around 250 A-rank adventurers who are active. 

Their abilities are a cut above the rest and are considered as the most powerful individuals in this world. 




A-rank adventurers are nothing in the face of the Demon Lord. 

In the face of the Demon Lord, A-rank adventurers are like babies. 

The A-ranked adventurer will not even be a match for one of the four generals of the demon lord. 

To have a chance to fight with the demon lord, one must be on the level of an S-ranked adventurer. 


To defeat the demon lord, Hano must surpass the power of even the strongest adventurer. 



To see him struggle against an opponent who is just as strong as an average A-rank adventurer, he still has a long way to go. 

At his current level, he won't even have a chance to inflict a single scratch on the demon lord's skin.  

That is how Naofumi saw this test. 



If Naofumi was being considerate, as Hano Ryuusei is right now, he barely passed the test. 

He barely passed because he barely defeated his opponent. 



If Naofumi was being fair, Hano should have failed because he had a hard time winning against such an opponent.  

As the hero who will one day defeat the demon lord, struggling against such an opponent, there is no way he would be able to defeat the demon lord. 

Ryuusei should not be having a hard time against such an opponent. 



In the first place, the reason why Hano was able to grow as he fought was because his opponent allowed him to get stronger. 

What if his opponent goes all out at the very beginning?  

If that were the case, Hano would not have the time to "grow" and match his abilities to his adversary. 

If that opponent went all out at the very beginning, Hano would definitely be defeated after 5 or 10 blows. 

His opponent never had the intention of defeating Ryuusei. 

The purpose of their battle was to "test" him. 



In real battle situations, things like this would not happen. 

Enemies will not allow Hano Ryuusei to "grow" stronger as he fights. 

They will most definitely kill him without waiting for him to "grow" to match their abilities. 

Unless they are just plain stupid, the enemies would not play with their food. 

Normally, enemies would try their best to defeat the Hero as he is the only person standing between the Demon Lord and his plan of world devastation. 



[This is unforgivable.] <Naofumi> 

Naofumi cursed. 

[In comparison to the demon lord, this opponent was nothing.] <Naofumi> 


[I want to kill him...] <Naofumi> 








Naofumi hates Hano Ryuusei with a passion. 

But just because he hates Ryuusei means that he must kill him. 

Yes, it might be true that Naofumi has that idea of killing Hano but he will never act upon it. 

It was because Naofumi knew, that even if he tried his best, he would never be able to defeat the Demon Lord. 

There is a limit on how much he can grow stronger. 

Realistically, there is no chance for him to grow as much to a level that he can fight the Demon Lord by himself. 

3 years may sound like a long time but that time is not sufficient to allow him to get strong enough to be in that level. 

In the same manner, no matter how much Naofumi works hard, he will never obtain the ability to wield the holy sword Durandal, the only weapon able to kill the Demon Lord. 

It is because, unlike Hano Ryuusei, Naofumi does not have the job class "Hero". 



For example, if Naofumi steals the sword from Hano Ryuusei he will not be able to use the special ability of the sword to "slay" the Demon Lord. 

As he does not have the "Hero" job class, this sword is worthless. 

The holy sword Durandal is no different from an ordinary blade with a sharp edge in the hands of Naofumi. 

It will have no ability whatsoever, just a plain simple sword. 

This is why Naofumi would not even try to use the sword himself. 

He can just hope that Hano Ryuusei will grow just enough that he will not lose against the Demon Lord just like how he lost in the Original Past. 



Even if Naofumi did not want to admit it, amongst all the people in the world, Ryuusei is the only person who can wield this sword. 

Hano Ryuusei is the only person who has the talent to become strong enough to fight the demon lord given he has 3 years to get stronger. 

Half a year had passed... 



Half a year... 

Was the hero managed to grow enough? 

As Naofumi sees it, he was still nowhere near to even having a chance to beat the Demon Lord. 

[I am counting on you, Hano... I need you to be strong enough to defeat the Demon Lord in the future. Do not dissapoint me.] 

He begged Hano Ryuusei on his mind. 

If not, Naofumi will be forced to look for another way to defeat the Demon Lord. 



After obtaining the holy sword, they left the building and were scheduled to undergo training with the elves. 

Surely, this newfound power will provide a significant boost to Ryuusei's abilities to fight. 



For now, the elves had offered Hano the ways how to use the holy sword. 

They will be staying here in Akasha for some more time to train under the guides of the elves. 

Naofumi wished that this "training" and the acquisition of the holy sword would place Hano's ability on another level. 

If not... 

Then they are all doomed. 



Time passed and they all decided to call it a day. 

The group all went to rest. 



Naofumi separated from the Heroes Party. 

It was a temporary goodbye, they promised to see each other from time to time while they stayed in the same city. 



Naofumi was walking alone in the busy streets of Akasha City. 

It has been a while since he separated from the Heroes Party. 

He was reminded of the past. 

He remembered how miserable Hano failed to defeat the Demon Lord and forced Kazue to do the job in his stead. 

The image of Kazue's figure flashed in his mind.  

The image of her lying on the ground while still petting Isamu after defeating the Demon Lord. 

They were both covered in blood and were not breathing. 

He remembered Rio's despair at that very moment. 

He remembered his mind going blank. 

He remembered that this was the result of Hano Ryuusei's failure. 




He clicked his tongue. 

He was irritated. 

He was feeling like puking after acting nice to the person he hated so much. 






Naofumi felt something weird. 

He immediately lifted his head and saw that everything moved in slow motion. 

It was as if 1 second was prolonged into an hour. 

At first, Naofumi thought that his adrenaline made his perception of time slow down. 

Then he realized that this was not the case. 

Things continued to slow down. 

Slow down. 

Slow down. 

Until time had finally stopped. 




The cute voice of a child suddenly echoed in Naofumi's ear. 







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