God’s Guide for Teasing Heroes

Chapter 112: Duel and a Heart to Heart talk

Narrator POV 







The referee aka the announcer screams as he sees that the match shows a clear winner. 

"I... lost..." <Kazue> 

Kazue said in a still shocked state. 

It seemed that she could not believe that she just lost to her friend. 

Rio was panting heavily pointing her arm blade at Kazue who was on the floor sitting on her butt. 

"I... Won!" <Rio> 

Rio celebrates with a face that could not believe that she just won. 



During the match. 

Aside from speed, Kazue definitely has all the advantages in stats. 

It was apparent that Rio had a clear advantage when it came to her speed and mobility. 

Due to this, Kazue had a hard time chasing after her during the fight. 

That was not all, Kazue was sure that Rio was going to avoid engaging blades with her. 

What surprised Kazue was that Rio did not completely refuse to fight her head-on. 

In fact, Rio even initiated some of their exchange of fierce melee combat. 



Although surprised, this was not the reason why Kazue lost to Rio. 

Kazue is still better than Rio in pure skill in fighting an up-front fight. 

In fact, Rio could barely keep up with Kazue in a direct fight despite being faster than Kazue. 

Kazue's sword swings were a lot more refined and powerful than that of Rio's arm blade and dagger attacks. 

It was a big problem for Rio. 

Just clashing weapons were disrupting her balance as these attacks were too heavy for her to meet with just her arm blade and dagger. 

At the same time, Kazue's precise and refined swings with her Katana were difficult to dodge. 



It seems that Rio was just curious about how her fighting skills compare to Kazue's. 

She immediately realized that her fighting skills were inferior to Kazue's. 

Still, despite knowing this Rio still tried to engage in an upfront exchange of blows with Kazue. 

Without fear, she exchanged blows with Kazue. 

Rio did not back down to fight Kazue blow by blow. 

It did not take long for Kazue to overwhelm Rio as they exchanged blows. 

Thus, Rio decided to change her tactics and stopped fighting an honest exchange of blows. 



Kazue was already practicing Kendo even before they got summoned into this world. 

Back then Rio was not practicing any kind of martial arts. 

Although she was interested in it, she never tried to practice martial arts as she was too engrossed in playing video games. 

The closest thing Rio did back then was to play around with a stick pretending it was a sword or a weapon of some sort. 

Thus, upon being transferred to this world, she really practiced using her weapons to fight with the soldiers back during their training in Artesia Castle. 

She practiced using the arm blade and daggers to fight monsters during her time as a solo Adventurer while traveling to Vestir. 

Compared to the Rio who only played video games, the Rio standing opposite Kazue is much improved in terms of fighting skills. 

Still, the gap between her and Kazue in pure skills was apparent. 

Kazue is still the better fighter of the two. 



Then seeing that she couldn't defeat Kazue in an upfront battle as she is right now, she decided to change her tactic. 

If the fight continued that way then Kazue would have won without a problem. 

Rio then changed her tactic to a hit-and-run approach. 

She needed to capitalize on her advantage. 

Her speed and the fact that she can read minds. 



Rio's kept herself at a distance away from Kazue. 

She dictated the phase of the fight while repeatedly attacking and then retreating as much as she wanted. 

Rio's evasive skills such as (Dodge), (Assassin Skill: Escaping Maneuver), and similar skills that helped her avoid Kazue's assaults. 

Despite having the advantage in speed, Rio cannot underestimate Kazue as she was relatively fast herself. 

She patiently repeats this hit-and-run tactic to fight Kazue. 



Rio's constant hit-and-run tactic was starting to get to Kazue. 

She can react to Rio's attempts to attack but Kazue herself could not catch Rio without her allowing her to approach her willingly. 

Luckily, it seemed that Rio did not have the means to attack from afar. 

All Kazue needs to do is wait for Rio to approach her willingly. 

Rio can not win by just running away from Kazue, she needs to attack. 

Kazue can just wait for the right moment to counter Rio. 



Kazue's plan was perfect, it would have been effective if not for the fact that Rio still had a special ability that Kazue did not know about. 

Rio has the skill (Mind Reader's Battle Trance). 

A skill that allows Rio to predict Kazue's plan in advance. 

Not only that, this is a unique skill that only works with Rio's (Eyes of the Mind Reader) that allowed her to "see", "hear", and or "read" Kazue's mind. 



With the skill (Mind Reader's Battle Trance) Rio could "see" Kazue's future action. 

It was as if she could see a projection of Kazue moving in advance. 

Thanks to this, Rio perfectly predicts Kazue's next moves even before she does the action. 

With this, she was able to know when to attack or retreat. 

She can accurately know where to block and how to dodge all of Kazue's attacks. 



Kazue missed Rio every time she tried to catch her with a counterattack. 

Kazue could not fathom how Rio was able to avoid and defend all of her attacks perfectly. 

Because of the continued failure of her plans to counter and fail numerous times, Kazue increasingly became more and more frustrated. 

Kazue can now imagine how frustrating it was for that Ecclesia Inquisitor to catch Rio when the two of them fought at that time. 

Kazue too is starting to get frustrated.  



Rio attacks. 

Kazue counters then misses. 

Rio retreats. 

Kazue could not chase after her as she lacked the speed to do so. 

Rio attacks again. 

The cycle continued. 



The fight continued for a while. 

Both Kazue and Rio were using all they had and began to feel a bit tired. 

They needed to end this fight soon. 



Rio used her skill to read minds to predict Kazue's next move. 

She can see that Kazue was really frustrated and annoyed with the fact that she could not defeat Rio. 

Despite being stronger than Rio, it frustrated Kazue as Rio continuously avoided her attacks and made her miss a lot. 

Rio knew that she could use this frustration to her advantage. 



She started taunting Kazue. 

Every time Kazue missed her counter, Rio would make sure to show her a mocking grin. 

"Pftt~ you missed again." <Rio> 

"opps~ missed again~" <Rio> 

"That was close, that was close~ <3" <Rio> 

"fufu~ missed again~" <Rio> 

"Oh my, that was so close yet so far~" <Rio> 

"Better luck next time~" <Rio> 

"Tsk..." <Kazue> 

Rio mutters every time Kazue misses her mark. 

Kazue did not say a word and only clicked her tongue. 



As time passed, Kazue is becoming more and more frustrated. 

She also started to become more and more reckless in catching Rio with a counterattack. 

She may not be showing it with her face but Rio can tell how annoyed Kazue is right now. 

Playing with Kazue many times in their world, Rio has an idea of how Kazue acts recklessly when annoyed. 

Yes, this normally makes Kazue more dangerous as she would go all out. 

Seeing that her all out was not enough, frustration builds up. 

The more frustrated she gets, the more reckless her attack gets. 

Rio used this recklessness to expose an opening in Kazue's defenses. 

No... Kazue purposely exposed herself to attacks. 

By doing this, Rio can attack her more often. 

By doing so, Kazue can have more opportunities to counter. 



Rio was amazed, despite being so frustrated, Kazue still showed her level-headedness by actually forming a decent plan. 

At a glance, it may look as if Kazue was being too wreckless. 

Kazue knew that she was getting frustrated. 

Kazue also knew that Rio was aware that she was frustrated. 

She was trying to outsmart Rio, showing more of her frustration and inviting her to attack her vulnerable spots.  



In the end... 

Rio won by successfully dealing a decisive blow with her handblade. 

Kazue had exposed too much of an opening for Rio. 

Kazue exposed too much of her weakness and allowed Rio to attack that weakness. 

It was an all-or-nothing gamble from Kazue. 

This opening was too good to pass up for Rio. 

Rio decided to attack that opening Kazue gave her, despite knowing it was a trap. 

Both knew that this would decide the outcome of the match. 



Kazue was able to counter despite purposely exposing an opening. 


Kazue's body shifted then prepared for a counterattack. 

Kazue was sure that this time she definitely had Rio under her hand. 

Kazue knew that Rio used up all of her evasive skills. 

[With this...] <Kazue> 




At the last moment, Kazue's counter missed. 

It was as if Rio knew all along that it was a trap. 

She dodged Kazue's sword without even using a skill. 

She preemptively moved her body to dodge the swing before Kazue could even swing her sword. 

When she swung her sword, she completely missed Rio. 

At the same time, Rio managed to dodge Kazue's decisive counterattack. 

At this moment Kazue knew... 

[Ah... I lost this one...] 

Now... it was Rio's turn to counter with a stab with her arm blade on Kazue's midsection using (Arm Blade: Power Stab). 

Kazue with nothing to counter this back. 

Rio indeed knew that it was a trap but it was too much of a gamble from Kazue. 

Rio unleashed a skill at Kazue, it was a clear hit. 

Kazue was dropped to the floor with the knockback effect of the (Arm Blade: Power Stab). 

Kazue was wounded in her stomach and will not be able to fight any longer. 

Seeing this the "announcer/referee" stopped the fight. 

"STOOOOOOPPPP!" <Announcer/Referee> 



"I lost..." <Kazue> 

"I won~" <Rio> 



A big applause from the audience roared. 

"Nice fight!"  

"That was great you two!" 

Whistles and words of appreciation roared from the people surrounding the battle area. 

It seemed that the spectator enjoyed the duel between the two. 



As cheer roared, an adventurer with healing abilities went next to Kazue and healed her wounds. 

She cast a healing spell to (Heal) Kazue's wounds. 

Maybe due to the adrenaline, Kazue did not even notice the wound on her stomach until it was healed. 



"Aa~ I lost." <Kazue> 

Kazue let out her disappointment for losing. 

She said in a resigned tone realizing that she just lost to her friend. 

As she was sitting on the ground, she looked at Rio with a resigned smile. 

"You beat me, GG." <Kazue> 

"Hehe, it was not easy though~" <Rio> 



When Rio saw that the healer was done healing Kazue's wounds, she offered her hands to Kazue who was still on the ground. 

"GG~" <Rio> 

"I'll beat you next time." <Kazue> 

"Haha~ sure come at me, hehe~" <Rio> 

In the end, both are still friends. 

Then again, this fight reminds the two of the times they battled in a game back when they were still in their world. 

Kazue grabbed onto Rio's hands to pull her up. 

Kazue dusted herself and then bowed to the people watching all around them. 

The people who watched the fight cheered as the match ended. 






The two walked side by side with Rio supporting Kazue. 

Even though the wound on her stomach was healed, Kazue could still feel a bit of pain from it. 

"Does it hurt?" <Rio> 

Rio asked. 

"A little bit but it's fine, Thank you." <Kazue> 

Kazue grabbed onto Rio's hand to support herself as she walked. 

Rio supported Kazue like a man escorting a lady who was clinging to her arm. 



As they walked out of the place, the two heard familiar voices echoing from the crowd of people who watched the two battle. 

"Kazue! Rio! Nice fight!"  

It was from their former classmates who were also watching the match. 

It was from Alicia and Argent who saw them have a wonderful match. 

It was from Calm who appreciated a nice show from both of them clapping her hand cutely. 

It was from the guards cheering their performance by showing them a nice duel. 

It was a very happy atmosphere for all the people in Vestir watching the fight. 



The day went on. 

The festive atmosphere of the city continued for many days. 



5 days later. 



The city is still in a festive atmosphere. 

It seemed that the festival would not end soon. 

After all, it was in celebration of the city's triumph over the attempted invasion of the Ecclesia Empire. 

In that festive atmosphere, Kazue has just dropped a statement that made that festive atmosphere disappear. 



"I am planning to leave the city 3 days from now." <Kazue> 

Kazue said with a monotone voice. 

Her usual and natural voice does not accompany any emotion. 

She said it too nonchalantly that it was almost as if she said something trivial. 

"Oh... then I'll also leave by then." <Rio> 

Rio who is used to this kind of conversation with Kazue just went on the flow and also declared her plans to leave. 

Rio replied with an uninterested voice that sounded very similar to Kazue's tone. 

"Eh?!!!" <Calm> 



Meanwhile, Calm who was there sitting as all of them ate at a table let out a voice in her shock. 

It was as if she was paralyzed stopping whatever she was doing at the moment. 

She dropped the spoon she was holding as she was too stunned by what she just heard. 

"EH?!!!!" <Calm> 

Her voice was full of emotion unlike Kazue and Rio's voice. 

Rio and Kazue looked at Calm with a confused look. 

Just by looking at their eyes, anyone can tell that they seemed to be asking what is the problem. 

Both of them were clueless about why Calm acted in such a way. 



"No no no no! How can you say that as if it's nothing?" <Calm> 

"Huh? Say what?" <Rio&Kazue> 

Rio and Kazue said in unison. 

Still with the monotone voice they had earlier. 

It was as if none of them said something weird or shocking at all. 

"You say that you plan on leaving the city in 3 days right?" <Calm> 

"Yeah... and?" <Kazue> 


Calm could not believe how the two girls reacted to her. 



"Is this how otherworlders say goodbye?" <Calm> 

Rio and Kazue looked at each other. 

At least to both of them, this was normal. 

The two tilted their head not realizing what was wrong. 

"???" <Rio&Kazue> 



Kazue's former classmates, the otaku boys, Nikko, and Yuma denied Calm's word. 

They have the right to say their opinion as they too were otherworlder like Rio and Kazue. 

"No, no, no. It's just that these two are just that insensitive." <Yoshiaga> 

Yoshiaga said. 

Daisetsu and Naonobu agreed with Yoshiaga and refused this assumption from Calm by shaking their heads. 



The emotionless farewell of Kazue and Rio was not normal. 

It was as if they were just doing something normal. 

In reality, once they leave the city it might take a long time for them to return. 

This also means that once they leave, they will not be able to meet for a very long time. 



"You should at the very least say a proper goodbye to the people who care about you! In the first place you too lack socializing---." <Calm> 

Calm started to scold the two girls. 



When Calm pointed out what was wrong, Kazue and Rio realized how insensitive they were to just announce their plans to leave. 

Right, they should have at the very least said these properly to the people who had been with them these past few days. 

Especially to those people who had been taking care of them. 



-knock- -knock- -knock- 

A knock sounded at the door as the group ate. 

The door of the room opens and a girl with blonde hair fixed in very peculiar drills appears on the other side of the door. 



"Ohohohoho~ are you leaving? That's too bad..." <Alicia> 

"Ah, Miss Alicia." <Kazue> 

"Don't tell me you're leaving without telling me?" <Alicia> 

Alicia asks while looking directly at Kazue. 

It seemed that Alicia had heard the talks happening in the dining room. 

This smile seems to convey to Kazue that she should at least say this matter to her in advance. 

"gueh..." <Kazue> 

Kazue was taken aback seeing this. 



"O-o-of course not! I was about to say my thanks and goodbyes to Miss Alicia. Ha-haha-ha..." <Kazue> 

Kazue realizing her mistake felt very guilty for that. 

Thus she acted as if she was going to say goodbye to Miss Alicia later on. 

"Hmnn~ fufu... Really? Okay then... At least visit me before you leave. Okay?" <Alicia> 

Alicia let out a small laugh after seeing Kazue's guilty face. 

"Yeah... as you wish... my lady." <Kazue> 

"Good girl. Oh~ right, Argent seemed to have something to tell you to, Go see him before you leave okay?" <Alicia> 

"Uhh... okay..." <Kazue> 

"Fufu..."  <Alicia> 




"?" <Kazue> 

Kazue thought she heard Alicia whisper something. 

"Is something wrong?" <Alicia> 

"Ah... no... nothing..." <Kazue> 

She looked at Alicia and saw her smiling in her usual prideful face. 

[Was it my imagination?] 

Kazue ended up shruging it off thinking it was nothing. 



Calm was pouting at Kazue. 

It seemed that she was still upset that Kazue just decided to leave Vestir without saying anything to her. 

Calm had considered Kazue as one of her true close friends. 

Even in the short time they know each other, Calm became enticed with Kazue. 

Calm considers Kazue as a true friend who will go through troubles to save her. 

Kazue has already proven this by protecting Calm with her life during Ecclesia's invasion a few days ago. 

Aside from Aaron, Kazue must be the closest person whom Calm could call a friend. 



Kazue looked at Calm. 

She saw that Calm had a teary eye gazing at her. 

It seems that Calm was sad that Kazue was going to leave. 

Kazue felt bad for Calm after realizing her mistake. 

Just as Calm has considered Kazue as a friend, Kazue also considers Calm as a friend. 

Kazue can even say that Calm Eastertale is closer to her heart compared to some of her former classmates who were transported into this world with her. 

In the first place, Kazue was never close with most of the members of their class. 

Aside from the 3 girls who aided the Hero on his quest to defeat the demon lord and Rio, there was no one in the class whom Kazue could consider as a friend. 



In the past few weeks, Kazue and her former classmates... 

Aoki Nikko 

Yoshitte Yuma 

Tsuchiya Daisetsu 

Nobira Naonobu 

Suguta Yoshiaga 



These people are Kazue's former classmates who helped her protect the saint these past few days. 

Thanks to this, she somehow formed a bond with this group of people. 

To her, they are no longer former classmates who have nothing to do with her. 

Her relationship with them is currently different from before. 

Kazue can now consider Naonobu, Daisetsu, Yoshiaga, Yuma, and Nikko as... her friends. 



Kazue had bonded with them. 

Learned things about them. 

Talked with them. 

Fought with them. 

Now... Kazue can no longer say that those people are "just former classmates". 

Now... these people are now her "friends". 



In the same way, she also found new acquaintances such as Coco, Yuma's girlfriend. 

Coco is a member of the bunny-eared tribe and the daughter of one of the highest leaders in charge of the Demi-human Alliance Army. 



There is Matsuo Masahi, Nikko's intelligent weapon. 

Like Kazue and her classmates, this intelligent weapon is also from their world who was reincarnated into this world. 

Matsuo is an otaku in his past life. 

He is an interesting guy also... a pervert. 



There is also Uesaka Shino. 

A former classmate of Kazue just like the others. 

Even though Shino did not join them in protecting the saint, Shino was also in Vestir at the time of Ecclesia's Invation. 

She may not have bonded with Kazue as much as those who were with her protecting Calm, but she still met her many times in Vestir and became acquainted. 

Compared to when they were in their old world, their relationship right now is a lot better.  

They may no longer be classmates, still, Kazue can say that she and Shino are good acquaintances. 

With a little bit of bonding, it will not be impossible that Shino too will become a person whom she considers a "friend". 



Kazue met a lot of people during her time here in Vestir. 

She was wrong to take these fateful meetings half-heartedly. 

It was wrong of her to leave with a light-hearted goodbye. 

She can now see how wrong her attitude was. 



[Ah... I guess Calm is sad that I will be leaving...] <Kazue> 

Kazue thought as she looked at Calm's sad expression, she now wanted to apologize. 

To do that she thought of a way to properly say her goodbye to Calm. 

"Hey, wanna talk somewhere?" <Kazue> 

"Talk?... With me?" <Calm> 

"Don't wanna?"<Kazue> 

"No! I would love to!" <Calm> 

Calm happily exclaimed in a loud voice full of joy. 

Her face exploded with a big smile. 

"Great... then..." <Kazue> 



The two went outdoors where the garden of the mansion was located. 

As expected, they could not leave the mansion's vicinity as there was still a small chance that there were still people who were after Calm. 

As long as they are inside the Azurearozi mansion's vicinity, no guards are needed to strictly stay with them. 

This way, no guards will be staying nearby stalking them around. 

Now, no one can hear their private conversation. 



Kazue and Calm sat on a beautiful set of tables and chairs under a marble shelter built for tea parties. 

A perfect place for noble ladies to talk and enjoy tea. 

A perfect spot to appreciate the beautiful garden of the Azurearozi Mansion. 



Kazue and Calm sat on the beautiful set of tableware in the Azurearozi garden. 

Calm excitedly sat on a chair. 

The servants prepared some snacks and drinks for the two to enjoy in their time alone. 

Calm was smiling from ear to ear. 

It's been a while since she and Kazue were alone. 



[Why is she acting excitedly? Oh well...] 

Kazue thought as she watched Calm who rushed to sit on a chair. 

There was no reason to rush since there were only two of them there. 

Kazue unconsciously shook her head thinking how childish Calm looked. 

It has been 3 weeks since the two of them met each other. 

There was almost no moment in the 3 weeks that the two separated. 

Kazue was always next to Calm. 



This past 3 weeks... 

Although it was dangerous... 

Although it was very eventful... 

Although it was tiring... 

Although it was stressful... 

Kazue considers this as a very fun experience overall. 



"Fufufu~ I've longed for this for a long time." <Calm> 

Said Calm with a smile that reached from ear to ear. 

"Longed for what?" <Kazue> 

"A talk with a female friend... fufufu..." <Calm> 

"??? ah... yes I forgot... You don't have any friends..." <Kazue> 

Kazue pretended to remember something about Calm. 



Like a sword stabbing in Calm's chest, the words cut deep into her heart. 

"T-t-that's... I do have friends!" <Calm> 

Calm quickly tried to deny Kazue's words and thought of a person whom she considered a friend excluding Kazue. 

"You do? Really? What are their names?" <Kazue> 

"...Ah... ih... uh... uhmm... oh... -sigh-" <Calm> 

She tried her best to think of a name. 

All of the names she thought about were not people whom she considers friends. 

They are the names of the priests in the church, the guards who protect her, and the believers who visit the church. 

All of them are not her friends, rather, they are people she knows. 

They act nice to her because she is a saint. 

None of them can be called as a true friend. 



"See? You don't have one after all." <Kazue> 

Kazue said as if to prove that her words were spot on. 

"I DO!!!" <Calm> 

Calm refused by screaming, yet this does not prove that she does have friends. 

"You don't!" <Kazue> 

"I DO!!!" <Calm> 

Calm screams again but it only made it look as if Kazue's words were actually true. 

Like a child losing an argument, she yelled. 



"Then tell me a name!" <Kazue> 

"A..." <Calm> 

Calm hesitated and decided to say a name. 

In the end, what Calm said was the name of a boy. 

"Hmnn?" <Kazue> 

Kazue pretended not to hear the name. 

"A-Aaron..." <Calm> 

Calm's face turned red. 

"Aaron? Friend... We both know that is not true." <Kazue> 

"Huh?! what do you mean, Aaron is my friend!" <Calm> 

"He is your boyfriend." <Kazue> 

"That's right... he's my boy fri- !! NO!" <Calm> 

Calm's face turned red. 



"Fufufu..." <Kazue> 

Finally, Kazue shows Calm a soft smile, a smile that is barely noticeable but is still there. 

Calm crumples her brows and pouts her mouth. 

"You're teasing me again Kazue..." <Calm> 

With that smile still on Kazue's face she shrugged her shoulder and acted as if she never teased Calm. 



Finding this topic interesting, Kazue decided to talk about this matter. 

"And? how is it with Aaron." <Kazue> 

Kazue asked Calm. 

It was a sudden change in topic that caught Calm off guard. 

"What do you mean?" <Calm> 

"Don't act stupid now, you know what I mean..." <Kazue> 

"I..." <Calm> 

A slight blush appeared on Calm's face. 

As Kazue implied, Calm knew what Kazue was asking about. 

"Did you two progress? You like him right? Did you confess your feelings already?" <Kazue> 

"That's..." <Calm> 



Kazue looked at Calm who was having a difficult expression on her face. 

She already knew the answer to her question by just looking at Calm. 

After all, Calm's face looked very much alike to someone she knew. 

Kazue was reminded of the days when she would tease her childhood friend to confess to the boy he liked. 

Calm reminded Kazue of that certain friend of hers, thus she decided to tell Calm a short story. 



"You know... men are stupid. Actually, I know a friend who is like you. That friend of mine also liked a boy she knew from childhood. Many years had passed and as more time passed the more deeper her affection became for that guy. That girl refused to say what she really felt to that very dense guy. In the end, the guy ends up not noticing her feelings for him." <Kazue> 



"..." <Calm> 

Calm listened to Kazue's short story. 

Calm could not answer. 

She did not know what to reply. 

It was because she was experiencing that very problem. 

"If you don't act now, other girls might take him away from you..." <Kazue> 

With a serious tone, Kazue said it trying to warn Calm. 

In all honesty, Kazue was very pissed at that friend's situation. 

After all, after some time other girls appeared next to the boy she liked. 

As a result, it only made it harder for her to progress her relationship with the boy she liked. 



"I! I... I won't let that happen..." <Calm> 

Calm said with deteriorating confidence. 

She was unsure if she could do it. 

No, she had no confidence in preventing that from happening. 

Calm swallowed her pride. 

"Kazue... what should I do..." <Calm> 



Calm showed her maiden-like face to Kazue. 

It was the same as admitting to Kazue that she has feelings for Aaron just as Kazue implied. 

And now, she can only ask for Kazue's help. 

Kazue could not help to think how cute Calm was as she was trying to ask for her advice. 

Well... that is nothing to be surprised about since everyone knew that she liked Aaron. 

Likewise, everyone knew that Aaron liked her too. 

Aaron sees Calm as a girl and the feeling hidden deep in his heart is nothing casual. 



The feeling was mutual between the two and that feeling is something romantic. 

With a begging eye, Calm gazed at Kazue. 

Like a dog asking for food from its human, she begged Kazue for an answer. 



"Just confess that you like him." <Kazue> 

Kazue suggested nonchalantly. 

"C-c-c-confess?! That... that is something I can't do... I'm too shy..." <Calm> 

Calm said with a soft bubbly voice. 

"Then just give up." <Kazue> 

"You know I can't do that either." <Calm> 

"Then what should you do..." <Kazue> 

"Don't ask me that, if I knew the answer then I would not have asked you..." <Calm> 

Calm has no idea of what to do. 



Kazue never had such a problem. 

She does not have a real answer to Calm's question. 

Kazue had never been through a romantic relationship before. 

The closest thing Kazue felt that was similar to what Calm was feeling was being infatuated with an anime or game character. 

Kazue herself never felt romantic affection toward another human being. 

People may say that Kazue has no right to give advice when it comes to this matter. 

But, this is not the first time that a girl asked for advice on a very similar problem. 

So, Kazue answered as logically and reasonably as she could. 



"Calm, you look so cute right now. Your face is very red." <Kazue> 

"Kazue... here you are again... stop teasing me. I'm seriously having trouble here. I never shared anyone about my real feelings before you know..." 

Calm's face completely turned red. 

"You're the first person I asked with this problem so... please be serious and answer me properly..." <Calm> 

The maiden made Kazue's heart skip a beat. 



[Holy sh*t... this girl is really cute. Not only does she look stunningly beautiful, she is cute to the bones... I want to tease her more... She reminds me a lot of Chiho. Is this the so-called "saint" buff?] 

Kazue does not have a peculiar sexual preference toward females. 

In her heart, she still thinks that she is a girl, not that she cares. 

Girls can also think other girls are cute, they can even be attracted to them. 

It is similar to when people think that puppies are cute, it does not involve a kind of romantic attraction.

That was the only reason. 



"Fine... then how about this? Try to be as obvious as possible. Try to show Aaron that you like him without telling him that you actually like him." <Kazue> 

"H-h-h-how can I do that?" <Calm> 

"How about clinging to him. Talk to him more. Make more physical contact such as hugging his arm. Act cute in front of him. Make it as obvious as you can. Make sure that he won't misunderstand any of your actions." <Kazue> 

"But what if he still doesn't get it." <Calm> 

"Then that is not your fault. If he does not get it after all you did, then It is not your fault. It is his fault, if that happens you should be angry at him. Maybe then he will realize your true feelings." <Kazue> 

"Will that really work..." <Calm> 

Kazye did not reply. 



[Honestly... I don't know. My brain tells me that this should work, but my feeling says it would not. After all, I've seen this all fail with that "Hero" after all. I just hope that Aaron is a better man than him.] 

[Just in case... I should give Aaron a clear hint later...]  

Kazue thought as she replied to Calm. 



Kazue shakes her head. 

She can't help but look over these girls who are deeply in love with a helpless boy. 

Her childhood friend, Chiho is the same as her. 

They are both trying their best to chase after a dense boy they liked so much. 

In the same way, Kazue advised Calm, she also said these things to Chiho in the past. 

It was a real shame that the hero and the loyal knight were both helplessly dense. 

He is so dense that after the obvious clues Chiho and the other girls gave him, he seems to have not noticed their feelings for him. 

For Kazue, those kinds of guys were the worst kind of men. 

She does not get why girls flock to that man.  

Who cares if he's a kind man? 

Who cares if he's a naturally nice person? 

In reality, Kazue could not appreciate those kinds of men. 

She would rather choose one of the otaku boys rather than Hano. 



Kazue and Calm continued their heart-to-heart talk. 

Kazue spends the whole day talking with Calm. 







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