God’s Guide for Teasing Heroes

Chapter 110: The Saint’s Miracle and A New Companion

Narrator POV







Calm raised her head high and recalled her resolve that day she prayed to Gaiah. 

She made eye contact with the priest. 

The priest who saw the saint saw that something was different. 

It was as if the saint had grown more mature in just a few days. 



"What is your purpose today, Father Romeo?" <Aaron> 

Aaron asked the priest with a clear, commanding voice, trying to intimidate him. 

Father Romeo did not mind Aaron's tone and continued to state his business. 



As all people know, in this world, once a person turns 10 years old, they will receive their "Awakening". 

Without this "Awakening", no one will be able to learn a "skill", obtain a "job class", or even "level up". 

This means that people below 10 years old are basically powerless and need protection. 

As one person reaches his 10th birthday, he will then receive his or her "Awakening". 

This "Awakening" will boost their physical abilities greatly boosting their stats. 

They will obtain a certain path to follow, known as the "Job-Class".  

At the same time, after their awakening, they can now start to "level up" and learn "skills". 



Father Romeo is one of the most loyal servants of the Church of Life. 

Seven years ago, he decided to dedicate his life as a devoted believer in this religion. 

It was when Calm Eastertale became the "Saint". 

Due to the Goddess's blessing bestowed on Calm, she had her "Awakening" 1 year earlier than normal. 

She then received a blessing making her the only person who has the title "Oracle of Goddess of Life and Death". 

As a result, the "Saint" is revered by all members of the Church of Life. 

Romeo's belief in this religion grew after knowing about Calm Eastertale's existence. 

He then decided to quit as a healer for the army and worked for the church instead. 

There, he witnessed the power of the young saint who is less than 10 years old and should still be powerless. 

And yet, this child who has lower experience and level than himself performed incredible feats with her holy and healing abilities that eclipse that of his abilities. 

She healed the sick, removed curses, and conveyed the Goddess's words. 

There, he knew that the goddess's blessing was real. 

There and then he devoted his life to the Church of Life. 



Father Romeo watched Calm Eastertale grow within the walls of the church. 

He wanted the people to see these miracles as well. 

And now is the perfect time to let them see the miracles the Saint of Riles can do. 



Many injured citizens and Adventurers are being treated in the plaza. 

Their morale was a lot better compared to when the invasion happened. 

Still, their heart is in disarray. 

People are afraid. 

People are losing hope. 

They needed something to put their faith in and provide them some hope in these dark times. 

And, who else other than the saint could provide them this "Hope". 

People need a beacon of hope now more than ever. 

Calm Eastertale, The saint of Riles and the Oracle of the Goddess of Life, can give them that hope they need. 

That is what Father Romeo was thinking. 



If the saint appears there, there is no doubt that the people will see how unique the saint of Riles is. 

More people will follow in the ways of the "Church of Life". 

As a devoted priest, what more can he ask? 

He wanted people to join the "Church of Life". 

He needed the saint to stay in church and stop hiding to do that. 

He needed to show that the saint to the people and give them the hope they all needed. 



"We came to escort the saint." <F. Romeo> 

"Escort?" <Aaron> 

Aaron repeated the words Father Romeo had just said. 

He knew what this might mean, yet he still asked what exactly Father Romeo meant by saying this word. 

"Yes, we believe that it would be best that she stays in the protection of the church." <F. Romeo> 

A commanding voice stated. 

"The saint should stay in the church." <F. Romeo> 

He was steadfast; he was not willing to back down. 

He insists that the saint should stay in the church instead. 



Aaron rejected his plea. 

He is starting to feel annoyed. 

[This priest, all they can think about is the image of the church...] 

Yes, Aaron knew that the priest wanted Calm to be protected in the church to gain more people to join the "Church of Life". 

They wanted to use the saint's presence to influence people further to join the church. 

This is even though dangers are still looming in all city corners. 

There are still Assassins and Inquisitors hiding in the city. 

If Calm shows up now, they will undoubtedly target her, thus again putting her in danger. 

This made Aaron feel furious at these priests who wanted Calm to do what they wanted her to do. 



"No need!" <Aaron> 

Aaron refute. 

"In the first place, this place is already safe. There is no need for Calm-sama to move." <Aaron> 

"No, we need the saint to be in the church so the people will feel safer." <F. Romeo> 

"Huh?! Are you telling us that we should ignore the possibility of the enemy being there just because you want to show Calm-sama to the people?" <Aaron> 

"Yes! Exactly! It is her duty as the saint!" <F. Romeo> 

"HAH?! Her duty?!!!" <Aaron> 



Aaron was furious at how ridiculous the priest was. 

Father Romeo looks like a zealous believer who is blinded by his beliefs. 

He somehow reminded Aaron of how Ecclesia Inquisitors mindlessly followed the teachings of God like crazy. 

Everyone knew it was still dangerous for the saint to come out in the open. 

Still, they want to "Show" the people that the saint was there. 

They wanted Calm to act like a mascot. 

Aaron knew the significance of the saint. 

He knew their morale would increase by showing the saint to the people. 

She can give people hope by just showing up. 

As the saint, Calm carries a significant meaning to all the people. 

He knew that simple fact. 



Their conversation continued on and on. 

Aaron refuses to agree to send Calm back to the church. 

Father Romeo insists that the saint should come back to the church, show herself to the people, and perform miracles. 

Neither of them backed down. 



When Aaron was about to reach his limit... 

"I refuse to return to the church." <Calm> 

Calm stated in a clear voice. 

"Calm!" <Aaron> 

"Saint-sama!" <F. Romeo> 



Father Romeo became pale upon hearing the saint's refusal to return to the church. 

"Saint-sama! The people need you!" <F. Romeo> 

"I know, still I refuse to return to the church." <Calm> 

"Are you telling me that you will abandon them? You are the saint! You must give people hope!"  <F. Romeo> 

"..." <Calm> 

Calm stayed silent and shook her head to show her refusal. 



Father Romeo became impatient and moved toward Calm to try to grab her. 

He was going to pull her out of the mansion himself. 

"What are you trying to do?" <Aaron> 

Aaron stood between him and Calm. 



The priest almost fell in despair. 

It was clear that Calm did not want to go back to the church. 

Seeing Father Romeo in despair, Calm opened her mouth to express what she was thinking. 

"I refuse to return to the church because I could not trust everyone there. I know the risk of getting attacked again if I go there." <Calm> 



"Calm..." <Aaron> 

Aaron understood that Calm hated to see people get harmed because of her. 

Calm is a kind person who hates to see others suffer. 

Ever since they were young, Calm hated people getting hurt. 

She once saw her village almost get slaughtered, and because of that, she hated to see people get hurt. 

Calm hated it even more if she knew that those people were getting hurt because of her. 

"I don't want to see more people get hurt because of me. And because of that, I refuse to go. If I go, I will risk the lives of the people who want to protect me, too." <Calm> 



Father Romeo felt that it was impossible for him to convince the saint. 

"But..." <Calm> 

Calm lifts her face with determination. 

She continued to say her peace. 

"But... That does not mean I will abandon the people who need my help." <Calm> 

Calm gripped at Aaron's clothes and pulled it. 

It notified Aaron that Calm wanted her attention. 

"That is why..." <Calm> 

Calm stared directly at Aaron's eyes with determination. 

"I will go to the plaza to help with healing the injured. I will use my ability to help!" <Calm> 

Calm pulled on Aaron's clothes harder. 

She then whispered to Aaron's ear so that only he would hear her voice. 

"I will need your help to come with me. I might endanger you, but I want to use my power to help the people. I don't want you hurt, but I need your help, Aaron." <Calm> 




Calm hated seeing people suffer. 

Part of the reason why the Ecclesia Empire attacked and tried to invade Vestir was because of her. 

In some way, she was responsible for the situation in some way. 

Aaron knew that Calm wanted to help, too. 

Calm hated the fact that she might get the people protecting her in trouble, but she was still willing to help. 

She decided to use her power to help people. 

Calm knows that she has the ability to help people with her ability to heal. 

Her ability to use "healing" skills is amongst the best in the world. 



She decided to help using her exceptional healing abilities. 

Calm prayed to the Goddess Gaiah. 

[Gaiah-sama please give me strength.] 



Back when Calm and Kazue's friends were fighting with the assassins when they escaped in the forest the night Ecclesia tried to invade Vestir, Calm is determined to become useful. 

She no longer wants to be someone who is watching from afar. 

She can help others, abilities given to her by the Goddess. 

What is the use of this ability if she is not going to use it? 

What is the use of this ability if she is going to simply watch from afar? 

She did not want to waste this ability; she would rather use it to help. 

If a fight happened because of her, she wanted to be there and help rather than simply get protected without doing anything. 

If something happens, she can use her ability to support the people protecting her and help them in fights with her buff skills. 

With this, she can make their job a lot easier. 



Witnessing Calm's newfound resolve, Aaron kneeled at Calm to support her resolve. 

Aaron did not want Calm to face danger. 

But, he also did not like to force Calm in any way. 

This is her decision. 

And to Aaron, Calm's will is something he should respect. 

He was like a loyal knight serving his master with all his heart. 

He vowed to follow Calm with everything he had. 

"As you wish, Calm-sama. Did I not tell you? I will follow your will no matter what. You can use me all you want. I promise to protect you with my life." <Aaron> 

"Aaron... thank you." <Calm> 



Evening that very day. 

After some preparations, Calm Eastertale went to the plaza. 

She is escorted by her most trusted knight, Aaron Van Zelle, standing right next to her. 

There were also the Royal Knights designated by the king of Riles himself to protect Calm at all costs. 

There are also the tried and tested men of the Azurearozi Mansion willing to protect her. 

With this, there is almost no window for the assassins or Inquisitors to reach Calm. 

Even if they did, they would simply fail. 

With these people protecting Calm, there was little to no chance for anyone to harm her. 

Even without Kazue and her friends, Calm was safe in the hands of the people surrounding her as she went to the city plaza. 



They rallied to the plaza and presented the "Saint of Riles" to everyone. 

Calm's appearance was announced to all the citizens who evacuated and were protected by the adventurers and soldiers in the area. 

As expected, it boosted the morale of the people. 

Seeing the saint show herself in these dangerous times allowed them to feel the protection of the Goddess herself. 



The people watch as the saint walks elegantly to the middle of the plaza, showing herself to the people. 

It has been a while since the people saw the saint come out of the Church. 

They even feared that the saint might have perished during the chaos. 

As she did not appear for quite some time, the people feared for her. 

And now she was walking in the middle of the plaza. 



Following her were the guards. 

They did not allow anyone to get near her. 

Still, the image of the beautiful saint walking in the middle of the road was quite a sight. 

People were in awe of her beauty. 

They were stunned. 

She was wearing her usual saint attire, a white one-piece dress with golden accents. 

As she walked, people were in awe of her ethereal beauty. 

She was like a goddess walking in the mortal plains. 



Calm walked up to a high platform prepared beforehand. 

There, she kneeled and prayed for all the people gathered in that plaza. 

As she prayed, a golden light fell from the sky and illuminated Calm Eastertale. 

Her golden hair shined as it reflected the light that descended from the heavens above. 




Calm's body was enveloped by a mysterious golden light. 

Something about Calm felt very different than usual. 

This was something no one, not even the priest of the Church of Life, had witnessed in all of Calm's years in the church. 



A warm, soothing light enveloped the entire plaza. 

Showering the people within it with a pretty show of golden dust particles dancing in the air. 

Everyone knew that the origin of this light was the girl kneeling on top of that elevated platform. 

They all watch the saint emit these golden lights. 

They held their breath, watching all of this ensue. 



Calm prayed to the Goddess to heal the wounds and pain of the injured Adventurers, Guards, and citizens gathered there. 

There are many injured; many have minor wounds, some have serious injuries, and there are even some who are gravely wounded and are fighting for their dear life. 

Calm prayed thinking of these people. 

She asked the Goddess with all her heart. 

[Gaiah-sama, please gift us your blessing. Relieve the pain and suffering of all the people gathered here today.] 



As if to answer her wish, Gaiah allowed Calm to use a skill that she was never able to use before. 

A skill that can only be used by her Oracle. 



(Ultimate Skill: Descent) 

A skill that allows Calm to use a fraction of the Goddess's power. 

A skill that can only be used with the permission of Gaiah. 

Calm herself could not use this skill freely; in fact, Calm had never been able to use this skill before. 

The skill that allowed Gaiah to possess Calm when she first used her body to perform miracles in the small village where Calm used to live. 

This was the same golden light that appeared that day. 

But, unlike before, the Goddess did not possess Calm. 

Instead, she momentarily blessed Calm with a god-like power. 



Within this light, all of the people near Calm felt that all pain and suffering was dissipating along with the dancing golden dust floating in the air. 

Just staying within that light made them feel empowered and felt that all unpleasant feelings they were feeling were being washed away. 

The darkness of the night sky was being dispelled by the light. 

The light that appeared when Gaiah "Descended" to this world seven years ago appeared once again. 

In an instant, she was able to restore everyone's health to perfect condition. 

All of their wounds disappeared. 

All of their pain faded as if it was never there. 

Those who are on the brink of death are saved and stand up as if nothing happened. 

They all watched the golden light dance in the air, relieving all of their pains. 

Everyone knew that this light was something more than just a "skill". 

It was not just a simple "Healing" magic either. 

It was the Goddess's blessing itself. 

They could feel the Goddess's protection as this light was showering them. 



[With this, I can help others with my abilities.] 

Calm continued to pray as she allowed the skill to envelop everyone there. 

For the first time, she really felt that she was "The Saint." 

For the first time, she's done something worthy of that name. 

It was the proudest moment in Calm's life. 

This story will soon be passed down and become a new tale for years to come. 

The story of the miracle performed by the saint of Riles. 

A miracle story that will further draw more people to believe in the teaching of the Church of Life. 

This will be further proof that their Goddess, the Goddess of Life and Death, Gaiah, is a goddess worthy of praise. 



After using the skill, Calm felt as if all of her strength was drained due to the drawback of her ability. 

She remembers walking down the elevated platform as people cheered. 

Calm was doing her best to fight the urge to pass out. 

She did not remember much after that. 

All Calm can remember is her feeling too tired to walk. 

She remembers hearing Aaron's voice. 

She remembers following Aaron's voice. 

As soon as she reached the origin of the voice, she allowed herself to fall into her urge to rest. 

Then she blacked out as she comfortably rested. 

She remembered Aaron's scent still lingering in her nose, and then she lost consciousness. 





The next day. 

The sun was already high up in the sky. 

It was almost noon. 



Kazue opened her eyes. 

She just woke up after a long and well-deserved sleep. 

She stretched her arm to shake off her drowsiness. 

It felt like she had had a long and satisfying sleep after resting. 

She felt that her body was now well-rested. 

Kazue got up from the soft, comfortable bed. 

Her familiars, who were sleeping beside the bed, also woke up and stretched their bodies to start up the day. 

She got up and walked up to the door of the magnificent room. 



Kazue opened the door. 

Two maids were standing outside of the room. 

"Good Morning, Kazue-sama" 

The two maids bowed at her. 

It was as if they were waiting for Kazue to wake up so they could serve her. 



"What are your plans for the day, Kazue-sama?" 

The maids asked Kazue, who was still sleepy. 

"Nothing in particular..." <Kazue> 

Kazue answered as she had no plans in mind. 

As soon as she said those words, her stomach growled to tell Kazue she had a plan to eat. 

She felt her hunger and decided to eat some food. 

"Well... I want to have my breakfast." <Kazue> 

"Understood, Kazue-sama." 

The maids led Kazue to a dining place for her to eat. 



The maids led Kazue into the dining room. 

Kazue sat at a table, waiting for the mansion's people to serve the food. 

She was given a hot soup and some fruit juice. 

The soup revitalized Kazue as soon as she tasted the refreshing hot flavor. 

The soup had a mild taste that it was easy to consume. 

Despite having a mild taste, the soup has a taste that will entice one to take another spoon one after the other. 

Without noticing, Kazue finished the soup in a blink of an eye. 



The soup seemed to excite Kazue's desire to eat more. 

Thus, Kazue wanted to ask for more. 

Before Kazue could even request more, a maid entered the room and delivered the next batch of food. 

This time, it was a full-course meal. 

A combination of meat, beans, vegetables, and sauces is fixed on the plate to appear presentable and delicious to the eye. 

Kazue took a bite, and the taste was even more impressive than the food's appearance. 

Kazue partakes the food without stopping. 



It was as if Kazue was being served in a high-class restaurant. 

Exquisite food was served in front of her to consume. 

Her familiars were given large chunks of meat to eat. 

Her familiars happily ate with her. 



While Kazue was eating. 

A knock sounded behind one of the doors. 

The door opened, and a beautiful blonde girl entered the room 

"Kazue-chan, Good morning." <Calm> 

It was Calm who entered the room. 

From the looks of it, it seemed that she had also just woken up. 



Calm no longer wears the "thief" clothes. 

She was now wearing a beautiful light green gown. 

The mansion's servants seemed to take the initiative to present Calm with new clothes. 

After all, Calm no longer needs to wear those revealing clothes to disguise herself from the assassins. 

Kazue felt disappointed seeing that she no longer wears those clothes. 

She cannot tease her for wearing those clothes anymore. 



Calm entered the room. 

She walked toward the seat next to Kazue. 

She walked in a jolly manner. 

As she walked toward Kazue, Kazue noticed that Calm was carrying something "Black" in her arms. 

She silently watched Calm walk to her while eating. 

Kazue slowly chewed on the food, watching Calm approach her without breaking eye contact. 

Still chewing a piece of food in her mouth, Calm talked to Kazue. 




"How are you feeling?" <Calm> 


Kazue swallowed the piece of food in her mouth before answering in her usual monotone voice. 

"I'm feeling okay..."  <Kazue> 

"That's good to hear!" <Calm> 

Calm happily replied. 

She is now full of energy, and a vibrant expression is painted on her face. 

Compared to how she looked a few days ago, she feels safe now. 

Calm, no longer fear the danger of being assassinated. 

Thanks to the protection of the people around her, she no longer fears for her life. 

This is how Calm has turned back to her usual self. 



This is how the real Calm Eastertale was. 

A jolly girl who loves to smile. 

She was a charming and charismatic girl. 

She is a girl with a smile that allows others to be blessed just by seeing her smile. 

Watching Calm makes everyone around her feel a better mood. 

She is full of life and contagious happiness to the people around her. 

On top of those, she also possesses a face that would leave any man stunned. 

She was a stunning beauty who possessed the ethereal beauty of the Elven race, as her mother is an Elf herself. 



Almost stunned by the beauty of Calm, Kazue shifted her attention to something else. 

Kazue takes a look at the thing in Calm's arms. 

Calm was carrying a black object like a mother carrying her baby. 



"By the way... what is that thing." <Kazue> 

Kazue pointed at the black thing Calm was carrying in her arms. 

Expecting to be asked that question, Calm answered Kazue with a big smile. 

"fufun~ I'm glad you noticed!" <Calm> 

Calm held out her arm, holding the black thing, and presented it to Kazue. 

She happily presented the black thing to Kazue. 

"It's a gift." <Calm> 

"Gift?" <Kazue> 

"Yes, a gift from my Goddess. She wanted me to give her to you." <Calm> 



"???" <Kazue> 

[My Goddess? She means the "Goddess of Life and Death," Right?] 

With an expectant look, Kazue gave the thing another look. 

After all, if this was a gift from the Goddess, it might be very precious. 

The black thing on Calm's arm moved. 



"?!" <Kazue> 

The thing caught Kazue's attention. 

[Did that thing move just now?] 

It moves again. 

Kazue realized that the thing in Calm's hands was a living creature. 

Upon second look, Kazue saw what it was. 

"Is that... a bird?"  


Calm said what the thing was. 

To be more precise, the bird on Calm's arm was a crow. 

A crow with majestic black feathers that resemble Kazue's black hair. 

The crow spread its wings and flew at Kazue's head. 



"What? Why a bird, tho?" 




The bird made a cry to welcome her new owner. 





Things had settled down in the city. 

The citizen had returned to each of their respective houses. 

Thanks to Calm's performance the night before, people were able to come back to their own respective houses. 

The soldiers and adventurers have completely wiped out all of the assassins and Inquisitors hiding in the city. 

They escorted and stayed alert as the people returned to their homes. 



Rio went out to walk around the city. 

She was only trying to waste time as she awaited Kazue to wake up. 

She patrolled the city and searched for "suspicious" individuals. 

She also wanted to see the state of things in the city. 

She could hear all the talks about how magnificent and amazing Calm's abilities were to be able to heal all the people in the plaza. 

Only the royal knights, some people of the Azurearozi mansion, and Aaron were the only ones who went to protect Calm last night. 

After all, Calm did not want to disturb their rest. 

If Rio had known that Calm would do something out of the ordinary that night, she would have come to see it firsthand. 



People were having a festive feeling. 

Their spirits were lifted after witnessing the miracle performed by the saint last night. 

Meanwhile, Rio knew that the saint was staying in the mansion. 

She had not joined the guards protecting Calm the night before. 

However, by using her ability to read minds, she was able to see the image of Calm performing miracles during last night's event. 

And as they described, Calm looked truly magnificent that night. 



Rio knew how amazing Calm's abilities could be. 

She was able to experience it firsthand, after all. 

She was able to witness Calm's abilities when they fought Edmon during the invasion. 



Rio continued to patrol the city. 

By looking into the minds of the people she met, she randomly walked into the city looking for suspicious individuals. 

She encountered none of them roaming around the city. 

"Wow, the adventurers and the soldiers did a great job persecuting those people." <Rio> 

It was almost noon, so Rio thought Kazue must be awake by now. 

She returned to the mansion. 



It arrived at the mansion heavily guarded by the Azurearozi guards and Royal guards sent by the King of Riles. 

They all protected the place. 

There were no blind spots, and the place was heavily guarded. 

Anyone who will try to infiltrate this place must be really skilled or really stupid. 



"Ah, Miss Rio, welcome back." <Guard> 

The guard recognized Rio by face and welcomed her as he opened the well-guarded gate. 

Rio only bowed to thank the guard. 

Rio is not good at talking to people. 

As such, she could only nod at the guards. 



She walked into the gate. 

As she reached the open lawn of the mansion, she saw Kazue with her familiars outside the mansion. 

It seems that they were doing something. 

As Rio walked closer, she saw something black gliding in the air. 



Kazue watches the thing swiftly glide in the air. 

Her familiars were running around happily chasing the thing. 

It was as if they were playing some game. 

She was like a pet owner playing with her pets at the playground. 



Soon enough, Kazue noticed Rio and waved her hands at her without a word. 

Rio also waved her hands at Kazue as she saw that Kazue noticed her. 

She walked to Kazue without thinking much. 

"W-what are you doing, Kazue?" <Rio> 

Rio opened her mouth and talked with a shy voice. 

"Oh... this..." <Kazue> 



Kazue called for the thing. 

She stretched her arm up, expecting something to land on it. 

As it landed, Kazue said. 

"This is Kurow~" <Kazue> 

Indeed, the black thing flying in the air landed on Kazue's arm. 

It was a black crow. 



"A crow?" <Rio> 

"Yep, I call her "Kurow". It's a pun of "Crow" and "Kuro" put together... fufu." <Kazue> 

Kazue laughed at her own lame joke. 

It seemed that she named the crow as Kurow. 

As Kazue said, it was a lame pun for a name. 



"... seriously?" <Rio> 


Behind Kazue was Calm. 

She sighed when she heard the name of the bird. 

"I still think it sounds stupid..." <Calm> 

Calm said, expressing her dissatisfaction with the name Kazue gave the gift from her Goddess. 



"I still can't understand why she thinks that this is a good name for her." <Calm> 

Calm placed her hands over her face, and she could not believe Kazue. 

Kazue showed no change in her reaction. 

It was Kazue's usual face. 

A face that lacked emotion, her sharp eyes made it appear as if she was in a grumpy mood. 

In reality, she was in a neutral mood. 

Kazue was not moody, nor was she sad.  

She was in her usual deadpan face. 

Instead, despite how she sucks at showing her emotions, she was feeling a bit happy. 

No, she was trying her best not to laugh. 



"pftt... Kurow..." <Kazue> 














Author Note: 

Then again, let me say this again. 

I am going to post 1 chapter a week just as usual~ 
But well, I think I have time now to draw for each chapter since I still have some advanced chapters prepared for the future. 




inanashi – out~ 

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