God’s Guide for Teasing Heroes

Chapter 108: Aaron Vs Razor and They all can Rest

Narrator POV 







In the forest outside the city. 

Inside an Isolation Barrier. 

Razor and Aaron are engaged in a fierce battle. 



The battle between Aaron, the captain of Calm's Personal Guards, and Razor, the acting leader of the Assassin Order. 

Aaron Van Zelle forced Razor to engage him in combat to protect Calm. 

Aaron also used an Isolation Barrier Crystal to cast an (Isolation Barrier) and trap himself and Razor inside. 



Razor knew that to dispel the barrier, he needed to either kill the caster, use an item, or use a skill. 

Unfortunately, Razor did not have such an item nor the skill to dispel the (Isolation Barrier). 

Thus, he was left with only one choice. 

In order to escape from this trap, he needed to kill Aaron, the caster of this barrier, so he could leave the (Isolation Barrier). 



Razor tries to kill Aaron so he can leave the barrier and chase after Calm Eastertale. 

Killing Aaron was not an easy task. 

Despite trying his best to finish him, he was unable to defeat Aaron. 

Not only did he fail to kill him, Aaron was actually trying to exterminate him instead. 

Their abilities are equally matched. 



Razor has the job class "Blade Master". 

Blade Master is among the rarest elite job classes that can wield all kinds of bladed weapons. 

He mainly uses a sword, but at the same time, he has all kinds of concealed weapons hidden within his equipment. 

Razor fought Aaron with a wide variety of skills that aimed to catch the opponent off guard by unleashing various offensive skills. 

Razor utilized his tricky fighting style while wielding many hidden-bladed weapons. 

Swords, knives, throwing stars, throwing daggers, throwing axes, and it seems that Razor has an infinite number of weapons that he summons out of thin air. 

It kept Aaron guessing what Razor would do next, keeping him in check. 



Aaron has the job class "Crusader". 

Crusader, like Blade Master, is one of the rarest elite job classes that excels in using Holy Magic and mastery over various kinds of melee weapons.  

Aaron uses a sword and a shield. 

Aaron's fighting style is focused mainly on capitalizing on his incredible tenacity. 

With his holy magic, Aaron can recover from most of the damage his body receives during a fight. 

He has been tanking all of Razor's attacks with all the defensive buff and recovery magic in his arsenal. 

He was confident in his vitality that he would not fail quickly and was capable of gobbling up any attack Razor did. 

While gobbling up all of Razor's attacks, Aaron would accurately and skillfully counter Razor's assaults. 

Even after a long time, Razor was unsuccessful in finishing Aaron. 

Aaron has tanked all of Razor's attacks so far and came out of it alive. 

Razor did manage to harm Aaron, but with his regenerative skills such as (Heal), (Auto Regeneration), and all kinds of defensive buffs, Aaron was able to withstand it and recuperate using his skills. 



For Razor to defeat Aaron, he must keep on attacking and deplete Aaron's MP reserves. 

Razor must continue to attack Aaron, cause a lot of damage to his body, and force him to use up all of his MP. 

In that way, he will not be able to regenerate using his skills. 

This is while keeping an eye on Aaron's accurate counters and hopefully escaping from harm away from Aaron's devastating counterattacks. 



On the other hand. 

For Aaron to win over Razor, he must carefully and patiently wait for the right moment to counterattack. 

He can either exhaust Razor or catch him off guard with accurate and well-timed counterattacks. 

Razor is nimble and agile, a lot faster than Aaron. 

Despite having a disadvantage in mobility, Aaron can still hit Razor with his attacks. 

Aaron has managed to hit Razor several times already, and each of those times, he has been able to harm Razor significantly. 

Unlike him, Razor cannot heal his own wounds like Aaron can. 

By wearing down Razor little by little, Aaron can defeat Razor eventually. 

But, to do that, Aaron must have enough MP to keep healing himself from all of Razor's assaults.  



Both men have accumulated significant amounts of damage to each other. 

No one between the two is at a clear advantage over the other. 

At the same time, both have reached their limits. 



"Haa... Haa..." <Aaron> 

"Haa... Haa..." <Razor> 

Both are breathing heavily. 

Without taking risks, Razor cannot defeat Aaron while holding back. 

At the same time, Aaron managed to exploit the risk Razor took and inflict damage on him effectively. 

Aaron is exhausted from all the accumulated damage he received from Razor's tricky attacks. 

Razor is wounded all over his body; he is bleeding and hurting from all thanks to Aaron's accurate and well-timed counterattacks. 



Razor was hurt enough that he was bleeding and even had broken bones in many parts of his body. 

He knew that he could only take a hit or two before he got defeated. 

Aaron is about to deplete all of his MP.  

Soon, he will not be able to heal his injuries anymore. 

Aaron cannot afford to carelessly accumulate further damage. 

Both parties knew that this fight could end either way. 

It was about time to end this fight. 

Both are thinking of unleashing their aces to overcome the opponent. 

Both knew that the other was about to use a skill that could end this fight after that. 

As the two were about to make their next move, Razor opened his mouth. 



"Hey Aaron-san, why don't we call it a day and call it a draw?" <Razor> 

"Huh? What the hell are you trying to pull off now?" <Aaron> 

"You see, I value my life. How about this. I promise that if you accept my offer, I will no longer go after your beloved saint. So? how about it? Could you dispel the Isolation barrier and let me walk free here?" <Razor> 

"Huh?..." <Aaron> 

Aaron thought of Razor's offer as something he could not accept. 



"Do you think I'm stupid?" <Aaron> 

"Come on, where buddies now. Haven't we crossed our blades twice already? Were like battle buddies." <Razor> 

"Sorry. I have no intention of letting a villain like you leave. Also, I cannot forgive you for trying to harm Calm." <Aaron> 

Aaron glared at Razor. His eyes were full of anger. 

Razor saw this and knew that he would not be able to convince Aaron to let him escape. 

"What a shame... really, I guess I have no choice..." <Razor> 



Razor swings his blade and poses in some stance. 

In response, Aaron raised his sword. 

As he did, a large amount of mana was charged into the sword raised in the air. 

It shone like a glorious holy cross, shining brightly and exuding a significant amount of force. 

Aaron placed his large shield on his left arm and prepared to attack. 



(Crusader Skill: Sacred Cross) 

Aaron announced his skill's name. 

At the same time, Razor pulled out two daggers seemingly out of nowhere. 

A high-pitched-vibrating noise rang from the sword he was wielding. 

(Blade Master Skill: Death Bell) 

Razor prepared his skills to compete with Aaron's skills. 

A fierce wind enveloped Razor, and he was ready to unleash his skill. 



Aaron needs to help Kazue and the others to protect Calm, as many assassins are still chasing after them. 

Both prepared their most potent attacks. 

Both knew what the significance of this 

Neither of them could waste more time fighting one another. 

They needed to put an end to this fight. 

They both wanted to end this fight in the next attack. 

Whoever wins this last clash will win the fight. 

The two charged at each other. 

They both unleashed their skill at the same time. 

They charged at each other. 






Their weapon clashed and created a power struggle between the two powerful attacks. 

The ground beneath the both of them could not bear the power behind the two clashing attacks. 

The land crumbled, winds were being pushed away, and sparks of pure energy shot out, destroying whatever it touched. 



"Haaaaa!!!" <Aaron> 

"Rhaaaa!!!" <Razor> 

Both screamed, unleashing the full extent of their skill's destructive power. 




A large explosion followed. 

Dust covered the battlefield. 



Standing there should be the victor of this battle. 



"Haa... Haa... Haa.." <Aaron> 

Breathing heavily, he stood. 

Blood trickled down his head. 

He has depleted all of his mana and most of his stamina. 

There he stood. 

Aaron Van Zelle. 

On the ground was Razor, right next to Aaron. 

Razor's sword was broken, and he seemed to be unconscious. 

It seemed he had succumbed to all of his accumulated injuries and fell. 



In normal circumstances, Aaron would rather capture the assassin. 

Unfortunately, he has no means to do so. 

In the first place, Razor is strong enough to escape from most of the restraining tools used to capture and immobilize people. 

At the same time, Aaron does not have any of those with him to begin with. 

Aaron could not leave such a dangerous individual to roam free. 

If he could not capture him, he might as well ensure that Razor would no longer be a threat. 

He can do this by killing Razor right here and right now. 

Thus, he has no choice but to execute Razor there and then. 



Aaron raised his sword and aimed to bury his sword onto Razor's body. 


Aaron pushed his sword into Razor's chest. 

His blade pierced through Razor's chest and pierced his heart. 

Razor did not resist. 

He did not even react as he was already unconscious. 

The sword was pierced into Razor's heart. 

Aaron used this moment to rest briefly, resting his weight on the sword. 



Exhausted, Aaron let out a deep breath. 

He has used up all of his MP to defeat the acting leader of the assassin who was trying to kill his precious person. 

Aaron pulled out his sword out of Razor's body. 

Blood oozed out of the wound as Aaron delivered the finishing blow. 

Aaron kneeled down to check on Razor's pulse. 

Now, Aaron is confident that he is dead. 



He forced his body to get back up with all his strength. 

"I need to help the others now..." 

He gazed in the direction of where he felt presence. 

Despite being exhausted and out of mana, Aaron pushed himself to move to support the people protecting Calm. 

Now that he had defeated the leaders of the Assassins, he needed to help his allies to protect the saint. 

Knowing that Aaron won this struggle with the leader of the assassins, he knew that this would surely boost his allies' morale. 

Thus, he started running toward where the others were fighting. 



Eager to come after Calm and the others, he released the effect of the Isolation Barrier Crystal. 

The red dome imprisoning himself and Razor faded. 

He looked at the dead body of the Assassin one last time. 


He did not want to leave the body there. 

Still, the other needs him now. 

Hesitantly, Aaron started to move. 

He left Razor's dead body there. 

He thought of returning there in the future to collect the body later.  

Aaron started running. 

He moved toward the direction where Kazue and the others went to. 

He left in speed and never looked back. 




Minutes later. 

In the darkness of the forest. 



The corpse of the supposedly defeated assassin rose on its own. 

"Hahaha... that one was close..." <Razor> 

He spits out blood from his mouth. 

"Ah... Unfortunately, I should accept that this mission is a failure. I can no longer pursue the saint..." <Razor> 

He sighed in his disappointment. 

"Aa~ I guess my dream of carving my name in history as the assassin who killed the saint ends here... This is unfortunate..." <Razor> 

He stood up and walked staggeringly. 

He then walked into the shadow of the night. 







Deeper into the forest. 



Yoshiaga, Naonobu, Daisetsu, Nikko, Yuma, Coco, and two servants of the Azurearozi mansion were still engaged in combat with the assassins. 

No one was able to rest, as many of the assassins were quite capable adversaries. 



They are trying to stop the assassins who are trying to chase after Calm and Kazue. 

They are determined to not let any of the assassins get past them and chase after the fleeing Kazue, Rio, and Calm. 

By stopping them here, they can increase the chances of them escaping from the assassins. 

And so, to stop the assassin in their tracks, the group had engaged in battle with the assassins. 



Yoshiaga, Naonobu, Daisetsu, Nikko, Yuma, Coco, and two servants of the Azurearozi mansion fought with the assassins. 

Having held their own against the aggressive assassins who could only banter about their frustrations of not being able to chase after the saint, they decided to release all of this frustration toward the group. 

The assassins are determined to, at the very least, show their frustration and dissatisfaction by killing the people who stopped them from chasing after the saint. 

As such... 



Yoshiaga, Naonobu, and Daisetsu. 

The three Otaku boys are doing their best to fight against the Assassins. 

The three were able to hold their own in the fight. 

This is the first time the three boys are fighting with their lives on the line. 

Despite being inexperienced, the three boys were doing well. 

They moved and coordinated their attacks, which made it hard for the assassins to fight against them. 



The three had been together ever since they left the Castle 5 months ago. 

They have developed incredible team chemistry and were able to back up each other very well. 

Each of them knew the other's strengths and weaknesses, and thus, they were able to support each other perfectly. 

Not to mention that in the past two months, they have been traveling with Alicia and were training under her tutelage. 

Thanks to that, they were able to fight skillfully while working together. 

Compared to Alicia, these assassins were nothing. 



Meanwhile, the assassins seemed to have no teamwork whatsoever. 

They were strong individually but did not work together. 

They only focused on trying to defeat them with brute force. 

As a result, despite being weaker than their opponents, the Otaku boys were able to hold their own. 



Further ahead were Nikko, Yuma, Coco, and the two servants of the mansion. 

They are also fighting the assassins and are also having a hard time against them. 

The assassins were no pushovers. 

Individually, they were about as strong as they are. 

They could not be careless. 



Nearby, Nikko, with his Magic sword Masahi, is fighting against two assassins at once. 

Despite Nikko fighting two assassins at once, he was doing well against them. 

With the ability to wield some kind of magic as a powerful weapon, he was overwhelming the two assassins on his own. 

Matsuo Masahi, Nikko's magic sword, boosts his stats and allows him to overpower the assassins. 

Using the sword's ability to use magic attacks, Nikko shot (Magic Bullet) and swung his sword at the assassins. 

Because of this, Nikko turned out to be a massive problem for the assassins. 

His ability as a swordsman was not something to laugh at well. 



Nikko had already defeated several of the weaker assassins who came after them. 

Only two remained, and they were having a tough time fighting Nikko. 

They were strong but not strong enough to defeat Nikko. 

Still, the reason why the assassin did not escape was because they still had a chance to defeat Nikko. 

Nikko knew that they were still trying to defeat him and were only waiting for him to drop his guard. 

Thus, Nikko kept his guard up despite having the advantage. 



"Shit! I am not expecting to fight a "Magic Swordsman" among them." <Assassin> 

[Magic swordsman? No, no, I am only a regular "Swordsman." It's the sword itself doing the magical stuff.] 

Nikko thought as he found the comment from one of the assassins to be hilarious. 

Still, thanks to the sword's ability to use magic, Nikko's fighting style resembled that of a "Magic Swordsman", a rare and powerful job class. 



(Energy ball) 

He shot out a shining ball of pure energy at one of the assassins. 



There is also Yuma and Coco. 

Just like the others, the two are holding their own very well against the assassins. 

Coco attacks the enemies with her large hammer. 

She is pretty agile despite carrying the large hammer like it was nothing. 

The destructive power behind her attacks made the assassins hesitate to even try to approach her. 

So far, 2 assassins have died under the power of her destructive hammer. 

Meanwhile, her partner, Yuma, is trying his best to cover Coco's back. 

This is while he also fights the assassin with his quick hands and feet. 

No assassins could even get close to their combination. 

What welcomed them was Yuma's fist and Coco's hammer. 




"Ghagh." <Assassin> 

Another assassin was caught under the large hammer's embrace. 

"That's three!" <Coco> 

"When did this become a contest?" <Yuma> 

Like a child competing in a competition, Coco happily declared the number of assassins that have fallen under her hammer. 

3 Assassins have fallen under the crushing power of Coco's hammer so far. 

Not willing to lose, Yuma just defeated another one of the assassins. 

(Power Straight) 

He punched one of the assassins clean and straight in the face. 

The assassin flew and crashed into a tree due to Yuma's punch effect. The assassin crashed into the tree and toppled over from the force of Yuma's fist. 

The assassin was knocked out with one powerful punch from Yuma. 

So far, 2 assassins have been Knocked out by Yuma's mighty fists and legs. 

"Well,  that's 2 for me..."<Yuma> 

"You're still 1 behind~" <Coco> 

"Haha~ not for long~" <Yuma> 



With a sinister smile, the pair looked at the Assassins as if looking at their hunting prey. 

It was as if their roles were reversed. 

A while ago, it was the assassin who tried to chase after them. 

Now, Yuma and Coco are chasing after the assassins. 

They seemed to have started a competition on who would be able to defeat more assassins. 

Neither of them wanted to lose. 

Whoever defeats more Assassins wins. 

Thus, they moved their feet and started to hunt for the assassin instead. 



"Come on, Come on, Come on! Where are the assassins!" <Coco> 

Coco yelled in joy as she chased after the Assassins. 

"Oi~ don't get overly excited, okay?" <Yuma> 

Yuma complained. 

And yet, behind those complaining statements, he was enjoying the situation. 

Coco and Yuma were keeping the last wave of assassins at bay. 

These are the assassins who failed to chase after Kazue and the saint. 

The same assassins who desperately chased after the saint but were too slow to actually reach them. 

In the end, they are unable to pursue after the saint and end up facing Kazue's former classmates. 



At the moment, the assassins have already given up on tracking after the saint. 

She had long been gone into the darkness of the forest. 

They could only wish that the other assassins would have been able to chase after her instead. 

Thus, the assassins are stuck there fighting the Otaku boys, Nikko, Yuma, Coco, and the servants of the Azurearozi mansion. 



Those who came past Coco and Yuma are hunted. 

Those who chose to fight Nikko were blitzed with magic bullets. 

Those who chose to fight with the otaku boys fell before their perfect teamwork. 

Those who face the servant fell under their blade. 



Beyond where the group was fighting with the assassins, another individual was dealing with the assassins who were still trying to chase after the saint. 

Condrad, the butler of the mansion, had already defeated the vice leader of the assassin that he fought. 

Their battle was fast as quick as it had already ended some time ago. 



Both Condrad and the Assassin were "fast" fighters. 

The fight did not last long, as both fighters were aiming for a quick battle. 

Not because they needed to chase after the saint after the fight, but rather because this was the only way they knew how to fight. 

If both fighters hate to fight long-lasting battles and want to end the fight quickly, then, of course, the fight will not last very long. 

Their fight did not even last for even 2 minutes. 

With a few exchanges of blades, they both tried to assess the fighting ability of their opponent. 

When they both decide to get serious, the battle ends there and then. 

In the end, Condrad won over the Assassin's Vice leader. 



Despite the fight ending very fast and uneventful, Condrad did not win easily. 

The fight was closer than it looked like. 

If Condrad was a bit weaker, he would have been the one dead right now. 

It could not be helped. 

A fight between two people who are mainly focused on speed will always end fast. 

Neither of them has a high enough VIT stat to actually survive numerous attacks from the other. 

In fact, Condrad is not actually unharmed. 

He is wounded, but still, he tries to ignore the pain from the large wound on his stomach. 

What is essential right now is to protect the saint. 

He can just get treated later. 

For now, he has to deal with the assassins chasing after Calm Eastertale. 



As such, Condrad chased the assassin who came after them, making sure that no one would reach the saint. 

"You're the last one." <Condrad> 

He said as he slit the throat of the last assassin chasing after Calm Eastertale. 


Blood squirts out of the wound on the assassin's throat. 

With a sound of gurgling from his own blood. 

After Condrad's fight with the assassin's vice leader, he quickly moves past the group and chases after those assassins who persistently seek the saint. 

Condrad had defeated the last assassin who managed to get past Yuma and the group. 



He wiped the blood out of the dagger he used to slit the assassin's neck. 


A solemn voice called out to Condrad's name. 

He looked at the origin of the voice. 

He was shocked to see the saint riding a large wolf appearing before him. 

Next to her were Kazue, Rio, and two other wolves. 

"Ah... Calm-sama, I am glad to see you safe." <Condrad> 

"Same here. I am glad to see you safe too, Condrad-san" <Calm> 

"..." <Kazue> 

"..." <Rio> 



An awkward silence. 

"Can I ask the reason why are you here?" <Condrad> 

Kazue looked at Calm with a ridiculing gaze. 

Calm should be escaping right now. 

She should not be here. 

Kazue gave Calm a gaze that said, "Now explain yourself again." At Calm 

"ahaha..." <Calm> 

Calm awkwardly laughed at herself after noticing Kazue's gaze. 

Rio only stayed silent and followed Kazue without a word. 



"I, I wanted to go back to help the others. I don't want to run anymore." <Calm> 

"But it's dangerous out here." <Condrad> 

"That is what I told her..." <Kazue> 

Kazue said as a side comment. 

"Ahaha~" <Calm> 

Calm scratched her head. 

She knew that what she wanted was dangerous. 

She knew that very well. 

Still, she insisted that they should go back and help the others. 

Not wanting to run anymore, Calm was determined to help. 



Condrad listens to her thoughts. 

He understood right away that Calm was sincere. 

She really wanted to help the others and not run away. 

He looked at Kazue. 

"I am surprised you allowed it, Kazue san. If you really want to stop her, you can do that easily. But it seemed that this wolf over here is willing to carry her without complaint." <Condrad> 

"Ah... well... -sigh-" <Kazue> 

"Ugh--" <Condrad> 

Condrad winced in pain from the wound in his stomach. 



Calm noticed that Condrad was seriously injured. 

She immediately cast a healing spell into Condrad's wound 


Raising both of her arms toward the wound on Condrad's stomach, a soothing light shined and erased the blood and wound on Condrad's stomach. 

Surprised and impressed by Calm's ability, he gazed at Calm. 



Kazue wanted to say, "I was forced to bring her back because she has a hard head." but stopped herself from saying these words. 

Instead, she only said. 

"I could not stop her... She said she wants to help." <Kazue> 

Still, she knew in her heart that that was not the reason why she allowed Calm to come back and help. 

She knew the real reason. 



[I wanted to help them too. I was the one who put them in this danger, I wanted to help them too.] 

Those words from Calm resonated with Kazue. 

She can understand this feeling of responsibility after all. 

She caused her classmate to fight with her. 

Kazue placed them in danger. 

Kazue also wants to come back and help her "Former Classmates"... Nope, she wanted to help her "Friends". 

Yes, in Kazue's heart, those so-called "Former Classmates" are now her "Friends". 



"Why did I allow her... Indeed... Why... I guess I am the same as Calm... Sorry..." <Kazue> 

Condrad looked at Kazue as she said those words. 

Her face lacked emotion as she always did as she said those words. 

Still, Condrad saw the light in her eyes. 

She was determined to not let any of her "friends" be harmed because of her. 

She was only using Calm's action as an excuse. 



Condrad smiled at Kazue. 

[Is she too shy to openly show that she cared?] 

Condrad thought. 

He was spot on. 

[Despite looking so emotionless, she still cares for her friends... What a nice kid. No wonder our miss took a liking to her.] 

"I understand... then... will you let me accompany you?" <Condrad>  

"Of course! You're very welcome!" <Calm> 



Aaron has already defeated Razor, the leader of the assassins. 

Their victory is at hand. 

Aaron was soon able to catch up with the group who was still fighting the assassins on the way. 

He helped and defeated the assassins with ease. 



They defeated the assassins one after the other. 

All of Kazue's friends were left behind to stop the assassins from chasing them in their tracks. 

Aaron reached the group one after the other. 



Kazue and her group also did the same. 

Kazue eventually reached Yuma and Coco, who were still fighting assassins all by themselves. 

With Calm's help, they easily defeated those assassins, as none of them posed a real threat with Condrad and Kazue by her side. 

Then they met the others. 



Many of them were injured, but no one was in grave danger. 

With Calm's skill, she healed their injury and restored their health to the max. 

It was as if they never got harmed in the first place. 

Calm's potent healing abilities were able to restore everyone's health to its fullest. 

She even restored their lost MP with (Mana Fountain Aura). 

With her ridiculously high INT stats, Calm's MP is massive enough to provide MP for all of them without much trouble. 

By doing this, Aaron also recovered most of the MP he used to fight Razor. 

Now, Aaron can confidently protect them with all his might. 



Not long after... 

Argent also arrived in the forest and found his way to Kazue and the group.  

He readily found them as the traces of battle led him to them. 

With Aaron and Argent by their side, there was no way for the assassins to do anything to Calm. 

The victory was almost sealed. 



Now, they will only have to hide in a hidden place within the forest. 

Condrad and the two servants of the mansion led the way. 

Now, the group is in a safe place. 

Aside from Condrad and the two servants who came with them, only Alicia, the lady of the Azurearozi, knew what they were about. 

With Edmon not existing, there is no way for the assassin to find the saint. 

Now, she was safe, surrounded by reliable people who truly wanted to protect her. 



There were the three wolves who accompanied her and kept her safe. 

Conrad, Joe, and Wally are the reliable servants of Azurearozi Mansion. 

Yoshiaga, Daisetsu, and Naonobu were the three boys who happily entertained her with their amusing stories. 

Argent is a mysterious A-rank adventurer who supported them a lot all this time. 

Aoki Nikko and the Pervy sword Matsuo Masahi are the pair who are looking for the goddess's help. 

Coco and Yuma are the pair of love birds that Calm secretly envies. 

Aaron Van Zelle, her most trusted knight who was with her ever since she was a child and her special someone. 

Last but certainly not least, Mizusawa Kazue, the girl who did her best to protect her this past week, 

If not for her, Calm Easterlate would undoubtedly have been dead already. 

But there she was, safe and sound. 

They are all here. 

They are all safe. 

Calm was happy to see that everyone was safe. 

She was able to be of help, even for a little bit. 



Now she can rest. 

They all can rest. 










Author Note:
-scheduled post-

I was going to add a sketch of Aaron and Razor fighting, but I did not do so; I am busy ATM.

If I am unable to erase this part, then I have no time to edit and stuff. I will just post this chapter as scheduled~

I know that I already edited this chapter.

It's just if I can find time to do a sketch or not.



I will edit this "author note" again tomorrow or the day after and maybe edit then, too~.


inanashi out~


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