God Of The Omniverse

Chapter 62: Chapter 62: Sister Steven Despairs Part 1

Before Slade could reveal what he was thinking to Arias, Harley and Rose burst through the open door, both wielding guns.

"Put 'em up!" Harley exclaimed, her "menacing" face looking around the room, only to realize there was no threat present. "Err, was that a drill or something?" She scratched her head with the barrel of her loaded gun, earning strange looks from the others.

Arias was no longer surprised by anything she did, so he simply cleared up the situation. "No, it was just a false alarm. Wonder Woman—Diana, rather—is a friend. You can put your guns away."

"Oh, okay!" Harley, simple-minded as ever, asked no further questions and accepted his words with a wide smile on her face.

Slade wondered if she was really that crazy or if this was some form of loyalty. Either option was impressive in its own right, but he didn't voice his thoughts. Instead, he excused himself. "Well, I'm going to make sure the guys are ready for tonight. We can continue our important talk later, boss."

As he was walking away, Rose quickly followed him, her frown deepening. "What important talk? I'm not your underling, you know? I want in."

Slade scratched the back of his head and sighed as if he had no choice but to reveal the truth. "You're as stubborn as your mother. Fine. The boss and I were debating which is better, ass or tits."

Rose's frown became more pronounced, but she didn't push the matter further. "Whatever, I don't give a flying fuck anyway."

She picked up the pace, walking ahead of him. Slade could only shrug it off. "I guess asking a girl with neither is pointless."

"Fuck you!" She raised a middle finger and disappeared into the hallway.

Back in the suite, Harley smoothly closed the door once everyone left and lowered her head, twiddling her thumbs in a shy manner. "Say, Mr. M, is there anything your hardworking, sexy secretary can get ya? A drink with a side of head, or maybe something to eat…with a side of head?"

Her act of shyness and innocence could fool no one. However, her continued pursuit of intimacy provided some insight.

In the past few days, Arias had purposefully ignored her advances to see if she would jump on any man out of sexual frustration. If she did, it would show that her interest in him was purely sexual. But since she was obviously sexually frustrated and still came to him, it showed that she desired him—or at least saw him as the first option.

Love and trust were fragile concepts.

Any smart man knew that most, if not all, beautiful women had options and often entertained multiple guys, settling only on the one that appealed to them most. But even that wasn't always enough. You could have money but get cheated on for someone with better looks…or you could have good looks but get cheated on for someone with more money.

In all fairness, love was like a game. The more positive traits you had, the better your chances. Tough luck to those with the micro-dick trait.

So, as Arias looked at her offering herself up to him, it was a simple choice of whether he wanted to or not. With enough dedication, any man could get the woman they wanted, whether it was just desire or real admiration. Too pretty for you? Get rich. Money not enough? Kidnap her. Small dick? Just be gay. Every scenario had an answer.

"Is you bent over that couch on the menu?" Arias smirked and gave her a hungry look.

Most times, he was dismissive of her, so it was a nice surprise for Harley, who showed a cheeky grin and rushed to the sofa, bending over it and wiggling her ass for him. "Anything the boss wants!"

"Truer words have never been said." With a grin, Arias approached, ready to give her round ass a good pounding.

After spending the afternoon fucking Harley senseless, evening came, and Arias had to get ready to leave.

He quickly suited up and exited his suite, leaving Harley fast asleep on the couch with cum on her face, tits, and cunt.

All the arrangements were handled by Slade, from the route Arias had to take to the list of all guests attending, with a sprinkle of extra information on some that Arias could use to his advantage. Whatever Slade's ulterior motives, Arias would find out eventually.

At around 6 p.m., Arias arrived in front of the building where Wonder Woman resided, but he saw no sign of her.

"Women always take long," Slade, seated in the driver's seat, commented to Arias, who was in the back with Rose.

Always seeking to disagree with her father, Rose quickly retorted. "I didn't take this fucking long to get ready. It's always those girlie types, not all women."

Slade disagreed. "Yes, but you're neither a girl nor a woman. You're more like a man with a vagina…at least I assume you have one."

Arias could see the father-daughter pair about to argue, so he decided to step out. "I'll go in to check."

Slade tried to insist on coming, but Arias didn't allow it and proceeded into the building alone.

It was as luxurious as one would expect from one of the city's top penthouse buildings, similar to his own back in Gotham.

He had no trouble getting to the top floor using the elevator, but once there, he found two men dressed in black suits standing right outside the door of Diana's penthouse suite. He could hear Diana arguing with someone inside, making it immediately apparent why she was taking so long.

Without pondering more on the matter, he approached to make it known that he had arrived. "I'm Diana's date to the ball this evening. Could you let her know I'm here?"

Arias asked as formally as anyone would as he approached the door, but one of the two men was quick to try and push him away. "Please step back and leave this floor immediately, sir. This is government business."

Both men were nearly seven feet tall, taller and bulkier than Arias, so one thought he could just shove him back as a warning. But when he placed his hand on Arias's shoulder and pushed, nothing happened.

Why? Because in that moment, Arias ignored the laws of force.

He could get struck by a heavy-duty truck and wouldn't budge; instead, it would flip over.

The man showed confusion, but it was too late. Arias gripped his wrist and squeezed. What followed was the sound of bone cracking.

An average man had a grip force of 72.6 pounds, but Arias exerted 3,700 pounds, equivalent to the bite force of a crocodile. A number impossible for a normal human body.

"Ahh!" The man let out a pained scream and fell to his knees, unable to break free no matter how much he squirmed.

His partner immediately tried to help by taking out a taser. Arias was an important man, so they couldn't use lethal force.

The remaining man placed the taser on Arias's chest and turned it on. On a normal day, human bodies were good conductors of electricity, and a taser would leave them immobile, unconscious, or even dead.

But Arias's body acted like a positive and negative charge at the points where the taser made contact. When two like charges meet, they repel, and rather than shock him, the electricity was sent back into the taser, causing it to short-circuit in the man's hand.

"Shi—!" The man couldn't even get his words out before being forced back against the wall, his muscles stiff from the shock.

The entire scene lasted only a few seconds, but both guards were rendered useless.

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