Glorious Vanity (SI LitRPG)

23 – Building Rapport and Making Friends

"You're quite nosy about my business for a friend."

Lucifer let out a pearly white smile and said, "Only looking out for my dear friend here. After all, that's what friends do, right?"

"Right." I took a sip from my orange juice and then started swirling the glass. At the same time, I had to yet again thank [Man of a Thousand Faces] for making me a world-class actor as I channeled my inner supervillain. "And I appreciate it. The penthouse suite was exquisite."

Lucifer leaned back in his chair and crossed his legs. At the same time, he turned over his hand and plucked a glass of red wine out of thin air. Taking a sip, he smiled and said, "I'm glad to hear it. Only the best for my dear friends. Now, about Miss Valhalla?"

Damn. I thought I could nudge the topic away, but it seemed like Lucy was determined to make a point. And judging from that mirth in his eyes... Well, it seemed like he was doing this to help as well, but he also enjoyed me wracking my mind. Or maybe he was probing me to see how I could play at politics?

I chuckled and set my glass down. "There's nothing to say, Lucy. Miss Valhalla isn't something to be taken. She's a person with her own mind, dreams, and beliefs."

Lucifer gave me a strange look.

I resisted the urge to blink or make any other reaction.

Did... Was I missing something? His response made it seem like I said something wrong.

After a bit, Lucifer chuckled and said, "Of course she is." He nodded his head to Freyr and said, "My apologies, Miss Valhalla."

"Ah." Freyr flinched a little, but quickly recovered and nodded her head as well. "It is fine, Lord Lucifer. I was not offended."

Lucifer laughed and said, "So magnanimous. Of course, what else should I expect from Valhalla's greatest creation?"

Freyr pursed her lips and then glanced towards me.

Some people noticed, but to distract them I slowly waved my hand and said, "That's enough pleasantries for now, isn't it, Friend?"

Lucifer smirked and said, "I suppose. Then... Shall we begin?" He stood up and lightly clapped his hands. When he did, a soft chime filled the air. And following it, a window appeared in my field of vision.


[Message from the Guide]

Welcome to Eden, the city of fortune, misfortune, and everything in between! For a price, you can find anything you need! Of course, that also means that everything here comes at a price!

But no worries! For trusting my noble self, I'll handle your living arrangements! All you have to worry your little heads about is finding ways to make merit points to prepare for your climb of Babel!

...Though if three months really pass and you're still lazing about, I may be inclined to take drastic measures.

Good luck, and have fun!

-Your wonderful guide, Lucifer


[Auxillary System Function <Quests> has been added]

[Global System Function <Merit Point Shop> has been added]

[Global System Function <Merit Point Auction house> has been added]

[Please see the help function for more information on the added functions.]


I blinked and looked over at Lucifer.

He turned to look at me and then winked. "I'm looking forward to your growth, Mister Vain." He waved at Freyr and said, "Ta-ta for now, Miss Valhalla! Best of wishes!"

With just that, Lucifer vanished in a puff of white light.

...Of course, that meant that Freyr and I were stuck with the attention of everyone else now that the guy was gone.

And it seemed like Freyr wasn't ready for that, considering the mild panic rising in her eyes and the frantic looks my way.

So, to calm her down, I stood up and said, "Would you like anything else, Freyr? I'm planning to grab a bit more orange juice."

"A-Ah." Freyr caught on quick and nodded. Standing up, she quickly moved beside me and said, "I can get it myself, Vain."

"Mm." I nodded and walked back towards the drink tray. Grabbing a new glass, I poured myself another cup of orange juice. As I did, I handed it to Freyr. "Here."

She frowned and said, "You do not have to keep doing things for me, Vain-"

"My, my. A lover's quarrel already?"

A female voice cut through the air, followed by smooth footsteps drawing near.

I looked up to see Sakura walking over, her flowing pink dress and immaculate martial artist robes rippling behind her.

'Seol' walked beside her, his eyes deep and unfathomable as he glanced between me and Freyr.

Freyr bristled and rounded on Sakura. "I would politely ask you to mind your own business, Miss Sakura."

The pink-haired woman laughed, covering up her mouth with her sleeve. "It seems like I hit the mark. Don't you think so, Seol?" She tilted her head towards the Korean man next to her.

"Mm..." The man shrugged and said, "I think you're being as intrusive as ever, Princess Blossom."

Sakura laughed. "Please, it's just Sakura here, Seol."

Seol ignored her and then looked towards me. "I don't believe we've been properly introduced."

"...Yes. I don't believe we have."

I gave a careful response back to him. At the same time, I kept my guard up.

This guy... I didn't know what was up with him. But I *did* know that he seemed to be a regressor of sorts. That, or someone with knowledge of a predetermined plot... One that my presence seemed to have ripped to shreds.

Seol held out his hand and said, "I'm Seol. Seol Kim."

I tilted my head. "Seol Kim, is it...?" I smiled and said, "Interesting name... And you can call me Vain."

'Seol Kim' laughed and gave me a pointed gaze. "Funny. If I didn't know any better, I'd say that was a fake name, Mister Vain."

My smile widened and I said, "And if I didn't know any better, I'd think that you were a girl with that name, Seol."

Sakura stepped in and said, "Now, now. We're all on the same side here, aren't we? There's no need for hostilities this early in the morning."

I let go of the handshake and shrugged. "A little morning banter never hurt anyone. But I suppose you're right." I glanced at Freyr and said, "Ready to go?"

She glanced at Sakura and then nodded. "Yes. I've lost my appetite."

Sakura's polite smile turned frosty. "I would be careful, Miss Goddess. It wouldn't be in your best interests to make enemies this early in the game."

Freyr's eyes turned just as cold as Sakura's smile and she said, "And it would be in your best interest to stay away from what does not belong to you." She glanced at Seol and then shook her head, walking towards the exit.

...The exit?

I resisted the urge to sigh at Freyr's brash actions. Instead, I put on a polite smile and nodded towards Sakura and Seol. "It was a pleasure seeing you two. Best of luck on your quests here in Eden." After those brief words, I followed after Freyr.

As I did, Sakura called out to me. "Remember, Mister Vain. Gods are not as absolute as they make themselves out to be."

I paused and glanced back.

Sakura smiled and said, "If you ever decide to fight for humanity's sake instead of the gods, you are always welcome at my side."

A calm and pleasant demeanor. Warm and inviting.

And fake.

[No One's Story denies <Dragon Princess's Insight> from peering into your thoughts and actions!]

I chuckled and turned back around. "Thank you for the offer, but I think I prefer a cute goddess trying her best rather than a dragon pretending to be human, Miss Sakura." I held up my hand without turning around and said, "Take care."

With that, I sped up my pace to catch up to Freyr. But just as I reached her-

[Silver Tongue activates!]
[You have successfully charmed the target!]
[You have successfully charmed the target!]

-I got an ominous flurry of messages.

...Who the hell did I just charm?

Alice? Any hints?

...Oh right, she's taking a break.


I sighed and exited the lobby through the glass sliding doors at the entrance.

And the moment I got outside, Freyr grabbed my arm and dragged me along the road.

Caught off guard, I blinked and looked up at her. "Um... Freyr?"

She glanced at me and then quickly looked away, her face a bright shade of red.

...Red? Just what could she be embarrassed about this-


Right. Freyr has broken stats... which meant that she heard my words. That would explain the message-

Wait. It said that I charmed a target twice in a row. If Freyr was one, than who was the other...?

Freyr coughed and said, "W-We will be looking for some elixirs to help you become stronger, Vain. S-Since you have done so much for me, I will do my best, so just follow, alright? I will handle everything. I swear it on my name!"

I sighed.

Not even noon and this day was already off to a *great* start...

[A Phantom Thief marvels at your ability to steal hearts and bestows a small gift. +1 Agility.]

NOT helping, my dude! Stop trying to jinx me!


[Status Screen]


Name: Vain Glory

Age: 20 (Adjusted)

Race: Human (Heaven Defying)

Class: Shameless Flirt

Current Condition: Healthy

-Racial Traits-

Divine Anathema - Those not only forsaken by their gods, but those who have killed their gods and constructed their own. Drastically reduces effectiveness of Divine Attacks. Minor probability of obtaining partial Divine Authority through analysis and perception. Greatly increased hostility by Divine Beings.


Man of a Thousand Faces (Can filter emotions and experience through personas)

Well-Read (Increased intelligence growth)

Self-Determined (Luck is treated as 100 for calculations)


World Creator (Minor) - Allows construction of non-magical items through one's will

Hero Creator - Removes growth limitations on user and their allies. Rapidly accelerates growth of allies.


Level: 5

Strength: 18

Agility: 23

Vitality: 18

Intelligence: 77

Mana: 70

Luck: 15 [100]

Bonus Stat Points: -77


No One's Story - A gambit that defies the gods through sacrificing one's identity and very memory. All attempts to scry your status are denied. Removes skill requirements. Memory and visualization abilities are enhanced.

A Different Path - Direct interference with a hero's fate, granting him a new path and divergent futures. Allows reproduction of 'conceptual weapons' provided the requisite materials. Allows reproduction of 'sword skills' provided the requisite understanding.

Flames of Muspell (Degraded) - A spark of the flames that will harken the end in Ragnarok. An authentic spark of the world-consuming flames that can burn even the divine. Immune to all but extreme temperature changes. Moderate resistance to Absolute Zero or Absolute Flame. Can summon a handful of Ragnarok's flames.

First Aid - A basic healing spell that stops bleeding and accelerates the body's natural regeneration.

Disengage - A skill that allows the user to immediately retreat from battle as well as return the user's condition to the state prior to engaging in combat. Can be used once per engagement per hostile opponent.

Loki's Blessing (Minor) - A blessing from the Trickster God, Loki. Can change and conceal one's appearance. Due to synergy with No One's Story, it is a flawless disguise, capable of fooling even Loki without intense scrutiny.

Item Box (Minor) - A skill that grants the user a small spatial pocket to store items. Time is slowed within the spatial pocket to 1/10th of the normal flow. Can hold approximately 1 cubic meter of items.

-Class Skills-

Silver Tongue - A skill that aids in persuasion and manipulating the emotions of the target. Super effective against members of the opposite sex, or those interested in the user. Chance to instantly charm the opponent. (Extreme Synergy with <Well-Read> and <Man of a Thousand Faces>)

Rapport - A skill that builds rapport with the target. Passively increases general likability. Similar to <Charisma>, but the core of this skill is trust and empathy rather than admiration. With enough mastery, it is possible to create allies willing to throw their lives away for your sake. (Extreme Synergy with <Hero Creator> and <Well-Read>)



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