Global Reincarnation: My Own Story Library

Chapter 35

Chapter 35: Training, Attribute Improvement

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After noon the next day, Lu Feng continued to fly back to school.

After a night’s rest, Lu Feng headed to University City, a player club located near the Imperial University. The training here was very professional, similar to what he knew in his previous life, much more professional than in Academy City.

In the academy city, Lu Feng basically had to rely on himself, and there was no professional equipment or venue.

Of course, the price here is also quite high, basically 800 a day, and more than 70,000 in three months, but the diet accounts for nearly half.

Without a good physique, the training effect will be greatly reduced. Recently, Lu Feng’s physique has been much better than before.

Walking into the reception hall, Lu Feng handed in the training card, and the receptionist sister immediately took him inside. There will be instructors to train according to the established curriculum.

The instructors just pointed out the process, and started the class to explain the training goals of professional athletes, such as long-distance running and cross-country training, endurance training, sprinting and sprinting speed, and ball sports training.

In addition, according to your own situation, which attributes are easier to improve, you can give priority to them. If the talent is not enough, some attributes that are difficult to improve can also be given up directly.

In short, try to improve some attributes that are easier to improve in a targeted manner in the past three months, because the player’s goal is to get more extra attribute points, and attributes without talent can be added directly. It is not worthwhile to waste time training.

Intermediate instructors will not participate, but only provide protection support and other work. You have to practice slowly by yourself.

This is not fitness, it is very tiring and hard work, and it is possible to get injured in the wild, so the support of the staff is indispensable.

Lu Feng only took the get out of class for a while before he started practicing, because he was familiar with most of the content, and the class was just to understand the process here.

The past two months passed quickly, Lu Feng’s body became much stronger, and the results were quicker.

In the real world, there will be no prompts, and there is no way to see the specific data. He needs to enter the game lobby. Lu Feng opens his personal information panel.

【No.: 69690001】

【Name: Lu Feng】

【Sex: Male】

【HP: 100%】

【Physical Strength: 100%】

[Magic value: 80]

[Title: Fitness Expert (300% exercise effect)]

[Attributes: Strength 10, Endurance 10, Reaction 10, Speed 13, Spirit 16, Magic 8]

【Points: 5108】

[Potential Points: 58 (for 16)]

[Skill Position: Blazing Sword Skill LV5]

“It will be difficult at 10 o’clock, and it is estimated that this is a hurdle.”

Before 10 o’clock, it was easy. In Academy City, Lu Feng was right next to the gym and raised his strength and speed to 9 points. In the Player Training Club, he quickly raised the first four attributes to 10 points.

But after 10 o’clock, it gradually became difficult, and at 11 o’clock, it was not ordinary, only the speed was easier.

“It’s better to do a little more endurance, strength and speed training during this time.”

Endurance and strength are still relatively low, and the speed is the easiest, just a 50-meter sprint and a sprint. As long as the talent is there, it can be improved a lot in a short period of time.

As for the reaction, after 10 o’clock, the difficulty of improving the reaction has become the biggest. After all, Lu Feng is 1.8 meters tall and does not have enough muscle groups to support. With such a large size, it is difficult to improve the reaction, because the muscle group used for the reaction is very difficult. Much more than sprinting.

Although the reaction itself is the most difficult thing to improve, not only Lu Feng, but everyone else is the same, but it is true that tall people are more difficult than short people.

The talent in this regard is just like that. Continued training can be improved, but the time consumed is not worthwhile, and the rest depends on adding points.

Another month has passed.

In his exclusive space, Lu Feng looked at his upper body, the muscles had become lumps, and six small abdominal muscles appeared.

Compared with the previous life, it is still a lot worse, but it is also a beginning.

Of course, six-pack abs are the most common, and legend has it that some people also have eight.

As for the nine-pack abs, they are all super bosses who belong to nine-nine-one.

Now Lu Feng’s six dimensions have become:

Strength 12, Stamina 12, Reaction 10, Speed 13, Spirit 16, Magic 8.

It’s amazing. After I checked the attributes last time, my stamina suddenly increased very quickly. It increased by two points all at once. After a long period of high-quality diet, long-distance running and cross-country training, the effect finally appeared.

Of course, because of Lu Feng’s poor stamina in the past, there is a lot of room for improvement, and taller people will have a higher stamina ceiling.

Endurance has improved, strength training has become easier, and the reaction has basically given up, but the speed has not improved.

Although it is the easiest to improve, it is obviously approaching the top. Without adding some points, it is impossible to improve further, and it is impossible to keep up with the sprinters. That is unrealistic.

Therefore, after training for a period of time, Lu Feng gave up decisively. If he did not stop, it would affect the improvement of other attributes, so the gains outweighed the losses.

Leaving the exclusive space, Lu Feng continued his training.

On this day, I suddenly got a prompt from the infinite world.

“Your rest time is over, please return to the exclusive space within 12 hours to start the first official dungeon.”

“It’s time for the next dungeon world.”

Lu Feng took a shower and left the player club. For the next 12 hours, it would be better to rest and wait for the final entry.

In the past three months, the four physical attributes, strength increased by 2 points, endurance increased by an incredible 5 points, reaction increased by 1 point, speed increased by 4 points, a total increase of 12 points.

Even if Lu Feng’s physique was relatively weak before, and the title of fitness expert, it was rare.

Lu Feng was very satisfied. There was no need to waste half a day on training. Concentrating on energy was the right way. No one knew what would happen at the moment of entering the dungeon world, and proper preparation was a must.

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