Global Planets: Build An Ancient Civilization From Day One

Chapter 32

Chapter 32 – Star Wars Between Two Principalities

Chapter 32 Star Wars Between Two Principalities

“Imitate my prehistoric civilization? Hehehe.”

Looking at the scene in the picture, Wang Yi raised the corners of his mouth, outlining a contemptuous smile.

He didn’t look down on the Jin’er who imitated him, but looked down on the “chaotic civilization” he evolved. The gods and demons in it were completely copied from the gourd, imitating the outside, without imitating the connotation!

If this development continues, it won’t be long before this “chaotic civilization” will collapse.

Three Thousand Chaos Demon Gods are not simply three thousand gods, but the corresponding Three Thousand Chaos Dao.

The myriad monsters and the six creatures in “Chaotic Civilization” are very bright at present, and there is a grand occasion of myriad demons coming.

But the gods and demons in this civilization do not have any “Tao” elements, only powerful power fluctuations.

In the words of the primitive sages in the prehistoric world: “They are all fur-and-armored people who don’t know how old they are, and they can’t get on the stage!”

Rough words are not rough!

It is useless to have strength alone, you must “know the sky”.

Otherwise, in the end, it will be a “bamboo basket to fetch water in vain”!

Back home, Wang Yi was about to enter the awakening space to see the development progress of the prehistoric civilization.


He saw a message on the screen of the planetary communication device asking for help from the Saiyan planet master, and he was stunned!

“Saiyan planet master asking for help?”

Wang Yi scratched his head and murmured suspiciously: “They are fighting with the planet of the Principality of Hina, let me, a little shrimp, help mediate, isn’t it funny?”

This kind of planetary battle between principalities should be mediated by the planetary guilds of the two principalities!

No matter how round it is, it won’t be his turn, this little shrimp!

But thinking of the relationship between Yanhuang and them, Wang Yi hesitated for a while, and decided to ask what was going on!

Then, he connected Saiyan’s helper Wu Qiqi:

“Hello, Mr. Wu Qiqi, I am the Great Dao of the Yanhuang Empire!”

“Hello, Mr. Dao, I’m Wu Qiqi, the president of Saiyan’s planet guild, it’s an honor to meet you!”

Wu Qiqi saw that “Da Dao” really responded to him, and quickly reported his family.

“Huh?” Wang Yi was taken aback, he didn’t expect that the other party was the president of Saiyan’s planetary guild, he was a little surprised!

“Hello, Mr. Wu Qiqi!”

Shock is shock!

He didn’t forget what he was here for!

“I saw a message from you saying that you want me to help you mediate the planetary struggle between Xia Saiyan and Xina, right?”

Wang Yi didn’t have much ink, and went straight to the point, saying: “This is your unilateral request, and it won’t work without the members of Hina’s side!”

“Wait a minute, I’ll bring in the president of the Xina Planet Guild!” Wu Qiqi said, and then pulled in the president of the Xina Planet Guild, Xina Viyador. Formed a temporary three-person conversation discussion group.

“Hello, Miss Vikardo, I am Dao of the Yanhuang Empire.

At the request of Mr. Wu Qiqi, let me mediate between the two of you. “

Wang Yi did not expect that Wu Qiqi would really find the president of the Xina Planet Guild, so he was a little rushed to put the duck on the shelves, and said bravely.

“It turned out to be Mr. Dao! The little girl is polite!” President Vikardo’s self-introduction directly confused Wang Yi. He, the president of a principality, even called himself a “little girl”, which was too modest ah!

“You’re welcome, Miss Vicarado!” Wang Yi shook his head, put aside distracting thoughts, and went straight to the point, saying: “Let’s make a long story short, I heard President Wu say that the planet masters of your two duchies often broke out because of the problem of ‘civilization’. star wars.

So far, many excellent planet masters have died.

I don’t know the reason behind it, and I don’t know what kind of civilization will cause countless planet owners to risk their lives to cause Star Wars, and I don’t even know why the presidents of your two principalities asked me, an ordinary person, as a mediator.

But since you don’t object to me as a mediator, I’ll ask a few questions first!

First, the planetary guild has great power and can force the outbreak of Star Wars, why not stop it?

Second, the relationship between the two principalities has always been good. Why did Star Wars break out because of a civilized matter?

Third, what is the real purpose of the two of you looking for me? “

Wu Qiqi said: “Let me answer it! The planetary guild is indeed very powerful. It can block the planetary channel and other aspects to restrict the planetary owner from engaging in star wars, but it cannot restrict the private engagement of the planetary owner.

Regarding this, Ms. Vikardo and I also discussed, but in the end it all ended in failure.

It’s not that I don’t want to, it’s that there is no way to stop it!

Mr. Dao is right. The relationship between our two principalities is indeed not much. The gods that the people believe in are also the same. Even the civilization of the evolution of the planet has a strong color of gods.

But since the people of our Saiyans have seen your “prehistoric civilization”, many planet owners have imitated your “prehistoric civilization” to evolve planetary civilization.

As a result, this behavior was known by Xina’s planet masters. They felt that our Saiyan planet masters had betrayed the king of gods, so they launched a crusade against us.

It was just online at first, and then it evolved into reality.

eventually turned into Star Wars.”

After listening to Wu Qiqi’s narration, Wang Yi gradually understood what was going on!

The planetary civilization system is free to play without specific restrictions. How come in the eyes of the people of Hina, Saiyan’s planetary master is a traitor who betrayed the “God King”?



“I understand, you mean that my prehistoric civilization has become the fuse of your principality’s Star Wars!” Wang Yi asked.

“This is surprising!” Wu Qiqi said: “We, the planet masters of Sainweiya, thank you, you have given us the inspiration, allowing us to create a new civilization system based on our inherent thinking.

It can be said that without your prehistoric civilization, there would be no breakthrough of our planetary master!

You are the benefactor of all the planet masters of our entire Saiyan!

I myself admire you greatly.

Because you broke all the rules, created a legendary prehistoric civilization, and evolved a powerful Chaos Demon God.

In my opinion, the Chaos Demon God is stronger than the God King…”

Victor interrupted Wu Qiqi emotionally before he could finish speaking.

“Wu Qiqi! The God King is the strongest!

I don’t care if you betrayed the God King, but you can’t slander the God King! “

Wu Qiqi said not to be outdone, “Miss Vikardo, it’s impolite to interrupt others!

Mr. Dao has already said that planetary civilizations evolve in various ways.

It is our right to imitate the prehistoric civilization to evolve the planet, and you have no right to interfere.

Furthermore, it is a fact that the Chaos Demon God is stronger than the God King! “

Victor snorted: “You are provocative, declare war on us Hina!”

Because Wang Yi was there, she did not refute.

Wu Qiqi: “I don’t mean to provoke or declare war, I just want to discuss the matter!”

Victor: “A matter of fact? You said that is a matter of fact?”

Wu Qiqi: “I’ll discuss the facts!”

Victor: “You are provocative!”

Wang Yi understood it!

It wasn’t that Star Wars broke out on the planets of the two duchies, it was caused by the hardening of the minds of these two people.

In the end, he couldn’t listen anymore, and directly interrupted the argument between the two:

“Two, can you stop for a moment?”

To be continued!

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(end of this chapter)

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