Global Planets: Build An Ancient Civilization From Day One

Chapter 2

Chapter 2 – Evolutionary System

Chapter 2 Evolutionary Systems

“After entering, don’t whisper or whisper, wait for my arrangement!”

After the teacher called the names, he began to talk about the discipline of entering.

To prevent some mischievous students from playing around and disturbing the awakening of others.


Everyone responded.

“Go, enter!”

The teacher waved his hand and led Wang Yi and others into the awakening room.


After the students entered, the door of the awakening room was closed, and everyone trembled for no reason.

It would be a lie to say that I am not nervous!

Whether you can become a master or not depends on awakening after a while!

Everyone settled down, with a transparent crystal ball in front of them.

“It should be used for awakening, right?!”

Wang Yi looked at the crystal ball in front of him and thought to himself.

“Students, the crystal ball placed in front of you is for the next awakening of the planet, and it contains the original power of the planet’s awakening.”

The teacher in charge of awakening and guiding the students saw Wang Yi and others sitting down, and spoke:

“After a while, you adjust your mentality, put your hands on the crystal ball, and the original power enters your body through the palm of your hand.

During this period, you don’t have to do anything, just wait patiently for the planet to awaken.

If the original power is exhausted and the planet is not awakened, it will be regarded as a failed awakening.

Remember one thing, regardless of whether the planet is awakened or not, it is not allowed to make loud noises in the awakening room.

Violators will be expelled from school! “

Teacher Awakening paused for a moment, looked around with stern eyes, made sure that no one had any objections, and continued:

“Students, please put your hands on the crystal ball in front of you”

Teacher Awakening glanced at everyone.

Hearing this, everyone put their hands on the crystal ball in front of them at the same time!

Wang Yi is no exception.


Wang Yi was stunned, a cool feeling rose from his palm and quickly spread all over his body, Wang Yi almost cried out in comfort.

“Is this the original power?!”


Wang Yi’s eyes went dark, and his consciousness appeared in a gray space.

There is nothing around except the gray mist.

“Awakening space?!”

Wang Yi has heard people talk about the appearance of the awakened space, but he has not experienced it himself, so he is not very sure.

However, he still knows about the birth of the planet from the awakened space.

Looked around for a while, but didn’t see any planets being born, and felt a little disappointed.

Some talented people, when the awakening space appears, the planet will be born automatically, without artificial awakening.

He has no planets here, indicating that he is not a “one in a million” genius.

Although it was expected, but when things really came to this, I still feel a little bit disappointed.


Wang Yi took a deep breath, got rid of distracting thoughts, calmed down, concentrated, and carried out the planetary awakening.

The process of planetary awakening is not complicated, nor does it take long, just a few minutes.

During this period, no matter the size of the awakened planet, it represents success.

Otherwise, it will fail.

The size of the planet depends on the individual’s talent!

Talented people, the awakened planet will be bigger;

People with average talent will have a small awakened planet;

People with poor or poor talent basically cannot awaken the planet.

Five minutes later, Wang Yi opened his eyes. There was a gleam of joy on his face: “It’s done!”

He could clearly feel that in the depths of the awakening space, there was an extra soybean grain.

Not surprisingly, this soy bean is the “planet” he awakened.

Although small, it is a sign of the successful awakening of the planet.

Yes, better than nothing.

Besides, this is not the final form of the planet, but just a prototype, just like the embryo of a cell.

In a few minutes, the planet has absorbed the energy in the awakened space, and it will be finalized!

However, according to the current size of the planet, the volume after forming will not be too large.

Three minutes later, the planet took shape and was suspended in the awakening space.

The whole body is gray, with a volume of about one kilometer, only the size of a small square.

Small, can’t be any smaller!


Wang Yi felt helpless!

Fortunately, there is no senior traveler here, otherwise he would be laughed out of his teeth.

For a dignified traveler to awaken such a small planet, really…

Lost the face of all traversers!

The more Wang Yi thinks about it, the more depressed he becomes. Other traversers are all kinds of tricks, but when he comes to him, he is just one!

It’s not normal to be on a horse!

never mind!

Let’s see what energy can be transformed first, shall we? !

The birth of a planet is just the beginning, and the transformation of energy is the kingly way.

Whether a planet can evolve civilization depends on whether it can convert energy.

As for the creation sand table, it can only be born after the energy of the planet is transformed successfully.

All in all, the awakening of the planet requires three steps.

Step 1: Awaken the planet.

The second step: energy conversion.

Step 3: The Genesis Sandbox is born.

The first two steps are very important and cannot be separated…

Monitoring room.

The principal, director, and head teachers of each class gathered together to pay attention to the situation in the awakening room.

The Star Awakening Ceremony is not held every day, but about once every six months.

Every time, the school attaches great importance to it.

At this time, they were expressionless, looking calmly at the big monitor screen.

Actually, they were full of tension, even more nervous than those students in the awakening room.

no way!

The number of people who successfully awaken the planet is related to the head teacher’s performance appraisal.

Don’t be nervous, no…


The radio in the monitoring room rang.

“The initial awakening of No. 3 was successful, and the diameter of the planet is 12 kilometers.”

“The initial awakening on the 25th was successful, and the diameter of the planet is 7.5 kilometers.”

“The initial awakening on the 13th was successful, and the diameter of the planet is 13 kilometers.”

“The initial awakening of No. 36 was successful, and the diameter of the planet is 7.9 kilometers.”

“not bad!”

Hearing the continuous notifications on the radio, the principal smiled slowly on his face.

The number of awakened people in this batch is obviously more than the previous batch.


The director echoed and said: “This group of students is not bad?”

Although the head teachers of each class did not speak, they all stared at the members of their own class and secretly checked the numbers that were broadcast.


A voice attracted everyone’s attention.

“Student No. 2, the diameter of the planet is 29 kilometers!”

“29 kilometers?!”

The head teacher of Class 5 heard the radio and shouted excitedly: “My class…”

This No. 2 awakened person is a student in his class.

As a teacher, how can I not be happy to hear this explosive news.

“29 kilometers?!” The principal was also shocked, and then said in surprise: “Another genius, not bad, not bad…”

“Although it is not as amazing as Sun Xiaoyu’s 32 kilometers, he is still a genius and worth cultivating.” The director echoed with a smile.

“Congratulations! Teacher Gong, another genius came out of your class!”

“Yes! Teacher Gong, your class has done really well this year, I’m jealous!”


Gong Yuming, the head teacher of Class 5, smiled all over his face, showing false modesty: “It’s not enough, it’s far behind Sun Xiaoyu, and we still have to work hard…”

Everyone heard Gong Yuming’s showing off, and although they were not angry, but the students were not up to date, no genius appeared, no matter how big the anger was in their hearts, they had to endure it.

The headmaster shook his head and smiled as he listened to the evasion of the head teachers, but did not stop him.

Scenes like this happen every year. As the principal, he must be fair and impartial and not favor any party.

Feng Shui turns around.

This year Gong Yuming is so sad, next year she may cry.

Such things have happened many times in the past.

I see more, so I don’t care.

“Student No. 5, the planet has successfully awakened, with a diameter of… 0.9 kilometers?!”



The monitoring room became silent, and everyone’s eyes were on the big screen in the monitoring room.

The head teacher of Class 3, Qu Shuli, murmured subconsciously:

“The diameter is 0.9 kilometers! It’s less than one kilometer. This is probably the lowest record in history!”

Gong Yuming, the head teacher of Class 5, nodded: “It is indeed broken! The previous record was 1.3 kilometers!”

Fourth class teacher Wang Yali sighed: “Such a small planet, I am afraid it is difficult to convert energy…”

“It’s not that I’m afraid, it’s definitely!

According to the Yanhuang Federation’s announcement, a planet with a diameter of less than one kilometer has a 99.999% chance of not transforming into planetary energy, let alone giving birth to life. “The director took over and directly denied everything about student No. 5.

“It’s a pity.” Li Wanlin, the head teacher of class 10, sighed inwardly, with a look of unnaturalness on his face.

Because, No. 5 is a student in his class.

“Being unable to transform life, giving birth to life means that the awakening has failed!” The principal sighed slightly: “Which class is he in?”

“My class!” Li Wanlin said.

“Yeah!” The headmaster nodded and said, “After the awakening is over, go and calm him down!”


Li Wanlin knew the meaning of the principal’s words, and was afraid that student No. 5 would be overwhelmed and do stupid things.

After all, the situation of No. 5 was hit harder than those students who failed to awaken.

He didn’t awaken the planet at all, he did awaken the planet, but because the diameter of the planet was too small, he couldn’t convert energy, and life couldn’t be born, so he was judged to have failed the awakening.

In this case, the blow is even greater, and it is easy for some people with poor psychological quality to go to extremes.

Awakening indoors.

Wang Yi couldn’t feel the energy transformation for a long time, and while he was anxious, he also felt unwilling!

The planet cannot transform energy and cannot give birth to life, which means that the awakening of the planet has failed.

Afterwards, there will be no chance for the planet to awaken.

In this life, Wang Yi was born in an ordinary family.

If the awakening of the planet is not successful, you can only work for other planet owners in the future, just like the servants of the ancient landlord’s family, with no status and dignity at all.

Wang Yi doesn’t want to live such a life, but if he can’t successfully awaken the planet, his fate is doomed.

【Ding Dong! 】

at this time.

A crisp mechanical sound sounded.

【It is detected that the host is awakening the planet, and the god-level evolution system is officially activated. 】

【Ding! 】

【Starting, 1%…13%…29%…】


Wang Yi was taken aback for a moment, then realized: “System?”

“My cheat!”

“You are finally here!”

【100%! 】

【The god-level evolution system has started! 】

The voice just fell.


A blue holographic projection appeared out of thin air, and Wang Yi looked instinctively.

Planet owner: Wang Yi

Age: 18 years old

Sex: Male!

Occupation: Student

Planet Name: None

Planet level: 0

Planet diameter: 0.92 km

Planet Species: 0

Evolution route: ?

Every person who has successfully awakened the planet has a planet data panel, which is the creation sandbox of the evolved planet.

Wang Yi’s situation is quite special. There is an additional “evolution route” on the attribute template, and a “creation sand table” is missing.

Obviously, his situation is different from others.

Wang Yi read it carefully and asked, “Did I decide the evolution route of the system?”

【Yes! 】

The system said.

“Evolve anything?!”

Wang Yi thought for a while and asked again.

【Yes! 】

“Then evolve…”

Ps: Old author, new book, please support!

(end of this chapter)

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