Global Awakening: Only I lay out the future in advance

15 Longhu Mountain, Taoist ancestral court

Chapter 15 Longhu Mountain, Taoist ancestral court

Longhu Mountain, Taoist ancestor.

Here the mountains and mountains are dangerous, the clouds are dazzling, with many mythical colors.

It is rumored that Zhang Daoling, the founder of the four masters of Taoism, was alchemy here.

On the day of Dan Cheng, he turned into a dragon and tiger vision wonders, so Dragon Tiger Mountain was named after.

In Longhu Mountain, there are three famous attractions.

They are Tianshi Mansion, Zhengyi, and Tai Shangqing Palace, and Taoist priests exist in it.

However, if the influence and reputation, the biggest is Tian Shifu.

At this moment

Under the mountain gate, four or five people wearing robes gathered.

One of the old roads, white hair, wearing a red robe, standing in front of the front.

In Taoism, the color of the clothes can distinguish between the monks and status, while the red is second only to purple.

And this old way.

It is the contemporary master of Longhu Shan Tianshi Mansion.

The other few are simple blue robes.

It belongs to juniors.

It stands to reason that Longhu Mountain is a scenic spot.

Even if it is not a holiday, tourists are endless, but there are no one today.

The reason is that today Tianshi Mansion wants to receive a group of important noble guests, so he chooses to keep the mountain for one day.

“Master, it’s almost ten o’clock, why haven’t you arrived? Have you remembered the wrong day?”

Soon, a young Taoist priest looked around his neck and couldn’t help whispering after seeing that he hadn’t moved.

In Taoism, although there are generations, there are not many rules.

That’s why the Taoist dare to speak like this.

After all, he knew that the master was in his 90s.

“Mo anxious.” Yuyang’s real person said with a smile, so that the other party should not worry.

Because he calculated, it is almost this time, and there should be no mistakes.

“Master, see.”

At this time, a pointing Taoist talked at a glance, pointing forward.

Everyone looked up and saw that in that direction, a bus appeared, and slowly stopped, and five or six people stepped down from it. They are all very temperament and are dressed brightly.

“Welcome to the owner, come to my Longhu Mountain Tianshi Mansion. Here, I thank the Lao Dao again thanking the donors for the donors.”

“Today, I will lead you to the Lord to choose the personal residential dock that I like.”

Yuyang’s real people welcomed forward, bowed slightly, and made a cricket.

turn out to be.

These people are the wealthy people who have been donated recently. Because they have reached a certain amount, they can come to Longhu Mountain to choose to settle in Shidao.

It is no wonder that the younger brother of the contemporary master of Tianshi Mansion comes out to entertain himself.

“Real people are so polite, I am so kind, I am really ashamed.”

“Dear Liu Qing, real person can call me Xiao Liu.”

A middle -aged man with obese and greasy hair came out quickly, holding a briefcase, and speaking, obviously he was ready to speak on the road.

Seeing this, the other rich glanced at it and scorned in his heart, but on the surface, he was calm and came out to say hello.

Everyone knew in the car that this time the elders who received themselves were very high.

So even if they are, they dare not care about their identity.

Everyone said.

When the status of wealth reaches a certain degree, the more you will believe in something.

The rich in front of them are such people.

“Time is almost the same, real person, can you go to Tianshi Mansion?” Then President Liu spoke, thinking about trying to try the fast rice of the ancestor of the ancestor of the ancestor of the ancestor of the ancestor of the ancestor of the ancestral court, and stained the spirit of the immortal.

As for the other wealthy people, the same means.

“There seems to be a person who hasn’t arrived.”

Next to, the little Taoist opened the roster and counted several people.

This sentence made the rich man a little bit, and then showed his dissatisfaction.

Only people have always waited for themselves.

Are they waiting for them to wait for others now?

However, after seeing Yuyang’s real person still standing in place, several people were hard to say anything, and stayed in place embarrassing.

It didn’t take long for a big black G to appear in front of everyone’s sight, and a young man stepped down from it.

He did not hesitate, and when he got close, he apologized slightly: “Taoist, coming from Shanghai City, so he was a little blocking along the way.”

The young man is Lu Yuan who comes from Shanghai City.

“It’s okay, just get it.”

Yuyang’s real person didn’t mind, and he didn’t delay too long anyway.

Immediately, he walked the front and took everyone to the Tianshi Mansion on the mountain.

This can’t help but worry about some rich people. After all, this old Taoist priests are in their 90s. Can they really climb up the mountain?

It turns out that although Yuyang’s real person looks old and looks old -fashioned, he has a long physical strength. From the foot of the foot of the mountain, it has been walking all the way, walking for more than an hour, and there is no fatigue, his eyes are clear.

On the other hand, a group of rich people headed by President Liu were panting and kept irrigating themselves.

Even the little Taoist priests were slightly white, obviously a little tired.

“Everyone, it’s early anyway, it’s better to rest first?”

The real people of Yuyang are not surprised to this and are proposed to stop.

This sentence naturally received the consent of most people present, sitting down one by one, covering his chest.

But soon, the old Taoist’s eyes changed slightly, because Lu Yuan, who saw not far away, was still upright, and his breath was almost the same as when he was under the mountain.

“Is it because you are young, so are your physical fitness good? No, it should not be the reason.”

Yuyang’s real person has gone a little bit, and has been in Longhu Mountain for so many years.

I don’t know how much people who have seen the mountain climbing.

But there is never one, just like Lu Yuan, there is nothing.

However, although it was a little strange in my heart, I didn’t ask more, standing in place to keep my eyes closed.

Lu Yuan naturally noticed the eyes of the old Taoist priest. He thought in his heart: “After the change, Longhu Mountain is one of the few famous characters who have gone out of the big figure in the early stage and in the new era. Later, it was even more unpredictable. They were prepared to come, just like this Yuyang real person, over 90 years old, but physical strength is better than young people. ”

“Ordinary people can use the Taoist experts to explain, but in fact, I’m afraid it’s not that simple.”

He is very clear that the famous mountains with mythical colors are very full.

Perhaps the inheritance of the ancestors, just because the heavens and the earth were suppressed, it could not be manifested.

After the change, the heavens and the earth are eliminated. The way of some monks and Taoism has a huge role, especially for some old Taoists who have been in the same time, and they can immediately accept that mysterious power.

In the ancient times, there were pre -Qin refiners, can be refined, can cultivate, and have various mysteries.

Of course, those who inherit this method in modern times can of course be able to do this after lifting the ban.

In other words, the real power of this group of old priests was sealed.

At the beginning of the change, it was the day of unblocking.

As he experienced at the beginning, some characters could be stronger in a short time after the new era was opened.

This existence is because it has many years of foundation and foundation.

In this regard, Lu Yuan was somewhat envious.

Of course, that’s it.

After all, how many years do you practice like Yuyang’s real person?

And you only need to prepare for a few months in advance.

(This chapter is finished)

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