Glitched Isekai

Chapter 23 – The Demon Banished and Phoebe’s Luck

Alex and Sabrina appeared with the levitating body of the unconscious Sam when they saw Merlin and the other familiars battling the demon again. 

While the other girls were in agony due to the mind link with Sam, the demon managed to get up and started attacking again, with only Merlin the only able bodied person to fight it. 

Not long ago, as Sam finally summoned and released both Alex and Sabrina from his body, the girls also recovered only to find Merlin struggling to handle the demon by himself. 

As they joined in battle, they found that the demon learned from it's lesson and did not allow the girls to disable it the way they did earlier, so the battle was more difficult this time. 

"Are you the witches Sam summoned?" Phoebe asked. 

"I suppose so Phoebe" Alex said, excited that she recognized Phoebe from the Charmed show that she watched herself on TV. 

"Well although you are not my sisters, if Sam summoned you, then I guess it should work. Lets cast the Dominus Trinus spell to enable the Power of Three" Phoebe said, giving them the chant through the mind link. 

Alex and Sabrina looked at the demon and decided to follow Phoebe's instructions. 

Hear now the words of the witches,

The secrets we hid in the night,

The oldest of Gods are invoked here,

The great work of Magic is sought.

In this night and in this hour,

We call upon the Ancient Power.

Bring your powers to we witches three!

We want the power! Give us the power!

... they chanted as light flew onto their bodies. Hermione and Merlin watched with interest as this magic seemed very different from the magic they knew and were used to. 

The light on their bodies grew brighter and brighter, getting more and more powerful. Merlin was amazed by the power being concentrated on their bodies. 

Suddenly, the light disengaged from both Sabrina and Alex and coalesced onto Phoebe's body. 

Phoebe screamed as the power entered her body while Sabrina and Alex looked in confusion after the light rejected them and instead disappeared into Phoebe's body.

Then, a sudden explosion came from within Phoebe's body, blowing her clothes away, leaving her body naked but seemingly undamaged. 

But blood flowed from the corners of Phoebe's eyes, her nose, ears and mouth as well as her two orifices between her legs. She fell to her knees, then to the floor unconscious.

"What happened? It didn't work!" Hermione said rushing to Phoebe and checking on her. Luckily she was still breathing, but barely.

The demon roared and attacked. Sabrina and Alex joined the fight, instantly casting their spells. 

"I have the power of three already. Is that the cause of the rejection?" Alex asked as she cast her strongest banishment spell. 

The demon screamed in rage and pain as it started disintegrating into thin air.  

However, at the same time, Sabrina had also cast her banishment spell. 

The demons screamed in agony this time as it's body started burning up as well. 

Both spells worked simultaneously, one rendering the demon into atoms while the other burning up each individual atom, ensuring the demon can never be revived again. 

Within seconds, the demon completely vanished as if it never existed in the first place. 

Sabrina and Alex looked at each other, sizing each other up. 

"Not bad, not bad at all" Alex said cockily with a smile. 

"Yeah. You're not bad yourself" Sabrina smiled. 

Merlin and the other girls looked at the two new girls with astonishment. Both of them looked young, like teenagers. But they were both so powerful. 

Now that they had time, Sabrina walked to Phoebe and placed her hands on her, casting a healing spell. 

Phoebe opened her eyes and looked at her hands. She felt something has happened, but could not understand what. 

She looked at Faith, who was holding the huge hammer and waved her hand. Suddenly, the hammer flew out of Faith's hands and landed next to Phoebe. 

"What?" Faith gasped. 

Phoebe gestured and stopped time, walking over to behind Faith and unfroze time. Faith, who was gasping and looking at Phoebe suddenly realized that Phoebe was standing behind her turned around in shock. 

"I.... I have all my sisters' powers" she said flying over to Sam using her own levitation powers. "I think I have the Power of Three by myself!" she said excitedly, referring to the three Charmed Halliwell sisters' powers of telekinesis, molecular immobilization and premonition. 

"Yes. I can sense threefold powers in you, much like I assimilated my sibling's powers" Alex said before pondering further. 

"No... that's wrong. I sense a fourth power in you?" Alex said in amazement. 

"Really? Maybe..." Phoebe thought to herself as she suddenly orbed from where she was to the other side of the field, then back again. 

"I have Paige's powers as well!" Phoebe said. She was excited since she had all her sisters' powers, but felt sad too, understanding that this meant that her sisters would not be joining them in this adventure with Sam. 

"Thank you all for vanquishing the demon. May I invite you all to the town? We were recruiting promising students for the Academy of Aristal. Perhaps..." Merlin started

"We appreciate your offer. However it is best we take care of Sam... uh... Samsara right now" Hermione said.

"How is he?" Alex asked

"His body is fully healed. But his mind has shut down due to the trauma. He might need a few days to awaken" Hermione answered.

"Wuss" Mindy muttered. Alex sniggered and gave Mindy an approving nod. 

"How about this. I will take Samsara in and help him recuperate. Will you join us?" Merlin asked, eager to recruit so many amazing talents. 

"Uh... maybe not. It's best we get back to our... uh.. dimension until we are summoned again" Hermione said, sensing Merlin's over-eagerness in trying to recruit them. 

Too many things have happened since each of them were summoned, that they were unsure what they were doing here. Were they here only to assist Sam? Or can they experience this dimension themselves individually?

Right now it was best they figure some things out themselves before joining anything or being committed anywhere. So it isn't the best idea for them to be recruited into the Academy of Aristal. 

"Yes. Thank you headmaster. Till we meet again" Hermione said on behalf of the team. 

One by one they vanished into the Nexus leaving only Merlin and the unconscious Sam. 

Merlin sighed and using a spell, he levitated the strangely dressed Samsara back to the town with him.

As they entered the town, Merlin rejoined the rest of the academy staff and their recruited students in the town hall. 

"Who is that?" the beautiful instructor named Gwen asked, looking at the strangely dressed teen.

He was very handsome, dressed in only black boots, chaps, a very brief thong and a bow tie looking like a modern day male stripper. His thong didn't really hide much and the outline of his impressive dick could clearly be seen. 

"This is Samsara. He's not very high leveled but he is a powerful summoner. Please help him recover with your white magic. He's a very interesting prospect" Merlin said smugly. 

"I understand headmaster" Gwen said as she brought Samsara away to heal him. 

The two pretty sisters, Aria and Arisa eyed the unconscious teen curiously as he was brought away. In fact it drew more than curiosity, his costume also made them desire him. 

The redheaded male student looked at Samsara with envy. "Why are the girls looking at that guy like that? He's barely a level 10!" he thought to himself. 

"Alright. We will leave in a days time. I am sure Instructor Gwen will be able to revive the boy by then. Start packing your belongings in readiness for the journey" Merlin ordered to all the students who were there. 

The crowd dispersed and Merlin went to brief the town mayor about what happened. 

As everyone went back to resuming their lives, Gwen entered her private room with Sam and locked the door... 


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