Give Me Your Hands and Marry Me

Chapter 352 - One Truth Will Always Prevail!

Chapter 352 One Truth Will Always Prevail!
Chu Bai called the police, but his agent blamed him for doing so.

“There are security cameras in the house. If I ran away, others might trace it back to me. How would I explain it?”

Of course the agent knew Chu Bai was right, he was just too anxious.

“You could have just left it to us. Our company will deal with it. Since you have finished filming, you can rest at home for a few days.”

If someone else was stuck in the same situation, the agent did not know how their company would have dug him out of this hole. However, it was Chu Bai, who was stuck in the situation, so he did not need to worry about him. Thus he was assured, and went back to the company, after sending Chu Bai home.

Chu Bai could not bear to stay home, so he went to the villa of the Shen family to have dinner.

“What happened?” Yaya had read the news, and asked when she saw him.

A Miao asked the auntie to bring another pair of chopsticks and asked, “Where is your mother?”

“She is attending a banquet with my dad.” Chu Bai sat down immediately and said, “Don’t ask me what happened. I am still trying to figure it out!”

He drank the soup that A Miao ladled out for him. “It must be the Great Devil who did it. You can ask him if he is trying to frame me?”

Yaya blinked and said, “I don’t think so.” She thought, “It is too childish.”

“It is possible!” He crunched loudly on the meat, as if he could vent his hatred on it. “You don’t know how many times he almost killed me in my childhood.”

Yaya did not say anything. She knew a little of what happened when she was a child, but she was too young to understand if it was dangerous. Chu Bai was always alive and well, so she did not pay attention to it…

“Are you affected by it?” A Miao asked, “I read the news just now. It seems that the police do not suspect you.”

“The netizens do.” Chu Bai bolted down a few mouthfuls of food and said, “They said it was highly suspicious that I just happened to be there, and saw her jumping off the building. They think it can scarcely be a coincidence.”

Chu Bai paused for a moment and looked scared. “And you didn’t see her…her look, she…”

What’s the matter?” Yaya knew there was something wrong.

A Miao also looked at him nervously, while Shen Xinglan continued shelling shrimps for his wife, in a leisurely manner.

“Disgusting!” Chu Bai yelled and said, “If my dad had not left me on the island for training in my childhood, I would have lost my appetite for one year.”

Yaya furrowed and said, “What happened to her?”

“Have you ever seen zombies? It’s more disgusting than them. The flesh of her whole body was rotting away.” Chu Bai raised his hands to the height of his eye sockets and said, “Her eyes were dropping out…”

Shen Xinglan slapped him on his head and said, “We’re eating. Don’t talk about that!”

“I’m fine. Don’t hit him.” A Miao patted her chest and said, “That was your last view of her?”

“Yes!” Chu Bai rubbed the back of his head and said, “She was standing by the balcony. When I called her, she looked back and jumped down.”

Shen Xinglan handed the spoon to A Miao and said, “Drink the soup. It is getting cold.”

He turned around and glanced at Chu Bai. “Did you hide anything from the police?”

“You are so smart!” Chu Bai thought, “Such a sly fox…”

Yaya was surprised and asked, “What did you hide from the police?”

“There was someone else at the scene.” Chu Bai said, “When Zhang Shanshan jumped, I ran over and saw a woman standing next to the corpse. She also looked at me.”

A Miao was more curious and asked, “Did you see her face?”

“It was too far for me to see her clearly, But I am sure it is a woman.” Chu Bai shrugged his shoulders and said, “You told me that Zhang Shanshan was kidnapped by Yu Sihan. I thought the woman might be his subordinate, so I did not tell the police.”

Then he looked at Yaya bitterly and said, “See. I am so considerate towards him even though he treated me badly…”

“…I express gratitude on his behalf,” Yaya patted his head.

Chu Bai curled his upper lip.

“We need to worry about the netizens’ comments, instead of the police’s suspicions.” A Miao was worried about Chu Bai. “They are all suspecting you!”

It did not bother Chu Bai, and he said, “The agency will settle it. I don’t care. Anyway, I did not kill her.”

Although he was right, a single spark of cyber violence could start a prairie fire.

Zhang Shanshan was not famous, but she had the support of some fans before the talent show. Her inexplicable death brought together many self-righteous moralists, who attacked Chu Bai.

#Le Chu is the Murderer#This kind of title made the headlines. His agency began to hire many paid-posters, and some influencers were on Chu Bai’s side, but a few people still scolded him on the micro blog.Read more chapter on v

“Young Master…” The bodyguard came in, with a young woman.

Yu Sihan was choosing the engagement venue, so he did not raise his head. “Go back to the island and pay the penalty.”

“Young Master…” The bodyguard still wanted to say something, but he was dragged out by the woman.

She bowed her head and said in an emotionless tone, “I understand. I am sorry to have troubled you.”

“Come back to Miss Yaya after a month.” Then he stood up and went upstairs.

The bodyguard was pleasantly surprised and said to Zhu Yan, “Great! Young Master is not angry with you.”

Zhu Yan furrowed her eyebrows and thought, “Does this mean I have to see that idiot again when I come back to Miss Yaya…”

It was nice and cool after a light shower on the weekend. Yu Sihan and Yaya went to the beach for dinner.

“What do you want to ask?” Yu Sihan helped her to fillet the fish and raised his head, smiling.

Yaya was staring at him. It seemed that she wanted to say something.

“You know what I want to ask.” Yaya glanced at him coquettishly. His grip suddenly tightened on the fork.

Yaya did not see it, and stared at him. “Did you frame Chu Bai?”

“No…” Yu Sihan could smell her delicate fragrance, which he had never forgotten, even in his dreams.

However, he could not touch her.

“Sit down and eat.” He pushed the plates towards her and stayed away from her quietly. He raised his hand and touched her head. “One of my subordinates did it.”

Yaya’s eyes flashed and she said with a smile, “That woman?”

“Yes, she decided to let the woman die, in front of the kid.”

“Why did she do that?” Yaya did not understand.

Yu Sihan did not want to waste time talking about other people. He fed her a slice of fish and said, “Well, you need to ask that idiot what he was doing on the location.”

“What did I do?” Chu Bai was stunned.

Yaya took the scented tea away from him, lest his saliva should drop into it.

“How do I know? Anyway, Hanhan said she did it deliberately, because of what you did.”

Chu Bai said coldly, “I don’t know who she is. I have never seen her before. How can I… Hold on!” He suddenly jumped up and asked, “You mean I offended her on the location?”

“Yes, that is what Hanhan said.”

“I get it! I get it!” Chu Bai was excited and sat next to Yaya. “That woman on the location is not Zhang Shanshan and the dead woman is Zhang Shanshan!”

Although it was hard to understand, Yaya knew what he meant. “You mean, Zhang Shanshan never appeared after being taken away, and the woman on the location was a fake one?”

“That’s it!” Chu Bai clapped his hands and said, “We know how ferocious the Great Devil is. Zhang Shanshan looked horrible when she died. She must have been imprisoned and tortured all these while!”

“The woman whom you saw on the scene, was the one who impersonated Zhang Shanshan. You offended her on the location, so she tried to frame you.”

Yaya shook her head and said, “What did you do? She hates you so much!”

“I did nothing…” Chu Bai averted his eyes and said, “Just…satire…or verbal attack?”

“You deserve it!” Yaya shot him a glance.

Chu Bai’s eyes were round. “I am the victim!”

“Did you think she had an easy time?” Yaya told him about Yu Sihan’s decision and said, “She may have been punished severely!”

Chu Bai forgot that he had been framed by her and began to scold Yu Sihan. “See! He is cruel even to his subordinates…”

Yaya ignored his following complaints. Since everything was clear, she believed Yu Sihan would settle it. After all, he might not be glad to hear her lecturing him.

After a few days, the police released the outcome of the inquiry. They found the last testament, drug paraphernalia and an IOU for ¥5,000,000 in Zhang Shanshan’s house.

“She was taking drugs!”

The netizens transferred their allegiance instantly, and began to curse Zhang Shanshan. Although the police solved the case, they still had some doubts. They knew how Zhang Shanshan looked when she died, but others did not know.

“They will not tell others even if they know the truth.” Yu Sihan sat in the Ferris wheel, holding Yaya’s hands. “They believe ‘the less trouble the better.'”

Yaya understood naturally. She nodded and threw herself into his arms.

Yu Sihan was taken aback, but he still held her in his arms. “What’s wrong?”

“I have acrophobia.” Yaya told him a lie.

Yu Sihan laughed and said, “The bodyguard told me that once you climbed out of the Ferris wheel and scared them to death.”

“I was not afraid of heights before, but it is different now. Hold me tight.”

Yu Sihan put her on his lap and said, “Don’t lie to me. I know you.”

“╭(╯^╰)╮” Yaya butted his chest and asked, “It seems that you don’t want to get close to me. Why?”

“Do you want to know?” Yu Sihan was not surprised that Yaya was aware of it. She was smart and sensitive. He knew that better than anyone else.

Yaya raised her head and looked at him.

Yu Sihan’s body suddenly relaxed. Yaya was puzzled about his silence and wanted to ask him. Suddenly, she found there was something under her butt.

“What?” She twisted her body.

However, Yu Sihan held her tight and grabbed her hand and brought it to his body.

“Do you know how much I want to be close to you?” His voice became low and even gravelly.

Yaya’s hand seemed to be grasping a cylinder, which was big and hard. She was in a daze, and suddenly screamed after she heard what Yu Sihan said.


She would have fallen if Yu Sihan had not held on to her.

“How is it? Are you satisfied?” Yu Sihan brought her back to his arms. He did not suppress his reaction and the hard thing was still erect against her thighs.

Yaya flushed scarlet quickly. She buried her head in his arms and hit his chest. “No! Stop… stop it!”

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