Give Me Your Hands and Marry Me

Chapter 340 - The Destiny of Yaya

Chapter 340 The Destiny of Yaya

“That can explain why Yu Sihan is so nice to Yaya,” Le Yi said with a complex expression, “but I do not know what is he going to do.”

He did not do this for his lover or the vermin. Although he was nice to Yaya because of the vermin, his goal was still the treasure he didn’t get last time.

“So he is waiting until Yaya grows up.” A Miao realized it immediately.

Yu Sihan was waiting until Yaya was old enough to carry the vermin. At that time, he would take her to the treasure land. The vermin would leave Yaya’s body, so that he could use her blood to trigger the starting gear of the treasure…

“Such a shyster!” Ling Lang looked at A Miao and said, “He wanted to treat you that way, but the vermin went into Yaya’s body by mistake.”

A Miao grabbed Shen Xinglan’s arms and asked, “What shall we do? He will kill Yaya. No… I will send Yaya to a place that he can never find.”

“It’s useless.” Wei Meng said directly, “He can find Yaya according to the vermin’s connection, not to mention his power.”

Shen Xinglan gave Wei Meng a glance. A Miao looked desperate.

“I think…” Le Yi looked at everyone and said, “there is one way for now.”

When Yu Sihan brought Yaya back at night, he saw A Miao looking at him with hatred.

“I am not late.” He looked at his watch.

Shen Xinglan picked Yaya up and coldly said, “We have discussed it. You can bring Yaya back for two days every weekend.”


Yu Sihan’s eyes roved about this couple without knowing their intention.

“I will take Yaya to have a bath!” A Miao said and took Yaya upstairs.

Shen Xinglan ignored Yu Sihan, went to the sofa, and sat down. “I want to hang out with A Miao on the weekends, so you can bring Yaya back.”

“Oh, really?” Yu Sihan looked at him and said calmly.

“You know that A Miao is not in good health. I need to go to the company on workdays and accompany her on the weekends.” Shen Xinglan tried to restrain his impulse to kill this guy. “I wanted to send Yaya to Le Yi’s house, but A Miao was afraid that Ling Lang would be too tired.”

He glanced at Yu Sihan. “It seems that you are not willing.”

“I’d be glad to.” Yu Sihan raised his eyebrows with a vague smile on his young face. “I am happy that you have come around to this idea. It is good for everyone.”

Shen Xinglan’s mouth compressed into a thin line. It was Le Yi’s idea.

Since they both had the vermin, why not let Yu Sihan fall in love with Yaya? And then he would never plan to kill her.

“You mean Yaya and Yu Sihan??” A Miao covered her mouth with her hands. “That is too crazy.”

However, Wei Meng nodded. “I have the same idea. He is only 13 years older than Yaya. This kind of relationship is very common now.”

“Yu Sihan is 16 this year…” Le Yi thought for a while and said, “He is a little bit old, but just as Wei Meng said, it is very normal now. What’s more, I find Yu Sihan treating Yaya as his wife.”

Otherwise, who would be so nice to a three-year-old child and give her anything she wanted?

“If they get along with each other from now on, maybe they can get together when they grow up.” Ling Lang sighed and said, “We do not have any option except this.”

Yu Sihan looked at Shen Xinglan, who was unwilling to send their daughter to that kind of person. However… as everyone said, they were better of letting Yaya stay with Yu Sihan rather than sending her away.

People have an emotional relationship with their pet if they raise it for a long time, let alone a human being. Although Yu Sihan was strange and cold-blooded, they could not deny that he had helped them a lot.

“We can let Yaya stay with him longer.” He hugged A Miao tightly and said, “We do this for A Miao’s benefit.”

Of course, they would not let Yu Sihan know about it. Even Wei Meng and Ding V were not allowed to hear it. They went out to have fun with Ouyang Jin and He Shishi.

“Do you mind if I teach Yaya to play the flute?” Yu Sihan suddenly asked.

Shen Xinglan recalled the valuable jade flute he sent when Yaya was born. “Don’t make her too tired. If she doesn’t like it, you can’t force her to learn.”

“I will not do that.” Yu Sihan stood up and said, “See you tomorrow morning.”

After the matter was settled, A Miao was not used to it at first. When Yaya went to meet Yu Sihan, she was always worried. However, later on she fainted more and more frequently, nearly three or four times a week. She realized that it was a good idea.

Fortunately, Yaya would not see her faint.

When everyone thought that everything was going well and they could shake off the burden once A Miao gave birth to the baby after a normal period of gestation, something happened to A Miao in the fifth month. On this morning, Shen Xinglan could not wake her up and had to send her to the hospital.

“It’s more serious than we expected.” Le Yi walked out of the ward and said, “Her cranial nerves are greatly constricted and the time for sleepiness will get longer and longer.”

He looked at Shen Xinglan and hesitated for a while. “Maybe she… would never wake up.”

The atmosphere became heavy immediately. Shen Xinglan clenched his fists tightly and said, “What did you say just now?”

“The bigger the fetus is, the heavier it becomes for A Miao to carry. I am afraid she could not stick it out for so long.”

Ling Lang asked immediately, “What about a cesarean section?”

“The fetus is less than five months old. To ensure his safety, we need at least six months.” Le Yi stopped for a while. “Well, congratulations. You have a son.”

Shen Xinglan did not care if it was a son or a daughter, he only cared about A Miao.

“Can she stick it out for another month?” he asked.

Le Yi could not give him a definite answer. “I do not know. No one can guarantee she can wake up if she faints again.”

Ling Lang looked at Shen Xinglan and said, “You should consider it. Do you want to…”

“I made my decision.” Shen Xinglan interrupted her. “We choose abortion.”

Le Yi and Ling Lang looked at each other, feeling greatly pained.

“You should ask A Miao about it.” Ling Lang warned him. “If you hold out on her, she will have a nervous breakdown. ”

Shen Xinglan shook his head and said, “No. If she knows about it, she would not agree.”

“You are right. I’d never agree.” A Miao stood at the door of the ward and stared at Shen Xinglan through tears. “That’s my son. You did not see that he already has limbs. How can I deprive him of his right to survive?”

Ling Lang looked at Shen Xinglan, turned to look at A Miao, and then took Le Yi away.

“A Miao…” Shen Xinglan did not suffer less than her, but he had to make a decision.

“What about me? If you can’t wake up next time, what should I do?” He walked over and grabbed her shoulders. “And Yaya, what should she do?”

A Miao cried and shook her head. “I cannot, I cannot give up him. Feel it, he is here!” She frantically grabbed his hands and put them on her belly.

“Can you feel him? Huh?”

Shen Xinglan held her tightly and said, “I know you are in a lot of pain. I feel the same. But A Miao… I am selfish. I can’t lose you, and Yaya can’t lose you.”

“Oh…” A Miao burst into tears. “Let me try again. Just one time! I beg you. If I faint again and do not wake up, then I will listen to you.”

When Yu Sihan brought Yaya back at night, Shen Xinglan could not hold his temper and punched him in front of Yaya.

“Ah…” Yaya was frightened into crying.

A Miao quickly picked her up. Yu Sihan wiped the blood from his mouth and looked at Shen Xinglan coldly.

“My being patient does not mean that I will tolerate you.” Yu Sihan gave others a different kind of feeling, as if the beautiful young man was just an illusion.

“Let’s see who will die first.” Shen Xinglan took out a gun and pointed it at him. “A Miao will lose her baby. If she does not have an abortion, one day she will never wake up.

“I want to shoot you now in revenge for my son’s death.” Shen Xinglan flicked off the safety and said, “As for Yaya, I would rather she die than send her to you.”


Yu Sihan was silent for a long time. When Shen Xinglan was ready to shoot, he suddenly said, “What if I have a method?”

Shen Xinglan was taken aback. “Do you have a method?”

“Yes, you know I have a research institute. I knew A Miao often fainted before and I asked my employees to find out about it. They worked it out a few days ago.”

Shen Xinglan put down the gun and stared at him for a while. “Are you sure about this?”

“I believe in my team.” Yu Sihan said in an unfriendly way, “This is the last time. If you do it one more time, I will not be polite, even if you are Yaya’s dad.”

“I will keep this bullet for you until A Miao recovers.” Shen Xinglan turned and left.

Yu Sihan was standing in the same place for a long time. When he was going to leave, he suddenly heard Yaya’s cry.

“Hanhan!” Yaya ran downstairs with bare feet.

Yu Sihan ran to pick her up. “What’s wrong? How can you run out without wearing shoes!”

“Hanhan, does it hurt?” Yaya held his face and touched his wounded mouth with her little hands. “Wow… Dad is so bad!”

Yu Sihan smiled. “Hm, your dad is a bad guy. We won’t talk to him, okay?”

“But… but…” It was hard for Yaya to make this decision. Both of them were important and she wanted them both.

“Hahaha!” Yu Sihan wiped her tears and said, “Yaya, I am joking. Of course, you need your dad.”

Yaya nodded and clung to his neck. “I also want Hanhan.”

“So stop crying and go to sleep, okay?” Yu Sihan put her down and said, “I will come here and take you to kindergarten tomorrow.”

Yaya hugged him while sobbing, and then she fell asleep in his arms.

“Let me do it.” A Miao also came over.

Yu Sihan gave Yaya to her and said, “Rest assured, my subordinate will send the medicine to you tomorrow.”

“…Thank you.” A Miao looked at him and said, “Although you caused all this and I really wish that I never met you, but…”

But everything had happened, so she could only face it.

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