Gina Knox: Space Spy Fox

Chapter 4

Gina made her way into the turbolift on the far side of the hangar, dithering spectators parting in waves a she sashayed past the dumbstruck occupants of the large ship bay, smiling to herself as sticky ropes of gloopy semen dripped off her face and tits and made a small but definitive trail across the plasteel floor.

After she pressed the button to the lift, the large gated door slid open with a hiss, and Gina took the opportunity to wink at the assembled onlookers that were watching her departure, blowing them a kiss as the door closed on her, the last thing she saw being the fatigued and recumbent forms of Richard and the Customs official crumpled onto the cum-strewn desk.

''Cumstorms?' Gina said to herself wryly, and giggled, selecting her desired floor from the winking panel on her right. It had been nice to find two such satisfying schlongs straight away on the docking station, and the stacked spy had a warm feeling now that her juicy pussy had climaxed and her ass had been fucked. Not to mention that she was now creamed all over her face, hair and torso, and was sure to look quite a sight as she strode through the place. Since docking station four was home to only about ten thousand people, Gina expected little trouble meeting her contact. She had been provided with a name and a destination, a bar called 'Savvy', and the person she was going to meet was supposedly a friend of the owner. Though Anderson had described this individual as a 'friend to the agency', Gina expected nothing more than a tip-off artist, nothing more than a smuggler who traded in information as well as goods. For this reason she knew full well that she might have to use her considerable powers of persuasion to extract the information she required.

The lift zoomed up to the floor that she had designated, a large level which housed some accommodation, mainly temporary hotels and rental cabins but also with some retail services for the spaceport populace. 'Savvy' was supposedly located on this level.

The lift doors opened and what Gina saw hardly filled her with the desire to extend her stay on the spaceport. In front of her a small plaza was visible, thronged with a few people. There were a couple of floors, with shops and other places on gantries that were higher up, but the whole impression was one of temporariness, or transitory pleasures to be gained before people headed off to somewhere more important.

As it happened, 'Savvy'was an establishment located on the perimeter of the plaza, and Gina strode out of the lift, leaving a little cum puddle behind her, as the turbolift doors closed and the few people that were around turned and watched in astonishment as the big-titted vision marched in her scandalous attire towards the bar.

Inside, the place was similarly as inauspicious as its exterior had indicated. There were a couple of porno-holovids playing, so that three-dimensional flesh was scrappily rendered using ten year old graphical processors of starlets long since retired, the visual projections life-size so that blurred, translucent bodies that flickered looked as though they were fucking or stripping on the bar. There were even old-style posters of babes on the walls, some with actual print, others hyperstencilled onto frames around the place. It was dim and dark, and there were only a few people in the place.

Gina stood in the doorway and scanned the bar, one hand propped lightly on her hip, her top-heavy silhouette standing out alluringly, picked out in profile against the backwash of the lights beyond.

Following this, she made her way to the bar, and addressed the man who would have been cleaning glasses with a cloth, had the one he was working on when Gina had appeared not slipped out of his grasp and shattered on the floor.

Propping her huge knockers on the bar, slimy cum sliding off the slopes of the massive globes onto the surface clear, Gina smiled wantonly at the man.

'You own this place?'

The man obviously intended to speak, but his utterance actually came out as a strangled cough, although he nodded his head as he cleared his throat. Gina took it as a yes.

'Then you must know Lucian,'

'I do,' said the man, finding his voice finally.

'You know where he is?' Gina said, fixing him with a look that would have melted through steel.

'In the corner,' the man choked, gulping as he nearly lost his load.

'Thanks honey,' said Gina, winking and turning as she saw a figure ensconced in the corner of the bar, a little bit isolated from the rest.

'Do you... do you want a drink?' the barman said, making Gina turn her head towards him again.

'No thanks,' Gina replied, with a smile and a shake of her head that made her black-blonde tresses shimmer, 'I've just had one...' with this, she pointed at her cumsplattered face.

At that point, the barman did lose his load, his hands twisting the cloth he had in his hands violently and wringing it as a volcano of semen erupted in his groin, spurts of cum gushing down his trouser leg. Gina had already turned away before that had happened, safe in the knowledge she had made the poor guy spunk in his pants.

Gina strode over to the man in the corner, put her hands on her hips, cocked her eyebrow, and addressed him directly:

'I'm a big-titted whore and I need a monstercocked stud to treat me like the filthy slut I am by blasting me with his hot, creamy cum.'

There was a quaintness to the method of identifying a fellow operative in the Agency's code of procedures, a tactic that had apparently been once employed back on earth in similar situations. The lines were prefabricated, a rehearsal - one spoken had to be replied by the correct formulation, a basic security protocol. Gina had long ago noticed that her lines always were a pornographically filthy epithet, presumably a joke from the suits back at the office who always appreciated putting her in sticky situations. Gina, who loved sticky situations - the stickier the better, in fact - hadn't any cause to argue.

'You can always suck on my footlong meatstick,' replied the man.

Gina smiled, recognising the correct answer, and saw that the man was handsome, quite rugged, tall and pretty relaxed, if the smooth modulation of his reply had been anything to go by.

'Mind if I sit down?'

'Be my guest, agent Knox,' said the man, easing a chair Gina's way.

'Sometimes people have a accident when I use my opening line,' said Gina, settling into the chair and appreciating the handsome contours of Lucian's face.

Lucian shugged, 'my name is Lucian Freyd.'

'Gina Knox.'

'Good to meet you Gina,' said Lucian, 'presumably you're here to study the paradox.'

'What paradox?'

'The paradox of Darvon. The only planet with a stable governmental administration ever to have total travel lockdown imposed by the Interstellar Agency.'

'And why is that?' Gina asked, a little surprised at the directness with which Lucian had got down to business, without any preparatory chat, seemingly undisturbed by the speckling of cum on her face and hair or the way that her bronzed, cumslick boobs burst out of her chest and cast a shadow on the table between them.

'I would have thought that your job would be to work that out, Gina. Since complete lockdowns of this type are only ever imposed during warfare or rebellion, placing it on Darvon is something of a first.'

'Unless Darvon isn't as peaceful as it appears. Unless something is going on down there.'

'Well that would be my guess. Unless you think that the IA prevents billions of credits and gigatonnes of materials from getting from this station to the surface in daily commerce for no reason.'

Gina had wondered exactly that, and Lucian's frankness made her wonder if he had some stake in the planet and was losing out over it.

'What do you know about Darvon?' Lucian asked.

'Not much. Just what the agency told me. Bit of a backwater, unassuming place, why?'

'Is that it?'

'What do you expect? Space is infinite, in case you hadn't heard, it's kind of hard to keep track of every single solitary planet. Can't say I had heard of this place. I picked up the assignment, got in my craft, flew here; honey, I was fucking myself with a variety of interestingly shaped and sized tools on the way over, can't say I did study the background too closely.'

'Ok well let me fill you in. This solar system is an anomaly. Two huge stars nearby went nova simultaneously and the resultant interference made warp travel to here unreliable. After a number of accidents involving missing ships, Interstellar Administration put a hold on travel to and from this system.'

'For how long?'

'Two thousand years.'

'You're kidding.'

'True story. We're dealing with a system that was adrift for two millennia, and all because of warp interference. We got ten planets here, all of which, for two thousand years, have been completely isolated from mainspace.'


'So things developed differently here. Slower. They don't have democratic representation. Fuck, they don't even have the same idea of being individual human beings as us mainspacers do. Each of these planets is ruled by kings, nobles, oligarchies - they're feudal, baby.

'So what are the implications?'

'The implications are, that for 99.9 quadrillion percent of the people on the planet below, they're fucking fucked. They don't know what rights are. They don't know what democracy is. Their idea of self-determination is getting the weekend off from the boss, or whatever. Look at that picture.'

Gina looked at where Lucian was pointing. It was a pornographic picture that had been stencilled with some artistry, of a woman holding a pair of huge tits up in her hands while a gigantic, muscular cock sprayed white cum all over her. The artist had perfectly captured the look of complete, slutty debauch in the woman's eyes as the cum jetted out towards her, her mouth hanging open, dripping over her bottom lip.

'Tell me what you see,' said Lucian.

'Same things I see every day,' said Gina, 'a monstercock losing control and spurting a huge, hot load into a slut's face. Except I see it first person.'

'Ok, fair point, but let's assume, for the moment, it isn't crude erotica, it's art. What would you be looking for?'

'If it was art?' Gina mused, 'I don't know... if it looked real? If it was beautiful? If it was... true?'

'Right,' Lucian agreed, 'you might look for any of those things, or a combination of them. But only because that way of looking at and interpreting things is culturally sedimented, if that's the way of looking at things in your culture. Now imagine the Darvons. Imagine that when they look at that picture their way of appraising it is to look for how - I don't know- green it is. Or how blue it is. And nothing else matters. Or that say you go for a tour of a sacred site of theirs, and they don't tell you how old it is, who made it, why it looks like what it is, the only thing that matters to them is how tall it is. That's how removed they are in thinking to us. That's what we're dealing with, a feudal culture that doesn't look at the universe like we do, and to cap it all off, because of the IA embargo, they're generations behind us technologically. They're catching up, of course, but the current hold on travel isn't helping.'

Gina frowned a little. Lucian was clearly an intelligent man, but there was something missing from his account. She decided to cut to the chase.

'I'm told you can get me off this spaceport and onto the surface.'

'I can get you off,' Lucian grinned, 'and I can get you off the spaceport as well.'

Smiling, Gina leaned forwards, 'Tell me, Lucian. That line about your cock. Is it true?'

'Nah,' said Lucian, 'I'm much bigger than a foot.'

'Ok,' said Gina, her pussy juicing, 'before you fuck me, I want you to tell me what you're holding back.'

'Provided that you don't want me to hold back from cumming in you face.'

'I wouldn't dream of it.'

Lucian stood up. Gina was astonished to see that he was sporting a huge erection, one that was tenting his trousers almost beyond their capacities.

'The interstellar embargo wasn't imposed on Darvon by the IA, Gina. They asked for it. They're afraid of something getting to the surface.'

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