Gilgamesh Reborn in Naruto









Gilgamesh jumped through the village roofs with such ease and smoothness that Naruto didn't feel any bumps or abrupt stops. Naruto smiled widely and let his hands up in the air carelessly and celebrated the wind on his face. Gilgamesh wanted to turn and scold the boy but looked back at him with a warm smile and tightened his grip on Naruto instead so he wouldn't fall. One of the major things he practiced with Captain Yamato was movement since he had to have proper chakra control before he could move like other ninjas.


Gilgamesh slowed his pace down on purpose so that Naruto could enjoy the view of the village from a bird's view as Gilgamesh made jumps that were higher than the average ninja.


"Wow, this is so cool! How do you learn to do this and… *cough*." Naruto coughed after a bug flew into his mouth while he was talking midair. Gilgamesh could only shake his head in disappointment as Naruto struggled to get the bug out.


"Alright, we are here." Gilgamesh said as he landed in front of Ichiraku's ramen shop.


After his short battle with the bug that threatened to choke him, Naruto released a smile and ran inside to get a seat.


Gilgamesh's senses suddenly picked up Shisui heading towards the forest outside of the village. Gilgamesh then sensed three or more foreign chakra running away from Shisui till his sensory radar couldn't detect anything past that. But he noticed Shisui remained in place the whole time while the other unknown forces ran from him.


'Interesting.' Gilgamesh thought with his eyes closed and opened them as he walked into the shop.


After his third bowl of ramen, Naruto couldn't hold back his curiosity again.


"Tell me, how did you become a ninja already!" Naruto demanded as his question caused the shopkeeper to prick up his ears and listen but pretended to make ramen. Gilgamesh all this and released a sigh after his fourth bowl.


"It's simple. Just become strong enough that the village has no choice but to recognize you." Gilgamesh said with a sly smile while shrugging his shoulders.


"What do you mean just become strong? Anyone can just say that and…" Naruto raised his voice in protest and the shopkeeper couldn't help but nod in agreement but did so without letting the two blondes know.


"You know… you are already losing to me by not becoming strong enough to become a ninja now. But worry not, whenever I am free, this senpai of yours might teach you a little something." Gilgamesh said as he laughed to himself with folded hands.


"Tch. I will give you that for now, but I will surpass and you better believe it!" Naruto said as he pointed at his chest and used his free hand to point at Gilgamesh while wearing an ear-to-ear smile with his eyes closed.


The shopkeeper wore a warm smile as he stored Gilgamesh's face in memory. The blonde duo soon finished and walked back to Naruto's apartment slowly since they were full.


On their way to Naruto's apartment, a ninja stopped them. This ninja wore the normal green jacket allocated to chunins and jounins, which meant this person was at least a chunin. The ninja was at least six feet tall, had black spiky hair, and smelt of alcohol which meant he might have been drinking.


"Hey, you, brat!" the drunken ninja slurred, attempting to point at Gilgamesh, his hand wavering.


Gilgamesh sighed to himself as he waited for the ninja to compose himself.


"You… Why are you wearing your father's jacket… haha… hic… oops… If you apologize now while bowing down to me I will let you go with a firm scold and won't tie you up in a tree to use as…. Ass… haha… as an example." The ninja said with a flushed face, it was clear that he was drunk or at least pretending to be.


Gilgamesh read out his registration number but stopped midway, "You unknown extra, don't you at least know of the latest addition to chunin ranks in Konoha?" Gilgamesh asked getting a bit irritated.


"…. Wha… Oh… you are that new toddler they brought in… what is the village turning into these days… they will let anyone become a chunin if they just ask nicely enough… I don't believe in your skills… say if… hic… you can land one hit on… me… hit… haha… if… you can do this… then, I'll let you go… that's fair right?" The ninja chuckled to himself, at that point, Gilgamesh sensed three masked ninjas watching in hiding from a distance.


'Tch, those dogs are here. And Naruto is here as well. I would have just switched off his lights permanently for insulting me… damn it, I just can't do it now.' Gilgamesh thought to himself as his expression and hesitation were interpreted by the drunk ninja as weakness which made him laugh louder. But in truth, Gilgamesh's true self couldn't stand for such insults and normally he would just end the person's life as if he was removing trash from his front but that would go against the plans he had already set in motion, hence why he hesitated.


"Hey, why don't you pick on someone your own size?" Naruto said as he came in front of Gilgamesh. Gilgamesh was immediately reminded of the vision he saw of Naruto's father and shook his head.


"Step aside, let me show you how far I have grown." Gilgamesh said as he pulled Naruto back who tried to break free from his grip but couldn't.


"You plebian of a ninja. Your conditions do not satisfy me. Once I bring defeat to you, realization will dawn on you, you will come to know of a sky above the skies, a heaven above the heavens, light you cannot hope to fathom, dreams that you cannot even perceive and you will beg for your life like that of a worm, you will crawl and roll on the floor like the failed adult you are and cry for mercy from a child. What I want after defeating you is your life in ten years and whenever you see me or Naruto you will refer to the both of us as lords."


Hearing this the drunk ninja sobered up as he regulated the chakra in body to do so. He looked at Gilgamesh with a serious look and took out his kunai.


"Relax, we are in public. Let's go to that playground over there you amateur." Gilgamesh said as he turned his back on the ninja.



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