Genshin Impact: Fontaine's Regent, driving players crazy.

Chapter 28: Chapter 28: Furina cannot lose Themis, just as Fontaine cannot lose its unofficial histories

Early morning, Neuvillette seemed in quite a good mood, making all the adorable Melusines along the way praise him effusively.

The weather in Fontaine was perfect: bright sunshine, a clear blue sky, and rippling waters, all presenting a scene of tranquil prosperity.

The people of Fontaine City gathered in small groups, walking along the city streets, engaged in animated discussions about the missing girl case reported in the Steam Bird newspaper. They also talked about the newly released unofficial history of Fontaine and recent happenings at Palais Mermonia.

Of course, the most enduring topic of conversation remained the latest gossip about Palais Mermonia's three Fontaine executives.

However, even they had come to realize that brewing any explosive news from these three was a lost cause. Thus, people resorted to conjecture, twisting and contorting topics to indirectly implicate the trio in various scenarios—any excuse to connect them.

The three executives, fully aware of this, chose not to engage, knowing these jokesters would eventually exhaust their topic and move on, vehemently criticizing the original author instead.

Opening her eyes, Themis glanced at the clock on the wall before rising from her bed.

After washing up and getting dressed, she prepared Furina's breakfast for the day.

Checking the schedule, she noted that Furina had a rare day off today.

Themis found nothing remarkable about this:

Understand the Furina Protection Act, people! As a member of Fontaine, our esteemed Hydro Archon is entitled to reasonable time off. What's your problem?

Furina, still tucked in her blankets, felt as if wrapped in a warm, magical embrace. She squirmed a bit before surrendering to its comfort.

"Just five more minutes..." she mumbled, half-awake. "That's all, five more minutes..." Her voice trailed off, a stark contrast to the restless anxiety that had gripped her over the past few days, leaving her poorly rested.

Now that everything had settled down, Furina just wanted to lie in bed and sleep a little longer, waking up naturally when she was good and ready.

As usual, the Regent Themis arrived promptly in Furina's bedroom. Seeing the small mound under the covers—a telltale sign of Furina in Cat mode—she couldn't help but feel a surge of tenderness.

"Are you not getting up today?"

Themis's voice echoed in the bedroom, causing Furina's eyes to snap open.

With caution, she lifted a corner of the quilt, revealing a small, fluffy white head.

The blue-white kitten peered out warily, quickly retreating when it spotted Themis.

"Can I just stay in bed some more, Themis?" Furina's muffled voice drifted from under the covers, hinting at her exhaustion. "There's no schedule for today, so could I have a bit more sleep?"

"Are you skipping breakfast too? Your favorite small cakes are already prepared."

Furina poked her head out of the covers, her big, watery eyes gazing at Themis. "Could we just eat two small cakes at noon instead?"

Themis sighed helplessly. "Very well. Then please continue resting."

"I'll save today's breakfast portion for our midday meal, but only this once, understood?"

Seeing this, Themis reached out and gently stroked Furina's head. The soft, long hair felt incredibly soothing to Themis.

Furina squinted her eyes, enjoying the moment thoroughly. A hint of pure contentment and bliss appeared on her face, making her look like an adorable kitten. She even playfully rubbed against Themis's palm.

This charming Furina, now in full-on cuteness mode, seemed irresistible to Themis. She thought surely no one in the world could refuse her request.

"Well, then, continue resting. I'll come get you when it's time for lunch."

Furina nodded, clearly delighted.

Under Themis's watchful gaze, Furina curled up, tucking the blanket around herself like a little burrito.

Exhausted, with eyelids heavy and ready to close, Furina drifted off peacefully, captured by the warmth of her bed.

Themis smiled at the sight, then quietly closed the door and left the room.

Today, Furina had no engagements scheduled, so she could indulge in a lie-in.

However, as a Regent, Themis had no time for lazy mornings.

The Palais Mermonia was bustling all day. As the Regent to the Hydro Archon, she had to be present in the palace's office for all but the necessary six hours of sleep. That meant eighteen hours of the day were dedicated to her duties at the Hydro Archon's residence.

Most employees clocked out promptly at five o'clock, while Themis's departure time depended on her workload.

Fortunately, her position didn't require the utter madness of giving up even meal times altogether.

In the quiet of Palais Mermonia's office, Themis diligently processed documents, each second ticking away until noon.

As midday approached, Furina emerged from her room, washed up, and dressed. She then settled in the living room, anticipating her two small cakes.

"Come to think of it," Furina mused, "since Themis started strictly controlling my cakes and desserts, I hardly ever get the chance to devour two at once anymore."

Recalling this, Furina couldn't help feeling slightly guilty, her gaze darting around sheepishly.

She admitted that initially, drawn in by the irresistible allure of those delicious cakes, she had lost control. Overindulgence had led to an embarrassing episode of stomach upset and near continuous vomiting.

But hadn't she reformed since then?

Sedna arrived with Furina's lunch, placing the tray down which held the two small cakes Themis had promised that morning.

"Is Themis still busy?" Furina inquired, her voice carrying a hint of curiosity.

"Has she eaten yet?"

Sedene nodded reassuringly. "Rest assured, Lady Furina. Lady Themis has already enjoyed her lunch today."

"She was detained by important matters just now, unable to step away. So, I brought the meal up for her."

"Oh, that puts my mind at ease then."

After all, when Themis became engrossed in work, she sometimes forgot to eat.

Once Sedene delivered the lunch, she promptly excused herself from Furina's bedroom.

Furina gazed at the two small cakes on the plate. Their enticing colors and dainty appearance bespoke Themis's meticulous craftsmanship. The very sight made Furina's mouth water.

She picked up her fork and took a cautious bite.

"Mm, delicious!" Furina internally applauded Themis's skill without reservation, then indulged in another bite.

Furina's dining manner was impeccably refined, each bite measured and composed. She always chewed thoughtfully, unlike some who wolfed down their food. As she savored the cakes, she even found herself trying to identify the ingredients used in today's treat.

Tasting the delectable cake always made Furina feel an extraordinary sense of happiness.

How did Themis hone her culinary skills to such an incredibly perfect level?

To be honest, Furina had no idea.

She only remembered that almost overnight, Themis had mastered the art of baking the most delicious cakes and pastries in the world.

Furina had tried asking Themis about her rapid mastery, but Themis refused to reveal her secrets. Their conversations always reached a dead end, and Furina could only conclude that Themis was simply that talented—she just needed to try something once to learn it perfectly.

Thinking about Themis now, Furina felt a twinge of longing.

Although they had been apart for mere hours, Furina couldn't wait to see her again.

Unconsciously, Furina had developed this habit—whenever she had spare time, her thoughts drifted toward Themis.

She wanted to know if there was anything she could help with, just to make life a bit easier for her friend.

Furina had been mulling over this matter for quite some time, but every time she brought it up, Themis would dismiss it: "It's nothing, nothing at all. There's no need for you to worry, Furina. I can handle everything myself."

These are minor matters, not worthy of a divine being's direct involvement.

Furina continued her lunch, her mind wandering aimlessly.

After finishing her meal, she eagerly made her way to Themis's office.

Seeing no one around, Furina pushed open the door and swiftly slipped inside.

"Hm? Furina?"

Themis looked up from her files, greeted by the sight of the lively and adorable Furina—a pleasant surprise indeed.

Setting aside her rising homicidal tendencies, she had initially assumed some daring fired employee had the gall to show up uninvited, perhaps hoping for another chance to argue their case.

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