Chapter 102: Chapter 102: You’ve Got to Return the Favor After Receiving a Gift.
The call came from Manager Ma's mobile phone.
His expression hardened as soon as the conversation ended.
"What happened?"
"It's a report from Busan."
The mention of Busan made me uneasy.
"It seems she was feeling cooped up, so she decided to step outside for the first time in a while. Team 1 was providing close protection when a car suddenly charged at them. Luckily, your grandmother avoided any serious injury, but one of our men from the team was badly hurt."
I felt a small sense of relief knowing my grandmother was safe.
"Is the injury severe?"
"They'll give us more details soon."
"We should bring her up to Seoul, right?"
"It would be easier to ensure her safety here in Seoul, at least for the time being."
"I'll call her and arrange for her to come to Seoul. Keep me updated on the injured man's condition. We need to take care of him properly—he got hurt protecting my grandmother."
Just as my conversation with Manager Ma was wrapping up, my phone started ringing.
It was Park Dong-su.
His voice was also tense.
"Our businesses in Busan got hit simultaneously. A lot of our boys were injured. I'm heading down there now."
"Are you sure it's okay to leave Seoul?"
"Lee can handle things here. But I can't get in touch with Suhyeong. I don't know if he's been hit too, but I've got a bad feeling about this."
"Alright. Don't go alone. Get some backup from the guys near Busan. Leave Seoul and the capital region alone for now."
"Got it. I'll call you once I've got things under control."
As I hung up, Manager Ma, noticing my stern expression, asked cautiously.
"Was that Mr. Park?"
I nodded, slipping my phone back into my inner pocket and sitting down.
"It's been too quiet, and now the attacks have started in Busan. Mr. Park is going down to assess the situation, but I'm sure it's the Yakuza and some local gangs teaming up."
"Haven't most of the local gangs already fallen under the Dong-soo faction? Why would they bother working with the Yakuza?"
"Some groups are probably still bitter about us shutting down their drug operations. And with Park Dong-su's growing influence, those who've been lying low might think this is their chance. These thugs will do anything if the money's right."
Even though Park Dong-su had managed to consolidate most of the gangs nationwide, it was impossible to control everything, especially in the provinces.
Busan was being closely monitored, but both Busan and Incheon had many smaller gangs with deep ties to the Yakuza. There simply weren't enough people to keep an eye on everyone.
"Let's wait and see how things play out in Busan. Have you looked into the situation in Japan?"
"Yes, the investigation's ongoing. We should hear some good news soon."
We were trying to shake up the Yamaguchi-gumi by approaching one of their deputy bosses.
As Watanabe Saoru's succession became more certain, the deputy bosses were beginning to feel the pressure.
"I can't stand anyone targeting my grandmother."
"Neither can I."
Even Manager Ma, usually so composed, seemed angry. His voice was slightly raised, a rare show of emotion.
"Let's put a bounty on the Yamaguchi-gumi boss's head. A million dollars should get someone moving."
While the Yamaguchi-gumi's headquarters were in Kobe, the key positions were held by the Nagoya-based Kodo-kai faction.
The Kobe factions were naturally disgruntled, but since the Kodo-kai controlled most of the revenue streams, they couldn't openly rebel.
"The deputy boss we're targeting is Yamamoto Ken, right?"
"Yes, his group is based in Kobe."
"They must be frustrated. The organization began in Kobe, but now all the key positions are held by another faction."
"On top of that, the decision to pass leadership through bloodlines has only fueled more resentment. They're being sidelined, unable to act."
"The core of the Kodo-kai's power comes from zainichi Koreans, right?"
Manager Ma nodded.
"Yes, the Takayamagumi, a subsidiary group, is mostly made up of zainichi Koreans. They're the hard-line faction leading assassinations and terrorist acts against rival gangs. They're too dangerous to approach directly."
"Tell Yamamoto Ken not to worry about money. We'll make sure the government stays out of the Yakuza's internal strife."
While I left the covert operations to Manager Ma, I decided to accelerate our plans to strike at Japan earlier than anticipated.
"If Yamamoto Ken hesitates, find someone else. Make sure they know that when Japan starts to tremble, it's because of us. They don't know I'm behind this, right?"
"No, even if Yamamoto Ken resents the current leadership, he wouldn't take orders from a Korean. We used the Genovese Family's name; they gave us their blessing."
"I'll have to call Andrew and thank him."
Just as Koreans dislike Japan, the Japanese harbor a similar disdain for Koreans.
But both Koreans and Japanese shared a common weakness—neither could stand up to the U.S.
"You've got to return the favor after receiving a gift."
I imagined Watanabe's twisted face and smiled coldly.
I told Han Gyeong-yeong to leave the Jungwoo Group affairs to the executives and head to the U.S. immediately.
A few days later, Han Gyeong-yeong flew to Wall Street to start negotiations, and Eva managed to outbid the competition. Future Investments became the largest shareholder of the Foreign Exchange Bank.
Meanwhile, in Busan, Park Dong-su quickly reorganized his forces.
It turned out there were more people holding grudges against him than expected, and several gangs sided with the Yakuza, sparking a rebellion.
― Ha, this industry disgusts me every time something like this happens.
In the recent attack, three of Park Dong-su's men, including his right-hand man Yang Suhyeong, were killed.
During Yang Suhyeong's funeral at a temple in Yangsan, there was even an attempt on Park Dong-su's life.
As retaliatory battles continued to erupt all over Busan, the police stepped in to take control.
Naturally, they issued a stern warning to Park Dong-su and began cracking down on his main businesses.
"For now, hold off on any direct attacks. Just focus on defending our businesses."
President Yoon personally called me, asking me to rein in the violence.
With the economy already in a slump, the last thing the authorities needed was gang warfare adding to their troubles.
"― I've reinforced our businesses with men from Daegu and Masan. These guys don't care about the consequences—they're just charging in. And let me handle revenge for Suhyeong myself. Got it?"
"Of course."
― Once this is over, I'm retiring. I can't keep doing this. I'll hand things over to Lee and step down.
Yang Suhyeong's death had clearly shaken Park Dong-su. His voice carried a weariness I hadn't heard before.
"Let's focus on wrapping things up first, then you can decide."
Outside my window, it was pouring, as if reflecting the turmoil inside me.
* * *
As soon as Han Gyeong-yeong arrived in the U.S., he immediately proposed a meeting with the big players on Wall Street.
Due to scheduling conflicts, it took a week before the Wall Street titans could gather at the hotel.
The chairmen of Goldman Sachs, JP Morgan, Morgan Stanley, Citigroup, and Bank of America were all present.
"Good afternoon, I'm James Han from Dream High."
Everyone looked at Han Gyeong-yeong with haughty expressions.
"Since you're all busy, I'll keep this brief. We're planning an attack on Japan."
The mention of an attack on Japan sparked interest among the group.
"Dream High will be leading this effort. I know our actions inadvertently caused some losses for your banks, and for that, I apologize. But this time, we'll ensure that your losses are recovered. Dream High's gain will come second to making sure you all profit."
Some of the men uncrossed their arms, listening more intently.
With a calm smile, Han Gyeong-yeong continued.
"That target is Japan. You all know Japan is in a league of its own. Thailand, Indonesia, Hong Kong, Korea… none of them compare."
"Ha! Nonsense."
The only non-banker in the room, George Soros, scoffed.
Anticipating his reaction, Han Gyeong-yeong simply smiled.
"George, I know you've suffered the most losses. If you don't want to participate, that's fine. We can go solo. Of course, that means we'll keep all the profits."
"Hahaha! You think you can do this without us? What kind of nerve do you have?"
"I'd appreciate it if you didn't say 'us.' It seems the others might feel differently."
George Soros finally glanced around the room.
The others were looking at him like he was out of his mind.
George was dumbfounded.
"Douglas, even you're siding with this Asian kid?"
JP Morgan's chairman, Douglas, shrugged.
"George, this guy's making us money. Save the sentimentality."
Then he turned to Han Gyeong-yeong with a question.
"You're not expecting Washington to just let this slide, are you? You must have a plan."
The others all nodded, waiting for Han Gyeong-yeong's answer.
"I'll handle the negotiations with the Clinton Administration. If we just hit them hard and pull back quickly, they'll look the other way."
"Hmm… well, as long as Washington's on board, Japan's a prime target. Am I right, gentlemen?"
Aside from George, who still looked displeased, the atmosphere in the room grew more relaxed.
"Absolutely. This time, let's show Japan what we're capable of. Last time, we backed off because of the administration, but if it's pre-approved, nothing's stopping us."
Goldman Sachs chairman Jeffrey led the charge, and soon the others chimed in with agreement.
George Soros ground his teeth silently.
With everyone else now siding with Han Gyeong-yeong, George couldn't be the odd man out. He had investors to answer to.
In the end, he conceded, but not without glaring at Han Gyeong-yeong and issuing a warning.
"If you stab me in the back again, I won't let it slide. Don't ignore my warning."
Han Gyeong-yeong chuckled.
"George, I think you're mistaken. When have I ever broken a promise to you? I've always kept my word with Wall Street. Didn't I buy up all those undervalued options to help you out? Didn't we work together on the Hong Kong dollar attack? What exactly did I do wrong?"
"If the problem is that I'm better at this than you, then that's on you. I just did what I had to. I didn't come to you asking for special options. I simply bought up everything that was already on the market. It's a legitimate investment, isn't it?"
As Han Gyeong-yeong said, Dream High had done nothing wrong.
The real issue was that the banks resented losing out on potential profits they believed should have been theirs.
"George, let me remind you of what you said when you were under attack by the Indonesian government: 'Money has no feelings.' We took a calculated risk and invested. We have no moral obligation. Those were your words to the world's media."
George Soros' face twisted in anger.
"Alright, let's cut the emotional drama and focus on the money. George, let it go. Why are you losing your cool over Dream High again?"
Douglas, stepping in to mediate, managed to calm George down.
Han Gyeong-yeong shrugged, as if he had expected this all along.
"I'll send out the details after the negotiations with the government are wrapped up. We'll take the lead, but George, you'll be the spearhead. That's your role."
It was the moment Wall Street's attack on Japan became official.
* * *
― Mu-hyeok, I've come to an agreement with the Wall Street folks. George kept throwing a wrench in things though, and it was driving me crazy.
I chuckled at Han Gyeong-yeong's childish grumbling.
"He's just bitter because he keeps losing to us. When's your meeting with the Treasury Secretary?"
― Rubin? Next week. But do you really think the Clinton Administration will let us attack Japan?
"They promised. They'll let us go after Japan in exchange for turning a blind eye to the situation in Korea. And with Wall Street's profits on the line, it's the perfect storm."
― What's the situation like in Korea?
"It's chaos."
Korea was spiraling into disorder.
The Dong-soo faction, despite the ongoing attacks, stuck to their agreement with the police, focusing solely on defense.
As a result, most of the arrests were of Yakuza members and the gangs supporting them.
The continued arrests and detentions of Japanese nationals prompted protests from the Japanese government.
Meanwhile, the Cheongpung Group had begun to move in earnest, using their connections to launch a media campaign against me.
[Is There a Shadowy Figure Controlling Myeong-dong and Korea's Underworld?]
This was the headline of a feature article recently published by a newspaper backed by the Cheongpung Group.