Gardenia’s Heart

Chapter 27: Once Again

This was the second time she had experienced death.

The first time a sword pierced her chest and her life was nearing its end, Lily felt immense terror. Fear of dying, fear of not being able to do anything against those who hurt her, and, more than anything, fear of leaving Nia behind.

However, now, even with her mind floating in the void and unable to feel anything, she didn’t experience fear for a moment.

A gentle warmth reached out to her, enveloping her body and slowly pulling her out of the endless nothingness. Her eyes gradually opened, and once again, the grand hall appeared before her. She knew exactly what words to say in that moment.

“I’m back, Nia.”

Her heart quickened, but not because of physical effort. It beat faster because it had its own consciousness.

(L-Lily...! Eewk... Lily!)

Lily couldn’t help but feel a sense of déjà vu in this moment, but the familiar warmth and the voice she loved most in the world wrapped around her, filling her with relief.

“Nia, even if I’m not strong enough or capable of defending you with my own hands, even if I’m a burden, can I still stay by your side?” Her voice was soft and calm, spoken from the depths of her soul. The girl to whom these words were directed couldn’t help but be overwhelmed with emotion.

From the moment Nia was born, all she could remember were memories of being forced to follow orders she didn’t want, or even know the reason for. The girl who didn’t even understand why she began to desire life had no choice but to run after being abandoned by everyone she had ever known.

Being with Lily, sharing bread with Lily, sleeping next to Lily, harvesting the garden with Lily—at some point, her entire existence had become intertwined with the silver-haired girl as something fundamental.

She had never been bound to her; Nia could have left at any moment if she wanted to. But, in the moment she made her first and only true choice, it was to be by that girl’s side—the one who was more precious to her than anything else in the world.

(I never thought of you as a burden, Lily! It was only when I became your heart that I finally knew I had a purpose to live! I will be your strength and your shield! I love you, Lily!)

The voice that reached Lily was all it took to fill her eyes with tears.

“I love you, Nia.”

The silver-haired girl placed her hand over her heart, a genuine smile spreading across her lips as the tears continued to fall from her eyes.

Relieved, Lily began to glance around the hall, her eyes finally landing on the person next to her, who immediately began to speak.

"You truly are insane to the core of your being, Lily the human."

"I’ll take that as a compliment~," she responded playfully.

The towering guardian, standing at three meters tall, shook his head, as if resigning himself from arguing with the woman. Just as he was about to step toward Lily, a voice, dark and menacing, seemed to echo from the abyss.

(Take one more step in her direction, and I swear I'll kill you, you son of a bitch!)


The one startled by those words wasn’t the guardian—it was Lily. She had never heard Nia curse before.

“The test is over. I have no intention of engaging in unnecessary battles,” the guardian replied calmly.

(Unnecessary? This couldn't be more necessary. Don’t worry, Lily, I’ll make sure he suffers slowly until he regrets every single thing he’s done!)

Hearing Nia’s furious voice, Lily couldn’t help but let out a small laugh. Reaching behind her, she grasped one of Nia’s tentacles, already coiled in preparation for battle. Gently, she stroked it, from the base to the tip.

“Calm down, Nia~.”

A shiver seemed to run through Nia as the sweet sensation of her beloved’s touch flooded her mind. The fiery rage that had just flared up was quickly extinguished, leaving Nia pouting in protest.

(It's not fair that you know exactly how to disarm me, Lily!)

“Out of everything in this world, you are the one I understand the most, my beloved Nia.”

Lily puffed out her chest proudly, and hearing Nia’s soft laughter once again in her mind, she knew Nia had finally calmed down. With ease, Lily turned back to the guardian, who had remained still to avoid provoking the shapeshifter further.

"So, you patched up your beaten ass and survived, huh?"

Lily tilted her head, doubt filling her expression as memories of her last attack vividly resurfaced.

“That fight didn’t take place in this dimension. I used my spell to separate your mind from your body and confronted you directly.” His voice sounded monotone and weary, as if he had already explained this several times before.

“W-Wait, so does that mean my mind died? How am I alive then?”

“That approach was the only way to prevent the metamorph from interfering with the test. I assumed that once your mind was destroyed, your body would follow, forcing the metamorph out. But I was wrong. I underestimated the bond between your bodies. Even when your mind perished, the metamorph continued healing your body relentlessly, which allowed your mind to recover.”

Lily didn’t fully understand how the guardian’s magic worked or his explanation of the mind-body separation. But she was certain of one thing—her beloved had protected her until the very end.

“Thank you, Nia.”

(Don’t worry about it, I’ll always be there to protect you!) Nia’s voice was confident, though Lily knew just how much she had worried.

“Even though you died in the process, I won’t go back on my word. You completed the task, so I’ll accept that you’ve passed the test.”

Even though it was only her mind that had been attacked, the sensations and pain she felt at that time were more than real. Noticing that her body was in perfect condition, the girl sat up with ease, but the moment she did and took in her surroundings, her eyes widened in shock.

“What happened here?”

In complete astonishment, Lily observed the grand hall—or what was left of it. All the walls were crumbling into ruins, as if they had been struck by something heavy. Black ice crystals formed enormous spikes all over the place, and the throne where the guardian had once sat was now completely destroyed.

"I must admit, this was truly a surprise. The Metamorph demanded to know what was happening when you suddenly collapsed in her vision. But after I allowed her to witness the test, she started using magic without restraint, to try to force me to stop. I dare say the real challenge today was calming her down," the guardian began to speak, his voice utterly devoid of excitement.

“Hahaha! For someone with a wooden brain, you’re pretty good with jokes!”

Lily laughed with genuine joy at hearing what had happened while she had been out. Though she had faced a battle that made her experience death, she harbored no resentment toward the guardian. In fact, this was one of the calmest and most relaxed moments she had felt in her life.

For a long time, Lily had been thinking about how powerless she was when it came to helping Nia. The recent battles had made her question more and more whether she was truly fit to stand by her side. Finally being able to talk about it with someone helped her realize that her thoughts of self-doubt were wrong.

(I wanted to kill him, but I feared that if I did, Lily's mind would be lost forever. When Lily got hurt, and those vile words were spoken to you, I felt so helpless, not knowing what to do, that I just started destroying everything. But when Lily said that no matter the situation, she was sure I’d save her, I felt so happy!)

Two tentacles wrapped around her waist, and Lily knew this was her beloved's way of expressing joy. Though still surprised by the situation that unfolded during her battle, she gently stroked the tentacles, as if to soothe Nia.

“Alright, Mr. Guardian. I think it’s time you started answering some questions.”

Turning to face the enormous wooden being, the girl placed both hands on her hips, narrowing her eyes at the guardian.

“Your request is fair. Ask what you will, and as long as I can answer, I will tell you everything I know.”

There were many questions Lily wanted to ask, but for now, she needed to focus on the most important one.

“Who is Sylvan, and what the hell is this Book of Truth?”

Upon hearing the question, the guardian couldn’t help but show his sorrow.

"If her name has truly been forgotten… it means none of my companions survived…"

Lily didn’t interrupt those words, deciding to wait until the guardian composed himself and continued speaking.

"Sylvan was the greatest mage in the world; her knowledge in all areas surpassed that of all the human geniuses of Anthus, the wise elves of Phaea, and even the demon king of Finis. Sylvan was what many would call a free spirit. She traveled the world and gathered disciples from all races, even those not typically considered as such..." His voice was nostalgic, filled with warmth and emotion. "She taught them magic without concern for money or status. All the magic you use today has roots in her studies."

Whether through fables, legends, or stories, all heroic or heinous acts are passed down to future generations. The mere thought that a mage of such magnitude is neither acclaimed nor feared by people nowadays filled him with a sense of unease.

"When the war that the demon king was about to start became inevitable, our companions were preparing to join the battle, but Sylvan stood against it."

"She didn’t want to help in the battle?"

The demon king, the one who sent the curse that spread the mist over the world, was defeated by the five greatest heroes of humanity. The mere thought that there could be someone as strong as, or perhaps stronger than, these people who did nothing seemed very strange to the girl.

"My master was always a pacifist. She chose dialogue over force. Many were against her wishes, but I remained faithful to her teachings. One day, she gathered six of her most loyal followers and gave us a volume of her greatest creation: the Book of Truth."

"Wait, what does reading this book have to do with you calling Nia the daughter of Sylvan?"

"My master told us that her studies were the culmination of her life, and whoever could assimilate them would be worthy of becoming her child."

The girl's jaw dropped. Lily thought that Sylvan must have had a screw loose to follow such a random logic, but she decided it was better not to say that out loud.

"To follow her will, we built dozens of sanctuaries around the world to safeguard her knowledge, and each guardian chose one of these places to inhabit and wait for someone worthy."

"So that’s how the labyrinths came to be?"

"Is that how they're known today? Reducing our sacred sanctuaries to mere difficult-to-access places is blasphemy."

The guardian huffed, clearly displeased with how the legacy of his companions was being treated nowadays.

"Now, I have heard that the labyrinths were built before the demon king’s reign and the start of the great war, but why would your master separate her knowledge and hide it, rather than deal with the demon king herself? I believe even pacifism has its limits when the fate of the world is at stake."

"I’m sorry, even I couldn’t understand my master’s true intentions."

The guardian then extended his hand forward, and between his fingers, a blue glow shimmered, and a small book appeared. Carefully, he placed it in Lily’s hands.

The moment her fingers touched its cover, it was like a jolt of energy shot through her body. It was unlike anything she had ever experienced, as though the very world itself was tempting her to open it and check its contents.

"Don’t open it."

At the sound of his voice, Lily realized she had been about to turn to the first page without even noticing. She quickly turned her face away.

"Although you’ve proven yourself worthy to me, being able to withstand what’s inside the book is an entirely different matter. At best, you might only lose your sanity after reading just one page."

Lily couldn't help but feel frightened. It was as if she had been lured into opening it as if all the truths of the world were just a page turn away.

"Nia, can you handle this?"

(I’ll try.)

Nia, who had been silently listening to the explanation, wrapped the book with her four tentacles. Slowly, each of the pages began to dissolve until the entire book disappeared.

Lily didn’t rush or interrupt Nia. She didn’t protest or cry out for help. She simply remained silent, focusing completely.

A few minutes passed before a change occurred. All at once, a great pulse of dark mana surged, with Lily at its center. The entire cavern shook, and Lily could feel her fingers tingling from the electrifying sensation coursing through her body.

(It’s like a part of the knowledge I couldn’t understand because it was fragmented and has now become whole.)

The girl murmured, her entire body feeling the immense increase in dark mana within.

Next to Lily, a small portal resembling a starry sky formed. Though it looked similar to what she had grown accustomed to, the feeling it gave was entirely different.

(I always thought I needed to establish a link between the dark mana at the exit point and the dark mana where I created the portal entrance, but that’s not necessary. As long as I have the coordinates, I can simply create a breach between the two places and make a portal that crosses through it. The distance is irrelevant if I don’t need to form the link!)

“That means...”

(As long as it’s a place we’ve been before, I can take you wherever you want!)

Nia shouted joyfully, not because she had made a groundbreaking discovery in the world of magic, but because the knowledge she had just gained would be a great help to her beloved.

“I always said you’re amazing, Nia~”

The tentacles seemed to dance in front of the girl as if begging for affection for their good work. Using both hands, Lily gently stroked them, and Nia seemed to melt in joy.

After spending long minutes pampering her beloved, Lily turned back toward the guardian, who was watching their affectionate exchange without knowing how to react.

"Guardian, even if you tell us to fulfill your master’s wish, if not even you know what that is, how can we even begin to do it?"

"From the moment the shapeshifter absorbed the knowledge of one of the volumes and gained control over dark mana, she is destined to fulfill my master’s wish one day."

"What do you mean by that?"

"The metamorph gained her mind after acquiring the knowledge from one of the volumes, but the Book of Truth doesn’t follow a logical sequence. She only absorbed fragments of the whole. If she does not obtain the other parts, her mind will remain incomplete, and eventually, she won’t be able to bear it and will succumb."

It was as if she had suddenly received the news that her days might be numbered.

(Don’t worry, Lily, we already have two of them. We just need to find the next four!)

But before Lily could spiral into negative thoughts, the one she loved most calmed her down with just a few words.

"You’re right, we just have one more goal to accomplish!"

Though they didn’t know in which labyrinths the other books were hidden, as long as they continued their journey, the girls were confident they would find them, no matter how much effort it would take.

With her confidence restored, Lily clenched her fists and spoke again.

"You mentioned something about Nia being able to manipulate dark mana. Can you tell us more about that?"

“Although not all beings are composed of it, dark mana is the foundation of life for all magical creatures. My master spent decades studying it and concluded that while mana is the water that makes up the world, dark mana is the cup that holds it. Manipulating it should be impossible; you cannot shape the world. But Sylvan had a theory: if it were possible to use dark mana to alter the world, perhaps true magic could finally be discovered.”

“True magic…?”

Lily murmured, finding herself at a loss for words in light of the guardian's explanation, her mind whirling to grasp his meaning. Just as she was about to ask him for clarification, she began to hear a strange sound. Looking at the guardian, she noticed that the wooden body of the great being was beginning to crumble.

“What’s happening? Are you okay?”

“As I said before, the mind and body are linked. What stands before you is the empty shell of my body, for my mind has already left this world. I don’t have much time left, so this will be our final conversation.”

The guardian spoke softly, his aura silently anticipating the end, as if the moment had finally arrived.

“Wait, there must be something we can do to prevent this!”

“It’s all right, Lily the human. I’m simply going to find my eternal rest after fulfilling the last objective of my long life. I have no regrets.”

The great guardian then brought his hand to his forehead, and the same crystal he had previously said represented his heart appeared. He tore it from his body.

“Gardenia the metamorph, this is all I can offer you as an apology. Although I don’t know what characteristics you may assimilate, I’m sure it will be useful on your journey.”

Nia’s tentacles grasped the small crystal, absorbing it shortly after. 

(I’ll accept this, but know that I’m still very angry with what you did.) Nia protested, but understanding that this was their last conversation, she didn’t press the issue further.

“Lastly, this has nothing to do with my master’s will. This is my gift to you, Lily, the human; ingest this.”

In the air before Lily, a small, glowing blue sphere the size of a grape appeared. Without hesitation, she swallowed the sphere.

(Lily, is it really okay to trust him?)

“It’s fine; he doesn’t mean us any harm.”

Reassuring her beloved, Lily slowly walked over to the guardian, who was now lying on the ground. Although there were still many things she wanted to learn, there was only one question she wished to ask now.

“I have just one last question, guardian... can you tell us your name?”

The question he never thought he would receive left him silent for a few seconds.

“... My name was given to me by my master. It was on the happiest day of my life that she named me Nox…”

The guardian fell silent, the last blue glow finally leaving his wooden body. Lily turned and slowly walked towards the portal that remained open.

“When I find your other companions, I will tell them you send your regards, Nox.”

There was no response, but the girl was certain he was at peace.

As she stepped through the starry portal, the silver-haired girl finally saw her room at the inn again. It was already past midnight, and outside the wooden window, almost nothing was visible through the thick fog.

“Are you okay, Nia?”

(I’m just sleepy; I think I need to rest a bit.)

Lily knew that Nia didn’t actually need to sleep, so the fact that she was feeling tired meant that she truly needed to rest now.

“Good night, Nia.”

(Sweet dreams, Lily.)

Collapsing onto the bed from exhaustion and falling asleep immediately, the silver-haired girl didn’t even notice that in the midst of her slumber, her arms began to wrap around something.

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