Gap Demon

Gap Demon – Part 7

Gap Demon - Part 7: Maids and Butlers:









( Part 7: Z-City - 06:35 AM )


Multiple steps can be heard making their way along the now completely desolate streets of Z-City.


Many of those Ant monsters have been showing up out of nowhere and causing havoc to the point that a great deal of the civilians around if not evacuated made the decision to just flee their houses and travel to another city.


At this point, the Hero Association has already begun making their movements, seeing that the Public Security wasn't enough to deal with so many of the cases going on at the same time.


And so they had started contacting the hero groups they knew could handle the situation at a rapid and efficient pace.


“ According to the Hero Association, we are to be dealing with Sections nine, eleven, and twelve. The Monsters are expected to range from Middle-Tiger to more or less Middle-Demon Ranks, so I don't think I am required to warn you all to be extremely careful.


But I will do so purely for my own peace of mind, don't get yourselves killed out there.”


Said a humanoid wolf-like woman with spiked short white hair and two wolf ears. She warns the ones following close behind before fixing her gloves, a long-furred white tail moving with each of her movements followed close behind her.


She was, what some would say, a furry, or Thiren as the mixed races were known everywhere around the world.


Snow-white fur encompassing her whole body while by her wolf-like face. She wore an eye patch, covering one of her eyes, while the one visible glimpsed around attentively for any monsters was colored red.


As a side note, her eye patch looked awfully similar to a muzzle in how it wrapped around her face…


For clothing, her choice of dress resembled quite a lot those of a Butler, that was until you looked at her feet. Two sets of highly technological cryokinetic cyborg legs that seemed to hold quite the story behind them.


Similar to many others in her line of work, she also held a hard-fought past. But it was something she had made the choice to immerse herself fully in. A Hero.


She was given a very… unique name, to say the least, Helena Maxwell the 3rd.


Hero name,< Von Lycaon >. An A-Rank, currently standing at the 18th spot among the Hero rankings.


●●● Lycaon's Pic Here ●●●



Looking behind her shoulder, she sees her coworkers. Most wearing custom-made maid clothes different from the wolf's butler ones, but still keeping the same color palette.


“ Let's just get this over with… I wanna go to bed.” - One of the maids holding a weapon resembling a gardening scissor but a few dozen times bigger mumbles while opening a wrapped candy and tossing it into her mouth.


Her iconic dark shark tail and black-red hair being a giveaway to her identity, Ellen Joe; An A-Rank Hero who refused the goofy Hero nickname the Association gave her and instead opted to just go by her own name. She’s currently at the 50th position among A-Ranks. 


●●● Ellen's Pic Here ●●●



If not for her laziness and studies, she could have gone way above where she currently stands among their ranks.


“ My~ My~ Ellen, don't be so hasty. We could possibly be up for some real trouble this time, you know? ” - Another gray-haired maid floats beside the shark and bops her nose. Two small creatures seem to giggle at the action, hovering above her shoulders.


Rolling her eyes, Ellen just hums back at the more experienced maid. Who just smiles gently before getting her attention back towards Lycaon, this time holding a more serious glare in those red eyes of hers.


“ Has PubSec properly evacuated all sections of any civilians? “ - Floating in place holding her arms as a ghost would, her maid dress floats uncannily back and forth. She was Alexandrina Sebastiane, an A-Rank Hero called < Madam Ghost >, who currently stands at the 27th ranking.


●●● Rina's Pic Here ●●●


Nodding, the wolf woman pulls out her smartphone and opens the map they were given with all the sections that their team should worry about. - “ Precisely. Most sections have been evacuated, they're moving them to other cities since we have confirmation that what is being carried out is a large-scale attack across all of Z-City. “


* Crash! * - Hearing the sound of rustling she arches an eyebrow to her left, glancing towards it followed by everyone, they see a dark alleyway full of strange noises resembling trash cans falling and even cats crying out like someone had stepped on their tails.


Seeing to notice something, Ellen looks around trying to find someone. Her search seems to pique the other two’s interest. - “ Wait, where did Corin go? ” 


The one Ellen was referring to was Corin Wickes, also known as, < Shy Saw >. Different from the others in their group, she was the youngest and most inexperienced Hero; B-Rank, 65th.


Hearing the shark girl, both Lycaon and Rina (Alexandrina) widened their eyes before looking at the alleyway full of strange noises yet again. - “ “ It can't be, right? “ “- They spoke in a coordinated manner.


And to their suspicion, a cry for help was all they needed.


HEL- HELPP ME!!!! “ - Running out of the dark alleyway holding something like a spear with a saw instead of a blade, another short maid with greenish gray twin tails runs out of the pitch-black place with floods of tears going down her purple eyes.


●●● Corin's Pic Here ●●●



Sprinting out of the alleyway, the short girl almost falls off balance before drifting on her own feet to hide behind Lycaon. - “ I- I'M SORRY! I-I SAW A KITTY AN-AND I TRIED HELPING IT… When I noticed e-everyone went away and the k-kitty ran inside an alleyway…. Then that thing appeared…”


Pointing a finger towards the dark place she just left while still hiding behind Lycaon. The action provoked all others to get their respective fighting stance upon hearing a loud thud from the shadows.


Stepping out of the dark passageway, a humanoid black Ant-Man about two meters tall finally goes out of the shadows. 


Lycaon frowned while preparing to dash forward, lowering her stance as her legs emitted a cold breeze, the creature fell face-first to the ground exactly in front of them, leaving an echoing loud - * THUD * - on its impact with the street ground.


On its back three stop signs had been impaled perfectly in the same place, whoever did so had an eagle eye of an aim.


Lycaon and the others attributed these road signs to some weird hero that was passing by at the moment. However, the monster might have been walking around with these on his back for a while already before finally succumbing to its injuries now, who knows?


With everyone eyeing the monster stunned at what had just happened, the two small creatures which are known as Bangboos, respectively named Anastella (brown hair) and Drusilla (blonde hair) flew from Rina’s shoulders to poke the dead ant, making sure it had been successfully defeated. And from the looks of it, the ant had indeed been killed.


The two small ones hovered above its body, the brown one more reluctant to touch it, while the blonde one poked the ant’s eyes. Soon they finished their investigation and floated back to Rina’s shoulders, making an ‘x’ with their little arms. 


Humming, Lycaon gives one more look at the monster before eyeing Corin and letting out a sigh.


“ Very well. Incidents are bound to occur, next time please warn one of us when you do such things, Corin. “ - Sounding more worried than stern, the wolf woman motions for everyone to follow after giving the young maid a pat on the head.


“ For the moment let's continue moving, there are more of these creatures swarming everywhere in Z-City, and it's our job to provide aid.” - Walking ahead she was soon followed by a nervous Corin who nodded at neck-breaking speeds holding her weapon tightly. 


The two left behind looked at each other and then the dead ant, Ellen, was the first to speak before following Lycaon. - “ Ugly things. “


Trying to hide her laugh in an unsuccessful attempt, Rina couldn't agree more. - “ Well, they certainly are unpleasant looking. “


Hovering behind Ellen, they move to the first section they were designed towards, not even bothering to look again inside the dark alley the ant had exited, already dead.


Further inside of it, a pair of violet eyes were glaring daggers at where they stood a few seconds ago.

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