Gamers in Game of Thrones

Chapter 52: Chapter 52-[F*CK ARYA AND HER MOTHER!]

Jon looked at his army gathering, he had encountered the men of Valyria, and in front of him were Volantis mercenaries waiting for him.

Arthur with about three hundred ships would begin to attack the ports as soon as the signal was given.

Meanwhile, he had summoned a dozen catapults, three chimeras, and a giant eagle. Not counting his fully armed army of ten thousand men.

It was a huge advantage for the Volantis mercenaries.

Fear was felt throughout the city.

Sansa had leveled up on the journey, creating concoctions of healing and mana, as well as healing some of the wounded. She had reached level 13 and possessed three skill points.

Jon had summoned a Phoenix to be her familiar. It was a bird the size of a falcon, with healing magic, and could turn into a fireball that damaged enemies.

Sansa loved the creature, which made harp sounds when she chirped.

Jon looked at the gates.

"Let's start...Let's end this," he whispered.


Arya looked carefully at the place.

She had entered the house, surreptitiously. There were about two or three thousand soldiers looking around. The girl turned pale when she saw so many.

'How do I escape from here?' she thought.

"Be careful," she heard.

"Is he locked up?" said one guard to the other.

The girl came closer to listen.

"It's a dangerous animal, if the hatch opens, we're toast," the other said.

'Dangerous animal,' she thought with a smile when she noticed the distraction.

No doubt the leader of the tigers would understand the attack but possibly blame the animal for the chaos.

According to the battle cries that could be heard, Jon had reached the gates of Volantis.

'I have to hurry,' she thought and, stealthily in her transparent form, she got between the guards guarding the door.

She quickly cut one's neck.

He held his neck in the face of the attack and fell to the ground.

"What happened to you!?" said the other.

Arya quickly pierced his heart with needle and he fell.

She smiled satisfied and opened the door.

"Let's see what's inside?" she asked.

And suddenly she was blown away by a flash of flame.

Arya got up in pain and saw an animal with the head of a lion and a snake on its tail come out of the door.

"Chimera?" she whispered.

The animal headed towards her, roaring.

Arya ran away but it followed her, it could smell her, and the animal ran at full speed.

Arya saw the guards approaching, the animal changed prey and headed towards them.

The girl saw with fear the flames that incinerated the dens, or the poison that killed most of them.

Without saying anything else she went into the mansion, in pain.

She hid with chameleon while she watched as the guards ran around her going to fight the creature she freed.

She continued on her way and came to a room surrounded by guards.

"What are you waiting for?" said a man inside.

The guards sighed and left the place.

Arya watched them leave and opened the door.

She looked at the leader of the tigers who was at a table stamping some papers and he looked up when he saw the door open.

"I said go control the beast!" he exclaimed.

But no one answered.

The man stood up with a raised eyebrow.

He took a crossbow next to him and loaded it, he headed towards the door. Arya let it go.

The man arrived at the door and noticed that no one was there.

He was alone.

He furrowed an eyebrow.

"I got rid of all the slaves in case the murderer is a faceless one, but there is no one... Not even my soldiers " he muttered.

He closed the door and went to the table and continued stamping papers.

"Blindness," Arya whispered, pointing her hand at him.

"What? What's happening? Why can't I see anything?" he exclaimed.

Then he started throwing the table.

"Is that you?" he asked.

"It's me," Arya said and moved sideways, so that whatever he threw wouldn't hit her.

A moment of silence passed.

"I was expecting a faceless man... You're good, I wasn't expecting a witch," he said.

Arya walked over and pointed under the table.

"Fear," she whispered.

A cry was heard below her.

"Please, I'll do anything," he said.

He looked terrified.

"Get out of there?" she said.

The table began to shake.

But the man came out, looking everywhere terrified.

"HELP!" he shouted.

"Silence," she said.

He covered his mouth, tears running from his eyes.

"The king of Valyria is very angry," said Arya.

The man turned around trying to see her, to no avail.

"I'm sorry! I'm sorry!" he said.

Arya looked at the fear magic in wonder.

The man couldn't take it anymore and ran away.

"Paralysis," she whispered.

He fell to the ground.

And he made moans of pain and supplication.

Arya don't doubt it.

She took the knife and stabbed him again and again as he screamed, a light shining in her eyes. She reached level seventeen with three skill points.

Arya pressed exit.

[T/N: DAMN Arya! Getting sick of being the "weakest" Stark I see, no reason to be cruel. Can I get some hate for Arya in the comments!]


Doran Martell looked at his brother.

He still didn't believe what he was telling him.

"Kill him?" Oberyn said incredulously.

"I said kill him or ally with him," Doran said.

"Stark has the north under his control, not to mention that he survived all the battles and betrayals, it is said that he possesses Doran magic. Is killing him an option? "He asked.

Doran shrugged.

"Tywin is at a crossroads, but if we want to destroy the Lannisters we need more chaos, the death of Robb Stark would bring some peace to him, but only momentarily, the north would reveal itself with more power. Do you believe in magic? " he said.

Oberyn shrugged.

"I believe what I see, I heard about his magic ... Still, with the north under control, Stark will take the twins, and then attack the west... The rock," he said.

"He needs more men for that, plus there is the valley and the ironborn, both attacked the Starks," said the prince of Dorne.

Oberyn sighed.

"Even so, is killing him necessary, wouldn't an alliance be something better? "He asked.

"It's not decided, I'm still thinking about it. It seems to bother you so much, if I remember correctly, it didn't bother you so much to eliminate some annoyances, you remember Edgar Yronwood," said Doran.

"I remember, he had a fine wife... And I remember so well that his destiny was under your orders, Brother," he said.

Doran nodded.

"I don't deny my orders, but why so much attachment to the northerner?" He asked curiously.

Oberyn shrugged at him.

"He's a child, we don't kill children," he said.

"Robb Stark is a man, not a boy, a man who was crowned king, with a large army, and supposedly magic," he said.

Oberyn sighed.

"I'm not telling you what to do, brother. But I tell you to be careful, the last time a Stark came to Dorne, we Martells paid a high price," he said.

"Ned Stark arrived here, after paying our price...But I see your point, I am not entirely in favor of murder, but neither of the alliance, Robb Stark is married, brother, an alliance without marriage is not recommended" he said.

"Doesn't he have two sisters and two brothers?"He asked.

"Two sisters whom no one knows where they are, two brothers missing and presumed dead," he finished.


Arya walked calmly, while she tried not to make noise, she was camouflaged with chameleon but still.

A growl was heard.

"No," she whispered.

She looked back and the chimera appeared.

The girl ran and saw thousands of dead guards.

"My God," she whispered.

The beast was running towards her.

Arya threw a smoke bomb, but it did not affect the large monster that was heading towards her.

She took out her sword.

The beast came at her and tried to attack her, but Arya evaded.

The snake that served as a tail released a cloud of green smoke.

"Poison," she whispered, going back.

"Familiar," she whispered.

A bat appeared in her hand, it headed towards the chimera, and the beast focused on the rodent that was bothering it.

"Think Arya think," she whispered as she evaded another lunge.

"It doesn't see me, it doesn't hear me, but it knows where I am... it smells me," the girl thought.


Arya cursed she had no magic to camouflage her scent.

The chimera breathed a flame at the bat and it disappeared and then it focused on Arya and launched another attack, she dodged it with difficulty, she was tired.

"Ok it's all or nothing, first the snake" she whispered as she got rid of her camouflage.

"Sound bomb," she whispered.

The Chimera attacked.

Arya threw the bomb at its face, but it wasn't affected, then the sound of an explosion occurred, making the monster dizzy.

Arya headed to the snake's tail.

"Paralysis," she said, it remained motionless and Arya cut it with her blade.

The chimera roared in pain, and jumped from side to side in pain.

Arya looked at it and thought about what to do.

"Smoke bomb," she said.

The Chimera roared at the smoke but left it at high speed.

Arya ran forward and pointed her hand at the animal.

"BLEEDING" She screamed.

The animal roared, dozens of marks appeared on its body, it looked at Arya gasping, but she got close to it and aimed at it again.

"BLINDNESS," She said.

The chimera roared again, and rolled on the ground, while scratching at its eyes trying to remove the invisible blindfold that blocked its sight.

Arya quickly clung to its body. She grabbed the hairs of the lion's head to support herself.

It felt her and turned its body, jumping around to get her off of it.

"WEAKNESS…SLOW DOWN" She screamed in desperation.

The monster grunted in pain, it seemed slower.

Arya began to stab its neck again and again.

The beast roared and was now making pitiful sounds.

Arya jumped to the side and pointed her hand at it, it was weak enough to finish it.

"Paralysis," she whispered.

The beast fell and Arya approached and stabbed it in the stomach, it stopped moving, the girl fell exhausted and her eyes shone with a light, she arrived at the white room.

{Congratulations, you have leveled up twice!

You have nine skill points to spend.

Name: Arya Stark

Level: 19


Faceless Assassin (+1 skill point)

Skill Points 9

Exp: 0/3900


Concealment Magic Level: 8

Black Magic level: 3

The player has selected the Concealment Magic skill.

Does the player wish to raise the skills level to level 9?}

Arya pressed yes.

{Concealment Magic Level: 9 acquried}

The room lit up and Arya felt cold, more than in the north or anywhere else, images appeared in her head, Aya gasped at the cold, it was so icy, as if she were frozen.

{Concealment Magic Level: 9

cost: 400 mana per spell

Ghost: You become invisible, soundless, odorless, and intangible (You can pass through surfaces). It lasts ten minutes, you can't attack anyone, or the magic will be canceled.}

Arya looked at the concealment magic in surprise. And she saw that some new words appeared on the monitor.

{Congratulations, you have reached the maximum level of the Concealment Magic skill.

Because you reach the maximum level of a skill you are now able to unlock the legendary ability of this skill.

Legendary abilities are the improvements of higher-level skills that are not possible to be achieved by mortals without the help of the game.

You have acquired the legendary skill


You do not have a level in this skill yet.

Arya blinked and gave a shout of joy.

"Get a load of this, Sansa."

[T/N: Obviously her motivation is based on beating her sister. Dammit, I hope there is plenty of Arya hate in the comments for this chapter. If you like this chapter then leave a comment, write a review, and drop some stones. If you want to read a few advanced chapters then check out the P@treon or the Ko-fi. It's well over 20+ chapters ahead!]

[Also check out my other books, either go to my profile or search up 'Invisible-a Harry Potter FanFic', 'Searching in the Abyss', or 'Omnitrix of Justice'.]


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