Gamers in Game of Thrones

Chapter 43: Chapter 43-[New Khal? YES!]

The girl ran in her transparent form smoothly through the enemy lines, her mission, was to capture Viserys in Drogo's Dothraki guard. She had gone up a level a few days ago, she was at eleven with three skill points.

With this she made her path, it took a while to get there without a horse. Jon offered one or a camel, but she couldn't use her concealment skills then.

The girl saw two Dothraki making a den, she noticed that there were several tents, about fifteen Dothraki in total.

"They know what to do," Arya whispered.

Two scorpions came out of her pocket, previously given to her by Jon with her orders.

They came out at high speed and attacked the Dothraki at the entrance, they fell to the ground before the poisonous stingers were pulled from their skin.

Arya watched as other Dothraki came and checked them out.

She noticed that only one tent had no one come out of it and smiled.

"Let's kill some first," she muttered.

"Summon sound bomb," she whispered.

She threw the bomb into the distance, all the Dothraki headed towards the explosion except two who watched suspiciously.

Arya charged at them and impaled the first in the neck. The other turned around, but the girl threw a knife that hit him in the forehead.

"Chameleon," she whispered, disappearing again.

She saw four Dothraki approaching and she ran at full speed.

The Dothraki heard the noise but saw no one, one fell and Arya became visible as his stomach was pierced.

They screamed when they saw her appear and took out their weapons.

"Summon smoke bomb," she said, standing up, throwing the bomb to the ground.

A cloud of smoke appeared.

The Dothraki coughed and screamed in their language.

The cloud of smoke disappeared.

Arya ran to them with her hand raised.

"Slow down," she said.

And she attacked one of them, he took out his scimitar and attacked her, but he was very slow, the girl evaded his attack and stabbed him in the chest.

The other Dothraki looked at her in fear and she pointed at him.

"Weakness," she murmured, the Dothraki felt uncomfortable, and weak and closed his eyes as if he were tired, he did not see Arya approach and cut his neck.

The girl smiled when she felt a sharp pain in her shoulder, turned, and noticed an arrow.

She cursed, not noticing another Dothraki in the corner.

She rolled over on the ground, but she couldn't use chameleon with blood coming out of her shoulder.

She saw the Dothraki aim the arrow at her and cast a spell on him. She raised her hand and pointed at him.

"BLINDNESS!" She screamed.

The Dothraki screamed and covered his eyes, trying to remove an invisible blindfold without success, he dropped the bow. Arya ran towards him and ran him through.

The girl arrived at the white room and went to the computer. She muttered curses from the pain of the arrow.

"Too bad Sansa isn't here," she whispered, looking at the computer.

The girl leveled up to 12, and she could get level three of black magic but she preferred to wait, she had 6 skill points one more level and would get concealment level 7.

She left the room, saw some more Dothraki arrive, and took them out with her smoke bomb and accurate attacks.

She entered the tent, she saw Viserys there looking in fear.

"A girl, WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE!?" he exclaimed.

The girl saw two Dothraki women watching everything from the bed.

"Stop," she said in Dothraki, they looked at each other and left.

"I'm Arya Stark," the girl introduced herself.


"Paralysis," she said.

Viserys fell to the ground.

"What's wrong?" he murmured.

"Weakness," Arya whispered.

He felt sick and dizzy.

"What?" He whispered as he was beaten and left unconscious.

"Pathetic," she whispered.

[T/N: B*tch PLEASE! You are using magic, PARALIZING MAGIC! He could quite easily kill you without that magic, damn I'm starting to hate this B*tch!]

She looked down at the table at the three dragon eggs.

"Oh, Daenerys will love them," she whispered.


The Dothraki were having a hard time, they thought it would be quick, but a stampede of elephants destroyed their lines at the beginning of the battle.

Lions, snakes, bears, and wolves rushed at them at the beginning of the battle, disturbing the horsemen.

Accustomed to fighting with men, not beasts.

A large vulture had fallen on one of them, devouring his face before the horrified look of his companions.

Sansa watched everything from her place behind a dozen men.

She had cast Range Heal from the beginning, to stop any wounds they inflicted, her range was about twenty to thirty meters, but she knew that if she cast more mana, this would increase to about fifty meters. Since she didn't want to spend large portions of mana on her spells, at least not so soon.

Some Dothraki rushed towards them, the men saw it and stopped, Gray Worm was defending her.

The girl then saw how a Dothraki approached from behind the unsullied and raised her hand.

" Holy light," She said.

A spear of light came out of her hand, hit the Dothraki in the face and his head disappeared.

The girl looked in horror.

"Holy...Holy...Calm down" she heard and turned to see the mercenaries and soldiers looking at her with concern.

She smiled at them.

'I can't lose my focus,' she told herself.

But she couldn't erase the image of the headless Dothraki from her mind. It was the second time she had killed, but this time it was with intention, not instinct.

She shook her head, her eyes showing her decision.

She quickly began casting her spells.

"Relax Mind… Cure Deficit" she said over and over again.

Her guards regained their power and her mentality.

A large number of Dothraki were approaching and she saw the Unsullied raise their spears to stop them.

"They won't make it," she whispered.

The Unsullied stopped the wave of Dothraki easily, the mercenaries bombarded them with arrows.

"Range heal" she invoked again.

She felt a growl and turned to see Ghost next to her, the protection Jon left her.

At this, she smiled at him.

"Go boy," she said.

The direwolf didn't need anything else to run out to support the unsullied ones.


Jon threw another Dothraki to death's door. That's when Jorah showed up.

"This time we will be enemies," Jon said.

Jorah put himself on guard.

Jon attacked, and they quickly showed their mettle in combat.

"Where did you get those beasts? " Jorah asked, stopping Jon's sword.

"I summoned them," he responded, kicking the guard.

Jorah attacked again, Jon used a fast style, a defensive one.

It was a bad combination for both of them.

The Mormont tried to attack him, but Jon was faster.

"Strong attack," Jon murmured and attacked Jorah, who defended himself but the force of the attack threw him back.

Jorah gasped on the ground as three Dothraki came to support him.

Jon defended himself against one and attacked another with a punch to the face, the third Dothraki tried to attack him, but Jon jumped back.

He quickly put his sword into defense.

"Counterattack," he murmured.

The Dothraki attacked, Jon stopped the attack and his sword seemed to glow, it split the Dothraki in half with his attack.

The other two and Jorah looked in fear at so much power.

The Dothraki put themselves on guard with Jorah supporting them.

"Lightning Aura," Jon muttered.

The three attacked.

"Quick Attack" He finished.

The speed of his attack caused Jorah to fall immobilized to the sand, the Dothraki tried to defend themselves, but Jon's sword was moving too quickly, they could not follow it.

The first fell from a cut on his neck, the second was cut in two.

Jon felt a light in his eyes and came to the white room. He quickly headed to the computer.

{Congratulations, you have leveled up!

You have nine skill points to spend.

Name: Jon Snow

Level: 21


King of Valyria (1+skill point)

Liberator (+4 skill point)

Skill Points 9

Exp: 0/5900


Swordsmanship Level: 8

Summoning Magic Level: 6}

The boy smiled at finally reaching the max level with a skill, he pressed on his swordsmanship.

{You have selected the Swordsmanship skill.

Do you want to level up your swordsmanship skill to level 9?}

Jon pressed yes.

{Swordsmanship Level: 9 acquired}

The pain came, but it was not like the previous times, it was not as muscular as the head, the sword techniques acquired in his mind left him breathless.

Swordsmanship Level: 9

Cost: 90% of your health and mana.

Death Blow: By sacrificing 90% of your health and mana, these are converted into power and you attack your opponent with a final blow, powerful enough to knock out an elephant. Has a 90% chance to leave the opponent with a high-end status attack.}

[T/N: THAT'S SH*T! Jon can already Cleave an Elephant in two with his skills without sacrificing so much!]

Jon gasped at the power, then looked at the monitor as new words appeared.

{Congratulations, you have reached the maximum swordsmanship level.

Because you reach the maximum level of a skill you are now able to use the legendary version of this skill.

Legendary skills are improved versions of lower-level skills.

But these Legendary skills cost a lot more per level than normal skills.

You have acquired the legendary skill, Holy Sword!

You do not have a level in this skill yet.}

Jon gasped at everything, and pressed out. When we woke he quickly drank three mana potions, which Sansa gave him before the battle, and he felt how his mana was restored, he was not sure if it was one hundred percent, but he was sure it was more than ninety.

He saw and noticed that Drogo was approaching on his horse.

Jon smiled, he could try out the new ability on him.

He went down and ran towards him at full speed.

Jon raised his sword and concentrated all of his mana, it was everything for everything.

"Deathblow," he whispered.

He felt pain all over his body, and his health and mana dropped to ten percent. Everyone saw the Dothraki run up to him, the entire battle stopped to see the leaders.

Drogo approached and Jon attacked him.

A roar was heard. Jon's sword hit Drogo's, and a bright light flooded the place, when they opened their eyes, they noticed Jon with his sword raised, Drogo disappeared, there was no trace of him.

In front of Jon, there was a deep path of Sand, he had literally summoned a hurricane that disintegrated Drogo and more than five hundred meters in front of him.

[T/N: ...ooookkkkk, the skill description undersold the skills power, that can probably cleave a dragon.]

Jon let out a tired sigh and placed his sword on the ground.

"Jon!" He heard Sansa come to heal him.

"I'm fine, I'm just tired," he muttered.

Sansa ignored him and she began to heal him quickly, it took about ten minutes to finish, and even so, Jon was not fully healed, since the girl would run out of mana, to restore ninety percent of his health.

Still, after the fifth healing spell she cast on him, Jon could move without pain and Sansa reached the white room.

The girl sighed and continued on her way to the computer.

She had reached level 12 and had a total of four points, she needed more to raise her magics level, so she left the place.

" What was that? I never saw you use something like that," she whispered.

"The last level of the swordsmanship skill" He responded.

They turned and saw the Dothraki, some fleeing, others dropping their weapons and kneeling before them.

It's all over.

They won.

[T/N: AND A NEW KHAL IS CROWNED!!!!!! That wasn't a bad chapter if I do say so myself, could have been better, but I doubt I could do better so this is fine. If you like this chapter then leave a comment, write a review, and drop some stones. If you want to read a few advanced chapters then check out the P@treon or the Ko-fi. It's well over 20+ chapters ahead!]

[Also check out my other books, either go to my profile or search up 'Invisible-a Harry Potter FanFic', 'Searching in the Abyss', or 'Omnitrix of Justice'.]


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