Chapter 22: Chapter 22: Steel (Cry In The Night)
Beneath the Gold, the Bittersteel those were the unofficial words of the Golden Company, the words which his sellsword company had adopted as their unofficial motto shortly after a campaign in the Disputed Lands in which they had smashed all the other sellsword companies to pieces and won the lands for Lys. He had asked Lord Strickland why the men had adopted that as their motto, and the man- Daemon's goodfather- had replied rather jokingly that it was because the men were so 'in awe of his ruthlessness and stubbornness.' For a man who had never truly been liked by those at the court of the Falseborn or even by most of Daemon's other advisors, the fact that the men of the Company were willing to follow him through hell or high water meant a lot to him, and gave him a lot of pride though he would never openly admit to it.
They'd been fighting in the Disputed Lands once more, and this time the campaign had lasted for longer than expected, six moons instead of the usual two. They had fought for Lys once more, for the Golden Company was not like other sellsword companies selling themselves to the highest bidder, once they sided with one side on a conflict in the past, that side would get their loyalty in another conflict in the future, as of late it had not failed to pay dividends for them. Lys had won yet another battle against Myr and this time Tyrosh had entered the war late on the side of Lys as well, thankfully for Myr had been about to bring in Unsullied which would have made things much longer and more strenuous. The Dothraki savages had been enough of a hindrance as it was, Aegor was just glad that they had all been put to the sword now, less headaches for him.
After the fighting in the disputed lands, the company had been wined and dined in Lys and then Tyrosh, Myr was broken, their rulers put to the sword for their failure to hold the lands or even take them. Money had been given to the officers and the members, and all were content. It was only when they had returned to Tyrosh that they learnt of the second Blackfyre war and the death of yet another one of Aegor's nephews. Aemon Blackfyre, the boy had survived Redgrass and had fled north to Daeron Stark, and had Daeron's sister and gotten her with children, he had had the makings of a very good king, better than the Falseborn and the book king that much was for sure. He was dead though killed whilst killing the kinslayer; oh the irony was enough to make Aegor laugh had he not been so angry with the fact that the boy was dead.
It was only after speaking to their spy master; Garth Flowers that he learnt that the fighting in the Disputed Lands had been initiated by Bloodraven, the blasted kinslayer had known how to get the Golden Company distracted. For it seemed that the rulers of Myr and Lys were in fact the man's allies, and Aegor had fumed and raged when he had heard that, the treachery, Lys, oh he had been tempted to sack the city and burn it all down to the ground. The only thing holding him back from doing so was the fact that the men were tired and weary, and he still remembered the one important lesson that airhead Fireball had told him and Daemon and Daeron long ago. "A man will fight and die for you when there is something for him, but when he is tired and broken he will flee and abandon you in a heartbeat." And so the Golden Company brooded in Tyrosh instead of getting the justice that was rightfully theirs.
Still, as he looked out at the men training he supposed he still had the hold over Aerys and Maekar. His nephew's son Aerion had joined the Golden Company not too long ago. Aegor had learnt that the boy had been wandering the free cities after being exiled from Westeros for something or the other, with no place to go, and with a lot of money and energy to burn, Aegor had sent Shiera his niece to find the boy in the streets of Tyrosh, and things had gone from there. It seemed that Aerion Targaryen was not as strong willed as his father was, and the boy had fallen quickly for Shiera's charms and wit, and soon enough was trailing after her like a love sick puppy, frankly it was quite amusing for Aegor.
When the boy had found out who Shiera was and whom she lived with, Aegor had expected that he would act in rage and storm out, and yet surprisingly he had not done that, he had merely shrugged his shoulders and asked to join the company. Whilst they had been fighting in the Disputed Lands on this latest campaign, Aegor had asked the boy why he had wished to join the company, and the answers that the boy had given him had sounded so much like something he would say he had been struck silent. "My father cares not a whit for me, my siblings disown me. I have nowhere to go, why not make a name for myself fighting amongst some of the best known warriors this side of the narrow sea, rather than in a court of my bookish fool of a uncle? Besides, Shiera is here."
The boy had proved himself, in the Disputed Lands killing many of the enemy soldiers and showing a good mind for tactics and strategy. Though of course at the back of his mind, Aegor always kept in mind what he had heard of the boy, he was mad that Aegor knew, some of the things he said were quite out there as were some of his actions, though he had never acted out in front of Shiera- thank the gods, otherwise Aegor would have killed him quicker than the eye could blink- in fact it seemed as if Shiera was actually helping him reach some sanity, the two were always together when they were not on the march, playing and doing things that children often did. To be frank Aegor found it all quite amusing, and though he was glad that his niece was happy and fond of the boy, if he thought that it would get in the way of what he wished to achieve, he would not hesitate to remove the boy from their path. Atleast that was what he had thought before being told that Shiera was with child, and would likely give birth soon. That had been eight moons ago. Gods things were going by so quickly.
His thoughts were interrupted by the sound of Garth's voice behind him. "My lords you asked me to speak with you?"
Aegor turned round from looking at the soldiers training and turned to look at the man. "Yes Garth I did, come stand here beside me." When the man had done that, Aegor spoke once more. "Now tell me what news you have from across the sea."
The man is silent for a moment and then says. "Prince Maekar has been named hand by Aerys Targaryen, and is currently in Winterfell to discuss peace terms with Daeron Stark."
Aegor nods, he had not been surprised that Maekar would become hand, the man was ambitious but not so much as Bloodraven had been. "Very well, do you know what peace terms they will discuss?" Hopefully this time Daeron would be firmer than he had been at the end of the first war.
Garth is silent for a longer stretch of time, and then he says. "Aerys Targaryen wishes for Lord Brynden Tully to be released along with those other lords that Stark took prisoner during the war, in exchange for that those lords who fought for King Aemon shall be released and pardoned. Though Robb Reyne shall be executed, to make an example."
Aegor snorts slightly at that. "So it seems that terms are much more lenient than what the Falseborn asked for. Aerys Targaryen must be facing much pressure from those on his council for such things to be put forward."
Garth laughs then slightly, a musical thing his laugh. "Aye my lord. My sources report that the council is divided between those who were purely loyal to Bloodraven and those loyal to the king. Both the King and his hand know about Prince Aerion's marriage to Shiera, and plan to disinherit him from the line of succession."
Aegor nods. "I thought as much. Aerys was never that keen on anything but his books, he would have wedded them had the Falseborn allowed him to. Maekar will be king soon enough, and that leaves his line in a rather questionable state. His eldest is a drunkard correct?" Garth answers in the affirmative. "Not the best person for a successor. The realm would be beggared into poverty should such a boy become king. I want our friends in court to make sure a scenario arises that Aerion becomes primary in the line of succession."
"Are you sure that is a wise idea my lord? The Westerosi do not know that Shiera is pregnant and is due to give birth soon enough. Why not wait and then make the move?" Garth asked.
Aegor sighed then and said. "Because there are those here in Essos who would seek to gain favours of us and of Maekar by either hindering our progress or by giving the boy and his child over to death. I will not allow that to happen, better that we act now then when someone gets it into their head to a noble fool. Besides we shall be marching off soon enough, there is fighting in the east, and I mean for us to win more allies there."
"Very well my lord. There has also been word from Volantis." Garth says.
Aegor looks at him then and then says. "Oh, and what do the Triarchs have to say?"
"They have accepted the company's offer. They have requested your presence in Volantis to chose your bride." Garth replies.
Aegor breaks out into one of his rare smiles then and says. "I knew they would see sense. Very well, we shall stop of at Volantis on the way east, and I shall get my bride and more funds for the company. Soon enough we shall be strong enough to launch an invasion on Westeros."
And so the weeks tick by and Aerion and Shiera's child is born, a healthy boy with the traditional silvery hair and purple eyes of the blood of Old Valyria, they name the boy Aenar after the man who saved his family from the Doom. Aegor himself weds a Volanteene girl named Talisa, the daughter of Boro Maegyr the leading elephant in the Volanteene government. Thus giving the Golden Company more funds for a future invasion of Westeros, as well as giving them a very powerful ally for any potential contracts and resources for said invasion.
Though originally meant to be heading east towards Slaver's Bay where there is a conflict brewing between Yunkai and Meeren, Aegor leads the Golden Company back to Tyrosh when news comes from Garth of a very special arrival. Of a ship washed ashore by the stray currents. Aegor arrives back in Tyrosh one dark night during summer, and finds himself staring at a couple of dark brown faces with the look of Westerosi about them. He snorts slightly. "Well what do we have here?" he asks mock curiously. "A couple of Dornishmen a long way from home."
Garth speaks then. "That is not all we have my lord. There is also a princess."
Aegor's ears perk up at that. "A princess you say? Let me see this princess."
And when the men bring forth a woman dressed in a woollen cloak her silver hair spilling from her hood, Aegor feels as if the gods have dropped a gift into his hands. "Ah well, well Daenaerys it has been a while. I trust your voyage was going well?"
Before the woman can respond though, Garth speaks once more. "There was another person as well with her. Bring her forth."
Another woman is brought forward, her hood still drawn, though when Garth pulls her hood down, and Aegor sees who it is, he feels his heart stop. "Shiera? Shiera Seastar."
King Daeron Stark
Winterfell, the strongest castle in the north, had stood for eight thousand years, and would continue to stand for many thousands of more years. The Starks had always ruled the north from Winterfell, and now they ruled the north and the Iron Islands, there was a certain sense of pride that Daeron got whenever he looked at the map of his kingdom, and the fact that his lords were loyal to him was unquestionable. They had proved that by fighting in this war, a war that the kinslayer had started, a war that had bled the south dry for many years to come. He knew that Bittersteel would wish to launch an invasion, but hopefully it would not be for some time, the north needed time to rest and breathe a fresh.
This was especially true due to the fact that, there was yet another peace party here from the Iron Throne. Daeron might hate the south and the Targaryens, but he knew that he needed to honour such things, as it would not do to dishonour the north or his people, by making it appear as if he was ungrateful that the Targaryens had come north to seek peace, just as they had the first time round. Enough to bend their foolish pride and come and seek peace, when this time they most definitely had been in the wrong, and the blood of the war was on their hands, on the hands of that one eyed fool who had thought himself a god, but had been killed by Aemon.
As such that was why court had been called into session, the lords and ladies of the north were gathered in the great hall of Winterfell, whilst Daeron and Dacey Stark, King and Queen of the North sat on their thrones, with the knights of the Winter's Guard, Lord Commander Theon Stark, Asphell Wull, Rickard Karstark, Willam Stark, Jeyne Mormont, Edrick Strongaxe, Beron Snow, Derrick Flint and Borros Sunderland stood at the feet of the steps leading up the throne. There was some murmuring amongst the court, as they waited for the herald to announce the guests who would come to present the Iron Throne's terms to the King of Winter, the Winter Dragon.
The doors opened and the herald spoke loudly then silencing the chatter of the court. "Presenting Prince Maekar of House Targaryen and Lord Horton of House Hayford."
As Daeron watched his friend walk into the throne room, he could not but think that his friend looked as if he had aged some forty years in the time since they had last met. There were lines and dark rings under his eyes, and a weary and tired look about him that had not been there the last time Daeron had laid eyes upon Maekar, his friend. This Horton Hayford was a surprise as well, neither Ethan's whispers nor Edwyle's findings knew that this man was coming as well, he was a new player to this game, and Daeron knew he would have to tread carefully with the man here.
"Your Grace." Maekar said bowing slightly.
"Prince Maekar." Daeron said politely. "Stand my friend, and say what you have come to say."
Maekar nodded and then unfurled a piece of paper and read aloud from it. "I come in the name of his grace King Aerys Targaryen, the first of his name and King of the Seven Kingdoms. I come bearing the terms of a peace offer, as well as the acknowledgement of the secession of lands from the Vale."
There was some murmuring at that though it stopped when Daeron raised his hand. "I would hear these terms. Go on."
"King Aerys wishes for us to reach a peace. In order to do so, he asks that you release Lord Brynden Tully, as well as the other highborn hostages you took during the war. In exchange for this, his grace promises to return those hostages that were taken from the rebels, and pardon them whilst taking their children as wards to ensure their good behaviour." Maekar said clearly and loudly.
Daeron nodded, though inside he was smiling, so it seemed that the Targaryens were not feeling so bold after all. They had lost pretty much all of the battles during this war, only sitting on the throne still because Aemon had died, and Daeron was not willing to give his men for slaughter. He chose his words carefully when he spoke next. "I thank you for coming here Prince Maekar, and for stating these terms. If it is alright with you, I would like for some time to discuss this with my council and then I will get back to you."
Maekar was about to speak when Horton Hayford spoke for the first time, his voice angry. "Why do you need time to consider Stark? The king has offered you the terms, you knew what they were going to be. Either accept them or hand over the Blackfyre scum and your whore of a sister and daughter, and this can all end now."
Daeron bristles at the man's words, Dacey's hand in his the only thing stopping him from getting up and gutting the man there and then. The court is humming now like an angry pack of bees, all wanting the southerner blood. Daeron speaks before blood is shed. "Lord Hayford, whilst I thank you for your words of advice. I must say that I do not appreciate your tone, as you are a guest in my home, I ask that you mind your tongue, unless you wish to have it removed. Now please allow me some time to speak with my council before I give you a response."
"Of course Your Grace." Maekar replies and with that they leave the room and other court business is brought forth.
Later on that night, Daeron is sat in his solar with Dacey present, the windows open and a cup of wine in his hand. Dacey is sat on his lap, her skin flushed her breath quick. "You knew that those were the terms that Maekar was going to offer did you not my love?" she asks.
"Hmmm. I did my love. But I needed to make them wait. The terms are good, but I wanted to see what Horton Hayford would do. I needed to see what sort of man he was." Daeron replies.
Dacey begins kissing his neck, but in between kisses she asks him. "So, what do you make of him my love?"
"Hmmmm," Daeron purrs. "I still do not know I shall have to speak with Maekar once this is all done and find more out about him." After that conversation is not the focal point of either their attentions and for that period of time, Daeron is able to forget all about the treaty, the south and politics and simply concentrate on pleasing his wife.
The next day though, Daeron has to be all business, the court is called into session to listen to the King's decision, and as Daeron sits atop the weirwood throne that the Stark lords have sat upon for thousands of years he can sense the tension in the hall. His nobles wonder what other insults the southerners will throw at him and them. "Bring them in." Is all he says before the doors open and Maekar and Lord Hayford walk in.
"Prince Maekar, Lord Hayford, I thank you for your patience on this matter. I have had time to discuss the treaty and its terms with my councillors, and as such I feel it is good to agree to such a thing. Lord Tully and the other hostages we took during the war shall be freed, in exchange for the freeing of the prisoners the Iron Throne took and for their pardons as well." Daeron says.
There is some murmuring in the hall, and then Maekar speaks. "Very well Your Grace. We thank you for accepting the terms. As such if you could sign the documents we have here that would be most pleasing."
Daeron nods and gestures for the documents to be handed over to him, when they are he reads them quickly and then asks for a quill and ink, dipping the quill into the inkpot he signs his name to the documents. That done he hands them back to the Maekar and then says. "Very well, now that is done, I may officially announce what has been decided. Lords Tully and the other hostages will be freed from where they sit in Moat Cailin, the orders have been sent out in exchange those lords take captive by the Targaryens shall be freed and pardoned. Furthermore, the Iron Throne has formally recognised the three sisters secession from the Vale and joining with the north." There was a great cheer at that, and then the feast began and lasted well into the night.
A few days later, Maekar and he were sat in his solar talking about old times, and decidedly avoiding the subject of the war and other prickly issues. "Remember that time when Rhaegal got flower all over Aelinor's septa? And then ran and hid behind Baelor, whilst the septa when screaming for him?" Daeron said laughing.
Maekar smiled as well. "If I remember correctly we both took the fall for that did we not? Something about honour and protecting the innocent?"
Daeron laughs then. "Yes something like that."
Maekar sighs then and takes a sip of the wine in his cup. "I still remember when Fireball had a go at Rhaegal for something and we both leapt to his defence I've never seen the man so angry before ."
Daeron laughs and then says. "The man did occasionally need to be reminded that he was not the only one with a powerful sword hand. But why this sudden bout of melancholy Maekar? It's not like you."
His friend sighs and then says. "I know that perhaps I should not say this, but I worry about the future Daeron. We are both reasonable men, but our children might not be. Rhaegal is gone as are his children. Bloodraven is gone as well, but there is still so much rot in the system that I must clean up before peace can be firmly established. And I know not whether there will be a chance for it to happen."
Daeron is silent for a moment before he asks. "What do you mean rot Maekar? Do you fear there are traitors in your ranks?"
Maekar snorts and then sardonically replies. "My mere friendship with you meant I could not fight in the war. My son was used as leverage against me and went missing for some time. Of course there are traitors in the ranks. Aerys was so beholden to Bloodraven for so long that I fear he has forgotten how to think properly. But no it is not my place to comment."
Daeron sighs then and says. "Very well old friend, but what of this Horton Hayford? Who is he?"
Maekar snorts once more and says. "An up jumped lord who thinks the world shines out of his own arse. You heard him during that first court session, the boy is hot headed and that will get him killed. He is nothing like his grandfather, nothing at all like his father. Soon he will do something that will get him killed."
"But then why did he come with you Maekar? Why said someone like that?" Daeron asks, wondering if his friend will give him an answer.
Maekar merely looks at him and says. "I cannot answer that my friend."
Daeron merely nods and they spend the rest of their time drinking and talking. Eventually Maekar and the party he came with leave after another two days in Winterfell. When they reach King's Landing, Daeron receives word that the southern Blackfyre prisoners are released and heading back to their respective camps he orders the southern Targaryen prisoners freed from King's Landing. And so peace is restored once more, for the time being, knowing Bittersteel though, Daeron wonders how long this will last.