Chapter 62: Chapter 62 - Returning to the Freefolk Camp.
[Chapter Size: 2700 Words.]
Third Person POV.
Daenerys Targaryen could not say she felt very secure about her sudden change of reality. Just a few hours ago, she had been preparing to marry Khal Drogo, believing that her life would follow that path—used as a pawn, an instrument for her brother to gain the army he needed to reclaim what had been taken from their family in Westeros.
If she were honest, she didn't want that kind of destiny. She only wished to return home, though she knew that "home" had never truly been hers. However, now she found herself seeing the lands of Westeros for the first time in her life, a sight framed by the horizon as the sun set. She was viewing this from atop a dragon, held firmly by a man who claimed to be her nephew.
She had to admit that all of this left her very confused. Her age didn't seem to align with the events he had recounted to her just hours ago during their conversation.
During the hours they spent together, she and Jon had exchanged several conversations while flying over the sea. They continued onward, and Daenerys could see nothing but water and clouds. Occasionally, she caught glimpses of animals like whales and dolphins surfacing in the ocean, but it was rare and difficult to see them clearly.
She sat in front of Jon, who held on tightly. Ghost, the small wolf, was nestled between Daenerys's legs, with Jon keeping a firm hold on him as well. Jon also kept his arms around his aunt to ensure nothing fell from the dragon. This was her new reality, contradicting everything she had once considered to be mere myth just a day ago. If someone had told her a similar story, she would never have believed it.
Now, she was beginning to understand that Daemon Targaryen—or Jon Snow, as he had finally introduced himself—was not the person she had thought she might know. He began telling her his story, explaining that he should be the same age as her but had somehow been taken to another world. This left her utterly confused.
However, seeing some of his magical abilities and the way he handled situations—actions that would have left her desperate but that he managed with such calm, as though he had control over everything—made it clear that this man was unlike anything she could have imagined. Jon explained that he had spent twelve years in that other world and had now returned.
"You said you saw visions about us? What exactly did you see?" Daenerys asked.
As the dragon continued its flight toward Westeros at the end of the day, they kept talking.
Jon, still staring ahead at the dragon's head, spoke in a calm voice, recalling the moment when the Daedric Princes had shown him the vision. "Yes. They showed me through images, visions. I saw my own birth, saw my uncle arriving at the Tower of Joy and fighting Ser Arthur Dayne. I also heard mentions of you and your brother, but I didn't know where you were or what you looked like. The visions were vague about that, limited to rumors and snippets of conversation. That was sixteen years ago. Of course, when I was growing up in Winterfell, I learned a bit more—that you were in Braavos—after my uncle commented on news he received during the Greyjoy Rebellion."
Daenerys listened in silence before asking, "I see... So, with the army you have in mind beyond the Wall, can we reclaim the throne?"
Jon thought for a moment before replying, "Possibly. But I'll still need to convince them. After all, they won't have an easy life on this side of the Wall. They'll either have to carve out their place here or spend the rest of their lives fighting. So, I'll give them a choice: follow me or live in the North on their own terms. Even then, it won't be simple, since most of them just want to cross the Wall."
As they talked, the dragon began to approach the shores. Daenerys saw fishermen in a small village, perhaps a hundred inhabitants in total. About twenty small houses were lined up next to one another, with little docks for fishing boats.
Jon guided the dragon to the side, needing to land for a brief stop before heading north later that night. Daenerys was tired, though she tried not to complain. She had spent her whole life suppressing her desires, as her brother seemed to dislike seeing her express them freely.
"I'm landing," Jon said as he held tightly to Ghost and Daenerys, who watched as the dragon tilted downward, heading toward a deserted beach a few kilometers from that village. The dragon began flapping its wings, preparing for a smooth landing, until it finally touched the sand with a few steps. Being a quadruped seemed to have its advantages, as it could run with all four legs.
The dragon stopped, allowing Jon to dismount first and then helping Daenerys down. She felt the sand beneath her feet and gazed around with admiration, finally stepping onto these lands she had dreamed of.
"Let's set up camp and eat something before we rest," Jon said as he raised his hand, summoning more than six spectral wolves. Daenerys stared in shock, but unlike her, Ghost seemed curious, sensing Jon's actions through their connection.
"The wolves will just patrol so no one surprises us at the camp," Jon explained as he began casting other spells, conjuring a fully equipped tent using magic. He had plenty of storage for such necessities.
"Let's eat first. You can take off your coat. We're no longer flying, and it'll get warm quickly in this climate without the wind you felt while riding the dragon," Jon said, and Daenerys nodded.
She was relieved to have a moment to rest. Jon began pulling a table out of the dimensional space where he had stored many items he had taken from Winterfell before leaving. He set out food and water, then went to the dragon to retrieve some animal carcasses for it as well.
He lit a small campfire and returned to the table where his aunt was already eating. Meanwhile, he prepared some things to feed Ghost.
"So, where exactly are we?" she asked, curious.
"This is the Vale of Arryn region. We're near the North, close to the islands known as the Three Sisters, near the Kingdom of the North," Jon explained.
"I see... So, we're not near Dragonstone..." she murmured, almost wistfully, longing to see the place where she had been born, the home of her family for hundreds of years.
"From what I know, the current lord of Dragonstone is Stannis Baratheon. He's isolated himself there somehow, even though he's the Master of Ships on the Council," Jon remarked.
He seemed thoughtful about it but not deeply interested. He knew something was happening in King's Landing since the death of Jon Arryn, but he hadn't delved into the details. They could kill each other until Jon arrived with his army at their gates—it didn't matter to the Dragonborn.
"I see..." Daenerys murmured again as she ate and drank, recovering from the long journey she had made, nearly two thousand kilometers atop the dragon.
When they finished their meal, Jon turned back to her. "If you want to sleep, there are two beds in the tent. You can choose one and rest for a while. I'll be here taking care of a few things," Jon said. She nodded, sleep already weighing on her as the night began to fall.
Daenerys entered the tent, despite wanting to talk more. She ended up lying down, her skin slightly flushed from the sun during the long journey. Jon handed her something to apply to her skin while she slept, to help with any irritation.
Jon stayed outside, inspecting his current stock of supplies. He had taken many things from Wintertown as well and wanted to see how he could use the resources he had gathered. Some blacksmiths were probably furious, given the quality of the items he had taken during his last night there.
Jon glanced at the dragon, which was staring at him curiously after finishing its meal. "You want me to name you, don't you?" Jon asked with a small smile. The dragon then turned its gaze to the wolf, as if demanding that if the wolf had a name, it should have one too, rather than being called "girl" or just "dragon."
"You could call her Winter... like an ice dragon..." Daenerys's timid voice came from the tent as she prepared to sleep. She had overheard Jon speaking in the common tongue, his voice carrying through the thin fabric.
"Winter... doesn't sound bad," Jon said with a smile. The giant creature merely looked at him without its usual protest, so he decided.
"Very well, Winter... you may rest. If you go hunting, make sure to return here by dawn. We'll be leaving then," Jon commanded in the ancient tongue.
After completing a few more tasks, including engraving additional glyphs onto his swords, Jon decided to rest as well. Entering the tent, he found his aunt lying down. Though she hadn't managed to fall asleep, she said nothing, and he went to his bed with Ghost.
The next morning, Jon rose before dawn to handle some tasks. Winter was nowhere to be seen, likely out hunting over the sea. As long as the dragon didn't attract too much attention, it was fine.
Daenerys woke shortly after, not having slept well, lost in her thoughts. She found Jon already preparing a meal.
"Help yourself. I'll pack up the camp," he said, gesturing toward the food. She sat at the table, keeping Ghost company, while Jon dismantled the camp, dispelling the dimensional wolves that had found nothing unusual during the night. They waited for Winter, who returned a short while later with a sea creature clamped in her jaws, landing at a distance to devour it.
"We'll have to wait for her," Jon remarked with a sigh, and Daenerys couldn't help but smile at that.
The dragon finished her meal a moment later and approached with blood dripping from her mouth.
"Make sure to wash that off first. The last thing I want is for the wind to spray blood all over me," Jon teased the dragon in a playful tone.
Winter seemed displeased but complied, heading to the seawater to rinse her mouth, spitting out the salty water before returning. Jon then helped Daenerys mount the dragon again, using telekinesis to lift the Targaryen smoothly into place.
Once airborne, they continued north, flying past the three distinctive islands of the region and heading directly for White Harbor.
Daenerys watched the cities below with curiosity. Jon pointed to various landmarks, explaining what they were, starting with the wealthy port city of the North. After some time, they reached the place Jon had left just two days prior.
"That's Winterfell. There are still royal soldiers stationed there. They haven't marched south yet," he noted.
"You said your uncle became the Hand of the King... Do you plan to kill him?" Daenerys asked as she gazed at Winterfell with a hint of admiration, her voice straining against the icy northern wind, though she was bundled up in her coat.
"I don't know... I'll decide when the time comes," Jon replied.
They continued flying over the lands of the North, passing various regions until they finally soared over Last Hearth, the seat of the Umbers, and entered the Gift. Jon decided to make another stop there so they could eat before continuing their journey through the rest of the afternoon.
Taking off again after providing Daenerys with some food, they resumed their northward flight. Soon, they spotted the Wall in the distance. The cold grew harsher, and Daenerys felt the icy wind biting through her coat.
Noticing her discomfort, Jon helped her warm up by radiating heat from his body and pulling her closer to him. The closeness made her feel a bit awkward, her body pressed tightly against his, but the warmth was a relief.
The dragon seemed livelier now that they were in colder lands, and even Ghost displayed an excited demeanor, energized by the frigid air.
As night fell, they finally spotted a massive camp far to the north. Fires illuminated the area, with tribes gathered around in various groups, talking and eating.
"There are so many..." Daenerys said, surprised. The sight seemed even grander than the Dothraki hordes she had seen.
"Yes... there are over 150,000 people here, and well... they seem intact," Jon commented before patting the dragon's hide. Immediately, Winter let out a mighty roar toward the camp below, drawing everyone's attention.
The sound made the inhabitants look skyward in alarm as the white dragon flew above them, blending into the night yet easily recognizable due to her stark color that stood out despite the lack of light.
The dragon began to descend, landing in one corner of the camp. "We've finally arrived..." Jon remarked, guiding the dragon, who was clearly exhausted after a full day of flying, much like the previous days.
After helping Daenerys dismount along with Ghost, Jon patted the dragon, encouraging it to find a place to rest. The dragon spread its wings and flew toward one of the higher sides of the camp, a spot where it had already fashioned a sort of nest.
Quickly, people from the camp started approaching, their curiosity piqued by Jon and the platinum-haired woman accompanying him. Daenerys seemed nervous under so many watchful eyes, her gaze filled with suspicion toward the Northerners. Jon leaned closer to her and said, "Don't worry. I doubt anyone will bother you here. I promise you'll be safe."
He smiled, attempting to reassure her. Though hesitant, Daenerys allowed herself to be comforted by Jon's words. After everything that had happened, she found herself more inclined to trust him.
Jon asked her to follow him as they made their way through the crowd. The people murmured among themselves, news of his return spreading rapidly.
"You've finally come!" boomed a strong voice from the crowd. It was Tormund, the great man known as Tormund Giantsbane, who broke into a broad grin as he approached Jon. Without hesitation, he pulled Jon into a hearty embrace.
"You've only been gone a week and already stolen another woman?" Tormund joked, casting a glance at Daenerys.
"Yes, I've stolen her," Jon replied with a half-smile. He didn't elaborate, knowing that calling her his wife—even if untrue—would protect Daenerys. By claiming her as his, he could prevent others from trying to take her. Daenerys didn't understand what Jon meant but didn't have a chance to ask as Val appeared at that moment.
"Jon, you've finally returned," Val said as she approached. Her tone carried a hint of familiarity with Jon, something Daenerys noticed but chose not to comment on, simply observing in silence.
"Yes," Jon replied with a smile. Val briefly appraised Daenerys but said nothing, turning her attention back to Jon, who continued speaking. "Anyway, Val, let your sister know I found Mance in Winterfell. He should arrive in the next few weeks, so she can relax."
"I'm sure my sister will be glad to hear that in person. Why don't we go to her tent?" Val suggested.
"Of course, take us there," Jon said, then turned to Tormund. "We'll talk more later, Tormund. I've got some drinks in my stash that you'll like."
"Ah, now that I've got to see!" Tormund replied with a laugh.
Jon, Val, and Daenerys made their way through the camp, navigating the crowd that continued to watch them. Many greeted Jon in their native tongue, while others whispered, clearly curious about Daenerys Targaryen. She pulled up her hood to conceal her hair, so strikingly different, along with the unusual eyes she and Jon shared—a feature that made them stand out among the Northerners.
Despite her unease, Daenerys felt slightly more at ease seeing how respected Jon was in this camp. It became clear that, as long as she stayed by his side, she would be safe.
-------------Nexts Chapters ----------------
Chapter 67 - Taking Leadership of Camp 02.
Chapter 72 - Betrayals and Ambitions 02.
Chapter 82 - The Fall of Robert Baratheon.
Chapter 91 - The trial of Lord Stark 01.
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