Game, Live Stream

Chapter 135.1

Chapter 135.1

Tang Mianmian paused, “I don’t know about this...”

Xiao Tangqiu couldn’t wait to ask, “Does your director know?”

Tang Mianmian shook his head, “He didn’t say anything about this. Besides, they didn’t necessarily turn themselves in, right?”

Xiao Tangqiu was silent for a long time before giving a long sigh.

“But then again, do you really not remember what happened when we disappeared?” Tang Mianmian looked hesitant to say anything, “Actually, there are occasional images that pop up in my mind, but those images are vague and soon disappear...”

Xiao Tangqiu glanced at Tang Mianmian and encouraged him to continue, “Then do you remember what you saw?”

Tang Mianmian hesitated for a moment, “I seem to see seems like there are other people, we seem to be doing something...and then it’s gone.”

Xiao Tangqiu smiled, “What were we doing?”

Tang Mianmian tilted his head and thought for a while, “...It’s like playing a game?”

Xiao Tangqiu then asked, “What game did we play?”

Tang Mianmian frowned and thought for a long time, and finally, Xiao Tangqiu said, “Is it related to the word ‘abyss’?”

Tang Mianmian looked lost and after a while, he suddenly realized, “It seems to be related to that! ...Wait, before we were kidnapped, did I recommend a game called Abyss to you?! “

Xiao Tangqiu nodded, “Yes, but I searched for this game after I was discharged from the hospital and there is no such game at all.”

Tang Mianmian froze, “No? How is this possible?”

Xiao Tangqiu smiled and didn’t speak. When he remembered everything, he searched for the game Abyss but discovered that there was no such game on the internet. It seemed that this game only existed in the chat records and memories between him and Tang Mianmian from beginning to end.

Tang Mianmian was broad-minded, if he didn’t understand, he simply didn’t think about it, “Forget it, if it doesn’t exist, it doesn’t exist. Anyway, everything has passed, we have to look forward!”

Xiao Tangqiu smiled helplessly, “Your heart is in the same line as your parents.”

Tang Mianmian smiled and put on his sunglasses again, “Then that’s that for today. I’m going to join the film crew at night so I have to go home and pack my bags. We won’t be able to see each other for a long time.”

Xiao Tangqiu raised his eyebrows, “You are very busy now.”

At this moment, Tang Mianmian’s cell phone rang, and he glanced down, “My agent is rushing me, I’m leaving.”

Xiao Tangqiu smiled, “You even have an agent now, you’re a big hit.”

Tang Mianmian smiled and said, “I’ll invite you to dinner, or do you have a favorite female star? Maybe I can introduce you to me.”

Xiao Tangqiu, “That’s not necessary.”

Tang Mianmian raised his eyebrows, “Or your favorite male star?”

Xiao Tangqiu, “...Hurry up and go!”

Tang Mianmian was fully armed again, paid for the coffee for Xiao Tangqiu, and left in a hurry.

Xiao Tangqiu drank the coffee in his hand and looked at the cup of coffee Tang Mianmian barely touched. An inexplicable mood poured out of his heart...

Everyone’s life seemed to have returned to normal and everyone seemed to be back on their original trajectory of life. Although the kidnapping case half a year ago had a considerable impact on society, because the culprit was quickly caught and resolved, the follow-up talks and popularity of the kidnapping case dropped a lot.

As for those victims, although they received a certain amount of attention after the incident, they soon stopped receiving attention and gradually returned to their normal lives when the case’s popularity died.

Everything had returned to normal. Xiao Tangqiu’s life seems to be back on track, but only he himself knew that he could never go back. His peaceful life was completely disrupted by a stone called Meng Xinghe. Even if the stone had completely sunk into the lake and disappeared, the ripples on the lake surface would not dissipate for a long time.

Xiao Tangqiu sighed softly. He felt that he probably would never be able to love anyone else in his life as much as he loved Meng Xinghe.

He sipped his coffee and looked out the window. The sun was shining brightly, just like that noon when he and Meng Xinghe decided to run away from home when they were 18 years old.

At this moment, he suddenly saw someone walking past the window with a familiar silhouette.

His heartbeat accelerated and he dropped the half-drank coffee in his hand and chased after that figure.

The streets were crowded with people coming and going, but Xiao Tangqiu did not hesitate to dive into the crowd, chasing and shouting the familiar name, “Meng Xinghe! Meng Xinghe!”

But no one stopped, and no one responded to him.

“Meng Xinghe! Meng Xinghe!”

After chasing for a while, he finally found the familiar figure in the crowd again. He immediately rushed up in a few large steps and grabbed the man’s wrist, “Meng Xinghe!”

However, when the person turned around, Xiao Tangqiu realized that he had mistaken the wrong person. The person in front of him was not Meng Xinghe at all, but a stranger with a similar stature to Meng Xinghe.

“I’m sorry... I’m sorry, I recognized the wrong person.”

The man glanced at Xiao Tangqiu suspiciously, then turned and left with a weirded-out look on his face.

Xiao Tangqiu stood blankly on the street where people came and went. Even though the people around him were crowded and lively, he felt that the whole world was silent in this moment.

Xiao Tangqiu looked lost, missing a black wheelchair that passed by in a flash.

He stood blankly on the street for a long time. After a while, he came back to his senses and walked back to the cafe with heavy steps.

The black wheelchair slowly appeared out from around the corner and stopped far away outside the glass window of the cafe.

Xiao Tangqiu returned to his original position in a daze. He stared out the window motionless. In fact, in the past six months, the scene just now had happened countless times. He often recognized various people as Meng Xinghe on the street. But every time he rushed forward and stopped the other party, he realized that he had made a mistake... This kind of mistake had happened to him over and over.

For some reason, for the past six months, he always vaguely felt that Meng Xinghe was still by his side, still near him, still around him. He could always feel a familiar gaze watching him. But whenever he wanted to go look for that line of sight, there was always a wrongly identified person.

Was this a hallucination? Was it a hallucination again?

It wasn’t until the coffee in the cup was completely cold that Xiao Tangqiu left the cafe and returned to his rented house upstairs.

When he returned to his room, he realized that the game he was live-streaming earlier was still open. Right now, the game was at the part where the heroine found out that there seemed to be an extra “person” in the house she rented. She often felt that there was an inexplicable gaze watching her, but whenever she tried to find that “person”, she found nothing.

He was struck by hindsight. This familiar kind of plot, wasn’t this what was happening to him now?

Xiao Tangqiu couldn’t help but fall into contemplation. After the male protagonist of “Love in the Mortuary” turned into a ghost, he came to pester the female protagonist. He even started a relationship with the female protagonist... Could it be that Meng Xinghe also became a ghost and came to find him?

He looked around subconsciously, but of course he couldn’t find anything. Although he had encountered many “ghosts” in the “horror game world”, if he encountered a ghost in reality, not to mention in this house, he would definitely immediately move out. But if that ghost was Meng Xinghe... that’s another story.

Too bad there was no if.

Xiao Tangqiu sighed and quit the game.

Today he was going to visit Meng Xinghe’s grave.

Although Meng Xinghe’s life and death were still unknown and there was no corpse or bones, after Meng Qingqiu was arrested, no one other than him would go to Meng Xinghe’s grave. He couldn’t leave Meng Xinghe’s tomb alone even though he knew very well that Meng Xinghe’s ashes weren’t buried there at all.

After Xiao Tangqiu changed his clothes, he hurried out the door.

He pushed open the door and went out just in time to see a man in a wheelchair entering the elevator.

“Hold on! I’m going to take the elevator too!”

He rushed towards the elevator while shouting, but before he could rush to the elevator, the elevator door was already closed.

“What are you doing!”

Xiao Tangqiu looked upset, he had already called out to that person, why did that person press the close button so desperately? Was it intentional? This was too selfish!

But wait, were there any disabled people on his floor?

Xiao Tangqiu frowned slightly, not at all recalling if a disabled person moved in on their floor... But he thought it over, maybe someone who broke their leg could be in a wheelchair for the time being.

He snorted, “So selfish, he deserves to break his leg.”

He had to wait a few more minutes for the next elevator.

Afterward, Xiao Tangqiu took a taxi to the cemetery on the outskirts of City A.

After thinking about it, he went to the nearby flower shop to buy a bunch of flowers.

The woman in the flower shop recognized Xiao Tangqiu and asked with a smile, “Young man, you’re here to visit the grave again?”

Xiao Tangqiu nodded, “Yes, I still want daisies.”

While wrapping the bouquet, the lady boss said casually, “Although you haven’t been here for half a year, there is a young man who often comes to me to buy daisies in the past six months...”

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