Galaxy Returns To Be A Dad

Chapter 7

Chapter 7

“You are sick.” Yu Yue stared at the old man and said.

Upon hearing this, the latter couldn’t help but froze for a moment.

She immediately quit on the eleventh, her eyes stood up, and she yelled, “You are sick! My grandfather is so good to talk to you, but you don’t listen, but curses his old man. Do you know that my grandpa is here? What status is Yunzhou…”

“Eleven!” The old man sternly stopped his granddaughter and continued.

Who knows that although Eleven is beautiful, she has a reckless character. No matter what grandpa said, she rushed to Yu Yue again, staring at him and said: “You shook your head at me just now, and now you are scolding my grandpa… kid , I have to teach you anyway today!”

“Eleven…cough, cough…” The old man couldn’t help coughing when he got excited.

Eleven turned around and said: “Grandpa, leave me alone. This kid is sneaky and doesn’t go to work on weekdays. At first glance, he is not a serious person. I am afraid it is not a trafficker who steals children. Let me arrest him for a trial!”

Yu Yue almost laughed angrily. This woman is really… She really didn’t suffer from a disaster.

He explained: “I didn’t scold anyone, this old man is really sick, or is injured…”

The old man in Tang suit was taken aback again.

On October 11, he glanced at his grandfather and said loudly to Yu Yue: “Nonsense! My grandpa is healthy and can eat and sleep. He goes to the park every day to fight and exercise. Sometimes he picks two buckets of spring water in the mountains to go home. , Are you joking when you say he is injured?”

The old man in Tang costume asked, “Little brother, do you recognize me?”

Yu Yue shook his head: “I don’t know you.”

The old man asked again: “Then you said I was injured, but why did you say that?”

Yu Yue said: “You can tell by looking at your complexion, listening to your cough, and feeling your breathing. Your injury is very serious and you should not live to be more than seventy-five years old.”

His tone was plain, but quite sure.

“A joke!” Eleven was obviously out of anger, and he turned into an angry smile: “My grandfather is already seventy-seven this year. Do you dare to say that he won’t survive seventy-five? I think you are just alarmist, you are A liar!”

Yu Yue was taken aback for a moment, already seventy-seven years old?

Could it be that I misunderstood it, it’s impossible!

Yu Yue felt puzzled. On November 11, he stretched out spring onion fingers to point to his nose, and said, “You can tell the life or death of others’ injuries at a glance. Who do you think you are? If you think you are an expert, then Come and compete with me!”

The old man in the Tang costume didn’t stop now. First he knew the temperament of his granddaughter; secondly, he also had some doubts in his heart, wanting to explore the details of the young man in front of him, why he said that.

Yu Yue also feels very fresh. For many years, no one has dared to challenge Galaxy Tyrant head-on like this, not to mention being a pretty and handsome girl.

Should I satisfy you? Should I satisfy you?

Yu Yue couldn’t help but smile wickedly.

“How about it, don’t you dare?” The heroic ponytail girl provocatively asked again.

Suddenly, a small hand stretched out from behind Yu Yue and grabbed Eleven’s fingers. Eleven jumped in shock. If it weren’t for seeing that it was a child, she would almost have trouble.

Yu Yue knew that her daughter was protecting herself and was moved in her heart. Then she looked at eleven and said indifferently: “You mean you are going to fight against me, right? Yes, but it doesn’t make sense to fight like this. Why don’t you take a bet? A bet?”

His thoughts are that if you speak badly and provoke me twice, if I can tolerate everything, how can I educate my daughter in the future? Moreover, I am using the money now, and you send it to the door by yourself, no wonder I slaughtered you.

Eleven wonders: “Bet? How to bet?”

Yu Yue said: “If you lose, give me one hundred thousand.”

Eleventh question: “Huh, what if you lose?”

Yu Yue said: “I will give you one hundred thousand.”

He currently has no net worth of 100,000, but he is confident that he cannot lose, and the opponent is obviously from a wealthy family in terms of temperament and behavior, and a bet of 100,000 should be affordable.

Eleven frowned slightly.

Yu Yue asked: “How about it, don’t you dare?”

Eleven raised his eyebrows. This sentence was just asked by himself, and now he asked himself in turn, where Eleven could withstand this provocation, and immediately responded: “Dare, what’s not to dare? Just, I don’t want it. Your money, because I am not short of money, I want you to lose and be my servant!”

The old man in the Tang costume seemed to think this was a bit too much, and he shouted, “Eleven!”

Eleven said: “Grandpa, this is a bet between me and him, please don’t interfere.”

Turning to look at Yu Yue and ask, “How is it?”

Yu Yue smiled and said, “Yes.”

The old man in Tang suit shook his head helplessly.

Eleven pointed at the little guy on his back: “Then you put the child down first.”

Yu Yue didn’t put the little guy down, but just handed the things in his right hand to his left hand: “No need, just come on, I’ll go home and cook early after finishing the call.”

Eleven’s face changed.

The old man in Tang suit also narrowed his eyes.

The man in the suit standing next to the off-road vehicle sneered again and again. Facing Murong, he dared to be so big, either a master of martial arts, or a fool who didn’t get started, but that kid didn’t look like a master at all!

Eleven’s expression is cold, and his tone is even colder like ice: “Are you sure you want to do this?”

She felt that she had never been looked down upon like this in her life.

Yu Yue said lightly: “Hurry up, don’t waste each other’s time.”

Eleven was furious, and even said two “good” words, and put on a posture of competition: “Hong Quan Su Murong, ask!”

Her name is “Su Murong”, and only Su’s parents call her “Eleventh.”

Yu Yue still looked like an old god, standing there with the child on his back and the meat and vegetables in his left hand.

Su Murong was angry in his heart, no longer humbly giving way to him, stepped forward, the fist in his hand was overflowing like a flood, rushing turbulently, pouring out!

The man in the suit cheered secretly.

The old man in the Tang suit also nodded slightly, Hongquan worked both inside and outside, with a strong momentum, a hard bridge, a hard horse, and a big opening. The eleventh has now entered the room.

Yu Yue sighed. The girl’s boxing skills were getting a little hot, and she was a little bit more powerful than when she had encountered gangsters and traffickers before, but it was a pity that she met herself.

Originally, he had 600 years of combat experience, and he started training today. He broke through the two-star warrior level in half a morning. Facing Su Murong, who is barely one-star, he has the dual suppression of experience and strength, and he has an absolute advantage.

With a glance, he could see through the flaws under Su Murong’s fierce aura and the countless false moves behind the start moves.

He stood there leisurely, waiting for Su Murong to jump in front of him, then raised his only right hand…


Block Su Murong’s fierce right fist.

Su Jiao’s body trembled, and then threw out her left fist, roaring like guns and guns.


Yu Yue was extremely fast, retracted with his right hand, and immediately grabbed the opponent’s pink fist, but the power of the fist seemed to have no effect on him.

Su Murong was shocked and wanted to attack again.

Yu Yue didn’t give her a chance, sinking her shoulders and dropping her elbows, grabbing her hands against the joints and pulling.

Su Murong had no choice, his body turned like a top, and it seemed to be dancing a waltz.

Suddenly, Yu Yue let go, and Su was driven by inertia to turn around two more times. When she relied on her own strength to coordinate her body shape and stop her body from turning, a fist had already reached her face, only one centimeter away from the tip of her nose.

I believe that if it were not for the mercy of the master of the fist, his face would have been beaten into a pie.

At this moment, the man in a suit took out a pistol from his waist…

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