Galaxy Returns To Be A Dad

Chapter 3

Chapter 3 Newbie

Under the orange light, Yu Yue read the letter over and over again, and finally folded it carefully in half, put it back in the envelope, and put it in the drawer that specializes in storing important materials. He will leave it to his daughter when he grows up.

In the last life, he burned the letter before reading it once, because he couldn’t accept it at that time, and he didn’t understand her heart at all.

He thought she was cold-blooded, but he could not see her intentions, her dedication and sacrifice at all. He was blinded by resentment and bound by his own paranoia.

Now, he understands that, in fact, everything is because he can’t get through with himself.

The meticulous exhortations and explanations in the letter, each word pair is full of love for my daughter. How could she be a passionate and cold-blooded person?

And if she doesn’t love herself, how can she give birth to a daughter for herself after a night of joy?

A woman looks at her belly getting bigger day by day. Even though her family is rich, she can only face changes in her body, life, and even life and death alone. Who can understand her mood at the time?

She conceived in October, gave birth at one time, and raised her child for nearly two years, but she had to be taken away from her. Who knows how sad she is?

Whether she leaves herself or leaves her daughter, she has too many compelling things. Who can understand her hardship and suffering?

In the last life, Yu Yue couldn’t understand, hated the world and hated the earth, and felt that the whole world was full of malice towards him.

In this life, he understands everything, he understands that love is more powerful than hate.

Yu Yue looked at his daughter who was sleeping on the bed, her round face was as pink and cute as an apple, and even the slight snoring sound was pitiful. He knew that he could not let down their mother and daughter in this life.

Come back and start again, starting from a good father and a good husband.

Sleeping in the middle of the night, Yu Yue was awakened by a burst of crying.

The cry was in my ears, and it was my daughter Yu You.

Yu Yue was too sleepy, patted her a few times, trying to coax her to sleep.

Who knows, the little guy is reluctant, crying endlessly, and his voice is very loud.

Yu Yue had no sleepiness, so she could only get up, hold the little guy in her arms, shake it gently, singing and telling stories, but it didn’t work.

Yu Yue was shocked to realize that he was still too naive. He had lived for more than 600 years for two lives, but as a dad, he was like a novice, and his eyes were blackened.

He suddenly remembered the letter written by the child’s mother. The letter reminded him that if the child had to breastfeed at night, he thought that his daughter should be hungry.

However, he was originally like a bachelor, where would there be milk powder in the rental house?

He wanted to rush out to buy, but the child kept crying again, so he could only rush out, holding the child and ran outside.

From the 6th floor to the 1st floor, the voice-activated lights in the corridor were lit by Yu You’s crying.

It was midnight and the maternity and infant stores were basically closed. Yu Yue ran three streets and found a 24-hour convenience store. There was only one kind of infant milk powder in the store. Yu Yue had no choice but to buy a bucket.

When I returned to the rental house, I found that there was no milk bottle.

Yu Yue can only make milk powder in a cup.

There are also many precautions for brewing milk powder. For example, the water temperature should be 45 degrees Celsius. Too high or too low will not work; the ratio of water and milk powder is different for each brand; the milk powder must be fully dissolved, not violently shaken or stirred, and should be gently rotated. Evenly, avoid producing a large number of bubbles that will cause the baby’s abdominal distension after eating.

Yu Yue checked the letters and checked the Internet. After trying three times, he brewed a cup of qualified milk. When he fed it to the little guy, the little guy didn’t take a bite.

God, this made Yu Yue a little mad. He couldn’t hold back for a while, and when he used it a little bit, the little guy coughed and then cried loudly.

Yu Yue thought to himself, is it not to his appetite?

It is really difficult for children to serve.

Yu Yue can only hug her around the room.

What should I do if I can’t buy the milk powder of the brand my daughter is used to?

Yu Yue remembered the letter saying that her daughter liked to eat noodles.

He took out half of his leftover steamed bread from the refrigerator and heated it up to fill the little guy’s hunger.

The little guy really likes to eat noodles. When he saw the steamed buns, he grabbed them and stuffed them in his mouth. Unexpectedly, the little guy didn’t count it. One bite was so big that he choked, his face flushed and his eyes widened. It seemed to be out of breath.

Yu Yue immediately panicked.

How to do?

How to do?

He knows that choking is very dangerous, not to mention children, even adults, if they are not rescued in time, they will die.

He told himself to calm down, and then turned the little guy face down and slapped the child’s back with the palm of his hand. Fortunately, he has a deep understanding and mastery of the human body structure and the use of force. With a “wow” sound, the guy spit out a piece of unchewed steamed bread from his mouth.

The little guy resumed his normal breathing and then cried again.

Yu Yue took a sigh of relief, his hands and feet were soft, even if he was besieged by thousands of troops in the star field, he had never been so nervous or scared.

The little guy ended up crying and falling asleep.

Yu Yue collapsed on the bed.

When he was about to fall asleep, he opened his eyes suddenly, and the little guy’s breathing was wrong!

He listened carefully, the little guy’s breathing was uneven, faster and louder than before.

Yu Yue probed his hand to touch the little guy’s forehead… it was hot!

Touching the cheeks and neck again, it is also very hot!

The little guy has a fever!

It is probably because of the cold and shock just now.

Yu Yue called: “Pomelo…you, pomelo, are you uncomfortable?”

The little guy didn’t sleep, she just didn’t have the energy, and couldn’t even cry.

Just now the little guy cried, Yu Yue was a little annoyed, but now the little guy stops crying, Yu Yue is even more worried.

Being able to cry and crying loudly indicates that there is nothing wrong with it.

If you can’t even cry, then there is a big problem.

Yu Yue hurriedly picked up the little guy and went to the hospital. This time he had a serious eye and wrapped her with a blanket to avoid catching cold again.

There were few cars in the middle of the night, and it was hard to hit one and was “opened by the lion.”

Yu Yue is anxious for her daughter, so she can only take care of her.

When I arrived at the City Children’s Hospital, I didn’t expect that there were still so many people going to see the doctor, and the bustling was the same as the food market during the day.

Registration, queuing…

Waited for almost an hour before seeing the doctor.

The doctor gave the diagnosis result in one minute: “Cold and fever, take medicine or injection?”

Yu Yue asked humbly: “Is it better to take medicine or get an injection?”

The doctor said: “There is nothing good or bad. The medicine comes slowly and the side effects are small; the injection is fast and the side effects are large.”

Yu Yue asked: “Then the doctor do you recommend taking medicine or injection?”

The doctor was obviously a little impatient and said, “You decide this yourself!”

Yu Yue struggled, feeling that this decision was more difficult than the Star Wars military order.

The doctor waved to him: “If it doesn’t work, you can think about it slowly and let the people behind you see the doctor first.”

Yu Yue gritted his teeth and chose to have an injection. He wanted his daughter to get rid of her fever as soon as possible. The long-term pain is not as good as the short-term pain.

The doctor prescribes an intramuscular injection and an intravenous injection, which is a “butt needle” and a bottle.

After holding her daughter and piercing her little butt and then piercing her head, Yu Yue’s heart was broken.

Sitting in the infusion room, although tossing all night, tired and sleepy, Yu Yue did not resent and hate like the previous life. He thought of the difficulty of his parents, and he thought of the difficulty of her for more than a year. .

Embracing the little guy, Yu Yue thinks that as long as his daughter is safe, healthy and happy, he is willing to do whatever he does…

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