Galactic Detective Shilo Zander

Episode 1 Chapter 1

In the third arm of the galaxy, midway of mid-way, existed a small nameless space-station. The number of the place escaped Detective Shilo Zander. But it held his mediocre office, which was far too lavish and expensive for him.

Detective Shilo Zander quit the precinct. Most would assume it was because he wanted an early retirement, but that wasn't his motivation. No, he wanted more. He wanted to make a name for himself, solving the biggest problems and taking out galactic crime bosses and bringing down corrupt organizations. Solving murders for the rich and famous. He was tired of the galactic treaties of cross species protections, allowing essentially amnesty for all. The galaxy was rife with alien species on the verge of war.

How hard could it be for a private investigator to get a job? Apparently extremely hard, as the only prospect he had was from the peaceful Jolangus asking for help with a rat infestation. Why they didn't hire a pest eradicator, he couldn't understand, and Shilo did not look forward to working underground. But a job is a job.

And did Shilo ever need a job? Again, those bills racking up. At least this job would provide a small pittance of credits. The Jolangus were clear in their request that the funds to travel to their habitat and return would be covered as well as the basic daily allowance for each day of work and travel.

The only mention in the job notice was he should be prepared for a level two threat. At least it wasn't a level three threat. If the expected danger was high enough to warrant a team of galactic bounty hunters, he would have to pass on the job. He'd have no way to pay them.

He'd been sitting on the notice for a week, but Jessica, his part-time assistant, informed him that the Jolangus would be posting a bonus. He couldn't take the risk anymore. This one and only job was about to slip through his grip. While the job, and particularly the underground burrows, did not appeal to him, starving was less appealing.

The way to travel throughout the galaxy was pretty consistent for everyone. Some places still preferred century ships or leisurely passing at a mere zero point eight C. Most everywhere else zipped around on a galactic bridge of wormholes providing instantaneous travel. Humans, evolutionarily speaking, had not adjusted to the intense gravitational forces of such travel. This is why the Jolangus doctor, Zayflan, was checking Shilo Zander over for a stroke or other medical emergency.

While not a frequent traveler, Shilo had taken the chemBoosters recommended to reduce such issues. "Am I not in the clear doc? Please tell me that trip didn't rattle my innards. Insurance will never pay, and I don't need another bill."

"Oh, no, you are quite a healthy specimen, I think. I could recommend that you cut back on the carbs, sugar, fat. Caffeine. I could recommend a diet. With a few supplements, I think you would adapt well to a plant only diet like ours very well. Would you like me to go into details?"

Shilo grabbed the med print off from the doctor's clipboard. The Jolangus hopped back, pulling the clipboard to his chest.

Shilo said, "Please don't. I have never bothered with a diet and don't plan to start one now." He flicked the paper in his hand. "This shows I'm medically cleared."

"Oh yes. Galactic travel has caused no irreversible changes and you're not contagious or, as far as I understand, your physiology is in no danger of infection."

"Irreversible changes? Then travel caused some reversible ones? What's messed up, doc?" Shilo skimmed the report in his hands, trying to remember the last med report he'd reviewed. "What is this test for disease, Max Tango?"

"Would you give that report back? That contains private information."

"I know. My private information."

"Well, yes, but also medical test procedures and company trade secrets. All very routine. All very normal. Why would they send us a hairless creature like yourself? You're as bald as a mole rat. If you would, on the other side, I recommended a cream that I believe would bring your fur in quite thickly."

Shilo flipped the page over. He skimmed until the third section, which recommended using a cream with chemical names he couldn't pronounce with prolonged exposure to cool temperatures should bring in a winter coat quite nicely. "I don't want a thick winter coat of fur. On my entire body!"

"You would look much better, I do believe."

Shilo stormed out of the doctor's office. "Have a pleasant day, Doc. I hope your next patient is a mole rat."

A female Jolangus holding a paper sign with his name on it was waiting at the exit. She said, "I see you met Doctor Zayflan. He can be quite extensive in his examinations, but has been assisting us with our troubles. I have decided my human name will be JoLane. Please come with me and I will explain the situation."

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