Gain A Cute Wife By 'Kidnap'

Chapter 272

Chapter 272 - Pretending to be Pitiful and Being Treated Coldly

“I apologize, Mr. Sifa, for causing any inconvenience. Please refrain from arguing on my behalf; it would weigh heavily on my conscience.”

Xiangyang bowed his head apologetically. His aggrieved expression betrayed his inner fury, wishing fervently for Shang Cijie's disappearance.

Mu Sifa felt a twinge of discomfort. While he could tolerate baseless conflict, he couldn't condone Xiangyang's provocation. He had previously observed Xiangyang's unusual admiration for him but had attributed it to his younger brother's adoration, never considering it otherwise. It wasn't until Xiangyang professed his affection that Mu Sifa grasped the truth.

“Defending your honor?” Shang Cijie interjected before Mu Sifa could respond, chuckling, “You're overestimating yourself!”

Despite his deliberate actions, he now feigned magnanimity.

Shang Cijie's words elicited a visible surge of anger in Xiang Yang's eyes, striking at his core.

Yet, to maintain his innocence in Mu Sifa's presence, he adopted a winsome smile, saying, “Were you truly upset by my words earlier? Did I misinterpret?”

“I'll engage in banter with you, but I won't resort to violence.”

In that moment, Xiang Yang swelled with pride, convinced of his ability to overpower Shang Cijie entirely.

Had it been the old Shang Cijie, he might have believed Xiang Yang's sincerity. However, five years of experience had imparted wisdom, unveiling many truths.

“If your feelings for Mu Sifa are genuine, then pursue him with integrity. Don't resort to such dishonorable tactics.”

With a cold tone, Shang Cijie gestured towards Xiangyang before finally accepting the juice brought by the waiter.

“Thank you!”

“You're welcome.”

The server nodded, adding to Xiang Yang, “We're swamped already. If you're done chatting, lend us a hand!” He then politely excused himself, cautioning against disturbing the guests as he departed with a courteous smile directed at Shang Cijie and the others. n

With his life on the line, Xiangyang couldn't afford to comply. He disregarded the waiter's request.

“Typical Xiangyang!” “You should be pitching in too!”

Despite Nong Mobai's gesture allowing Xiangyang to depart first, Xiangyang remained ungrateful. “Who cares! What's your interference? This is between me and Mr. Sifa.”

Just after finishing his meal, Nong Mobai felt profoundly uncomfortable. Initially reluctant to expose Xiangyang too harshly out of respect for Loong Xiaoyi, he now found him to be an irksome troublemaker.

Fine, make a scene! But don't regret it later.

Mu Sizheng's brow furrowed upon hearing Xiang Yang's exchange with Nong Mobai. He seemed on the verge of intervening, but a subtle glance from Mu Sizheng redirected his attention to Shang Cijie.

Mu Sifa was taken aback. Ultimately, his gaze also shifted to Shang Cijie. Observing Shang Cijie's composed reaction, Mu Sifa suddenly smiled.

So that's the situation! Let me convey my intentions to Xiaojie! It's time to shed my lenient habits.

“What deceit? Explain yourself clearly!” Xiangyang appeared poised to accuse Shang Cijie of slander, his anger palpable.

“See, Mr. Sifa, he's bullying me. I haven't done a thing, yet he accuses me of employing underhanded tactics to besmirch my reputation!”

Xiangyang clung to Mu Sifa's arm as he vented, wearing an expression bordering on tears.

However, Mu Sifa's response was chillingly cold, “Let go.”

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