Future Knight

Chapter 112

Chapter 112

“Ugh! Ugh!”

“What is this? This is so bland. Isn’t this elf a bit lacking?”

“Don’t let your guard down! There might be other elves around. Search the room.”

“Got it.”

They remained vigilant and began to rummage through the house, looking for anything of value.

In one corner of the room, they found a small baby crib.

“What! This, this is a baby!”

“What, what did you say? A baby?”

The dwarves, who discovered the sleeping Raka in the crib, rejoiced.

“Yahoo! This is a complete windfall!”

“We’ve struck gold, hahaha.”

“Is this what they call a buy one, get one free deal?”

Finding just one elf would allow them both to live comfortably for the rest of their lives, but discovering an elf’s child was like hitting the jackpot.

However, one of the dwarves, seeing the baby’s skin, asked his companion.

“Hey, why is the skin this color? Did someone paint it?”

“Let me see…”

One of the dwarves wet his finger with saliva and rubbed it on Raka’s face.

But Raka’s original green skin couldn’t be wiped off, and the rough touch woke the baby, causing him to cry.

“Waaah! Waaah!”

Hearing her baby’s cries, Matana, who was tied up with a gag in her mouth, regained consciousness. She looked at the strangers surrounding her child and screamed through her gag.

“Ugh! Ugh! Ugh!”

However, the dwarves paid no attention to her screams. Their focus was solely on the baby.

“This, this is its real skin color?”

“What? It’s real?”

“An elf with green skin…”

The two dwarves stared at each other, bewildered for a moment.

“No way, it’s not an orc’s child, is it?”

“That’s ridiculous. Are you saying she slept with an orc?”

The dwarf who had spoken scratched his head, thinking his own words made no sense.

“Well, whether it’s an orc’s child or a troll’s child, what does it matter to us? This is clearly something that will fetch a high price.”

“Hahaha, of course. We’ll sell the baby to a circus and have some fun with the woman before selling her to the slave market.”

“Yeah, it’s not like she’ll wear out from use…”

With sinister smiles, the two dwarves hurriedly took Matana and Raka to a safe place.

Three days after the incident.

When Nemitz came to see Matana, he was shocked to find the door broken. He rushed inside the house.

“Matana! Matana!”

Seeing the disarray in the empty house, Nemitz frantically called out her name as if he had lost his mind.

“Matana! Matana, where are you!”

No matter how much he shouted, there was no sign of Matana, and he couldn’t find Raka either.

He had no idea what had happened to the two or where they were. The helplessness was driving him crazy, and tears welled up in his eyes.

“Matana… where are you? Please, Matana, please…”

After that day, Nemitz never saw Matana again.


Twenty years passed since the mother and daughter were kidnapped.

The girl was sold to the most famous circus on the continent and had to endure a miserable childhood.

Before she could even understand the world, she was locked in a cage, becoming a spectacle for people. As she grew older, she had to learn various tricks and skills through harsh beatings to entertain the audience.

The girl’s name was not Raka, but Green.

A callous name given simply because of her green skin.

But the girl had no complaints about it.

She had been called that since she was too young to speak.

Sometimes, the girl did work other than circus performances.

At twenty years old, the girl grew slower than humans, so she was only the size of a child of about ten years old.

Nevertheless, the girl’s beautiful appearance, inherited from her elven blood, was enough to attract the perverse interests of nobles and the circus director, making her attend to their desires at night.

On the first night she had to serve someone.

The girl didn’t understand why she had to do such a thing.

She didn’t understand why she had to engage in such painful and dirty acts.

However, as it had always been in her life, the girl had no choice.

As the acts became a routine after doing it once or twice, they became part of her daily life, and she accepted them as such.

The girl had no memory of her mother.

They had parted ways when she was too young.

According to the ringmaster, her mother had despaired over her skin color and sold her here.

But the girl was broad-minded.

She did not resent her mother for abandoning her.

She didn’t want to resent her mother.

Resenting her mother would make her feel too miserable.

Instead, she blamed herself for being born with such skin.

Every night before falling asleep, she would always ask herself a question.

‘Why did I have to be born looking like this?’

Today, too, she fell asleep with various thoughts running through her mind, wiping away her tears.

Fifty years passed since the girl started her life in the circus.

The girl’s appearance had matured considerably, and as her beauty grew day by day, the circus was filled with people admiring her.

In those fifty years, the ringmaster had changed as well.

The new ringmaster was the son of the previous one who had raised her. The one who raised her was no longer in this world.

But even with the change of ringmaster, nothing else had changed.

She still had to serve him in bed every night.

Today was her birthday.

She wasn’t sure if it was her real birthday, but it was the day she had considered her birthday for the past fifty years.

For her birthday, the ringmaster had prepared a small party.

The girl felt uneasy. He wasn’t usually this considerate.

He had become a frightening man who treated her like an animal during their night sessions.

For such a man to prepare a birthday party for her…

Despite her unease, she shed tears of joy in front of the birthday spread she had never received before.

She could also enjoy cake and various fruits she had never tasted before.

The girl was immensely grateful to the ringmaster who had prepared such an occasion for her.

‘Ringmaster, thank you so much. I won’t forget this birthday party…’

Thinking this, she slowly fell asleep.

“Move her to the carriage.”


Watching Green being carried out under the influence of a sedative, the ringmaster, feeling slightly guilty, explained his reason for leaving.

“The circus has been in a recession lately, and our finances are not good. I’m sorry.”

The birthday spread he had prepared for her today was a small reward for her hard work.

When the girl slowly opened her eyes, an unfamiliar ceiling came into view.

‘W-where is this?’

She tried to get up and open the door, but it was firmly locked.

She knocked on the door to call for someone she knew, but no one answered her call.

After a few hours had passed, some strange men entered the room.

“Is this the girl? Wow, she really is a uniquely colored elf, just as I heard.”

“Her skin color isn’t to my liking, but she’s pretty as an elf. She’ll attract customers.”

“W-who are you?”

The girl trembled in fear and retreated to the corner of the bed.

Then she realized.

The ringmaster had sold her to some strange place.

The men slowly started undressing as they spoke.

“We’re not scary people. You don’t need to tremble like that, relax.”

“This is all a lesson, a lesson for the job you have to do. Hahaha…”

Their bodies were covered with hideous tattoos as they undressed completely.

They then rushed to undress the girl.

She struggled and screamed.

“Why are you doing this? Please don’t do this!”

“Stay still!”



The girl, struck by a man’s hand as large as a cauldron lid, could not get up.

“Stay still while I’m speaking nicely. I really hate resistance. If you resist one more time, you’ll be half dead today, got it?”

Terrified by the man’s words, the girl had no choice but to submit to them.

After all, it was a body that wasn’t clean to begin with. There was nothing left to protect at this point.

The men, after undressing the girl, looked her up and down with lecherous eyes and spoke.

“You look young, but your body is quite decent. It would have been better if you were a bit more grown, but this has its own charm. Now, let me teach you how to please a man.”

The girl, still shedding her childish innocence, had to learn room art while being ravished by two rough men.

In a small room filled with the smell of mingled flesh, the men smoked cigarettes, laughing and talking amongst themselves.

“She’s the daughter of that idiot Elf who died of syphilis two years ago, right?”

“Oh, really? That’s the first I’ve heard of it. Is it true?”

“The pimp said that when the idiot Elf was caught by the Dwarves and sold, she was holding this girl.”

“That old hag remembers everything. But how did an Elf with such a skin color get born?”

“I heard the idiot Elf had a fling with an Orc and gave birth to her? Hehehe.”

“Is that true? If an Elf and an Orc do it, can they have kids?”

“Humans can have kids with them, so why not Orcs? They’re quite the harmonious race, those Elves. Hehehe.”

“Are they a melting pot of all races? Haha.”

The girl, lying on her side, pretended not to hear their words.

She hoped they would talk more about her.

“Still, she was an amazing Elf in her prime.”

“Yeah, she was an idiot, but her face and body were killer. Hehehe.”

‘Oh, Mother died in a place like this… That bastard! He lied to me.’

The girl cursed the circus director for the lie she had believed as truth until now.

But she had to swallow her tears, unable to say anything.

There was no one here to comfort her even if she cried.

After that, it was a continuous string of hellish days.

The girl could no longer remain a girl.

For years, she was ravaged by beast-like men who came every day, living in a narrow room.

Even in those circumstances, she desperately gathered information about her mother and herself, and after two years, she learned most of her past.

She discovered that her mother, who was driven out by their kind after giving birth to her, was kidnapped by Dwarves and sold here.

She wanted to kill them.

Everyone who made her and her mother so miserable.

But she had no power.

That made her feel even more wretched.

And then, more years passed, and she reached her 100th birthday.

She had lived, unable to die, for 50 years. During that time, she had contracted all sorts of venereal diseases, narrowly escaping death several times, and had become emaciated due to malnutrition and severe depression.

There was no trace of her former beauty left in her.

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