Future Knight

Chapter 108

Chapter 108

The members of Zvezda couldn’t help but be amazed.

They also paid close attention to the blue aura that surrounded his sword.

If the sharpness could cut through a high-frequency blade that easily slices through steel, it would undoubtedly be incredibly powerful in close combat.

But that wasn’t all.

There were people here who could fly in the sky and others who could emit fire or electricity from their hands.

These were things that science could never explain.

How could a person breathe fire with bare hands and fly in the air?

Moreover, the recent massive war revealed even more astonishing phenomena.

Among them, what caught their eyes was undoubtedly the Gigantes.

The Zvezda members watching the war were so surprised that they jumped out of their seats when hundreds of mechs like Zaid began to pour out of the sky.

However, they were different from Zaid.

They couldn’t fly and were primitive mechs that could only engage in close combat.

Therefore, they didn’t regard the Gigantes as much of a threat. Their Zaid could easily handle them from the air.

The enormous flaming bird that appeared afterward was also enough to astonish them.

A bird on fire, could that make any sense?

This utterly incomprehensible place was indeed a world full of wonder upon closer inspection.

But today was different.

They were shocked.

“Beep! Warning! High-energy reaction from the ground. A powerful energy mass is heading toward this ship.”

“What, what? High energy?”

“Avoidance maneuver impossible. Collision imminent. Deploying energy shield, brace for impact.”

“No way? Is it those Red Mars guys?”

Zvezda’s leader Benzler thought only the Red Mars ship could attack their spaceship in space.

Meanwhile, the energy mass directly hit the Zvezda ship.





The powerful impact that shook the ship made the Zvezda members feel as if they had been punched in the face.

What on earth had attacked the Zvezda ship?

“Damage report?”

“Left lower section, energy shield efficiency at 50%, no damage to the main hull.”

“Our ship’s energy shield, which can withstand five direct hits from a quantum cannon, is reduced by half in one go? Who attacked us?”

“Displaying on the main screen.”

As the target that attacked them appeared, the Zvezda members widened their eyes.

“What, is that a dragon?”

On the large screen, a massive reptile, resembling what was once called a dragon on Earth, was glaring at them.

“No way! Does that mean the thing that attacked us was a living creature?”

They couldn’t believe it.

The power of the energy mass that attacked their ship was equal to or greater than their best weapon, the Galip Cannon.

Benzler couldn’t understand how a living creature could have the firepower of a battleship.

But for that very reason, it couldn’t be allowed to live.

“How dare it attack us! Computer, turn that monster into a pincushion!”

“Understood. Galip Cannon energy recharge, aiming large-caliber rail gun, ready to fire.”



The massive Zvezda ship, twice the length of the Red Mars ship at 600 meters, began to unleash firepower from its ten gun ports aimed at the monster.

The breath that Zikyon shot hit something in the sky, causing an explosion, and the sound of thunder echoed from the sky.


‘Is it destroyed?’

Zikyon anxiously looked up at the sky.

She had never felt such an uneasy feeling before, so this emotion was very unfamiliar to her.

But for some reason, she felt a wave of uneasiness about the presence lurking in the sky above.

Zikyon hoped that uneasy presence had been destroyed by her breath.

But, as expected, the opponent that gave her such uneasiness wouldn’t be defeated easily.

Dozens of something rained down from the sky, hitting Zikyon precisely.


Boom! Boom!

The tremendous explosion swept through the allied forces’ base.

Though the impact was less powerful than the previous beam of light, it was still enough to make a small mountain disappear in an instant.

Zikyon had no choice but to widen her eyes to fend off such a fierce attack.

Her shield was about to break.

The shield that could withstand the breath of five Wyrm-class Dragons was about to give in.

‘No way!’

The large-caliber railgun fired from the battleship was a formidable ship-to-ship weapon on its own, but its power doubled as a mass weapon when used to attack from space to the ground.

As the projectile, protected by a small energy shield, penetrated the atmosphere and fell to the ground, it gained an unimaginable amount of kinetic energy.

But for Zikyon to withstand dozens of such railgun bombardments, she was undoubtedly an extraordinary being.

Boom! Boom!

Kang Chan, who had momentarily passed out from the attack of the Galip Cannon, opened his eyes.

Then, he saw a massive green dragon being bombarded by the railguns.

Kang Chan instinctively knew it was Zikyon.


Although he was seeing Zikyon’s transformed dragon form for the first time and should have been a bit surprised, there was no time for that now.

His mind was entirely occupied with concern for his friend.

As Zikyon’s shield was about to shatter, she mustered all her strength and cast Blink.


Zikyon’s massive body vanished instantly, and the place she had left exploded in a flash due to the railgun bombardment.

A huge crater was created as if a meteor had struck.

“Target lost. Resuming target search…”

When the target suddenly disappeared, the computer stopped firing and began scanning the area with various sensors.

Soon, it detected Zikyon reappearing several kilometers away.

“Target reacquired. Fire Galip Cannon.”

This time, the fully charged Galip Cannon fired at Zikyon.

Unlike the railgun, the Galip Cannon was a beam weapon without a projectile, traveling at the speed of light, and this devilish beam mercilessly struck Zikyon, who was catching her breath.


“Argh! Damn it…”

Zikyon was hit directly by the Galip Cannon, leaving only that one remark, and was soon engulfed in a massive explosion.

Even Zikyon, whose body was 200 meters long, became a mere dot in the gigantic explosion.



Kang Chan screamed in despair.

Although he couldn’t see clearly from the distance, he had a vague idea that the Galip Cannon had hit Zikyon.

Kang Chan ran toward the place where Zikyon had been struck by the Galip Cannon at his maximum speed.

However, as he approached, the yellow dust from the explosion covered everything, making it impossible to see ahead, and the scorching winds prevented him from getting any closer.


“Restoring video feed.”

As the screen, which had been momentarily cut off by the impact, was restored, Lebedev shouted with joy.

Because on the ground where the Galip Cannon had struck, there was only a massive crater several kilometers wide and red-hot lava.

“The monster! It’s melted away without a trace!”

“That thing was incredible… to withstand 30 rounds of large-caliber railgun fire from a battleship.”

Hong Hakmae trembled slightly in fear.

No matter how he thought about it, the creature just now far exceeded the limits of what could be considered a living being.

Sensing his subordinates’ fearful emotions, Benzler calmly reassured his crew.

“We don’t know how many such beings exist in this world, but they could pose the greatest threat to us in the future. So, conduct a thorough investigation on that monster.”


The allied camp, which had been distracted by the continuous strange events, had completely lost sight of the Dark Elves, leaving only an uneasy atmosphere.

The sudden massive attack from the sky.

It was almost a disaster.

The soldiers who witnessed the attack even described it as divine wrath.

Moreover, as if things couldn’t get worse, a dragon appeared, so what more needed to be said?

The soldiers, forgetting today’s victory, were filled with anxiety.

Kang Chan and Erika, who returned to the cold atmosphere of the allied camp, were in a state of mental shock, with Loki watching over them.

“It can’t be. That guy is dead…”


Kang Chan was almost in a stupor.

To lose Zikyon after Jaina was a trial too hard for him to bear.

Even now, he felt as if Zikyon might walk through that tent door.

However, Kang Chan, knowing the power of the Galip Cannon better than anyone, understood that there was no chance Zikyon could have survived.

If the Galip Cannon, the most powerful beam weapon in existence, could take out most spaceships in one hit, hoping that Zikyon survived such a direct attack was unrealistic.

Kang Chan wiped his tears with his sleeve as he wondered who killed Zikyon.

He also pondered if he could avenge Zikyon.

But the very thought was despairing.

No matter how much of a Sword Master he had become, avenging himself against a space battleship was impossible.

How could he possibly reach an opponent in space?

This was on a completely different level than risking his life for Jaina’s revenge.

Moreover, there was no way to know if they were allies or enemies.

If they were allies, Kang Chan had no idea how to deal with the situation.

But one thing was certain.

If the person who killed Zikyon was right in front of him, even if it was the Commander-in-Chief of the Federation Fleet, he would be a dead man.

Blood dripped from Kang Chan’s fist.

“Kang Chan…”

Erika held Kang Chan’s hand to comfort him.

Although she was also sad, she knew that Kang Chan was suffering more than anyone else.

Just then, someone lifted the tent flap and entered.

“What’s this? Did someone die?”



Everyone looked up at the familiar voice and saw the person entering the tent.

Their eyes were all swollen from crying.

“Why are you all crying?”



Kang Chan jumped up in disbelief and ran to Zikyon.

He hugged Zikyon and sobbed uncontrollably.

Erika and Loki also grabbed Zikyon’s hands and cried tears of joy.

“What’s this? What’s going on?”

Zikyon didn’t quite understand the bizarre situation, but she didn’t mind the overwhelming welcome.

However, seeing the massive Kang Chan burying his face in her chest and crying was a bit much. Zikyon pulled on his ear and said,

“You… You’re sneaking in there, aren’t you?”

Overjoyed at seeing Zikyon alive, Kang Chan unintentionally found himself hugging her ample chest, blushing deeply as he spoke.

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