Furious Combo

Chapter 31 - : Trinity

Chapter 31: Trinity

Jiang Yanmuran, the white light flashed in his eyes, and he hurriedly checked the battle records.

He wanted to know if he could kill Matrix agents completely. In the movie plots, Matrix agents run through, especially the strongest Smith. Until the end, he tried to devour the sixth-generation savior Neo. As a result, he was assimilated and eventually turned into data fragments and died in this world.

Contractor Jiang Yan, you killed Matrix Agent Brown once, and you gained 5000 survival points, 3 gold attribute points, and 30 normal attribute points. You have obtained 2 pieces of digital lens, and collected 6 pieces together, which can form a complete lens, which is used to make digital glasses.

Contractor Jiang Yan, you are hostile to Matrix Agents. In any world related to the Matrix world, you will be listed as the second sequence of targets by Matrix Agents and will be permanently pursued.

Second sequence target? Jiang Yan did not expect that if he killed an agent himself, he would raise the danger to an unprecedented height, far beyond the limit of the mission.

Mission time, 29 days and a half left.

In the remaining days, unless something related to the savior occurs, these matrix agents will regard themselves as the most important goal.

Perhaps the only thing worth comforting is that Jiang Yan does n’t have to worry about how many special police officers he is killing now. No matter how many special police he kills, his value will not be greater than that of the savior.

Don’t worry if you have too much debt, and don’t bite if you have too many lice. If a person breaks a jar, he can at least get a little happiness before he dies. It’s not pessimistic or optimistic. In short, Jiang Yan didn’t think too much, just cursed **** with American idioms.

Only killed Agent Brown once, but not completely killed, and became the second sequence of targets. You know, before this, no one had defeated the agents. The Prophet’s guard, Seraph once defeated Smith, the strongest Matrix agent.

Is it because Saif is too strong, he is the one to bully?

Jiang Jiang was purely cursing her mother’s mind, but did not expect that this is really the essence of the matter. In the eyes of Matrix agents, Jiang Yanyuan played well with Ruofu. By listing him as the second sequence target, the problem can be solved as soon as possible.

Just glanced at the combat record, and the matrix agent who had rushed over the barbed wire had come under the rock. He raised his head and looked at the top of the rock, the light of lightning illuminating his face.

Smith (Smith), the strongest agent in the matrix world. This computer program has even produced a sense of self-independence, which has to break away from the control of the matrix and become a free life.

Anna’s attack on Smith was all missed. She sighed. She was indeed as Jiang Yan said. Before acquiring the skills recognized by space, the original shooting ability was far from enough to survive in this space.

Smith didn’t stop. With the power of running, he rushed vertically on the steep rock, and in a blink of an eye, he came to the top of the rock.

Jiang Yan’s M500 fired at the same time. Smith twisted his body, avoided the M500’s bullet, and hit Jiang Yan under the rib. Jiang Yan had no time to give Anna a gesture of escape, and the sound was beaten back by this punch, and he was stuffy in the stomach.

Jiang Yan’s body flew high and flew away from the top of the rock. He saw that Anna had slid down the rope, and he was slightly relaxed. Anna is by no means an opponent of Matrix Agent, and he feels the bones of his entire upper body are broken. Such a powerful melee ability, lethality is still above the **** Sparta.

Anna fell on her feet, turned the rock, and fired three guns with Trinitti at the same time. The third Matrix Agent Jones, under Anna’s Hydrogen Particle Cannon, was smashed into flesh and blood fragments.

Matrix agents don’t seem to be powerful enough, and they can’t dodge all under the intensive bullet attack. At least this agent, Jones and Smith, are far from each other. Anna ’s intensive shooting was completely hid by Smith, and Jones only escaped the first few bullets.

Anna killed Jones and turned back, Jiang Yan’s body was falling from above the rock.

Anna’s heart was awe-inspiring, at such a height, I was afraid that she would die. Before flying out of the rock, Jiang Yan also hit Smith. But she was helpless, and she could only raise the hydrogen particle cannon and aimed at the top of the rock, for fear that Smith would make a fatal attack when Jiang Yan was in the sky.

Jiang Yan is more calm than Anna. Smith’s punch is more real and more painful than the little devil’s, but he is used to it. Jiang Yan even habitually gave himself continuous treatment without thinking through his brain. The bizarre paralysis on the body quickly disappeared. If you landed like this and your head was rushed down, the contractor’s physical fitness would be cracked even if he had good health.

Smith’s strange paralysis state is no longer powerful, and it can’t resist the repeated dispersal of dark gold soul skills. If it weren’t for the little devil’s ability to force himself to practice continuous treatment, I’m afraid this time he really died.

Jiang Yan’s thoughts turned around, his body had turned around, a volley hit, his feet hit the ground heavily, and the whole body squatted down.

The huge impact force kept him in a cushioned position for less than 1 second. Anna immediately heard that in Jiang Yan’s legs, the bones exploded.

Jiang Yan fell sideways and saw Smith protruding from the top of the rock. He raised M500 and aimed at this terrifying matrix agent. He continued to impose a price of life on himself, and the bones in his legs quickly reset, but the survival point disappeared like a running water. This is the price of treatment, the price of life.

Jiang Yan doesn’t care, he has calculated that if his treatment price is less than one-tenth compared with the repair price after returning to space. Since then, at least he and his team members no longer need to be treated by the pit father in the space.

Smith looked blankly at the three people under the rock. Matrix agents are not invulnerable. They must also obey the laws of this space. But the people in front of him clearly violated the rules that they could not break.

If you can eat this person, will you have such a rapid recovery ability?

Essentially, Matrix agents are also viruses. It’s just that the mission of this virus is to maintain the matrix. Because of this, the matrix will not allow the agent’s capabilities beyond its control.

Jiang Yan looked up to the sky, the rain hit his face, and through the rain screen, Smith’s face was blurred, like a stream of symbols.

Smith’s core program is calculating quickly, and the attack that Anna and Trinity teamed up seems to not be able to avoid perfection. He turned indifferently and jumped from the other side of the rock.

Jiang Yan stood up, all the bones in his legs were repaired, the white light flashed in his eyes, and he quickly looked at his property panel. It only consumes less than 4,000 survival points. If you repair these legs in space, it must be at least 50,000.

Smith’s figure disappeared, and Trinity and Anna raised their guns nervously, each aiming at the sides of the rock. No one knows which direction the Matrix Special Trade Union came from.

Jiang Yan frowned, it seemed that the computer program was indeed very intelligent, and the simple method dispersed Anna and Trinity’s firepower.

Smith hadn’t appeared for a long time. Under the sky, the dark rainstorm became thicker and thicker, and the ground even began to show water. In the flashes of light, Anna’s complexion turned pale.

“Are you injured?” Jiang Yan asked. When he spoke, there was a thunder burst, and Anna could only see his mouth.

Anna shook her head and pointed her finger at the distant bench. On the bench, a homeless wanderer was motionless during a heavy rain. Under normal circumstances, such a person would have a raincoat even if there was nowhere to hide.

The wanderer’s body twisted a bit, slowly sat up, turned his head, and Jiang Yan could see him clearly in the electric light. Agent Brown, who was shot by himself,

Jiang Yan’s eyes looked at Trinity’s whereabouts, another Matrix agent Jones, who had already crossed the barbed wire and came to this side.

Both agents were expressionless and didn’t do anything to kill them. Even the sunglasses on their faces were upright, and their hair was combed to be appreciative, and there was no mess in the heavy rain.

Dressed up so seriously, are you going to the funeral?

“Who are you?” Trinity, who had been silent, spoke up, her voice a little deep and hard.

Anna did not speak, she knew what a group was most taboo on. Such words can only be answered by Jiang Yan.

“We are not from Zion.” Jiang Yan did not answer directly. He didn’t know if Matrix would understand the importance of him and Anna through dialogue. The destructive power of the contractor is not necessarily worse than the savior. He is already the target of the second sequence of Matrix agents and does not want to continue to improve his treatment.

Jiang Yan and Anna each killed the Matrix agent once, but they didn’t flutter and forget their identities. In this Matrix world, the most powerful is not Matrix agents, but the mechanical city.

Machine City has a powerful machine squid force, UU reading www.uukanshu.com is definitely not something ordinary contractors can fight. However, there are too many contractors, and the former servants, unlike the savior, only one out of many years. Among them, the strong ones have even greater power than the savior. Once you find your danger, you can’t escape the real killer of Machine City.

“Isn’t it Zion?” Trinity twitched in his heart. Is it a program that generates autonomous consciousness? In the matrix, there are not many such programs, each of which has a special power, otherwise it will have been killed by agents. It’s just that she didn’t have time to think about it. Brown and Jones, approaching one after the other.

“Leave here first.” Trinity said, the gun in his hand violently sounded, and the two agents fired at the same time.

Jiang Yan had no choice but to let Trinity rush to the front. After breaking off at the back, he changed two homemade large pistols. Close to the back was Jones. He saw Brown shot by Jiang Yan with a headshot, although it was said to be accurate Not great, but the power of that bullet is really amazing.

Jones is not afraid of Jiang Yan’s marksmanship. His opponent locks himself with firearms, he can judge in advance and avoid it. What he was afraid was that Jiang Yan was not allowed. If he dealt with Jiang Yan by avoiding the lock, he might hit the opponent’s bullet.

Matrix agents also encountered this kind of thing for the first time. Opponents with powerful weapons have corrected shooting accuracy and have shooting skills.

He did not know that if Jiang Yan does not use this M500, the shooting accuracy is still very good. It is just that for contractors, weapons that are not equipped will be fit when used. The fit between Jiang Yan and M500 may be negative. Within 3 meters, he shouldn’t miss the target, 5 meters is hard to say.

M500’s strong recoil, so that he has no control when shooting continuously.

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