Fulfilling my Lustful Fantasies

Chapter 44: Finding out

-Celine POV-

"Well I didn't expect that we'll stay out this long" Mom asked me as she watched the flame slowly cook our meal

"I don't mind" I answered as I ate some fish

It was already way past lunchtime as we enjoyed our time alone talking together. Since we were pretty famished, Mom just decided to catch some fish in the lake before going into somewhere with shade as we cook it. She seemed pretty knowledgeable about outdoor stuff so I had trust on the fish's taste.

I thought back to our conversation and listening to Mom talk about relationships like it was my first time hearing about it, I didn't know what kind of face I was supposed to put on.

There was a lot of things that I expected would be happening when Mom called me out here telling me to wait until Riel was gone. I thought maybe I'll get interrogated or scolded, but it definitely never crossed my mind that Mom would suddenly talk to me about adult matters.

I felt that I've gotten some insights on Mom's opinions. The first thing I noticed was that, Mom thinks that I want to separate as soon as possible from her, which couldn't be any further from the truth. I love my family, and I would love to stay with them as much as possible. I just wanted to help Mom, and unlike Riel, the only thing I'm good at is fighting so I didn't have much career choices.

Regarding her explaining about sex, she probably thought it was embarrassing explaining such things, but I'm even more embarrassed because let alone knowing those things, I've already done those myself. Hearing my gentle mother speaking words like 'penis' or 'vagina' so crudely, was quite the surreal experience. She even did the inserting motions with her fingers and I just tried so hard not to laugh at how cute and awkward she looked when she explained them.

Still, there were new things I learned about, apparently people can also have dreams about their erotic fantasies. I don't know since I never got one. The closest thing I had to what she called a 'wet dream', was a faint recollection of us three travelling to some unknown lands. Which is barely erotic, but definitely is a fantasy of mine.

I also learned that boys too experience that blissful feeling when their private parts get touched. Apparently a lot of boys will probably approach me hoping they can bed me as well. Of course, I'm not interested in them, what caught my attention instead was that boys can get 'excited' pretty easily.

Before I had some reservations, because I thought I was the only one having fun and I didn't want to leave him out but it turns he's also feeling it himself. It's pretty flattering, knowing that I was able to bring him to his climax multiple times and I wasn't even trying back then.

"Celine?" I head Mom's voice


"You're spacing out" Mom explained

"Oh did I? My bad... also I think it's about time we go home now." I said as I looked up to the Sun

"Yeah, it's already afternoon and Riel should finish his lessons around this time" Mom agreed

I then had a thought. Mom probably told me all about this despite finding out the I potentially might have 'feelings' towards my brother since she's worried about me once we start living at the city. A smile unknowingly formed at my lips as I thought about my Mother's love for me.

It further strengthened my resolve of not letting myself become the reason for her disappointment. I didn't notice it but I'm almost the same height as her. Before she seemed to be this person free of all weaknesses, steadfast and firm in her place. But now I can see her limits as well, she's just as much of a person as I am.

"Mom, why not have me cook with you later tonight?" I said as I went up to her

"Later? Sure I don't mind" she said as she thought about it

However as we were walking home I then thought to myself-

'Oh shit'

Since Mom decided to talk to me about it because she's worried about what could potentially happen to me if I go in the city so clueless and naive, then she's probably worried as well about Riel. So there's a chance that she'll decide to talk to him about it.

"Mom, are you planning to tell this to Riel as well?" I asked

"Hm?" Mom had a strange reaction when she heard my question

"O-of course, I'm worried as well that he'll get taken advantage of" Mom said

'Fair point' I thought to myself, however what I was worried about is if Riel suddenly slips. I don't have a sliver of trust at all when it comes to Riel's lying abilities, so I had to do something. Else Mom find out about what we did.

"Uhmm... Mom since I already understood it, why not have me explain it to to him instead?" I suggested

"Since we're the same age, I can probably relate to him more and it will be less awkward than having you do it" I explained

"Was I awkward?" Mom looked like she just took a blow

"NO! I jus-" I hastily tried to correct my mistake

"It's fine, but this is something I must do" Mom seemed really firm on her decision

I can't be too forceful or Mom will notice something strange, so in the end I had to think up of other things. I think Mom will probably do it when it's just the two of them, so I had to plan around that.

I can't delay it by having Riel sleep at my room. Mom already kind of forbid that, plus if I were to suddenly make Riel sleep in my room right after she taught me about sex then I can just imagine what would go through Mother's head.

'Just when I planned to do other things.' I complained as I thought about the other things I was gonna do today. In the end, I couldn't come up with a proper solution just yet.

When we finally reached home, I made some sandwich and took some fruits before I sneakily took out the wine that my brother stole from those humans and place them all in a wooden basket before heading out.

As I was walking I met with my brother who just finished his lessons.

"Riel!" I called out to him

Noticing my presence, he quickly ran up to me as he asked what I was doing around this area.

"What are you doing here Sis?"

"Well, I have to buy some things and also-" I covered my mouth as I lowered my voice

"Mom decided to talk to me about 'adult stuff', you know them right?" I told him

"The one we did the other day?" he asked

"Un, make sure you don't show any hints that you already know about it okay?" I warned him

I am REALLY worried that he'll accidentally leak our secret to Mom. I'm confident in my ability to keep it a secret, but I don't have any confidence whatsoever in him being able to lie to Mom. There were multiple times I got screwed over because I put my faith in his lying abilities.

There was that one time, we decided to spar and I accidentally hit him too hard. Of course we both agreed, that we should keep it a secret. But Mom found out anyway, because he said that he got his wounds from a 'magical beast' when we know that there is none in the vicinity. So Mom obviously got angry and kept a closer watch whenever we 'head out'.

"Just... act like you don't know anything. Don't laugh or make any weird faces, okay?" I instructed him

"Act surprised when she tells you about sexual stuff, and most importantly"

"Please, don't laugh at her weird analogies okay? She thinks you don't know about it yet, so she comes up with those just to give you a rough idea." I warned him

"Oh... Okay, I understand" he nodded in agreement

Though I'm still not sure whether he can actually pull it off, I'll still probably have to do something about it. I'll try to delay it for a few days or maybe weeks, so I can rehearse him on what he needs to say.

"Goodbye! Mom and I will be cooking later so you should wait for it" I told him as he walked off

"See you, later as well. I'm looking forward to it" he waved back

After he was gone, I then finally went towards a certain shop.

"Coming in~" I said as I entered, a bell rung as I opened the door

The first thing that entered my sight was the luxurious musical instruments hanging on the wall, clearly telling the social status of the shop's owner. There was no one at the counter, however when they heard the bell ringing someone appeared from the back.

A woman, that most would call beautiful, appeared. She had a fair complexion, a slender frame, as well as emerald eyes that is paired with her waist-length golden hair. She had her typical one-piece dress under a long black coat, she also had an emerald brooch on the middle of a ribbon tie. I assume that this is her teaching attire, since I saw Riel just leave a few minutes ago.

"Hello,What can I help you wi- Oh, if it isn't Celine?" Aerin said as she appeared

"Hello~" I greeted her

After reading about Hannah in the , my suspicions about her grew. On more than one occasion, Riel has said that his teacher asked him about if he had any interests in moving to the capital, to supposedly play music there. Riel also said that he denied any interests, saying he was worried about his Mother as an excuse. But still, she asked multiple times even after that, one time she even offered to cover his expenses so that he could play and study there as well.

Before, I already raised an eyebrow on how well she was treating my brother, but now alarm bells were ringing inside my head as the situation seemed pretty similar to what I read. But I still couldn't be one hundred percent sure that she's really like that, if I just falsely accuse her based on my conjunctures and what I read then I will be the one who will look bad.

"Well, there's only a week left before they year ends and Mom said that I should give you this as an early gift for teaching my brother all the time~" I smiled as I raised the basket containing sandwiches, fresh fruits, as well as wine.

I don't know about the actual quality of the wine, since I can't read human text but she also can't, so I can just pass it off as special 'foreign' wine.

"Another one?... Oh my~ I really appreciate it. " She seemed to have a thought at first but I couldn't hear it, before she happily accepted the basket

"It's only natural~ also there are sandwiches there, so it's best you eat them while they're fresh" I said

"You came all the way here, so why not have some of my snacks. It's already quite some time after lunch, so just treat as a light meal" she invited me inside

"I would love to~" I said as I put my hands together in gratitude


I was having cookies while we were having small talk, when I finally decided to ask-

"You really seem to be fond of my brother, as a student of course. Not just multiple gifts over the course of the years, but even going as far as offering him to study at the capital." I asked her

"Well, he's really talented so I find it a waste for someone like him to remain hidden in this area." she answered before sipping tea from her cup

"Even I can feel your 'determination' to take him away, to play music of course. I too was mentored by the guards somewhat and they never did such things for me" I said

"Well, I don't mean to offend the guards. But even if they wanted to, I do not think they have the same financial capabilities to fully support bringing someone to the city, something which I definitely possess" she said before gesturing towards the expensive decorations hanging around the house

Fuck it, I should've expected roundabout answers like this. Not to mention I'm getting pissed seeing her blatantly point out 'Hey, I'm rich, you know?'. Knowing that trying to probe around, hoping that she'll accidentally slip up won't work. I had to ask in a more aggressive way, I thought back to what first happened in the book that I read before throwing out the words-

" I see... There's a lot of bad teachers out there so I'm just happy that he's got such a good teacher guiding him. "

"Have you heard? Some teachers misuse their authority to force their students to perform 'certain' acts" I randomly said as I closely observed her eyes

"I've read about it, and I can't help but feel disgusted at those" Seeing nothing out of the ordinary, I said those words to make sure she knows how I feel regarding those types of people

"I see... I find it a shame as well. Such things not just occurs with teachers, but to anyone who is in a position of authority over someone" she said as she took a bite out of the sandwich I made

"It could be a superior in work, a master, or perhaps even family." she said as she looked at me

Though her face and her tone remained the same, there was a change on the way she spoke. Did I perhaps strike a nerve? Or did she notice that I'm suspecting her?

"It's not always just what you make someone do, it can even be what you do not allow someone to do."

What the fuck is she saying? Did she get all emotional due to me suspecting her work ethic? Or did I somehow strike some sad childhood regrets of hers?

"I'm pretty curious..." she said

"He must've told you about my offers right?" she asked

"He did mention it to me..." I answered

"Some of my offers, I made sure it would have no downsides and only benefits for him and his family..." she said

"Yet they were still all rejected because he can't leave his family, which is very understandable." She said in regret

'Of course, we are pretty worried about leaving him alone with you.' I thought like I can't see what's the problem

"So I can't help but imagine how good the offer you got must've been, for your Mother to suddenly change her mind and move the entire family to the capital despite refusing to do so for your brother" she said as she took a bite out of the sandwich

She knew about my scholarship offer? I'm guessing Riel must've told her that we'll be moving to the city. However what pissed me off was that, did she just say that Mom is playing favorites between the two of us? No bitch, Mom just doesn't trust some random rich girl to suddenly pay off her son's education. To even think that Riel would be some sort of unloved child in the family, I actually am offended.

"I find it unpleasant, for you to assume things such as my Mother playing favorites purely based on speculation or your personal experiences with your own sad family. We simply found a better, more reliable offer that we can take, that's all. " I said

"Well, I too would find it pleasant if you did not question my work based purely off speculations as well." she shot back

"I don't remember questioning your work though?" I don't remember explicitly stating it

"And I don't remember saying anything about relationships in your family, it was only you who said something about playing favorites" she answered


"Sigh... I really tried to get along with you as much as possible." Aerin sighed

"But now I have a rough idea of why you always seemed to stare at me when I went over to your house" she said

"Though I wouldn't have liked to say this, but please do not lie when you say things such as receiving something better... It was a full scholarship right? Paying for your tuition full, however things such as living expenses is still all on you"

"What?" I was shocked by how much she knew

Did Riel mention the specifics of the offer I received? Just how much did she ask from him and why is she so fixated on it anyways?

"Looking at your face, I don't think you've noticed yet. No, I did not ask your brother about these things" she explained


"You met with a high ranking officer who was impressed by you, right? Who just so happened to annually inspect the troops of this rural village without any economical nor strategic importance." I gulped as I slowly thought of a scenario

"Do you remember the exact name of your sponsor or whose signature was it that was written on the letter that was given to you?" she said as she smiled

"In case you've forgotten or didn't notice, it was signed by me and my father, Mirthal Incaross, the Duke of Wargvel. So yes, I do know the specific details of your scholarship because it is my own 'sad' family that will be paying for your education. After all, I was the one who wrote and recommended you." she said lightly as if it was no big deal

I was shocked even though I thought earlier that it could be a possibility, but hearing her say it herself still surprised me. If what she was saying is true then isn't she a Duke's daughter? Even I knew she was rich, heck, everyone here knows she was pretty well-off. But I didn't think she's THAT high up on the social ladder. What the fuck is someone of that caliber doing here, playing teacher with my brother?

What the fuck. So much things doesn't make sense. Didn't she cook for me once? Did I just shit-talk my own patron then? Where is her guards or servants, isn't she supposed to be someone important?

Now I felt stupid, if it's true then there's now way someone of her status would go through all the troubles she did if she really wanted my brother. If she was just a rich businesswoman or merchant, then sure I can understand. But can't she just take him away no questions asked, if she really wanted to? Or am I perhaps missing something...

"B-but... if that's true... what is someone-" I was gonna ask because I don't believe that someone like her would be staying at this village in the middle of nowhere

"That's none of your concerns is it? I was placed here and I coincidentally met your brother who happened to have a lot of talent, that's all." she said as she used her magic to reheat her tea

"Don't worry, I'm not so petty as to charge you for transgressions when I obviously hid my rank nor will I withdraw your scholarship. After all, isn't everyone happy? You get to study and fulfill your dreams, while your brother can now play and do the same." she smiled as she said so

"I-I see..." In the end, I became meek as I learned of her background

I was reading and learning about how to quickly climb the rankings, and one thing I learned was that you must know how to use your connections and get on your superior's good sides. And this woman right now, was someone way above me and someone who can change my entire career with just a word from her mouth.

It really left a bitter taste in my mouth. I thought that it was my hardwork and skills that finally paid off and brought me this opportunity that I currently have, when it turned out it was just someone else's doing. Not to mention it wasn't even her main goal. Giving me all of this, my dreams and goals, was just sort of a side dish that happened to come along with the main dish that she was actually going for.

"Sigh... I see. Well it was a really pleasant talk with you... Miss Aerin." I said as I stood

"Fufu~ Well, I would be looking forward to meeting you next year~" she said as she waved me goodbye

When I finally left her shop, I couldn't help but sigh. I'll check the letter I got one last time later though considering her confidence, I know it's just a futile effort. I wanted to warn her that she should stay away from Riel, but it looks like she won't be disappearing anytime soon.

Maybe I should be happy? Since she's actually going through all the trouble of making Riel come with her. Not to mention she even bothered to talk and get on my good sides, I can atleast sort of believe that she's really just a teacher hoping the best for her student. If I can get on good terms with her, then I can atleast expect things will go just a little bit smoother for me down the road.

I have a lot of questions, but there is no way I can probably get an answer today. Instead I should just focus on the things that I can change now. Especially Mom talking to Riel about adult matters.


-Maelriel POV-

When I heard Celine say that Mom gave her the talk, I wasn't that surprised. I sort of had an idea that perhaps Mom will talk to me as well, since we will be moving soon and she wouldn't want her children to go the city so naive and clueless.

I was already doing preparation work before, since I can no longer use my innocence as an excuse when she finally decide to explain things to me. However the thing with Mom is, unlike with Celine, she was the one who is making moves, or atleast that's what she thinks. Therefore all the responsibility goes to her.

I am also well aware that Mom is pretty worried about how should she explain sex to me, while taking into account the other sexual things we've already done, so that it wouldn't look bad or that our relationship atleast wouldn't fall apart. Though she can probably cover it up with lies such as, do this only with Mom and your wife. Just like with Celine, I want it to be so that there will be no excuses, such as cheering her up or drinking milk, anymore. I want it so that Mom will willingly perform such acts with me, even if she knows full well that I know about such things.

During the past days, whenever I wasn't reading with Celine, I would be sleeping with Mom. So I made sure to use the words she taught me, like cheering her up whenever I see that she looked sad. I also am helping her out a lot more, not only with her pent-up desire but with housework as well. Just like now-

"Mom, Celine said that she will be cooking with you today" I asked

"Oh, did you meet each other?" she asked

"Yes. Also I want to help you out as well in the kitchen later."

"No Riel, me and your Sister is enough." She explained

"But, I want to help."

"It's fine, it's fine..." she said as she pinched my cheeks


Later in the evening, after we were finally done eating the dinner Mom and Celine cooked.

"Riel... actually there's something Mom wants to talk about with you." Mom said as we were at the bed

"What is it Mom?" I asked

I didn't expect that she decided to explain it to both of us in the same day. However as she was gonna continue, I heard a knock on the bedroom door.

"Mom~" I heard Celine's voice from outside asking for permission, before opening it herself anyway

Sister then entered on her sleeping attire. She had her blankets and pillow with her as she entered.

"Oh? What is it Celine?" Mom was surprised at Celine's actions

"Well... After earlier, I also want to bond with Mom atleast just for a few days." She said quietly like she was saying something shameful

"Oh~ Fufu, come here Mom doesn't mind." Mom said as she moved over to the side a little bit

"We can have the talk, some other time okay? Let's enjoy this night when your Sister decided to be more affectionate for now" Mom whispered to me as she smiled

'Wait what' why did Celine suddenly go in here

Mom's bed was pretty large anyways, so it didn't have a problem fitting the three of us. So for that night, the three of us slept in the same bed without any action occurring.

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