Frontier’s Redemption: The Unexpected Rise of a Villain

Chapter 25 : Lessons in Shades of Gray

Clap! Clap! Clap! Luke's applause echoed through the air as he stepped out of the carriage, greeted by the sight of five men thoroughly defeated by the prowess of Clarice.

"So? How about it? Did I meet your expectations?" Clarice asked proudly, a victorious grin lighting up her face.

"Yes, but you cheated," Luke taunted with a playful smirk.

Clarice, feigning offense, replied, "How is that cheating? I merely used what was available on the battlefield."

Luke chuckled, "I mean, we talked about defeating them solo, but we never discussed a certain core you're holding in your left hand," teasing her with a knowing glint in his eyes.

Clarice, unable to keep up the act, burst into laughter. "What can I say? These fellas thought it was too easy to fight me, so they gifted this to me. Pfft hahahaha. Sorry, I can't keep this up," she admitted, and both of them shared a genuine moment of laughter.

Clarice always found it challenging to play the role of the indignant, and this time was no different. However, beneath the light banter and laughter, there was a deeper satisfaction. She was glad to have made Luke laugh after everything they had been through. Whether it was beating him in the name of practice or lightening the mood, Clarice cherished these moments. It was her way of helping him heal, just as he had done for her countless times. 

"So, what do you plan to do with them?" Luke inquired, his curiosity tinged with concern.

Clarice's reply carried an ominous weight, "I mean, obviously kill them. There might have been a sizable number of common folk these bandits might have hurt," she justified, her thoughts reflecting the harsh realities of the world they inhabited.

"If you think they might have hurt several common folks, isn't it better to investigate their base?" Luke suggested a glimmer of pragmatism in his words. 

Clarice countered, "That might be quite risky. Besides, we don't have backup, and these bandits might very well use it as a means to trap us."

"Good point. So I guess that leaves us with only one option. Tie them up somewhere and leave," Luke proposed, attempting to dissuade Clarice from resorting to lethal measures. Despite being aware of the brutal nature of the empire, Luke struggled with the idea of making life-and-death decisions in the heat of the moment. His thoughts were scattered, and he felt it wasn't the right time to pass judgment on others.

"And let their bandit friends come and rescue them? Ugh, fine, I understand. Let's interrogate them first and decide later," Clarice conceded, recognizing Luke's reluctance to witness their execution. She knew that molding him mentally was an ongoing process. In their dangerous world, born into aristocracy equated to a guaranteed death sentence for those on the wrong side of the Game of Thrones. To survive, Luke needed to embrace a more morally grey perspective, and Clarice understood that she had a crucial role in guiding him through this harsh reality.


The bandit's POV:

As the bandit slowly regained consciousness, he found himself tied up alongside his comrades. The initial confidence in waking up turned to horror when he realized the others were unconscious and bound. Panic set in; they were bandits, and the odds of surviving an encounter with those they had wronged were slim. With desperation clawing at him, the bandit resorted to Plan B—begging for his life.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry. Please forgive us. We don't mean any harm. Please let us go," he pleaded, his words a desperate attempt to elicit mercy. His gaze shifted to the lady with goldish topaz eyes, a distinct feature of the royal family. Only they possessed such eyes, and attacking a member of the royal family spelled certain doom for any commoner. Yet, he clung to the faint hope that pleading might spare their lives.

The topaz-eyed lady bent down, her expression unreadable. "All right, we promise to let you go if you promise not to attack anyone again, leave this forest, and lead a normal life," she declared. With a pocket knife in hand, she deftly cut the ropes binding him. "Here. Take your partners and leave. Never come back," she added, handing him the very knife she used to free him.

As Clarice and Luke turned their backs, walking toward the carriage, uncertainty gripped the bandit. Was the lady planning to get backup before exacting their punishment? The chance to escape seemed tempting, and the bandit knew he had little time to act. This might be his only opportunity to survive. Seizing the moment, he aimed for the lady's neck, hoping to end it with a swift strike.

At that moment, as he lunged forward, the world around him blurred, and the last thing he saw was the goldish topaz eyes turning towards him, revealing a lethal glint that foreshadowed the end of his ill-fated decision.


Clarice's decision to hand the pocket knife to the bandit was a calculated move, a lesson for Luke. As the bandit rushed towards her with the knife, his intentions clear, Clarice sensed the familiar undercurrent of bloodlust. She had encountered more skilled and dangerous adversaries during her time in the squadron, and dealing with this bandit was a mere walk in the park. With swift precision, she drew her sword, and in one clean slice, the bandit's head rolled off from his body.

Yet, at this moment, Clarice's attention shifted from the fallen foe to Luke. She turned her face toward him, gauging his reaction. Luke, looking pale, struggled to recover. He wasn't oblivious to the lesson at hand. Understanding that Clarice's intervention had saved them, he realized the gravity of the situation. If she hadn't acted, the bandit would not have hesitated to kill them. Once again, Clarice imparted a crucial lesson – while mercy had its place, extending it to the wrong person could be fatal. Luke acknowledged the necessity of growth, feeling the weight of the lessons he was learning in this unfamiliar world.

The emotional toll from the duel, Vivienne's actions, and the isekai experience weighed heavily on Luke. He made his way back to the carriage, seeking a moment of respite as he closed his eyes, contemplating the path that lay ahead.

On the other hand, Clarice efficiently dealt with the remaining bandits. Ensuring no witnesses were left alive, she understood the importance of keeping their travel with Luke confidential. News of a red-haired lady taking on bandits solo could lead to unwanted attention and jeopardize their mission. With a silent efficiency, she finished her job before informing the carriage driver that they were safe and ready to resume their journey.

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