Frontier’s Redemption: The Unexpected Rise of a Villain

Chapter 20 : Shadows of Revelation: Unveiling the Secrets of Transformative Cores

In the early hours of the next day within the carriage, Luke found himself seated across from Clarice, who was peacefully napping. Opting for a quicker route along the outskirts of the capital rather than the heavily guarded path, hinted at the impact of the recent assassination attempt on Luke's parents. Adjusting the carriage curtains, Luke, conscious of their discreet choice in a more modest mode of transport, considered it a measure to conceal their identities.

His gaze wandered to the two rings bestowed by his mother. While some might speculate on the reasons for receiving two, Luke was well aware of their true nature. These were no ordinary rings; they housed cores designed to facilitate a change in appearance. As he pondered the significance of these transformative accessories, Luke couldn't help but think that his parents must have been unnerved by the recent attempt on their lives. The choice of a less ostentatious carriage further emphasized their desire to move discreetly.

With a subtle acknowledgment of the underlying tension, Luke's eyes returned to the rings. These weren't mere ornaments; they held the power to conceal identities. Luke decided to put one on and began experimenting. To his realization, the cores within the rings had a unique capability – they facilitated the emission of light from the eyes and hair. This intriguing revelation shed light on the reason why such

transformative rings weren't exploited by people attempting to pose as fake nobles. It was a delicate art, for if not executed correctly, one's hair and eyes could inadvertently start glowing like neon signboards.

As Luke delved into the intricacies of the ring, he recognized a barrier in using the core for changing appearance – a barrier rooted in skill. Pondering on this, Luke contemplated the nuances of the core's functioning. While it allowed the emission of light, a limitation emerged: it posed a challenge for individuals born with specific hair colors. For instance, those with platinum blonde hair found themselves unable to change it to anything but white. The implications of these limitations added a layer of complexity to the use of the transformative cores, prompting Luke to consider the fine balance required in mastering this art.

Amid his contemplation, a revelation struck Luke. While the common assumption might be that the color of hair and eyes is merely the leftover hue not absorbed, he realized that the reflected color and the color of the incident light weren't necessarily the same. His mind rewound to his high school days, where he first delved into the intriguing world of lasers.

Drawing parallels, he recalled a lesson on lasers that left a lasting impression. The laser he studied employed a green light source to generate a red light laser. The essence lay in the fact that a green light photon carried higher energy than its red counterpart. In a nutshell, the crystal within the laser attempted to orchestrate multiple waveforms of green light, inducing constructive interference among them. However, the process didn't involve the absorption or emission of different particles of light; rather, it drew energy from the same particle. This intricate dance aimed to reduce the energy of the green photon, simultaneously increasing its wavelength, until eventually, a red photon emerged.

This memory from his high school days served as a valuable insight for Luke. The parallels between the principles of lasers and the cores within the transformative rings sparked a realization: manipulating the emitted light wasn't merely about absorption and emission, but rather a sophisticated process involving the careful modulation of energy from the incident light. This revelation opened new doors of understanding for Luke as he continued to explore the depths of the transformative capabilities of the rings.

Drawing inspiration from how the cores absorbed energy from the sun, Luke embarked on an experiment to discern whether the energy he harnessed from the core was the energy of the photon itself or the energy contained within the photon. In a stroke of luck, he succeeded in modifying his eye color, transitioning it from red to black.

This breakthrough provided Luke with a profound understanding of the varying levels of skill among individuals utilizing the cores. It wasn't merely about absorbing all the energy from a visible light photon that rendered it visible light. Instead, he realized that less experienced individuals might prematurely assume that no energy remained and move on to the next photon. On the other hand, those more skilled would endeavor to extract every ounce of potential from each photon, showcasing a stark contrast in proficiency.

The essence lay in the ability to intuitively gauge whether the absorbed energy from the core was sufficient and, more importantly, in how efficiently one could extract energy from the photon. This realization not only unraveled the complexities of manipulating the transformative cores but also underscored the nuanced artistry that distinguished the skilled from the novice in harnessing their capabilities to the fullest.

As the carriage continued its journey, Luke's contemplation was interrupted by Clarice stirring awake. Realizing the potential significance of the transformative rings, Luke discerned that their utility would be maximized if Clarice wielded their power. This decision was rooted in the fact that they shared a covert mission, where the effectiveness of their subterfuge rested heavily on Clarice's ability to seamlessly alter her identity. The stakes were high – if adversaries glimpsed her distinct hair and eye colors, they would immediately recognize her as the formidable woman who struck fear into even the mightiest knights in the empire. The foreseeable risk was that enemies might attempt to draw her away, creating an opportunity to assassinate Luke.

In essence, Luke's survival hinged on the skill with which Clarice could transform her identity. The success of their mission relied on her adeptness at navigating the shadows undetected, shielding them both from potential threats. Acknowledging the critical role Clarice played in their covert endeavors, Luke decided to entrust her with one of the rings. He explained what he had discovered about the rings and their transformative capabilities, knowing that Clarice now held a pivotal role in ensuring their safety in the intricate dance of shadows and deception.

With a series of events that absolutely surprised no one, Clarice not only demonstrated Luke's suggestion by dimming her hair color but went a step further. Utilizing the core's assistance, she managed to emit additional sources of light, orchestrating a seamless transformation of her hair color from red to brown. Witnessing her effortless mastery of the transformative capabilities left Luke in awe. He could only hope to train for months or maybe years to learn and wield the power of the core in such a nuanced and simultaneous manner.

Curiosity piqued, Luke couldn't help but ask Clarice, "Have you tried this before?" Wondering if her apparent ease with the technique stemmed from prior knowledge or experience. To his surprise, Clarice's response was, "No, not this method. I had seen her do this one before, and I tried to replicate it many times, but I couldn't. It's surprising and satisfying to finally achieve it after all those attempts."

The revelation that even Clarice struggled with this specific method left Luke in disbelief. However, his amazement deepened when he realized that she had triumphed in doing something that eluded even Clarice herself. Seeking clarification, Luke probed further, "By her, do you mean..." prompting Clarice to affirm with a simple "Yes." This unexpected admission left Luke in awe, confirming that the rumors surrounding her exceptional talent were indeed genuine. A sense of relief washed over him, grateful that they were not adversaries. Giving credit where it was due, Luke couldn't help but marvel at both her and Clarice's outstanding abilities.

Luke harbored no reservations in admitting that Clarice's talent surpassed the ordinary. Her efficiency in controlling and utilizing the energy from the core was otherworldly, to the extent that it would even outshine the skills of his father and uncle. A glance in her direction, as they continued their journey, revealed a silent acknowledgment of her remarkable abilities. The revelation underscored the invaluable asset Clarice had become in navigating the intricacies of their mission, her proficiency with the core, marked her as an extraordinary ally in the clandestine borders they were venturing into.



Hello folks. Sorry for not releasing a chapter yesterday. I wanted to take my time to write it properly instead of rushing it as I felt more than a couple of my chapters last week seemed rushed due to me not being left with advanced chapters to schedule. It would take some time for me to get back to that spot. Till then, I will try to release daily chapters but I can't guarantee it as I don't want to compromise on quality. 


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