Chapter 3: Chapter three: Lost bay
Kaijo teleports to the townhall to make his way to the old prison tower. He runs out killing the undead outside and moves down the stairs killing them all with one quick thrust. He continues on the path to the river killing the patrolling undead with no problems. He arrives at the river at at last and remembers the Water lizards insinde. "Not jumping in there again. I´ll just follow the river downstream and with some luck I might find a boat." he says moving ahead following the path along the river. More undead start attacking him. He steps back to avoid getting hit and kills them in a fellow swoop. Further ahead is a small hut surrounded by a fence with a dock where a small boat is located. You can see smoke coming from out of there. He continues through the fence gates and the ground starts shaking. A huge looming undead comes out of the hut. He has a huge axe and heavy iron armor. It screams revealing it´s name and level. "Old iron soldier. Llv 20 in red." "How am i supposed to fight that?" he wonders. The old iron soldier swings it´s axe at him which he barely dodges by stepping back. It swings again now multiple times and one of them hits him for 20 damage. That was almost most of my health! he thinks to himself. Seemingly as if it had heard his thoughts it´s massive axe splits him in half killing him. "You died!" He wakes up again. "What happened?" he asks in shock. He remembers now that he stood still before it went black. "I need to get my revenge on that guy!" he says driven with vengeance. He leaves the townhall and kills all the undead in his way and runs back to the small hut. "Round two!" he says challenging the old iron soldier. He dodges the swings now being wary of his positioning. The final hit of the combo reaches further than the other attacks and it catches kaijo off guard. Luckily he remembers that he can parry. He blocks the attack not parrying it and being launched back for a total of 25 damage. "hp: 25/50 stamina: 0/25". "Shit!" he says drinking the healing flask desperately. The overhead axe swing that killed him last time hits him again leaving him at 1 hp. The old iron soldier swings his axe two times and he dodges under one and moves back the other time consuming stamina. It continues attacking and he is driven into a corner. It swings its axe down again. With no other option remaining he dodges towards it giving him an opportunity to attack which he does stabbing him multiple times with the rapier consuming much of his stamina. The attacks deal 50 damage total. It hits him with an unexpected attack hitting him with the hilt of the axe killing him. "You died!". He wakes up again. "Shit!" he says throwing his dagger on the ground in anger. "Why is that guy so strong! Even when I hit him I only dealt 150 damage and got caught by its haft!" he continues in anger. "I will kill you I swear it!" he says going back there picking his dagger back up. He goes back in dodges the flurry of attacks waits for the overhead finisher. He carefully observes the axe and parries? "You died!". "What I was sure I got the timing right!" he says waking up. On the way he uses the undead to practice the timing. He gets the right feel of it but can´t replicate it quite yet. "The critical attacks are even stronger if I aim for weak parts like the neck but i might not have enough time to." He arrives again same tactic again baits the flurry and the overhead smash parrying right after it raises it´s arms over it´s head. It still hits him but it doesn´t do as much damage but still deals enough damage to leave him with 5 hp. He backs up waiting for ann opportunity to heal but the old iron soldiers rushes in with a shoulder bash which he can dodge by sidestepping and the follow up swing upwards from the axe is dodged too by stepping further to the side. This short opportunity is used for him to heal himself for 20 hp. "Healing flask: 4" and another swig and another. "Healing flask: 2". It starts swinging again. He dodges and waits for the final attack the overhead smash. This time he waits slightly after the arms are over it´s head and as soon as they start moving. He displaces the attack giving him the opportunity to rush in and get a critical hit off aiming for a gap in the armor in the armpits. "Critical hit: 200 dmg". "That was only a third of it´s health?" he asks. It swings it´s hilt at him hitting him dealing 10 dmg. "You little son of a...!" he says. It swings horizantally two times which gives him enough time to get a few good thrusts in lowering the healthbar to 50%. "Only half of it´s hp left!" he says stepping back to avoid getting hit by the attack flurry. He parries the overhead smash again. Rushing in with a running attack hoping to combo it into a finisher but before he can aim for a gap in the armor the haft starts moving. This time he has enough stamina to dodge it by stepping to the side. He strafes around it recovering his stamina. The old iron knight screams again with flashing red eyes. This time it raises it´s arms over it´s head and starts violently smashing it´s axe into the ground. He runs away stepping back in between. And one final time with it´s hands over it´s head the axe comes crashing down creating a shockwave around it and getting stuck. He waits until the shockwave dissapates and rushes in seeing that it is out of stamina. He jumps on the axe haft jumping again and uses his rapier to hit in it in it´s eyes with the open helmet revealing the face. He tries to get it out but the old iron soldier screams in pain and grabs it´s face discarding the axe. It gets the rapier out of it´s eye. It punches at him but he parries with his dagger displacing the attack allowing him to dash around it´s arm throwing his dagger in his right hand jumping up and hitting the soldier in the neck. Almost killing it. He gets thrown back dealing some damage. Full with adrenaline he rushes at it while it punches for him. The fists clash but his damage was enough to kill it but he still takes full damage breaking his arm in the process and taking 25 damage."Hp: 15/50. Status: broken arm: unable to use a weapon in right hand." "Victory achieved!" +1.500 souls "I did it!" he screams out. He tries to pick up a flask with his right hand but can´t. "Ah! My arm is broken!" he says picking it up with his left. He takes two swigs healing him to full and healing his broken arm. "What´s in this stuff that makes it heal my broken arm in no time?" he asks himself. He recovers his weapons and loots the old iron soldier. "New item acquired: Old iron axe. Attack: 230. Requirements: 15 strength. Item description: Heavy iron axe normally used by the old iron soldiers. Too heavy to be used as a weapon in the hands of an ordinary man. and hut key. Item description: an key that opens the doors in the hut in the old village." "Why can´t i pick up it´s armor?.... Oh it wouldn´t fit right!" he says looking at the big old iron soldier. "Wait a minute that´s just a soldier?" he says in shock at the thought of stronger enemies. He opens the door to see a fire place with a soup cooking in a large iron kettle. He tries a bit and spits it out. "Ew, how long has that been lying around?" he asks resting at the fire. He finds a new prompt "level up" he hits it and Himori appears. "Shall I turn your souls into strength?" she asks grabbing his hand. "Yes?" he says confused at how she teleported there. He levels up strength two more times. Str: 13. Himori teleports away again. "Until we meet again!" she says. Another prompt show up. "Talk with Himori." He presses it and Himori appears once again. "What was that? You can teleport?" he asks. "Yes after all I am the one that teleports you too across fires that is!" she tells him. "Makes sense!" he says. "Is there anything else you´d like to ask?" she asks. "No. I´ll just head out then to the prison tower in the lost bay." he says. "Take care. The lost bay is home to a port town notorious for pirates. Stay safe!" she says teleporting away. "HUh? There´s a town there and most likely I have to go through there?" he asks in disbelief. He explores the hut and finds another door which he opens. Inside the room is a treasure chest with a squirrel sitting on top of it. He approaches the chest. "Oh a visitor! Finally someone who can trade with me!" it says. "What? A talking squirrel?" he says jumping back drawing his rapier. "Whoa! Careful there with that sword!" it says moving it aside. "I don´t mean you any harm. It´s just that i have some things that I can trade!" it says giving a prompt to trade. "Let´s see what you got!" he says trading. A list of items shows up amongst various types of nuts there are nuts that explode, heal , buff attack or stamina recovery as well as powder with various properties. He investagates it. "Red powder. Price: 100 souls. Item description: A peculiar red powder with the smell of nuts. Put this on a weapon and it will give it fire properties for a short duration. amount: 10." "Guess I´ll take that!" he says purchasing it. "Pleasure doing business!" it says shaking it´s hands. "Don´t worry. The only thing in that chest are my items." it tells. "Alright I´m leaving." he says getting on the boat on the dock outside. He gets in and lets the current take him. He falls asleep and when he wakes up he has arrived at the lost bay. A bay and a town shrouded in light mist and are a old port town now only home to undead and pirates. It is notorious for it´s criminals which are locked up in the prison tower on the cliff just in the bay. Lately you can hear screams of the anquished there. A quite terrifying sreach reaches his ears. "What was that?" he asks scared. Just further ahead is an old camp with an extinguished campfire. "Put coiled sword in" pops up. He puts the coiled sword in and nothing. "Use torch to light the fire" He packs out his torch magically on with fire. "Huh? Great the torch never runs out lucky me I guess." he says resting there. Himori appears again. "Just up the cliff. There lies the prison tower. I´m afraid you must move through the port town to arrive there and find the spare keys to the tower from the pirates currently living here. Their numbers have been reduced though due to the executioner and his minions." she says teleporting away again. "I got it!" he says. "New mission: Find the spare keys to the prison tower in the pirates ship docking here." "Thanks now I know where to search."