From lowly undead to King

Chapter 19: Chapter nineteen: corrupted dragon

 Kaijo stands up and makes his way toward the mountain peak along the stone path. The further he gets up the less and less nature there is. It´s all just dead wood and plants. The peak is a long way away. Kaijo makes his journey one step at a time getting higher and higher up. Having almost arrived the clouds turn black and red lightening starts crackling around and raining down. He can see the jagged rocks and multiple dragon corpses completely taken over by parasytes. He arrives at the peak. There is a nest with jagged rocks protecting it. The ground is made of rock and covered in red plants. The entrance is small enough for a human to fit through. He holds the emblem to summon Averia to the sky and she answers his call. "You´ve called for me?" she asks standing up next to him. "That was quick! Let´s go make history!" he says entering the nest. "We must put you down great dragon mother!" Averia says following up. The dragon mother lands in the nest with a loud thud. The dragon mother roars and lets more red lightening rain down and covers the whole arena in it. "This has no effect on us!" Kaijo says. "Be prepared!" Averia says readying her sword. The dragon mother breathes fire out of it´s mouth and a steam of fire goes for the killing blow. Averia dodges to the side. Kaijo takes it head first using the gods armor to tank through the damage. He runs through the fire and hits the dragon in the head reducing it´s hp 95%. The dragon uses it´s head to hit Kaijo away. Kaijo gets hit head first and fliess off into the distance. "HP: 30/60". Kaijo uses two healing flasks to heal back to full. "Healing flask: 3" Averia attacks the dragon and trades blows with it. Kaijo uses this opportunity to get behind the dragon and charge up a powerful strike and hits it´s tail reducing it´s hp 85%. The dragon swipes it´s tail across and turns around to hit him. Kaijo blocks the attack taking some damage. "HP: 55/60". The dragon snaps it´s jaws at him but Kaijo dodges backwards. Averia attacks the dragon´s hind legs to get it´s attention. The dragon kicks her away to deal with him. Kaijo dodges some arm attacks of the dragon. Each time it hits the ground it begins to shake from the massive weight. Kaijo attacks it´s arms reducing it´s hp to 80%. The dragon now spins around dealing with Kaijo and Averia who is back in the fight. They handle the dragon and manage to reduce it´s hp to 70%. The dragon starts flapping it´s wings pushing them away from it. The dragon flies into the sky charging it´s body up with red lightening. The dragon roars and swoops in with a fire breath strengthened by red lightening. Kaijo runs off and so does Averia. The dragon flies once more using it´s fire breath and lands back on the ground behind them. They turn around and the dragon starts running toward them supercharged with red lightening it gets faster and faster. They both use dragon´s flight to avoid the attack by flying over it. Kaijo drops down from the sky stabbing his swords into the dragon´s hide reducing it´s hp to 55%. Kaijo uses the bleed and frost to build up some damage. The dragon freezes up and then bursts blood from inside and takes high damage reducing it´s hp 30%. The dragon manages to shake him off and Kaijo can´t get his swords out. Kaijo lands on his feet and gets his dragon claw out. "Weapon too heavy can´t use effectively." The dragon attacks him again but Averia can stop some attacks and holds it off. "I´ll keep her busy you do what you need to do!" She says pushing the dragon back using red lightening herself and some more magic. She powers up too. Kaijo uses gigantification and then charges up powerful strike. The dragon tries to stop him multiple times but is pushed back by Averia. The dragon manages to hit Averia away but Kaijo unleashes his attack. Smashing the dragons skull in reducing it´s hp to 10% and depleting all his stamina. The dragon shakes it´s head and attacks again. It hits him head on and almost kills him. "HP: 10/60". Averia gets the dragon´s attention again and Kaijo can heal back to full. "Healing flask: 1". Kaijo puts the dragon claw away and uses the dragon knight rapier instead. The dragon spins around and hits everything around it wildly with red glowing eyes it unleashes all of the red lightening and blasts them away with an explosion almost killing both of them. Kaijo heals back to half hp "Healing flask: 0" "Hp:30/60". The dragon attacks again but both of them slip under the dragon adn together they slash all of the tendons off reducing it´s hp to 1% toppling the dragon. They make it out from under the dragon and Kaijo jumps on top of the dragon and runs to it´s head and finishes it off killing the parasite off. They have done it? They celebrate their Victory. "Finally the dragon mother can rest." Averia says. "We´ve done it!" Kaijo says. The dragon is covered in wood and stands back up again with it´s eyes glowing red again. They turn back around to see the noise coming from the dragon. The dragon is comletely covered in wood and the parasites on the dragon´s skin are protected. "What is that?!" Averia asks shocked. "I dunno but we have to kill it. A second healthbar appears. The dragon is still moving at the same speed as before but can´t use red lightening. "We may have killed the body but it can still controll it." Kaijo says dodging out of the way. They dodge around avoiding the dragons attacks. Every time the dragon hits anything splinters come flying out. Kaijo dodges the tail swipe and Averia attacks from the front. The dragon stands up on it´s hind legs and uses red lightening to blow the wooden armor up launching splinters at them. Kaijo blocks with the gods armor and can see a massive red spear coming down on the ground. The red lightening hits the ground and blows up in a radius. Kaijo and Averia use dragons flight and attack the dragon. The dragon hits Averia out of the air with it´s claws but Kaijo uses invisibility. Out of the blue he stabs the dragon´s eye and deals massive damage reducing it´s hp to 60%. The dragon roars and a red moon appears from behind the clouds. The dragon starts struggling and it´s bones start moving but the parasite tries to control it. The curse of the undead seems to have hit the dragon but the parasite somehow can resist it. In a struggle the dragons flesh starts parting from the bones splitting it in two. The parasite has the flesh of the dragon and controls it and the bones of the dragon assemble into an undead dragon. "What in tarnation!?" Averia asks shocked. "Truly wicked!" Kaijo says. He uses sword of light to kill the undead dragon with three swings. The flesh pile dragon starts moving and attacking them. They can dodge it and see the wooden armor and parasites in it. After some time the undead dragon rises again. "I tought I killed it with holy magic!" Kaijo says scramming. The dragons start duking it out and the undead dragon can dig into the fleshy dragon killing the parasites off. Now there is only a pile of dragon goo left and an undead skelleton dragon. They get ready to fight it but some dragons come from the horizon and swoop in grabbing Kaijo and Averia. The other dragons burn the peak to the ground vaporising the corpse and the bones. "Old champion slain." "+ 500.000 souls". They land back at Drastvelia mansion. "That was a wild ride!" Kaijo says. "Finaly that horror is gone!" Averia says exhausted sitting down in a chair. The dragons watch them. "Step forth brave undead!" one of the dragons says. "Me?" Kaijo asks surprised stepping forth. The dragons head moves toward him and he sniffs him. "Yes, you are worthy of it." it says. The dragon puts it´s claw on Kaijo´s forehead and dig it in infused with red lightening. "AHH!" Kaijo screams in pain and starts glowing red. After some time Kaijo drops on the floor and stands up again. "What was that?" Kaijo asks confused. "They gave you the dragon´s blessing just like they gave me once I became a dragon knight. They passed onto to you full control over red lightening and dragon mana which is far more potent than regular mana." she explains now that the dragons are gone. "Your job here is done. I thank you for slaying the corrupted dragon mother. I will assist you in your Journey once I finish helping her soul pass on and grieving for seven days." Averia says. "Until we meet again then!" Kaijo says leaving. "See you soon!" She says waiting for the dragons to start the ceremony.

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