From Lord to Dimensional Demon

Chapter 459 War at the level of cannon fodder

At least, no forces from the heavens would rashly attack a world guarded by a "core fortress". The price would be far greater than the gain.

"Finally we have reached this point." Shen Fei murmured to himself, his eyes seeming to have crossed the endless void and came to the "core" of the demon clan.

For the human side, similarly, as long as the place is destroyed, the war will be declared over, and the demons will never have the chance to invade the world again.

However, there was always a faint worry in Shen Fei's heart.

He knew that the cost of launching such a massive war by the demon clan was actually greater than the possible gains - they themselves came for him.

Even if the war in the core area ends, is it really over?

"Just take it one step at a time." Shen Fei has already decided that if something beyond his control happens, he will leave this world directly.

Even if the development is much slower, you will be able to develop sooner or later if you have a small world.

However, for now, we still need to win the war as much as possible.

The confrontation in the core area is not as simple as before. Shen Fei is still very confident in the strength of the legion. After all, he has a small world and can independently create extraordinary rules, which can add enough blessings to his subjects.

However, there are differences in equipment and defense facilities.

The core law adopted in the construction of the core area is the territorial law.

The entire galaxy has been adopted as territory. In addition to Shen Fei, the king, who has the highest authority, he also has subordinate authority passed down layer by layer.

Until the system of the entire core area is maintained.

In addition to the lords, some other heroes and people also received secondary permissions from Shen Fei.

After all, today's territorial laws are not just given by the lord system as before, but are completely controlled by Shen Fei, and have even made certain optimizations and changes in the small world to strengthen his own authority and dominance.

Maybe, after he becomes a Limit Breaker and perfects the laws of other levels, he will be able to create a "Lord Game" of his own.

However, I don’t want to think about things that far away right now.

In addition to the advantages in laws, other advantages such as defensive treasures and various extraordinary resources, especially the linkage of extraordinary powers, are still the advantages of the human side.

After all, the lords are battlefield soldiers trained by the association at a great cost.

If it had no characteristics and just cultivated a group of ordinary transcendent beings, then there would be no need to go to such trouble.

Tolerance is the greatest characteristic of the Lord's extraordinary power.

This seems to be an extremely powerful extraordinary rule, which makes the lord's extraordinary power extremely inclusive and unified. Most of the world's extraordinary rules can be exerted by the lord's power.

At this point, this has brought great help to the unity of protection in the core area.

Looking from a distance, the aura of this core area is highly unified, all kinds of extraordinary powers are in order, and various extraordinary systems can also be integrated with the extraordinary power, not as chaotic as the devil's side.

Obviously, this was naturally noticed by the devil.

This is also the reason why they have been more cautious during this time.

"The number of the most powerful human beings is greater than that of demons, and their development speed is also faster. They are constantly able to produce sufficient innovative power, and then quickly pass it on to the entire association." Shen Fei saw it clearly.

This is also why the Human Association can continue to grow in the world of the heavens and become one of the most powerful forces in the known world of the heavens.

However, even so, the lord system was not born long after all.

No real test.

In terms of size, the gap between it and the core area of ​​the demon clan can also be clearly seen.

Both sides started construction almost at the same time. The demon clan was even an outsider, but in terms of area and number of powerful people, it was almost twice as many as humans.

In other words, there is not much difference in the number of legions. Otherwise, it would be difficult to resist just a head-on collision.

"Let's defend passively first." He looked across the endless starry sky towards the core area of ​​the demon clan, determined to be cautious.

With Small World around, he actually has a huge advantage in defense.

The demon clan's tentative attack came faster and more violently than he expected.

There were a large number of demons swooping in like locusts.

"Fear Demon." Shen Fei knew the name of this demon army.

Spreading fear, born from fear, behind every fear demon is a living non-demon creature, but because it was invaded by demons, it lost itself in fear and became cannon fodder on the battlefield of demons.

But even though they are cannon fodder, when the number reaches a certain level, they are also extremely terrifying.

It is an almost substantive supernatural law of fear.

Even experts at level 18, 9, or even 20 will be affected, leaving fear lingering in their hearts.

Even if the impact is not great, it is just like the original emotional demon, lurking in people's hearts. When the battle begins to lose, it will explode completely and deprive all opportunities.

However, this move can be said to be the devil's routine operation in legion battles, and Shen Fei will naturally not be unprepared.

In fact, the association forum has already given out the means to deal with it.

That's the Zerg.

The interstellar Zerg race is originally qualified and has the potential to become a terrifying race in the world of endless heavens. However, the shortcomings of this race are too obvious.

That's the mother worm.

No matter how many bugs there are in the entire race and how terrifying they are, for their enemies, all they need to do is master the mother bugs, which makes them always become captives of other races.

Even the locust-like fear demon in front of me is said to have evolved from the Zerg in a certain world.

And coincidentally, Shen Fei had such a top-notch female insect in his hands.

In fact, it has been cultivated for countless years.

"Maybe, you gave me this female worm to prepare for this moment?" Shen Fei felt more and more that some of the rewards he received later might have some deliberate elements in them.

But no matter what, just use it at this time.

Shen Fei did not directly release the Zerg. Although they were nemesis in nature, there was still a big gap in size.

After all, Shen Fei could only support himself. Even if he swallowed many worlds, he would not dare to feed too many bugs at once.

If you release it directly, you may be submerged in an instant.

But if you create a benign opportunity for bugs to explode,

"Coming!" When the endless fear demons approached, Shen Fei gave a direct order and opened the network defense in the defense system.

In an instant, the terrifying power swept across the entire starry sky, and all the fear demons seemed to line up and get into a huge meat grinder, and were torn into pieces in large numbers.

Even if there are an almost endless number of fear demons, it is impossible to become the most important main force on a battlefield of this size.

At most, it is used to consume strength, energy, and resources and destroy defense facilities.

For example, at this moment, when a defense force of this scale is activated, it consumes a lot of money.

Even Shen Fei had to let the small world come and use the power of the small world to assist in the strangulation.

——On the surface, this is indeed the case.

But in fact, Shen Fei just used the open small world to put away all the remains of the fear demon.

"The food for the worms is here."

Although these are just extremely broken residues, in fact, even a piece of minced meat, a incomplete shell, or even a bone, all contain a certain amount of extraordinary power, and are even of high quality.

For a true god, it may be of little use, and even for practitioners, the corrosive power belonging to the devil is of little use.

However, for bugs, this is simply the best food.

Reproduction and production, which were originally restricted, began to accelerate rapidly.

The Zerg itself is a creature that can explode rapidly as long as it has food, supplies, and energy.

What's more, Shen Fei also turned on time acceleration.

For a time, the Zerg in the Zerg plane in the small world began to expand horribly.

One becomes two, two becomes four, four becomes eight

Even the world cannot accommodate exponential growth, and even the heavens are afraid of it.

In a short period of time, the feed that seemed to be too much became insufficient. Even though the fear demons were still coming, it was no longer enough to support the growth of the insects.

"I'll add another BUFF to you." Naturally, Shen Fei would not let go of his advantage. At this moment, he blessed every insect with a series of laws and powers that he had already prepared.

Then, release it in one breath!

In an instant, the fear monsters that were overwhelming and occupying almost the entire galaxy suddenly encountered the same overwhelming number of bugs that also occupied the entire galaxy.

Races from two extreme numbers began to fight in chaos and brutally.

But a nemesis will always be a nemesis.

Horrors rely on fear to spread and proliferate, but bugs have no fear. As the same war weapon, the Zerg only have the most primitive impulses. What's more, this is a version that has been strengthened by Shen Fei's hand and has been specially used to deal with fear demons. BUFF.

In addition to self-destruction and poison, there is even divine power as the nemesis of demons.

Even though the power attributes of the divine power and the devil restrain each other, with the advantages in other aspects, the restraint attributes are directly raised to the fastest speed.

In fact, the demons are already frantically cutting their losses.

As veterans on the battlefields of the heavens, they had already realized that something was wrong when the Zerg appeared in large numbers.

But Shen Fei itself was a sneak attack.

No matter how quickly they retreated and their bodies were placed here, the Zerg still rushed forward in large numbers and continued to replicate in the process.

This series of changes stunned the kings and lords of the entire alliance.

Seeing that everything was over, the fear demons in the sky turned into Zerg in the sky, and they realized that this time, they were still the winners!

"Win the first battle!"

"The alliance leader also hides a big killer weapon!"

"Zerg, this is Zerg!"

"This is definitely a top-level mythical Zerg that specializes in restraining demons!"

"Did the association open a backdoor for the leader?"


In the group of kings and in the lords' channel, everyone was talking about it, but everyone was very excited.

Yes, even though it was only the first battle, and the opponents were only cannon fodder from both sides, but no matter what, if you win, you win.

Not only did they win, they even strengthened their own strength. Everyone could see that with the Zerg that was almost spread throughout the entire galaxy, they already had an absolute advantage at the level of "cannon fodder" under the True God.

If every war had this result, victory would undoubtedly belong to mankind.

However, Shen Fei did not pursue the victory.

He knew very well that within a short period of time, it would not change the fact that they were mainly in a defensive position, and pressing all the Zerg cannon fodder lineup up would not be able to cause too much damage to the enemy.

On the contrary, it will aggravate the progress of the war and reduce the time for development.

Therefore, he just ordered the alliance to seize the time to repair the damage, and at the same time recycle the Zerg in the sky, and pile them all in the small world, and then release them when necessary.

Only in the small world can we have better control. After all, the weakness of the female insect can only be placed in the small world.

"The cannon fodder has not worked. What will we do next?" Shen Fei continued to look at the battlefield.

Somewhat surprisingly, the demon clan seemed to be silent again.

Except for the addition of defense facilities to restrain the Zerg cannon fodder on the periphery of the core area, there has been no sign of the next attack for several years.

Shen Fei did not waste time and was still accelerating development.

Apart from him, the development of other kingdoms and even other lords is not slow at all.

After all, lords are characterized by rapid development of forces.

And Shen Fei also swallowed a level 19 world again.

He felt that it was not difficult for him to devour the twenty-level world.

It’s almost time to start analyzing this battlefield world.

Once the battlefield world is swallowed up, it almost declares victory in the war. He can directly take the battlefield away. Even the Limit Breaker cannot lock his world for a long time.

What's more, level 20 is a completely different level.

"The demon clan shouldn't be unaware of this." Shen Fei was a little confused, "What are they waiting for if they are not in a hurry to attack?"

This doubt became more and more intense, but Shen Fei did not stop himself.

He began to try to analyze the laws of heaven in this level 20 world.

However, this made him frown a little from the beginning.

The laws of heaven in this world have been invaded by the extraordinary rules of the devil for a long time.

Originally, there should be no demon clan in this world, but now, there is even the possibility of the birth of local eighteenth-level demons in this world.

Because there are already demonic extraordinary laws, which have evolved into a complete avenue.

Obviously, this invasion speed is abnormal.

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